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Viejo Y El Mar / The Old Man and the Sea
Viejo Y El Mar / The Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
Una de las historias ms grandes jams contadas En Cuba, un viejo pescador ya en el crepsculo de su vida, pobre y sin suerte, cansado de regresar cada da sin pesca, emprende una ltima y arriesgada travesa en busca de una gran pieza. Cuando al fin logra dar con ella, comienza una feroz lucha. Y el regreso a puerto, con el acoso de los elementos y los tiburones, se convierte en una ltima prueba. Como un rey mendigo, coronado por su imbatible dignidad, el viejo pescador culmina finalmente su destino. En la cspide de su maestra, Hemingway alumbr una historia en cuya sencillez vibra el clsico tema del valor ante la derrota, del triunfo personal sacado de la prdida. El viejo y el mar lo confirm como uno de los escritores ms significativos del siglo XX, obteniendo el Premio Pulitzer y allanando su carrera hacia el Premio Nobel. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works. Told in language of great simplicity and power, it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman, down on his luck, and his supreme ordeal -- a relentless, agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. Here Hemingway recasts, in strikingly contemporary style, the classic theme of courage in the face of defeat, of personal triumph won from loss. Written in 1952, this hugely successful novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a large part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.
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The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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„Age is my alarm clock“. Word 😅

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A short story told well, really well. I hadn‘t read anything by Hemingway before and was expecting something complex but quite the opposite - a succinct and impactful glimpse into a brief moment of one man‘s struggle. 8/10

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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“Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”




The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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3.2⭐️ I know this may not be a popular opinion when it comes to this book, but I wasn‘t the biggest fan. It was well written, insightful, and have a message of hope and perseverance. But it was sad and not in a good way. This is my #ClassicCountdown book for the month.

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway

"But man is not made for defeat" he said. "A man can be destroyed, but not defeated."
The Old Man and the Sea ~~ Ernest Hemingway”

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The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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This is definitely the one to pick up if you‘re not sure you‘ll vibe with Hemingway and his whole schtick. There‘s a lot less explicit misogyny and ethnocentrism in this one (it‘s still there, but not quite so in-your-face), and it‘s definitely Papa at his most emotionally intelligent and sensitive. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-old-man-and-the-sea-ernest-hemingway/

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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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I created my template fo book bracket. Will see which will become my favourite read of 2024.

P.S.: if somebody want to use my template just comment and will post it here.

#bookbracket #bookoftheyear #favourite #5starsread

The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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I have 2 five stars read in January. But the favourite was The Old Man and the Sea. It was so meaningful and beautiful story. I read slovenian edition.

#booksofthemonth #favourite #5starsread

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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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I finished 9books.

My favourite was the tagged one.

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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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My #bookreport for #Sharreadathon in memory of @sharread 🕯🕯
During readathon I read 639 pages. But didn't count hours for audiobook.
I finished 5 books (2 are novellas). And still need to finish 2. The tagged book is my favourite and I read it in my native language. Casino Banale is by local author and not translated to english.


Crazeedi Great job!! 8mo
maich @Crazeedi thank you💙 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That‘s awesome! 👏🏻 8mo
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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🌟🌟 I get it! Perseverance, tenacity, never giving up, pining for youth etc. with that said, there is also a time for letting go.

I love the classics but this one was a huge snooze fest for me. Not a fan of him or his writing system.

The 2 stars is mainly because I gave it a listen and Donald Sutherland‘s voice made me feel cared for.

Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Mit første møde med Hemmingway var vellykket. Jeg husker bogen som en simpel, men gribende historie, der skal læses igen engang.

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dabbe Classic and classy. 💙💚💙 1y
Eggs @dabbe Thanks 🙏🏻 I read this in high school (1968)…it‘s time for a reread 55 years later (2023) 1y
dabbe @Eggs Agreed! 💚 1y
Mjm1 I have never read this!! I think it‘s time I do. 1y
Eggs @Mjm1 I hope it‘s a good experience for you☺️ 1y
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The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway


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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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#InWithTheNew#JanuaryJazz 🥳🪩🪅

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs Great quote! 2y
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway

This book is good, but it is very inspirational at least to me. During the part the old man fighting with the huge fish out the sea. Different people may have different feelings of this. For me I feel the unprepared when human face the nature. But there also are other inspirations, like the loneliness.

Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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A classic. Tale of a man's determination and decision making and the price for all.

The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Beautiful writing. Donald Sutherland did a superb narration.

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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#Alphabetgame #LetterO @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I read this about 20 years ago and loved it. It may be due for a reread now.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect! Thank you for playing! 2y
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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One of my favorite Hemingway stories. Consistent with his style, Santiago‘s struggle with the marlin and ravenous sharks is simplistic and poignant, but utterly unforgettable. I love returning to this book. It means more to me as I get older.

The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Somehow I've never read this classic, despite it being short and despite it being on my shelves for over a decade, since my husband owned this copy when we got married haha I'm not sure how Hemingway managed to make me completely engrossed in a story about an old man catching a fish, but he did - I could barely put this one down! The ending did make me rather mad, though, but most classics do haha

TheAromaofBooks #JumpStart2022 @Lizpixie @Clwojick
#Roll100 (no. 49) @PuddleJumper
#OWLs #Charms - Flitwick
#AestheticallyMatched @Clwojick
#RoaringWolf - Cough, cough, wheeze - maybe not THE dustiest book on my shelf, but it's up there!! 😂 @Roary47 @Littlewolf1
OutAndAbout I read this in high school and only remember it as boring. Sounds like it might be worth a reread? 3y
PuddleJumper That's great! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks @OutAndAbout - I can definitely see this as a book that I wouldn't have appreciated in high school, because it is, objectively, rather boring haha But as an adult I was a lot more interested in the Old Man's struggles, contemplations on aging and loneliness, and the Boy's genuine love and compassion for the Old Man. I think some authors just can't be truly appreciated by teens, and Hemingway may be one of them. 3y
OutAndAbout @TheAromaofBooks sold. It‘s going on this years TBR. 3y
Roary47 This was always my favorite story in school. We read it two different times. I‘m glad you had the opportunity to check it off. 💛 3y
Clwojick A old favourite! ❤️ 3y
Teresereading I read it many years ago and have never forgotten it 3y
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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I've wanted to read this one for a long time and finally getting around to it tonight. My reading snack seems to unintentionally coordinate. 🎣

AkashaVampie Best snack ever!!! We always have Goldie Fish in the house (that's what I call them) 3y
kspenmoll I am addicted to the parmesan goldfish! 3y
bthegood 😂 🙂 3y
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HeathHof @AkashaVampie We try to keep them on hand too, they are definitely a go to snack for my small fry. We'll have to give the parmesan a try @kspenmoll These are the pizza ones and they taste just like combos. 3y
AkashaVampie @Mynameisacolour we mostly get the extra cheese ones becuz they don't make the awesome ones in a huge box. Haha. 3y
UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 3y
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Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway

"But man is not made for defeat," he said. "A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!! 📚🙌🏻 3y
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The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway

Beautiful in its simplicity. Kept me in suspense every bit as much as a modern thriller.

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The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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My coworker brought in this fun edition, which is part of the Scribner School Paperbacks collection! It's hard working right next to an enabler... 😂

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Two things I love!! Books and #DenzelWashington 💙🔥He‘s reading the tagged book. I watch Equalizer and ANY Denzel movie if one is on! My favorite is Man on Fire 🔥

#MoviesinMay 🎥

megnews I love Denzel too. Amazing actor in some great movies. 3y
Klou Very clever use of the movie for your book choice! Man On Fire is one of my favourites of his, along with Training Day, Equalizer and probably Hurricane. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Klou he can do no wrong!! 🙌🏻📚🎥 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @megnews yes!!! ❤️🎥 3y
DarkMina I love Denzel! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @DarkMina ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Sometimes you need to reread a book when you are in a different place in your life. This is one of those stories that hits much different when your older. I‘d like to rewrite that high school paper now.

books_and_tea Love the mug! 3y
kspenmoll Have you seen the Ken Burns PBS series on Hemingway? Quite illuminating! 3y
IuliaC This is always a beautiful read 3y
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JacqMac @books_and_tea Thanks. It‘s my favourite. :) 3y
JacqMac @kspenmoll It was so well done. It‘s what inspired me to pick up the book again. 3y
JacqMac @IuliaC Very beautiful. 3y
SamAnne I have been planning some Hemingway rereads since the doc aired. 3y
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Meh. I realize this is a classic but it just wasn‘t my thing.

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Any Hemingway fans out there?

I‘ve read one and enjoyed it. Looking forward to watching this PBS program!

CoverToCoverGirl Thanks for sharing! I‘ll be tuning in. 4y
CarolynM I read a few a long time ago. I enjoyed his spare style. I'll look out for the doco. 4y
BarbaraBB I‘ve read a bunch of them. This one is a favorite 4y
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CrowCAH @CoverToCoverGirl you‘re welcome; awesome! Ken Burns compiles great content. 4y
CrowCAH @CarolynM I should read more of his books. Hopefully, you‘ll be able to watch the documentary at some point. 4y
CrowCAH @BarbaraBB that‘s great! I chose The Old Man and the Sea, because of its nautical vibe. It was a great choice to start with! 4y
BarbaraBB Another one I can recommend is 4y
staci.reads Hemingway is a love/hate for me. I love his writing, but I hate his sexism. Old Man and the Sea is my favorite of his that I've read. The Sun Also Rises was my least favorite. 4y
staci.reads I have always been fascinated by his life though. And I'm a fan of everything Ken Burns does! 4y
CrowCAH @BarbaraBB thanks! 😊 4y
CrowCAH @staci.reads awesome; hope you‘ll be able to catch the documentary at some time. 4y
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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Rating: 5 ⭐
At some point I was disappointed about the idea of fighting hard for something then losing it. But the moral learned during this journey has a way more importance than the catch.

The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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How masterful is a craftsman who works a trade their whole life.

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Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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The Old Man goes fishing.

I probably would have enjoyed this book more if the audio didn‘t go high then low multiple times throughout. Also, got to love quiet workdays that allow for listening.

GingerAntics I have very bad memories of this book in junior high. 4y
freeatlast1137 @GingerAntics I can imagine, it seems like it would be an English teacher‘s dream of imagery discussion. 😬 4y
GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 I think that‘s what she was going for. We even watched a really bad movie version. I‘m not sure anyone in the class actually took in any part of this book. I just remember an old man in a row boat being pulled along by a whale for chapters on end. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
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Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway

One of my favorites. As I grow old, I see how life is perfectly described in this book. Would read it again.

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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And finished.
This is a short story which feels long because of it's steady pace. It picked up at the end post-climax (imho).
First introduction to Hemingway. To be honest, I'm not sure what I think. It one awards and he is so aggrandized in American Lit that to say anything other than "I loved it" seems wrong but then again, not everything is for everyone.
I will have to read more to find out.

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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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This is a short read but I've taken my time, which seems fitting. It also seems fitting to read on a quiet, rainy morning. And I'm going to do it while enjoying my decaf at my beau's new hand-made table accompanied by my lovely jades😍😍

Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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The old man, the sea, and the well-meaning neighbor. 😂

#humor #litsyhumor

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The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Thanks for the tag @Blackink_WhitePaper ♥️

⛱️ I have finally started creating a blogging website(for a course). It feels good though damn frustrating and not giving me much time to read books 😝😝

⛱️ Summer of '69

Anyone who wants to play along 😀

MoonWitch94 Great song choice!!! 🌞 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper Great book..👍 thanks for playing 💐 4y
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Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway

Classic story I read in school, but still a nice reread. An old man being one with the sea and persistent to get his catch.

The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway

I read it in one night. I read it at perfect time. Motivation and focus to catch the fish made me realize I also need to do that in my life

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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Toured Ernest Hemingway‘s home in Key West. We had a very passionate guide who shared some interesting stories. I could have hung out in this room all day. 🤓

Cortg This has been on my bucket list for a while now. Hopefully I'll make it down there soon! 5y
marleed Ohhh, if that bass could talk! 5y
Biblionut I would love to do this! 5y
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Jerdencon That‘s a great tour! 5y
mrp27 Fun! 5y
Ddzmini Wow I love that room 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍 5y
Bookwormjillk That chair! 5y
kspenmoll I loved this tour!!‘ 5y
Slajaunie I love your room as well! Is that a carpet? (edited) 5y
NatalieR @Cortg I hope you make it down here soon! 😀 5y
NatalieR @marleed I know, right?! The stories it could tell!! 😆 5y
NatalieR @Biblionut I highly recommend it! 😀 5y
NatalieR @Jerdencon @kspenmoll 💚💛💚💛 5y
NatalieR @Bookwormjillk It‘s a perfect fit for this room! 💚 5y
NatalieR @Slajaunie It‘s a rug. There‘s a tile floor underneath. 5y
Slajaunie I love it! 5y
meagankc21 I was there last year! Such a cool place to visit 5y
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Scribners 1952 version of The Old Man and the Sea. A genuine classic. An amazing but quick read. This book has enticed me to read more of Hemingway‘s works. And just like that a new favorite has taken the top spot.

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The Old Man & the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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It's Hemingway -- his settings and characters are so vivid that they become all you know. It's taken me forever to get to reading this and I'm glad I did.

Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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It really a short but heart touching story. Now I know why it win the Pulitzer Prize in 1953. Its a beautifull conversation between human and nature. It shows how we as human are stubborn but also shows how we react in the time of difficulty. Really a simple and short story but meaningful also.

Becker ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway
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I am only better than him through trickery and he meant me no harm
Santiago | Old Man and The Sea

Found this beautiful video of the book:

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The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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#sorrynotsorry. That sign is like crack to a book lover.

Ddzmini 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼📖📚📚📚😋 5y
Melissa_J Chapters? I‘m staying away from my local store this weekend as the last thing I need is more books (and I may have some coming in the mail on Monday) 😂 5y
TheLudicReader Yes, @Melissa_J , Indigo. I didn‘t need more books, either. Sadly, that doesn‘t stop me. Last week it was 30% off for teachers. Ai yi yi. 5y
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