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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Listened on audio during my commute, and I was engaged with this story of the gods in our modern world. Lore is a fierce, resilient heroine with relatable struggles and trauma. She gets caught up in the 7 year battle and finds herself immersed and in a pivotal role. Trust, deceit, vulnerability, honor, and bravery are all woven beautifully in the story. "Not even the Spartans were Spartans."

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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@5feet.of.fury It‘s finally on its way! Sorry it took so long to get out to you, this past week has been a bit chaotic. 😅 But it should be there by Saturday! Thank you for sharing this story with us! LMPBC #GroupG #Round19

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Every 7 years, the gods of Olympus become mortal for a short time. & there are groups of hunters that want the chance to kill a god & take their power. Lore just wanted to live her life when Athena shows up on her doorstep.

An interesting modern twist on Greek myths, w/ fun characters & a sweet romance. But the pacing was off, switching between epic fights/info dumping, the ending felt super abrupt. & left me with so many questions. 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑

BookmarkTavern References throughout to child murder and specifically Chapter Thirty-Three, attempted SA 7mo
BookmarkTavern @5feet.of.fury This will be in the mail within the week! 7mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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It‘s snowing up a storm outside, so it‘s time to sit down with a cup of hot chocolate and a book!

Ruthiella Love the mug! 🤣 7mo
BookmarkTavern @Ruthiella it‘s my favorite mug! 7mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I am so excited to start this one! I‘ll get it to you @5feet.of.fury as soon as I can! 🖤 #LMPBC #GroupG #Round19

5feet.of.fury Thanks for the update! No rush! 💚 7mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I asked an AI image generator to create something that reflected how this book felt to me. This was the most confusing, most somewhat on target, and most perfectly valid response. I will be mailing the book to the next recipient tomorrow!

5feet.of.fury Very interesting visual 😜 7mo
charl08 Wow. The mind boggles... 7mo
mrsmarch @charl08 Exactly how the book made me feel 🤪 7mo
BookmarkTavern Woo! I am eagerly waiting for it! 7mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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4.2⭐️ occasionally I like to go into a book completely blind, just based off the cover. This, was one of those books. It was nothing like I had imagined it to be, but I was pleasantly surprised by the direction it took. I truly enjoyed it and I will will be on the lookout for other books by this author. #Roll100 number 78.

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 8mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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BookmarkTavern Woohoo! ❤️ 10mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I like myths in a modern setting but I found the world building in this to be convoluted. It had a few moments of greatness, but I‘m very confused about a couple things 😂
Maybe my #lmpbc group mates can help with my lingering questions 😂

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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#lmpbc round 18 books are on their way home to @bnp and @sweetpealsd

Which means I can start my round 19 choice 🐍 @mrsmarch @BookmarkTavern

BookmarkTavern I‘m so excited! 11mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


Kar2b This one was a slow start for me, but I liked it once I got into it! 11mo
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Me encantó el libro, me atrapó totalmente, hasta que el final me decepcionó muchísimo. La autora resolvió la historia literalmente en dos páginas, fue un deux ex machina.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Here‘s my review for a book I decided to DNF.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I decided to start this book. I‘m so confused about what‘s going on in this book. It‘s set in Modern Day NYC but it has Greek Mythology in it. I like the writing style but I‘m having a hard time looking past the fact that this is set in NYC and not Greece. I‘m going to keep reading and see if it gets better. I‘m going to see if I can look past this but if I can‘t then I‘ll probably DNF this book.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Thoroughly enjoyed this fast paced mythological fantasy book!

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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#SummerSpecial #SnakeDay

This has been on my TBR for awhile.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this cover 🐍🤍 1y
Eggs Great background 💚🐍❤️ 1y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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My knowledge of Greek mythology is very limited, but I had no problem getting into this novel. The book is fairly violent, so that tracks. The characters were dynamic, and the story was cleverly written.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Here are my current reads

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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I thought this book was okay. I didn‘t love it but I didn‘t hate it either. 3.5/5⭐️

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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4.5/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 #greekretelling #athena

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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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So so good!

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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#manicmonday #letterL @CBee
📚Lore by Alexandra Bracken, The Last Olymian by Rick Riordan & Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead
💻C.S. Lewis
🎥The Last Samurai, the Legend of Korra (avatar), the leftovers, love and monsters, love actually
🎶linkin park Lord Huron
🎼Ludens by bring me the horizon, lights up by Harry styles, lydia by highly suspect

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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A tentative “pick” for me. While I thought this was imaginative and original, I just didn‘t love it as much as I expected too. I wasn‘t necessarily put off by all the violence, but it seemed that that bad guys always died and the good guys miraculously and mysteriously survived. I know it‘s a YA book, but based on the gore and violence, I expected more consequences to the characters‘ actions, I guess.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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A wonderful “retelling” of Greek mythology! Wow. The plot of this book with its twists and turn kept me riveted page after page. (I didn‘t guess the twist nor did I figure out the true meaning of the poem until the end). I thought this book was wonderfully creative (especially the blood lines) and a refreshingly modern perspective of Greek lore. I wish this was a series because I would have loved to read more.
My Review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ (4.5/5)

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Just. Couldn‘t. Do It. I was 161 pages in, and I decided to bail. I HATE bailing, but you only live once and why waste my time reading something I don‘t enjoy?

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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This was an OwlCrate book, and until I picked it up to read, I thought it was a Medusa retelling.

It is not. Instead, it‘s an urban fantasy that pits the descendants of Greek Heroes against 8 of the Gods in a cycle known as the Argon.

I found it mostly enjoyable, but would not recommend to newbies to Greek mythology. At the minimum, look up the meaning of kleos and timê before reading.

Borderline so-so and pick.
#booked2022 #greekretelling

Cinfhen Gorgeous cover art though😍 2y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Happy Friday! Maya is at a friend‘s house this weekend, Dr Hubby is on a solo retreat in the mountains for some well-earned R&R.

Which means I have the house to myself! 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Let the weekend of reading begin! 📚

#catsoflitsy #kittensoflitsy #MonaLisa (Mona pictured)

Susanita Sweet kitty. Well earned me time. 🤗 2y
Soubhiville What a beauty! Enjoy your me time! 2y
TheSpineView Enjoy! 2y
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TrishB Have some fun 😁❤️ 2y
Zuhkeeyah Enjoy the alone time! 2y
Gissy Enjoy! 📚📚📚📚📚📚🙌 2y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Flying through the tagged book while keeping a close eye on #HelloKittty. She had surgery to remove 2 lumps yesterday, one a mast cell skin cancer, the other hopefully just an abscess. Initial biopsy on the 2nd lump was ok but vet sending to pathology to make sure.

It‘s been a hard year. Lost #Isabel in April and two close friends unexpectedly in May and June. Another friend dx with an aggressive breast cancer started chemo last week. ⬇️

alisiakae Maya and I are both finally completing psych evals each for suspected ADHD, anxiety, SPD (and possibly a few other things). That‘s tough on its own, involving multiple hours long appts. But I want to apologize to @BarbaraTheBibliophage & @Cinfhen for going AWOL recently for #Booked2022 hosting duties. Hoping to get my head above water soon. (edited) 2y
Kerrbearlib So sorry to hear you‘ve had a rough year. I hope things start looking up for you. And that kitty starts to feel better too! 2y
ravenlee I‘m sorry it‘s been such a tough time. Troubles just keep piling up when you‘re already struggling. I wish you health and happiness, and Maya too. 2y
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Sending love & light that the rest of the year is better for all of you. 💗 2y
Kimzey Sending good wishes for you and your kitty. 🐈‍⬛ 💕 2y
alisiakae @Kerrbearlib @ravenlee @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Kimzey thank you 💞 we‘ve had lots of good things happen too, but the bad is a heavy burden at the moment. My heart still aches over the recent losses. 2y
kspenmoll Sending you love- I am so sorry your year as been a tough one. I truly hope good things come from your testing & diagnosis. 💙💕 2y
TheBookHippie Sending light & love ♥️ 2y
CarolynM Oh, you are having a tough time. Sending love and hugs💕💕 2y
TrishB Sending hugs ♥️ 2y
Leftcoastzen Hugs to you , sorry there are so many tough things right now.Hope & love sent your way. 2y
TheLudicReader Sending positive energy your way. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage No apology needed, my friend. Sending hugs! 💓 2y
sprainedbrain I‘m so sorry. Sending love! 2y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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#SnakeDay 🐍 #JulyJam 🪷🌱🌹

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Such a great cover 🤍🐍🤍 2y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Wow. I feel like I‘ve just finished a series rather than just one book, there is so much packed in. But it works. I was very much sucked into this world running parallel to our own. Excellent.

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Lore | Alexandra Bracken

The House of Achilles.
Well, Lore thought faintly. Shit.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken

The old gods must die to allow the new to rise.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I finished by book club book for the month. I loved this book and read it In a few days! I would definitely recommend it.

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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Nails check. Cat on lap check. Book , Lore on lap check. Haven‘t been on in a while but I‘ve been reading. This book is so good. I just get into so many that I need to finish this . I‘ll get there. #nailnight #siamesecats #lore #alexandrabracken #sundaynightreading

Lore | Alexandra Bracken

I loved this book! So many plot twists, with clever foreshadowing that I can see when I look back. Amazing, dynamic characters. Lessons on fate and forgiveness. Just amazing all around.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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Not only did I manage a #BookSpinBingo this month but I also managed to get my #BookSpin for January read — Lore! This was a great Greek mythology read that had been on my #TBR for awhile. I enjoyed the relationships surrounding Lore herself and how the story unfolded.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic progress!!! 3y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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An original imaginative adventure dealing with Greek mythology. With a topic that seems to be spurning a lot of new books this one definitely set itself apart. As a fellow New Yorker the book also does a very good job with the setting. Definitely recommend!

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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It's #roll100 time!

I'm looking forward to Lore so I can't wait to get that pick crossed off. I've been reading The Borden Murders off and on for about two years now so I either finish it this month or to the donation bin it goes! I have a feeling it's going to be unhauled either way, to be honest #ItsTime


PuddleJumper Lore looks interesting. I hope it lives up to the hype 3y
persephone1408 I REALLY enjoyed Lore 3y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I wanted to like this one, I really did. But almost 4 hours into the audiobook, and the storyline has just lost my interest completely. I'm not saying it's bad - it just isn't for me.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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I'm giving this a pick, but kind of a lukewarm one... I enjoyed it, but never felt a real emotional connection to the characters. I did like the narrator of the audiobook though. It wasn't bad, but I had hoped for more...

Lore | Alexandra Bracken

I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I did feel compelled to read it, I wanted to know how it ended but I can't say that I'd read another by this author. It took a little while to get into it and then I saw the twists coming, it could also easily be shorter and cut out a lot that slowed it up . Entertaining enough to be worth finishing but that's as far as I'd go.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken

Alexandra Bracken is an amazing writer. No doubt about that. This book is written beautifully! And the concept is great! The problem I had was pacing and feeling any connection to these characters. I also had a strangely hard time to read into it, despite liking it at first. So in the end, I couldn‘t keep my head in it and decided to abandon it.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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This is another one where I'm calling it a pick, but by a narrow margin. It almost lost me once, but I pushed on and enjoyed it overall. I think I just had some difficulty relating to the main character at times. Still, the plot was certainly interesting and threw me for a loop once or twice.

Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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The holidays mean both more travel, as pictured, and less time to read, unfortunately.

However, I did start reading Lore by Alexandra Bracken and it seems interesting thus far. I'm just hoping I'll have a bit more time to read it this week.

AmyG Drive carefully. 3y
SpeculativeFemale @AmyG Luckily, I get to play passenger this time. 😁 3y
Kimberlone We had 10 hours of round trip driving this weekend and audiobooked it up! 3y
SpeculativeFemale @Kimberlone I wish I could have, but my significant other doesn't like audiobooks. He's a reader, but just can't get into listening to a book being read. 3y
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Lore | Alexandra Bracken
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This was a super fun audiobook, and I have no regrets about squeezing it in between my planned books this month.

Why I loved it:

-That cover!

-MC Lore is a badass and not annoying about it.

-Greek mythology successfully made modern urban fantasy.

-Action-packed, violent, twisty, and sexy.

-YA that didn‘t make my eyes roll.

-A great, diverse cast of characters.

-Excellent narration.

-Again, that cover!


reading_rainbow I loved this one! I think it‘s super underrated! 3y
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