I am loving this series so far!
I am loving this series so far!
As Poppy & Casteel solidify their relationship and start to understand what the future could hold for them, lies & betrayals turns it all on it's head. Poppy has a decision to make and to truly become what she is meant to be.
This book was so up & down, action then lulls of talking & Poppy's incessant questions. But...Armentrout has done it again, leaving you with a cliffhanger that means you have to pick up the next book or is it another series?
This series just keeps getting better! Just when you think you've figured it out, the plot twists. Fibding myself not wanting it to end, happy theres still 2 books left in the series.
After really not enjoying the first two books in this series this one was marginally better. With that being said because there was SO MUCH in this book while the one before it felt like it had nothing at all except the last quarter of the book, I felt like the action could have been better spread to make the series more well rounded. Still not sold on this series and Poppy honestly makes me cringe.
So many unexpected twists and turns! The last few chapters had me glued to the pages. I do wish this series was less romance/one true love/gushy mushy and more fantasy. Because when there is a plot it is really good.
I think this series is so good, love the characters especially Poppy and her ability to sense peoples emotions , it‘s definitely steamy at times but it‘s a great story line that even when it‘s slower it still doesn‘t disappoint!
I'm really enjoying the From Blood and Ash series. Just finished book 3 and loved it! Ahhh, that ending!
I hope to pick up book 4 soon!
Finished book 3. It got better! The action was throughout the book with a few twists. I think the infodumping could have been spread out a bit more. The heat got turned up even more and frankly I got tired of it, there‘s only so much play by play one can handle especially when there‘s a certain routine established in passionate encounters of heroes. Main hero character felt flat, I‘d love to see him grow. But overall I enjoyed it.
I'm really into this series, the endIng of this third book was epic. I am enjoying watching Poppy grow into her power. I can't wait for the 4th book.
⭐⭐⭐ It isn't actually the kissing that makes me feel like Fred Savage in The Princess Bride. It's the constant declarations of everlasting love. There was a lot to like in this book, but there are way too many pages devoted to repetitive descriptions of just how devoted our heroine, Poppy, and her husband are to each other. 🤮🤮 Still, the politics of Poppy's new country and the ceaseless plots leading to war are compelling.
Book 3 in the series and it was really good…up until the middle and then it really slowed only to pick up towards the end…which is a set up for book 4. I really hope book 4 is as good as book 2 here.
Not as great as the first two, but still a solid read.
I feel like I‘ve been listening to this book for forever. Even at 2x speed I have another 1.5 hours.
FairyLoot FBAA Special Editions added to the few others I have.
Special Edition set of the first three books in the From Blood and Ash series finally arrived from FairyLoot. Loving these foil stamped hardcovers!
I‘m absolutely IN LOVE with these FBAA double-sided bookmarks!! I got them from StaciaReveriesStudio on Etsy 🥰 #frombloodandash #poppy #casteel #kieran
Finished 2 last books for July. This one was an ebook I finished on Friday. These books are just like a guilty pleasure reads for me. This is the 3rd book and it left me wanting the next one. We finally get to see Poppy in the end acting as her true self and I can't wait to see her take down the evil.
I‘m giving this a borderline pick. There is a lot of good in this third book of the series. However it definitely suffers from middle book syndrome. It has a lot of filler that was meant to be character development but was at times boring. However, the beginning and end are great. This cannot be read alone and does end on a cliffhanger. 3.5⭐️ another bingo for #bookspinbingo
Beautifully written
Action packed,
Massive plot twists
God-like power
Mind exploding
"??????? ?? ? ???????? ?????, ???‘? ??? ?????? ?ℎ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???????, ??? ????? ?? ????????? ???? ????‘?? ?ℎ??? ??? ???? ?? ??."
This is a must read.
Finished my vacation Lego project while enjoying tagged #audiobook
Very Late Update
I really hoped Casteel and Poppy have a good ending when I started this book...
Alas, there's another book after this...😆
Still waiting...
Still working on this one before it's due back to the library! Love this series so far!
Poppy is such an amazing character. Can‘t believe I have to wait so long for the next book🤷🏻♀️
I love this series, and I can‘t wait to read the next installment! That being said, this was definitely my least favorite of the 3 so far. The first fourth was very exciting- some of the best moments of the series- but after that, the story started to drag a bit for me. There was still plenty of romance and action but it was missing the danger and uncertainty elements. It picked up at the end, though.
My current view. Listening to Crown of Gilded Bones. 🌊🏖
March 2022 can‘t come soon enough 🖤
How did I not know that this was more than a trilogy? Why do I have a horrible book hangover? Where am I?
Used for a free space in #bookspinbingo because I always forget to add my current read to the actual bookspin list. Eesh.
Excellent 3rd installment of the series. I need to grabby hands book 4.
To all the Blood And Ash fans out there!
Hail the Queen!
Isn't JLA the best!
I really love this series!! Can‘t wait for book 4. Lovable characters, tons of romance, action and adventure-packed, a world full of fantasy creatures, less predictable plot than you‘d expect. This particular book felt like it could have been shorter, but I still greatly enjoyed it, nonetheless.
Best in the series yet! Darn cliffhanger ending. I love this world, these characters and.this storyline. If you enjoy modern fantasy with a fierce female lead and red-hot open door, I highly recommend this series!
1. Pop/east coast music/country/classic rock.
2. Slave Lake/Edmonton. I got to see the beauty of Alberta and visit Canada's largest shopping mall with some amazing girlfriends.
3. 17 - I was feeling good about myself and I met my hubby.
4 Hug from a friend.
@DinoMom , @DebbieGrillo
I just finished the tagged book and the author (though I love her) had the AUDACITY to announce a release of a prequel before finishing this series. Don't mind me I'll just hang out over here on this cliff.
Thanks for the tag @EadieB
I enjoyed The Crown of Gilded Bones but not quite as much as the previous books in the Blood and Ash series. I found this book unnecessarily long. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
1. Yes
2. Love this series by Jennifer Armentrout.
3. I am really not.sure about this. Before reading Sarah J. Maas or Jennifer Armentrout, I would have said no open door romance. However, these 2 authors have blown that out of the water and I cannot tell the difference!
@DebbieGrillo , @DinoMom , @Jessieleah , @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego
1. I‘m a high school librarian so I read tons of YA.
2. The Blood and Ash series by Jennifer L. Armentrout is great. I personally enjoy the audiobooks.
3. A book is YA when it is has at least one teenage protagonist and is mostly told from a teenage perspective.
🧣April Wrap Up🧣
I managed to read 12 books this month❤
So many I rated 5 stars, but my favourites were Heir Of Fire, The Evolution Of Mara Dyer and The Crown Of Gilded Bones😍
Bring on May!!
#BookStack #StackOfBooks #WrapUp #ReadThisMonth
This was one hell of a wild rollercoaster of emotions and completely unpredictable plot twists. We get so many answers to our questions, but we also have so many more questions (Just like Poppy😉). The plot was amazing as it continued straight from AKOFAF, the romance was much more prominent in this book, and that ending has me wishing I could time travel because I need the next one! Absolutely amazing series so far, I love it so much!
This made me laugh out loud.
Started this book today, I'm up to chapter 12 and so far it's been a rollercoaster😍
Book #17: The best part of reading this book was reading it in tandem with two of my friends. It was so fun to text about the parts we were at and share the emotions/reactions of reading this book. Parts of the book had me throwing down my kindle, but it definitely delivered in all the areas I expect from this series. It‘s going to be a long wait for book 4!