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The House Across the Lake
The House Across the Lake | Riley Sager
THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW meets GONE GIRL in the upcoming sixth thriller by New York Times bestselling author Riley Sager.
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A perfect read to close out a perfect month of reading! For the first time since July 2018, I managed to read 31 books in 31 days! I‘ve been a fan of Sager‘s from the start and knew that even on a busy holiday, I would be able to squeeze in time to finish this in a day! While the alcoholic, grieving narrator is hardly new to thrillers, Sager manages to breathe fresh life and new twists to this haunting Vermont lakeside story! I really enjoyed it!

Ladygodiva7 31 books in 31 days?? Even if I didn‘t work, I could NOT do that!! WOW!! 6mo
TorieStorieS @Ladygodiva7 Thanks!! The last two days my husband was very patient about being ignored so I could read… it also helped that he was out of town in the beginning of the month! 🤣 6mo
5feet.of.fury Impressive! Sager is always good for a binge read! I loved House Across the Lake. The twist was very divisive but I was a fan 6mo
TorieStorieS @5feet.of.fury I totally agree! But I can see some not liking it for that reason… it worked for me though! I still have one more of his books left to read, and I‘m thinking of just reading it this month rather than keeping it in reserve for a guaranteed fast and good read! 😊 6mo
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I enjoyed this book for the most part. There were certain elements that were definitely a fresh take on the normal takes that we have gotten from Rear Window. It reminded me a lot of The Girl on the Train, but it definitely took a turn. I like that Sager finds a way to make a story that is familiar unique in his own way. Definitely a slower burn than his normal books, but once it got going, it was hard to put down.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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Hmm, I cannot figure out how to fit my whole picture. I read 9 books in January. The 3 not pictured are the next 2 in the Paul Doiron Mike Bowditch Game Warden series and the tagged book. Only one 5 star - The Many Lives of Mama Love. All others were solid 4 stars.

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A low pick. I was eating it up, until the main twist. I'm not into that sort of story, so it took me out of it a bit. But I was still interested enough to want to know how it all ended. It was satisfying overall.

AshRob22 Currently reading this one! Liking it so far, extra interested to read the twist now!! 11mo
5feet.of.fury That twist is very divisive! (I was a fan personally 😂) 11mo
Yuki_Onna What a beautiful pic!🧡 11mo
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Here's my #bookspinbingo for the month of October! The books I need to read for book club AND those already in progress are ALL OVER THE MAP. So much for an easy bingo!

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DID NOT EXPECT THAT TWIST!!! Such a good book though. Would gladly read any of Riley‘s other books

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This was good but really not what I was expecting

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I finished reading aprils books only now, so this is an early June pile

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Loved it! Had no idea what was actually going to happen!

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January 13, 2023 The book was an "unputdownable page turner" - Alex Michaelides. Could not agree more. Can't say exactly when the climax occured but it was definitely flying fast around the time that Casey was searching the Royce's house to find any incriminating evidence against Tom. So was it Len or Casey who killed Katherine??? You have to read to find out. 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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January 13, 2023 Im shaking and hiding under my bedcovers. The book has made me feel a chill (literally). I have been thinking that the killer is Tom Royce (Katherine's husband) or Boone Conrad (a friend of Katherine Royce) but it was not correct at all. I NOW think that the killer is Len (Casey's husband) who passed away while in the lake and his spirits stayed there causing Katherine to have him "inside of her"

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January 13, 2023 Enjoying the book. There are not many characters. One of the things I like about the book is how it is divided by sections of BEFORE and NOW which helps me determine when certain things take place. The separation helps me make out the time changes and I appreciate authors who do that. I am on the part of the book where Casey Fletcher is using binoculars to "watch" the Royces and their marriage is falling into pieces

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January 9, 2023 Going to start my fiction book today. Eeeeekkkkk Thrillers have been a go-to for me lately. Something about how they are fast paced and filled with suspense gets to me. Love a thriller book that will keep me going

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This book wasnt terrible i just could never get into it. Im sure its a real good book but not wasting my time when i could read another book.

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❤️I am going to start in 2023 with setting goals. Im just getting serious about reading. 💜I started a small goal when I got serious of 15 books. Im one book away. 💙Saturday going to a family members house. @Eggs #wonderouswednesday @Cazxxx @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Great job on reading 🎉📚 Have a great holiday🥰 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for the tag 💙🤍 2y
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Got one of my many holds at the library. I have lots of reading to do. I checked 3 books out yesterday and this hold was ready today.

MyNamesParadise I know, isn‘t it something when all your holds come in at once?! I keep suspending my holds to space them out some! 2y
mom_of_4 @MyNamesParadise yea im not getting anymore of them wen they come in. Im going to wait. 2y
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I was all in on this book, until the big reveal. The reveal was so far out there that I was completely pulled out of the story and I could never fully recommit.

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It took me five months to finish this book but I liked it. The story is sort of a spin on the story from the movie Rear Window. However, there‘s a twist. One that Riley Sager has never done before. It made the story more interesting to me. With his earlier stories sometimes it‘s easy to gauge how the story will end. That is not the case with The House Across The Lake. #thehouseacrossthelake #rileysager

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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I really loved the beginning but I‘m indifferent about the twist of this book. Not what I was expecting but not a bad read either.

#TheHouseAcrossTheLake #RileySager

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Drunken, completely unreliable narrator (Casey) drinks a lot, sees some things she probably shouldn‘t, drinks a lot more, makes highly questionable choices, flirts with a sexy neighbor, drinks more, embarks on a new hobby of drunken detective work, and drinks some more. Then about 2/3 of the way through, this whole thing goes 🦇💩 crazy.

As is true with every Sager book I‘ve read, I was totally annoyed but could not stop reading.🤷🏻‍♀️


sprainedbrain This book will be on the way home to you soon, @BookwormAHN 😃 This was a great round of #LMPBC ladies! @HufflepuffGirl90 @magyklyXdelish 2y
KristiAhlers Ok you just totally made me laugh with this review. 🤣 2y
sprainedbrain @KristiAhlers I considered an all-emoji review but decided that I couldn‘t convey the level of drunkenness necessary that way. 🥴 2y
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jlhammar 😂 Great review! 2y
DanaManiac Sounds like a hot mess 😂😂 2y
BookwormAHN Okay, love the emojis 😸 2y
KT1432 Sounds about right! 😂😂 2y
Reggie Lol, but does she drink? 2y
sprainedbrain @Reggie sometimes, she does. 😂 2y
BookwormAHN Books back, thanks. This was a great round 😺 2y
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I always enjoy a Riley Sager and this was no exception. I mean, you've read the story a million times and know what to expect so there's really no surprises. Even the paranormal element. Could have done without it but meh.

#Bookspin pick checked off!

#Scarathlon2022 #TeamSlaughter #TeamGenre #BookspinBingo
@Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks

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#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Day10 #Crime I love Riley Sagers thrillers(well, most of them anyway)This one was a mind bender, was there a crime or wasn‘t there? #Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter 6pts

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This is an interesting twist on your standard thriller. This actually a spooky story perfect for the Halloween. I would recommended this for a fun October read.
#readathon #scareathon

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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!! 2y
Clwojick Yay! 2y
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Finished this last week for my IRL book club. I think the consensus was that none of us really liked the out-of-left-field twist 3/4 of the way through. If there had been anything to even remotely hint at the direction it would take, it could have been great. It just felt a little lazy, like Sager wrote himself into a corner and had to pull out the modern-day thriller version of deus ex machina to get out of it.

Maggie4483 This was my first meeting with this book group. I‘m not sure how well I fit it, but I still had fun. An evening out really helped me feel like a real person for the first time in a while. 2y
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A thriller book with a Taylor Swift lyric quote? Sold.

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This is the part where I always believe that I have an idea who the killer is. It‘s so obvious but then again a plot twist can upend everything. #rileysager #thehouseacrossthelake #catsoflitsy

Bette Lovely kitten 🐈‍⬛❤️ 2y
Violetsunrise84 @Bette Thank you. He‘s a sweetheart. 2y
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Absolutely better than Survive the Night, but still meh. The plot is a slow burn with some good twists. It had high potential & good bones, but the writing is not his finest. There is a lot of tell vs. show, which stunted the tension & made the characters a bit flat. The ending felt like a bit of a cop out & didn't fit with the trajectory of the plot. High potential, lackluster execution.


150 pages into this story waiting for a plot twist. Riley Sager follows a certain formula when it comes to his stories. It‘s a comfort to me. He‘s written 6 novels so far and it never fails. #rileysager #thehouseacrossthelake


Maybe it‘s me but if I was trying to appear credible… maybe that sip of Bourbon was a bad idea. #Rileysager #thehouseacrossthelake

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Sager combines biting commentary on fame‘s dark side with plenty of mystery in this freaky book. MC Casey is a mosaic of flaws—from drinking to obsessing to parental issues. And that just made me like her more. But, oh my goodness, several twists in this story will drop your jaw in a heartbeat. Enjoy the wild ride!

Full review https://www.TheBibliophage.com

KristiAhlers I clearly need to just bite the bullet and pick this up tomorrow. Everyone I‘ve been talking to has liked it. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @KristiAhlers Based on your recent Litsy reviews, it‘s probably a good option for you. Definitely fits #teammonstermash goals! 2y
Richryan52 How have you been? 2y
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My very ambitious #Scarathlon2022 TBR! Plus some #TrappedOnAnIsland books that aren't picked yet.
I dug deep into my audiobooks and I can usually get through one in a day or two at work so this might be doable!
Wanna play? Sure you do! Check out the link and sign up!


#TeamSlaughter @Clwojick

5feet.of.fury I love the Will Trent series! I have Sorority Murder and False Witness on deck too 🥳 can‘t waitttt for those! 2y
aperfectmjk I'm doing my #LittenListen this year also, so a great way to get readathon points for those audiobooks. :) 2y
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I had this checked out on Libby before I swore off thrillers for a bit. I listened to it at a higher speed than normal (2.3x) which helped me get through the repetitiveness at the beginning. Better than a few I‘ve read recently, but feels like this is a mashup of so many other books I‘ve read, I doubt I‘ll remember a thing about it. “Drunk lady thinks she sees a crime” trope but with twists. Spoiler in comments! ⬇️

Chelsea.Poole Anyone else get vibes of this one?? (Which I loved!) but this felt like it stole that concept and threw in all the other tropes in a blender and here we are. 2y
BarbaraBB Yes, I liked that one much more than this! 2y
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Another disappointment. I really liked his earlier books, but the past couple have been absolutely ridiculous. This was a mess from the start to the very unrealistic epilouge. I don't know if I'll be reading anymore of his books.

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Ok, I don‘t know why I can‘t resist a new Sager book. I understand the appeal, I really do, but it‘s like a cheap cupcake at a birthday party. Am I going to like it? Meh, I‘ll eat it then wish the cupcake had been better and that I hadn‘t wasted the calories on it. Was this better than Survive the Night? Absolutely. Was it a gourmet cupcake? Absolutely not.

Allyneedsbooks Same. I still finished and basically didn‘t put it down until it was done!! 🧁😆 2y
Erinreadsthebooks @Allyneedsbooks Exactly! 😂🤗 2y
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3.75 stars I thought I knew exactly where this book was going, and I was wrong. I still predicted some things, but not everything. It was an interesting journey. I thought that the one killer was WAY over the top though. Just comically bad.

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Every year I count the days until Riley Sager‘s next book comes out. Every year I wait with anticipation of what crazy twisted adventure I will be taken on and every year I am not disappointed. This book was filled with so many crazy twists and turns - some expected and some definitely not. This book left me wondering can you always believe what you see with your own eyes or what you think you see? Highly recommend!


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Sager‘s take on the drunk unreliable narrator trying to solve a crime trope. This might be my favorite of his since his first couple books. I did figure out part of the mystery, but the part that I didn‘t predict was pretty silly and kind of diminished the effect of the overall reveal. I enjoyed the self-deprecating humor of the MC but the narrator‘s voice was confusing to me - she is supposed to be 36, but sounded like a grizzled 60 something.

5feet.of.fury The twist is very divisive, people love it or hate it. 2y
Kimberlone @5feet.of.fury I have no issue with supernatural elements being part of a mystery/thriller but I don‘t think it works to introduce a ghost with no foreshadowing whatsoever 75% into the book. I definitely would add myself to the divisive opinion on the twist! 2y
5feet.of.fury @Kimberlone I always find with Sager‘s that there a moment where I have to suspend disbelief to go along with the writing, whether it‘s characters actions or something that goes unnoticed. So this time I was just like “lol well this is just completely off the rails then *magic*” and I personally enjoyed it, but I can see why some find it to be a wtf moment 2y
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Kimberlone @5feet.of.fury totally agree, seems to be a common element in his writing, though I think it‘s gotten more egregious in the more recent books (it was worse in the last book with the character who hallucinated like she was watching a movie) 2y
5feet.of.fury @Kimberlone and somehow that wasn‘t even the most ridiculous thing about Survive the Night lmao 🤣 2y
Kimberlone @5feet.of.fury maybe I‘ve selectively forgotten the more ridiculous parts lol 2y
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My book rec videos are up for the week! 📚 This time I talk about one of my FAVORITE YA titles of the year so far, as well as two of my FAVORITE thrillers of the summer! Please give them a watch and a like! I really appreciate it! 💙

YA Video:

Adult Video:

ShelleyBooksie Watched a liked. I LOVE your shirt! "No shelf control" - hehe 2y
Branwen @ShelleyBooksie Thank you so much! 📚💕 A patron just gifted me this shirt! It's super accurate! 😂 2y
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😂😂 love it!

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#AlphabetGame #LetterH @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Sager is always a must read for me but his latest (tagged) instantly made it into my Top 3 Sager books. Kept me guessing the whole time.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Just bought this one!! 2y
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This was a odd read/audiobook to listen to.


Read for:


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Read 11 books this month, my favorite being the tagged book. Dark Matter is a close second.

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Bk9 of July & Bk2 of #20in4 #readathon is done! I was a bit surprised by the ending of this one, from memory of his previous novels it was a bit left field, or am I remembering wrong? I still thoroughly enjoyed it, it was a throw down thriller(quick & no chance of reread)but interesting. The setting was amazing though, I‘d love to visit Vermont! #BookspinBingo #Pageathon #CloakDaggerChal

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏 2y
Tera66 I just finished this last night too. I really loved it and I was really surprised by it! 2y
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Giving the newest Riley Sagar a go as Bk2 of #20in4 #readathon So far it‘s alright, the setting is gorgeous though. I have a huge soft spot for deep green lakes & rivers, most of my swimming as a kid was done in them. I‘ve always wanted to own a lake house with a huge porch & rockers to sit, read or just watch nature in. Sometimes living vicariously isn‘t enough is it?☹️

Andrew65 Sounds a lovey location, and know what you mean! 2y
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