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Damsel Under Stress
Damsel Under Stress: Enchanted Inc. | Shanna Swendson
15 posts | 13 read | 2 to read
To-do: Stop the bad guys. Rescue the wizard. Find the perfect outfit for New Years Eve. At last, Owen Palmer, the dreamboat wizard at Magic, Spells, and Illusions, Inc., has conjured up the courage to get Katie Chandler under the mistletoe at the office holiday party. But just when it looks like Katie has found her prince, in pops her inept fairy godmother, Ethelinda, to throw a wand into the works. Ethelindas timing couldnt be worse. A plot hatched by MSIs rogue ex-employees, Idris and his evil fairy gal pal Ari, threatens to expose the companys secretsand the very existence of magic itself. Even worse, it could also mean the end of Katies happily-ever-after. Now Katie and Owen must work side by side (but alas, not cheek to cheek) to thwart the villains plans. Braving black-magic-wielding sorceresses, subway-dwelling dragons, lovelorn frog princes, and even the dreaded trip to meet Owens parents at Christmas, Katie and her beau are in a battle to beat Idris at his own sinister game. All mischief and matters of the heart will come to a head at a big New Years Eve gala, when the crystal ball will drop, champagne will pour, and Katie will find herself truly spellbound. Praise for Shanna Swendsons Once Upon Stilettos Magical and totally delightful . . . [a] quirky, lighthearted romance. freshfiction.com A fast and funny read. Chicklit meets urban fantasy. Mary Jo Putney, author of The Marriage Spell From the Trade Paperback edition.
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“Magic powers would be cool to have, but not at the price of having a psycho evil bitch fairy stuck in my head”.

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All these stress is causing me to stress-eat! Not good!!💩
I think I need to start doing some meditation exercises or run longer 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
#bookfitnesschallenge @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Both are good alternatives. 👍🏻 Also talking about it sometimes helps. We‘re here for you. 💜 5y
Nu-Bibliophile @wanderinglynn Thank you😘😘 5y
BookwormAHN Try some meditation apps. I've found them to be very helpful 🍀 5y
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Nu-Bibliophile @BookwormAHN Good idea! I will look into that. Thx. 5y
Clwojick I will definitely admit to craving more chocolate since this challenge started. My brain keeps telling me to treat myself to dark chocolate after a good walk. 5y
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HEY HEY HEY IS THERE ANYONE WHO DID NOT RECEIVE A #ThankfulForBooksSwap PACKAGE THAT I HAVE NOT TALKED TO RECENTLY (recently being Wednesday-today)????? Despite my best efforts I still haven‘t heard from some people, and I would like to make sure everyone gets a package that sent a package. Please let me know ASAP. It‘s stressing me out 😂

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1. Side hustle, reading and relaxing! Its a long weekend for me! 🙌🏼
2. Thats always me 😂
3. Oooo man Boston is my first love but i love NYC and Wildwood!
4. Sloth hands down
5. We‘re getting a break today around 80. This whole week my son had half days because of the heat!

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I need some book time by myself, and soon. Stress sucks, anxiety sucks, keeping a happy face sucks. Here are some pictures of wild turkeys in our yard.

Lreads I'm sorry things are rough. I had just settled down to read last night when something yucky popped up. 💙 6y
callielafleur @QuietlyLaura Thanks ❤️. I fell bad for complaining, but Litsy feels like a safe space to do so. 6y
Lreads Litsy is a great place to share! There are always such nice people here that really care and are interested. 6y
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kamoorephoto Sorry you are feeling rough...I am having a terrible time too. Things are really bad at home. Been trying to work out what extra book to send @IheartYA to cheer her up, and am thinking you need one too... 💓 6y
kamoorephoto ***Never feel bad for ‘complaining‘. You‘re venting. It‘s totally allowed. 6y
DGRachel {{hugs}} 6y
IheartYA Sometimes it helps to let it out. If you need a shoulder to vent, scream, curse, you have my email address. This year has sucked for us....anxiety, stress, depression... I found it helps to talk about it. I've tried reading self help books and I start them with good intentions, but usually don't finish them. I can recommend a couple good ones if you're interested. I hope you feel better soon and I'm sending positive vibes your way. 🙂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 6y
AmyG Life is hard for most of us, at different times. Know we‘re always here for the good times...and bad. I hope things become better for you soon. Same to you also @kamoorephoto @IheartYA 6y
callielafleur @kamoorephoto @IheartYA 🤗🤗 hugs to you both, I wish things were easier for everyone. 6y
callielafleur @AmyG Thanks for your kind words. This is such a wonderful community 6y
callielafleur @DGRachel Thanks. They're needed right now, and that's coming from someone who isn't much of a hugger. ❤️ 6y
Andrew65 Sending positive thoughts! 6y
CouronneDhiver Don‘t do it alone - feel free to reach out anytime! I have issues with anxiety right now too 6y
blondie I know exactly what you mean. I hope things start looking up for you 💙💙 6y
kamoorephoto Where‘s the best wishlist for you, my dearest?? 💓💓💓 6y
MaureenMc 💗💗 6y
Jas16 Sending you lots of love and support 6y
erinreads I feel you! I‘ve had a few rough weeks with anxiety and the only normal thing has been reading. Hope things start to get better! 💕💕💕 6y
Zelma I am right there with you on stress and anxiety. Unfortunately that means I can‘t even concentrate on reading. 😥 love the photo of the turkeys! 6y
DivineDiana Hope you are feeling better! Your house is beautiful and love the interaction with nature! ❤️ 6y
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I could not cope with this. Anything where books are not in straight lines makes me feel a bit dizzy with concern.

What if my Preciouses fall?!?

bobregina Yes, it‘s nerve wrecking!! 6y
Elisa Oh god that gives me anxiety. I feel like I have to rush over there to hold it up before it collapses. 6y
TrishB Noooo.... 6y
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Oryx Nope 6y
batsy Ohhh.... Nooooooo 🤪 6y
Weaponxgirl I'm having palpitations thinking about how not every nook and cranny of that can be filled with books 6y
Susanita That‘s just...no. 6y
wanderinglynn Nope. 6y
TheKidUpstairs @Weaponxgirl that was my thought exactly! All the wasted space! 6y
Weaponxgirl @TheKidUpstairs yup, every place that can hold my books does so. I'm an excellent bookhider 6y
TheKidUpstairs @Weaponxgirl me too. My shelves are all double lined, with more books piled on top if they'll fit! 6y
Weaponxgirl @TheKidUpstairs yup, and books on top and book piles where they don't look too out of place. Thank god I finally got a kindle! 6y
SkeletonKey Omg. This makes me so uncomfortable but also, I think I love it and want it in my house. 6y
RebelReader It's cool,but I couldn't look at it everyday 6y
Lreads While this shelf isn‘t for me, I can see it used in an Alice in Wonderland themed room. 6y
readordierachel It's neat but my eyes can't focus on it, lol 6y
BiblioLitten Nerve wrecking! It's making me very uncomfortable 🙇 6y
Eggs Hard to look at eh? 6y
CaitlinR Agggg! 6y
Libby1 @bobregina , @Elisa , @TrishB , @Oryx , @batsy , @Weaponxgirl , @Susanita , @wanderinglynn , @TheKidUpstairs , @SkeletonKey , @RebelReader , @QuietlyLaura , @ReadOrDieRachel , @BiblioLitten , @Eggs , @CaitlinR - most of you found this book shelf uncomfortable to look at! I‘m too much of a symmetry conformist to ever consider owning this! 6y
Eggs Makes me dizzy 😵 6y
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Public service announcement No. 1.

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Was just stressing about a decision my family has to make next year and worked myself into a right lather. (About as strung out as this moose!) Coming here and reading all your lovely thoughtful posts has calmed me down considerably! Thanks so much for all your good hearts and the kindnesses you practice. 💕💕💕

Tamra 🤗 7y
batsy Such a kind message. Right back at you! And best wishes on the decision 🌻 7y
Centique @batsy thanks so much and you too @Tamra 💕 7y
Lcsmcat 🤗 7y
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I just finished the half-year scheduling meeting with my boss. Apparently I'm going to be on the road 10 of the first 20 weeks of 2018. Including most of the month leading up to my wedding in June. I'm so stressed out that I'm feeling nauseous.

Bookzombie I‘m sorry, but I‘m sure it will all work out. Hugs! 7y
Ddzmini Sometime life throws things at you that you don‘t expect to see if you can handle it obviously you can have faith you will do awesome in the journey ahead if you need to let off steam let me know 🙂 7y
Kalalalatja Hope everything works out! 🤞 7y
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LeahBergen Yikes! Poor you. ❤️ 7y
AmyG I have learned from living almost 60 years...things have a way of working out. Believe that. In the meantime...a hug. 7y
dylanisreading I‘m sorry. 7y
Librarybelle Yikes! So sorry! 7y
GondorGirl @Bookzombie @Ddzmini @Kalalalatja @LeahBergen @AmyG @Bianca @Librarybelle You guys are awesome. Thank you SO much for the support! *hugs* 7y
Jas16 Oh wow... 7y
Owlizabeth Yikes!! But like others have said, I‘m sure it will all work out. 7y
SandyW That sounds terribly stressful, but once you've gotten thru it and managed everything well, think how good you'll feel about yourselfn 7y
minkyb Yikes! 7y
Lmstraubie So sorry to hear this. Hope you can find a little peace around it. 7y
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Just got a new phone !!! Nearly went crazy setting it up & trying to get all my litsy data back ! Stress. Anyway, all done now, thank god !!

Ms_T It's always a tense time! 7y
Cathythoughts @Ms_T yes I worked myself into quite a state 🙄thanks ! It is a tense time alright ! 7y
Cathythoughts @Ms_T First world problems ! I better get a grip (edited) 7y
Ms_T @Cathythoughts 😂😉 7y
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The babies are feeling the stress of this week, as well (Scout's in the kennel snoring). #scoutandclete #boxersoflitsy

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Sorry I've been a bit absent, guys. This week has just been effing stressful!! I'm not a crier, at all, and I think I've cried at least once a day. I may just lose it, shave my head, & run away...

Bklover Don't shave your head!!!! Hope you Day is better tomorrow. Hugs to you!❤️ 7y
britt_brooke Hope all is better soon! 7y
8little_paws I'm so sorry :( I hope things look up soon 7y
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drokka Just do 😝 to everyone tomorrow. If you cross your eyes instead of squinting to shake it up might add to the mood. Oh and ice lollies/Popsicles are good to reduce stress (I know, sounds weird, but they tend to make people happy). 7y
megt Sending hugs. Hope things turn around soon! 7y
Roselyn_Reads Hugs!!! 7y
EllieDottie I'm so sorry! I hope things get better soon! ❤️ 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess Sending hugs. I am so sorry. 7y
mcipher Ugh, that stinks. The week is almost over and maybe next week will be better!! Sending hugs. 🤗 7y
tpixie 🤗 strength 💪 remember Pooh- You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 7y
TrishB Hoping today is better ❤ 7y
monkeygirlsmama (Huggles) Hope things get better quickly. 7y
ReadingEnvy I find haircuts to help. Maybe not shaving. But a small change I can control! 7y
Suet624 Oh no!!! Hugs, hugs, and more hugs to you. 💕💕 7y
NovelGirl82 Thank you so much, everyone. Still super stressful, but hopefully it will ease up some soon. I was really looking forward to readathon this weekend, but that's down the tubes. 😕 7y
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So February is when the wheels came off. (I sense a theme - last year I got laid off and had a major renovation ongoing). I re-homed on of my three kitties (my beloved sucky boy) with my MIL because he just can't live with other cats and that has been really hard. And after much discussion my husband and I are on the cusp of a big life decision to move on from our house that we don't love. The ship is righting itself but it was rough going.

BookNAround Hoping March is less stressful for you. 8y
Eyelit Here's to calmer waters ahead! 💙 8y
Reviewsbylola I'm glad things seem to be getting back to a good place. 8y
EloisaJames I hope April is much better! 8y
Zelma Good luck with the move and I hope it is the positive change you need! 💕 8y
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A glass of wine by the Christmas lights doesn't grade the seventy research papers I have on my lap, but it certainly makes me ready for break.

#twomoreweeks #teachersoflitsy #professorsoflitsy

kspenmoll Liking how you grade your papers! #teachersofLitsy I am having a glass myself as I reread some book chapters for class tomorrow! 8y
Lacythebookworm Cheers! 🍷There is light at the end of the tunnel 😊 8y
rachelm @kspenmoll Godspeed! May we both make it through the rest of the semester unscathed! 8y
kspenmoll @rachelm the 🍷certainly helps! 8y
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