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Mon amie Adle
Mon amie Adle | Sarah Pinborough
LOUISE Mre clibataire, elle est coince dans un quotidien minut. Un soir pourtant elle embrasse un homme dans un bar... sans savoir quil est son nouveau patron. DAVID Psychiatre renomm et dvou sa femme, il regrette ce baiser mais ne peut sempcher de tomber amoureux de son assistante. ADLE Lpouse de David semble navoir aucun dfaut. Si ce nest de vouloir tout prix devenir lamie de Louise... Fascine par ce couple modle, Louise se retrouve malgr elle pige au coeur de leur mariage. Et peu peu, elle commence entrevoir des failles. David est-il lhomme quil prtend tre ? Adle, aussi vulnrable quelle y parat ? Et par quel secret inavouable sont-ils lis lun lautre ? LE THRILLER DE LANNE. DAILY MAIL. CE ROMAN VA VOUS FLANQUER LA CHAIR DE POULE. THE GUARDIAN.
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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That ending....what??? Great read that kept me guessing until the end. I thought I had it figured out several times...I was WRONG!

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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⭐️⭐️.5 The ending to this book, the “unbelievable twist”was just that…unbelievable. If it had stuck to that typical Gone Girl formula, I would have actually rated it higher. Typical, expected, enjoyable still. But instead the last chapter takes the entire story and turns it into sci fi. Womp

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks One of my favorites 👀 5mo
Eggs Absolutely 💯 5mo
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 6mo
Monica5 Loved this book 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one! 6mo
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I still think about this book! Thinking of a reread!! 👀


👁️ 📚👀

Garabrandtreviews I liked that one 8mo
Crazeedi I have this on my shelf, need to get to it 8mo
Eggs Oh yes so good 🖤🩶🤍 8mo
Read4life Loved this one! 8mo
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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😳😮🫢 If you‘ve read this book, you‘ll understand.

Intense psychological thriller and a fast read. Louise has fallen for a new guy, but he happens to be her boss, and then in walks his wife who becomes her friend. Twisted story that will leave you speechless at its conclusion. It left me with a smile though - the author is sneaky & imaginative. Well done, Ms. Pinborough. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 ❤️📚

This was my #bookspin for May.

IndianBookworm It was really nice, I agree! Have you watched the Netflix show yet? 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
Elizabeth2 @IndianBookworm I haven‘t, but told my husband when I closed the book that we need to! Have you watched it? Is it good? 1y
IndianBookworm Yes, I have. It's a good show to watch. The acting, direction, cinematography everything's good. Just nothing I'd be talking about for days. A decent one though! 1y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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It‘s a gorgeous day! ☀️ I love porch reading! #porchsitting #frontporch #springtime

LoverOfLearning This was a weird one!! I was somewhat surprised by the ending! Hope you enjoy! 1y
dabbe That's quite a porch! 🌿 1y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Starting my #bookspin for May! This one looks really good! ❤️📚

magyklyXdelish Omgosh, I must know your reaction when you are done. I haven‘t read a book that topped that twist for me yet! 1y
IndianBookworm @magyklyXdelish I agree! One of the best twists I've ever read! 1y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Definitely kept me on my toes, wondering who was the villain, and was surprised by the ending. The idea of the second door is super creepy and a bit far-fetched in my opinion, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Looking forward to checking out the Netflix series.


Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I loved this book!! This one probably was the book that got me into psychological thrillers! The ending 😳😲 I haven‘t watched it yet! I guess I‘m worried that it won‘t be as good as the book. 👀

Eggs Dramatic cover 🖤🤍🖤 2y
Sleepswithbooks I just watched this over the weekend 🙃 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Sleepswithbooks how was it? Had you read the book? 2y
Sleepswithbooks I texted you after I read the book 😂 Like, “Aughhh!!” The movie was entertaining. 2y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I won‘t give anything away here. But if you are interested in occult studies, read this book. Watch the adaptation on Netflix, too! I thought the twist was very clever.



Only one word review so that I don‘t give anything away:
WHOA !!!!!

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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What a bizarre and twisty novel this is! There might have been one twist too many for my taste, but it's definitely creative (and creepy).

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

This book really had me on the edge of my seat for the majority of the story. I felt exactly on par with the main character, Louise, unsure of what to believe and who to trust. The ending of the book went a little too far into the scifi realm for me, making it a little detached from the rest of the story and a tad disappointing.

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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This book is WILD. Compulsively readable, unsettling, and an ending that will leave you saying “Holy sh*t! WTF?” 😂Despite knowing that the ending was “controversial,” I could not have seen that coming AT ALL. And once I‘d finished, it was impossible not to go back and try to discover any breadcrumbs. I think it is hard to find a thriller anymore that completely surprises the reader, but Pinborough succeeded masterfully with this. 5⭐️

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I LOVED this one!! The ending!! 👀

Andrew65 Thanks for the tag 💕 2y
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag!🥰 2y
LoverOfLearning A nonfiction read. Just wow 2y
TheBookHippie 🤣 this book 🤦🏻‍♀️😵‍💫😂 2y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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“Secrets, secrets, secrets. People are filled to the brim with them if you look closely.”

This book was definitely #bizarre, but I loved it! The ending!! 👀😱😳


Kappadeemom So good!! 2y
Eggs It WAS good!!! 2y
Garabrandtreviews I felt the same way! 2y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

This one is seriously twisted. Louise met a man in a bar and fell for him only to find he is her married boss. She makes a new friend only to find it's his wife.
The twists and turns here kept me guessing. I lived the play between the characters, the intrigue. Four stars!

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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Eggs Good choice! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one!! 👀🖤 2y
CoffeeNBooks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This was such a creepy good book! 2y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

I read this one because the ending was supposed to be incredible, and it was. Unfortunately, the lead-up to the ending was not as good as the ending itself. The characters weren't very likable and were somewhat flat. I listened on audio, and I'm not sure I'd have finished if I hadn't. But it was a quick easy read with an intricately plotted mystery wrapped up well at the end so worth the listen.

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I would have to say this one!! 👀 I loved this book!!


marleed What immediately came to mind was the tagged. I saw the movie first and read the book a year later (movie still very much in my head). What!? The book ending!! (edited) 3y
Jerdencon The Silent Patient 3y
AmyG One of my favorite book twists was in A Simple Plan by Scott Smith. I read that years and years ago and I can still remember gasping. My husband ran in the room yelling “what happened?” 😂 3y
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mcctrish We were liars got me 3y
Megabooks This was a great twist! 3y
Elizabeth2 Defending Jacob by William Landay. 3y
Eggs I had to think about this one: Woman in the Window, We were Liars, Silent Patient . Thanks for tagging me 💛💛 3y
DarkMina @Elizabeth2 I agree! 3y
Elizabeth2 @DarkMina ooooh! Have you read it?! One of my favorite books. The ending left me speechless. They changed the ending for the TV series. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG I‘ll have to add that one to my list!! 3y
DarkMina @Elizabeth2 I didn‘t see the tv series. The book ending was a shocker for sure! I liked it too. 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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So freaking good!! Even better than the Netflix show 📚

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Breakfast & a good book 📚 Belgian double chocolate waffles with bourbon barrel maple syrup & peach herbal tea with wildflower honey 😍

BookwormM Sounds amazing 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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3.5 Stars ⭐️ - it was a really compelling read, good characters and intriguing plot, but I was disappointed by the ending. I would read more from Sarah Pinborough though!

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Starting the Netflix series. Can‘t wait to find out how they make this come to life. #BasedOnBook #TVversion

Christyco125 And it‘s still weird but the visuals do help you follow what happened 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I am totally through with this... I stuck around for a non-ending and absolute drivel. I'm disappointed in myself for trying to finish it. I've been listening at work and realized I just don't care about insane Adele, annoying busy body Louise or simpering David anymore. 😤

deeannloso I DNFd it after a few chapters. It was boring. 3y
IamIamIam @deeannloso If I had it in print, I would have bailed a long time ago. The characters are just too inside their own heads & the chattering without action killed me eventually. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
TheRiehlDeal Thank you for saving me 11 hours! Quality over quantity, right? 3y
IamIamIam @TheRiehlDeal Not all heroes wear capes!! 😂😂😂 There are absolutely better ways to spend your time. I went from that to 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Not gonna lie... she kind of lost me at astral projection... 🙄🙄🙄

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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So 👏 insanely 👏 REPETITIVE!!!!!

23% in and I feel like I've listened to the same sentence a hundred times....

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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This is definitely a freaky book 👀

Eggs Agreed! Nice effect with the mirror 3y
TheBookHippie Gah that book 😝😫 freaked me out 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookHippie haha! You threw it!! 🤪👀 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs thank you 👀 3y
BkClubCare This is definitely one of those books I can never forget! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BkClubCare YES!! the ending 😳😵 👀 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Thank you so so much @AFrostCauseReads for the lovely gifts! The cup is perfect for my ICED PSLs and the towels are so cute. Great book choices, too! And thanks for hosting @Avanders ! 🍂🍁

#FallingForFallSwap #FFFS

Avanders Yay!! 😍🍂🍁🧡 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Hoooooolyyyyyyy craaaaaap (this book punched me in the face with awesome and I loved it)

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I had heard great things about this one so I was very intrigued. I wanted to love it, but I didn‘t. I was entertained but I got very annoyed with Louise. She kept making mistakes over and over again. The characters aren‘t particularly likeable. It‘s a complex plot and it wasn‘t a bad book but I just didn‘t love it. #thriller

WJCintron Did you watch the series? I really recommend it!! 3y
CherMoreBooks I haven‘t yet! I‘m looking forward to watching it. 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I remember loving this book when it came out, as twisted as it was. But as much as I loved it, i have a terrible memory and didn‘t remember much of the details or the ending. Didn‘t realize there was a series adaptation until recently. Just finished watching, and it surprised me all over again. Who has seen it? What did you think?

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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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When Behind Her Eyes was a BOTM selection in 2017 Litsy had a lot of WTF 😳 was that ending reviews. As it should be. This domestic psychological goes along mostly as expected until the author turns it in its head. Very much a love it or hate it 🤬 reveal. For me, it was one of two escape reads. With the holiday weekend, I put all serious reading down and immersed myself in OPL! ⬇️

Full reviews http://www.TheBibliophage.com

BarbaraTheBibliophage OPL = other people‘s lives 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Definitely not my usual genre, nor my favorite … but still enjoyable enough! I checked it out mainly because I wanted to read it before watching the Netflix series. Reminded me a LOT of Gone Girl and Verity—a psychological thriller driven mainly by feelings of “I have to know what happens!” and plot twists rather than character development, themes, or poignant language. Quick and easy summer read that was exactly what I expected it to be.

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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After my very frustrating and disappointing week, I bought myself a little happy.

I MAY have gone a little overboard at BAM!

Birdsong28 Behind her eyes is AMAZING!! 📚 📖 3y
ValerieAndBooks Nothing like new books to bring cheer 📚📚!! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Behind Her Eyes 👀 📚🙌🏻 3y
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MaleficentBookDragon @ValerieAndBooks @Birdsong28 I agree. I was happy the moment I walked through the door. If I hadn‘t needed to get back to NY, I would stayed and bought even more! Now I‘m smelling my new books.😄 3y
Avanders Looks like a very reasonable response to a crap week to me! 😜😘 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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There was so much hype about this book and the Netflix series. Unpopular opinion: I was not impressed. The book was entertaining enough, but when a certain element of a supernatural nature (trying not to spoil here) came into play, I lost interest. The reveals weren‘t all that surprising either. At least I know that I don‘t need to make the Netflix series a priority.

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really regret watching the Netflix series before reading. I still enjoyed the story. The end was so abrupt, but it still had a good twist 💭

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

This is another one of those books that I don't understand all the hype about. It was another domestic thriller. Although a short novel at 307 pages, I feel like the author really could have written it as a short story & been more effective. There wasn't enough in the storyline to justify the entire 307 pages of the book. Same worn out storyline. Nothing new or special here. I finished it but not because I wanted to-I just wanted it to be over.

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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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It was an intriguing, suspenseful story. But for me it dragged. Too slow, too crazy 😵 All the characters were extremely unlikable.
Although, original eccentric ending was quite unique 🤓

Gissy Agree. I think the tv adaptation was better. 3y
ReadingisMyPassion I loved this one. 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

So I finally had the chance to finish this book. I‘m so upset it took me this long to finish it. But let me just say this, I was definitely not expecting that.

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

Sooo I‘m beyond excited to find out what Adele is up to!! And what is up with the second door??? Omg I wasn‘t too sure about this book at first but now I can‘t seem to put it down lol

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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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This just really wasn't for me. It felt pretty predictable (especially since I had had a super high-level indication of the item under the spoiler warning below), even with the final twist. And it revolves around a "love" triangle with cheating involved that just really is not my cup of tea.

ScientistSam I knew high level that there was something paranormal, but I think it would have been pretty easy to guess by the halfway point if not sooner. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved this one! Not my usual read! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Christine threw the book at the end!!! 🤣🤣🤣 @TheBookHippie 3y
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ScientistSam @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks glad you enjoyed it! I think mine may be an #unpopularopinion! 😁 3y
ReadingOver50 @ScientistSam I didn‘t care much for this book either 3y
MicheleinPhilly I hated this book. HATED IT. 3y
ScientistSam @ReadingOver50 @MicheleinPhilly glad I'm not the only one! 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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#SpringSentiments Louise should have been more #Apprehensive!

Eggs Yes!!! Great choice! 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Ha! This one was a lot of fun — a perfect spring break read. Definitely not your typical thriller. Now I‘m debating watching the Netflix series. Anyone recommend?

Thanks to @batsy for the intriguing review, which got me to take a look. 👁

batsy Glad you liked it! It's one of those "go along for the wild ride" things :) I'm hoping to watch the series soon! 3y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Book 40

I watched this on Netflix before reading it. The show is incredibly true to the book. Sometimes I wished I hadn't watched it first so I could be surprised by the twists. It would have been shocking! Other times I was glad I knew what was going to happen because I understood all the tiny clues and references. If you like twisty suspenseful thrillers, this is definitely worth a read (and watch). ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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I‘m joining the #AwesomeApril Readathon! School starts again on Monday, so I won‘t have a lot of time to read, but think this will be a nice way to remind myself to pause and refresh. My goals:

📚Finish the book I am currently reading (tagged here).
📚Read the six picture books I have checked out from the library.
📚Read two more books from my April #BookSpinBINGO board.
📚Schedule a curbside library pickup.

Thank you for hosting, @Andrew65 !

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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