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Summer Crafts
Summer Crafts: Fun and Creative Projects for the Whole Family | Marjorie Galen
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"Learn how to make your own backpack, sculpt a mermaid with stones and shells, build toy boats and bead shell necklaces."--Cover.
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Hello #LitsyCrafters
We're halfway through the year already! How are your projects going? What have you been working on? Any issues? Any goals for the rest of the year?

I finished the above cross stitch, I've done a few little craft kits like sun catchers and diamond paintings, and I've still be working on my book blanket.

I look forward to seeing/hearing about your crafting adventures! 🌈

julesG Hello! I'm knitting a jumper for me. I've finished the body and am working on the sleeves. It's going to be a "Frankenstein-Jumper" because I'm using leftover yarn of different colours. 3mo
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Catsandbooks @julesG oh that will be so cool!! Can't wait to see it! 3mo
CatLass007 @julesG “Frankenstein-Jumper” — I love that phrase. @Catsandbooks That is a fabulous cross stitch pattern! If I didn‘t already have more cross stitch kits, books, and patterns, I‘d find a way to add it to my stash. I‘d like to tell everyone about all the projects I‘ve finished this year, but the closest I‘ve come to having something to show has been finding a pattern, buying the yarn, gathering all the supplies I‘ll need, and putting (cont)⬇️ 3mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve got my holiday cards almost all in golden books and decorated. My collage journal is actually up to date! I have to start on holiday presents soon. Haven‘t decided what I‘ll do yet. My nieces and nephews would like age appropriate blankets 🤣 they still sleep with the ones I made them as children 🤷🏻‍♀️. 3mo
julesG @TheBookHippie handmade gifts are precious. 3mo
TheBookHippie @julesG I agree they get socks, books, honey, jam every holiday and look forward to it. I just thought now that they‘re all approaching as follows : 26,25,24,23,22 - yes really those ages (WHEW) I should make adult blankets. 3mo
julesG @TheBookHippie amazing that they treasure their child-size blankets so much 3mo
KateReadsYA I've been crocheting my sister in law a blanket and then I'll be moving on to my brother's blanket next. :) I'm enjoying audio books more thanks to my new hobby 3mo
LiseWorks I love that cross stitch 💙 ♥️ 3mo
thebacklistbook I'm half done with a tree skirt. And a fifth of the way through a custom scarf. 3mo
vlwelser I love the cross stitch. I should post a pic of mine. It is so hard not to buy new projects. My aunt and I got sucked into a cross stitch shop in Belgium and we were both like no we need to leave immediately. 3mo
Chrissyreadit I love your embroidery! I have been ordering some downloads to make junk journals but have not actually gotten that far- and am working in the garden creating spaces… 3mo
TheSpineView I have been working on various paintings. I used to do a lot of water colors and recently have been experimenting. 3mo
peanutnine I haven't done much crafting this year, except working on my crochet temperature blanket here and there. However I recently started a few embroidery projects and feel like my craft inspiration is returning so hopefully I'll have some completed things to show off soon 😊 3mo
Kitta Almost done a cross stitch myself! 3mo
CrowCAH I‘ve slowly been working on a crochet baby blanket. Hoping to have it done this summer. 3mo
hissingpotatoes I'm waiting for a few more supplies to arrive and then I'll be sewing my own purse. 3mo
slategreyskies @Chrissyreadit I love junk journals and collaging and having fun with paper and glue, especially in altered book form. I would love to send you a packet of random paper bits to use in your junk journal, if you‘re interested. If so, let me know where to find your address. I can‘t remember if you‘re in Litsy Love or not. 🤍✨ 3mo
bookandbedandtea I've done a bunch of painting this year as well as cross stitch. I recently started my first diamond painting and I'm enjoying it. I'd like to try some string art and, after reading these comments, I'm intrigued by junk journals. 🤔 3mo
kelli7990 I did some digital coloring on my iPad. I googled some pictures I wanted to color, bought a Stylus Pen, downloaded an app to color pictures in and I colored some pictures. I‘m not coloring anything on paper or digitally right now. I‘ve been taking a break from it for a while but I‘m thinking about coming back to it. I like doing regular coloring or digital coloring while listening to audiobooks. 3mo
Roary47 I‘ve been repairing my girls dolls, sewing on Girl Scout patches, and making bracelets with the girls. I‘d like to finish my oldest‘s crochet blanket and start my little girls though this summer. 3mo
Meshell1313 Love that cross stitch! So fun!! I haven‘t knitted in sooo long but I am making tons of holiday cards using dots! I can‘t stop diamond dot painting! 3mo
julieclair I‘ve been working on finishing some long-neglected projects - cross-stitch bookmarks and a plastic canvas gingerbread village and ornaments for my grandsons. I also made some bracelets using Tila beads, and plan to do more as gifts. 3mo
Chrissyreadit @slategreyskies ohhhh!!! that is so kind of you! i would love it! if you email me at chrissyreadit@gmail.com i can give you my address 💛💛💛💛💛 3mo
AnnCrystal 👏🤩👍📚💝. 3mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie I am intrigued by the idea of a collage journal… 3mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair I tagged you in some old posts 🙃 3mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie Oh wow…just finished looking at them. Thank you so much! This SO speaks to me. My mind is whirling with ideas. I have no artistic talent, but I love ephemera. I have to give this a try! 3mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
slategreyskies @Chrissyreadit okay, I just emailed you! 🤍 3mo
slategreyskies @julieclair I‘d love to see pics of some of your Tila bead bracelets if you ever feel like sharing. I love seeing other people‘s creations. I find it inspiring! 💕 3mo
slategreyskies @kelli7990 I love the idea of listening to audiobooks while coloring! I‘m not usually that into coloring, because my mind isn‘t engaged enough to sit still when I try, but I think it might work for me if I listened to an audiobook at the same time. Maybe I could also try audio puzzling too, since I have several jigsaw puzzles I received as gifts and have been wanting to put together. Thanks for the idea! 😊 3mo
slategreyskies @bookandbedandtea junk journaling is so much fun! To me, it‘s a really laidback and no pressure type of creating. If I try to jump right into a fancy art journal, sometimes I‘m too afraid of making a mistake to even start. But when it‘s a junk journal, there isn‘t the pressure of perfection. It‘s just play. You know what I mean? I like that about it. There are so many cool junk journal videos on YouTube. 3mo
slategreyskies @hissingpotatoes do you have a pattern picked out? Or maybe you‘ll create your own pattern? I‘m really excited for you! This is such a cool idea, and I‘d love to see pics if you‘re comfortable with sharing later on. 🤍 3mo
slategreyskies @TheSpineView you mentioned that you used to do a lot of watercolors but that now you were experimenting. What medium are you experimenting with? Watercolor or something else? I enjoy watercolor as well, but my last couple of paintings have been acrylic. I think watercolor might be easier for me than acrylic, though. 3mo
slategreyskies @TheSpineView I‘m having a tough time figuring out how to blend the colors right in acrylics. 3mo
slategreyskies @peanutnine you‘ll definitely have to post with the Litsy Crafters tag when you‘ve got something you want to show off. I know we‘d all love to see it! 💕 3mo
julieclair @slategreyskies I‘m happy to share a pic of my Tila bead bracelets! I‘m out of town right now without them, but I‘ll try to remember to post a pic when I get home. And… I love audio puzzling! I hope you try it and enjoy it. 🧩🎧 3mo
hissingpotatoes @slategreyskies I'm cobbling together patterns/instructions from a few books so I get the size, pockets, hardware, etc I want. I'll definitely post pics and list the books I used when it's done! 3mo
kwmg40 I've been doing a rewatch of the Expanse series and doing a lot of knitting while watching. I'm making another Hue Shift afghan (from a KnitPicks pattern) and a friend asked for a Ravenclaw scarf for Hallowe'en. 3mo
bookandbedandtea @slategreyskies I will investigate! 😁 3mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 thanks! Supplies are important! 3mo
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie That's fantastic! That's so wonderful they still use the blankets! 3mo
Catsandbooks @KateReadsYA wonderful! Audiobooks are perfect for crafting! 3mo
Catsandbooks @thebacklistbook so fun and festive! 3mo
Catsandbooks @vlwelser yes I would love to see your progress! And I hear ya on buying stuff, it's so hard 3mo
Catsandbooks @Chrissyreadit sounds like fun! I'm so bad with plants, everything always dies 😂 3mo
Catsandbooks @TheSpineView that's wonderful! 3mo
Catsandbooks @peanutnine a temperature blanket is a huge project, way to go! 3mo
Catsandbooks @Kitta fantastic! 3mo
Catsandbooks @CrowCAH awesome! 3mo
Catsandbooks @bookandbedandtea so many fun activities! 3mo
Catsandbooks @kelli7990 I love to color! So fun! 3mo
Catsandbooks @Roary47 I love that you're crafting with your girls! 3mo
Catsandbooks @Meshell1313 those will be so cool! 3mo
Catsandbooks @julieclair that's wonderful! And that gingerbread village sounds awesome! 3mo
Catsandbooks @slategreyskies I hope your crafting is going well! Thanks for being such a supportive crafter! 3mo
Catsandbooks @kwmg40 it's great to enjoy a show and craft at the same time! 3mo
Kitta Can I be added to the tag list? 3mo
TheSpineView @slategreyskies I have been doing mostly acrylic lately. I have been experimenting with textures and I like to layer colors. There is a knack to getting the right color. I just keep trying different things until I get it right. 3mo
Catsandbooks @Kitta added you! 💖 3mo
OriginalCyn620 So sorry for being so late replying, but it‘s been a month! I have been crafting and I‘ll make a post later! 😜 2mo
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