Ch 17: on to the next place #spam #alittleswankier #joanisthere #meangirlsareeverywhere #thatdocfrustratesme #pooresther #hashtagbrigade
Ch 17: on to the next place #spam #alittleswankier #joanisthere #meangirlsareeverywhere #thatdocfrustratesme #pooresther #hashtagbrigade
Ch 36: I really thought that story about the guy beating his wife was going to take a dark turn 🤣 #heranintomyknife #heranintomyknifetentimes #anyway #thedarksideofcandleford #theycouldgetawholeseasonoutofthisonechapter #tragedies #rampantgossip #poachers #susieandsammy #shameonhim #badasssusieshowedhim #saythattentimesfast #elizavsoldjames #evilvalentines #ghoststories #lilycouldseeall #hashtagbrigade
#DaysDevotedTo #GoodGrief we all have some Peanuts books floating around in our collections! 😄
I adored seeing all of the PEANUTS posts today due to the topic, so I had to add one as well! 🤩
#GoodGrief! 💚💛❤️
#DaysDevotedTo… 🍂☕️🧣🍁🌙🥧🕯
#BookNerd 🤓📚💙