I‘m doing this book for a school report and having a mental debate on using post-it‘s or just writing in the book. What do you do? I can‘t make up my mind on this.
I‘m doing this book for a school report and having a mental debate on using post-it‘s or just writing in the book. What do you do? I can‘t make up my mind on this.
“Sometimes never being ready is the best kind of ready to be”
When your learning German and you didn‘t realize it would help you in the book theif, but it‘s a really pleasant suprise
I started reading the book thief and I don‘t know why this line spoke to me the way it did but sometimes we don‘t need an explanation
This book was weird is the best way. I recommend listening to the podcast before starting the book ( even if it‘s just 1 ep) so you can get a feel of what it‘s going to be like. The way I word it is nightvale is a town where every conspiracy theory exists and the citizens don‘t really think anything of it. I recommend using the audiobook as the authors originally wrote podcasts and I found i enjoyed it more when I listened to it. Highly recommend!
I enjoyed the use of the flowers to further the meaning of the main characters interactions, overall if you read the synopsis and feel you will enjoy it you probably will.
Overall I did like the book and it was an enjoyable read but I found I was able to predict certain events that were major plot points in the book, but I loved the incorporation of photographs into the story and I did really enjoy the concept. I will be continuing the series further in the future
Starting this today. Eve though it‘s for school I‘m excited to start it. Hope it goes well!
This book was incredible and I couldn‘t put it down. It‘s the story of a mother and her 5 year old son Jack who are trapped in an she‘s known as room .This is a very serious topic and I would have never seen it coming that it‘s told from Jacks POV. it‘s interesting to see the world through his eyes as all he‘s ever known is Room, and as he‘s very young many things took on personalities of their own. An amazing story that I highly recommend.
We read this book in class and I will remember it for years to come. This book was truly amazing. One time I was reading on my couch and my mom saw the book. She read it in high school and it is still one of her favorites, and I agree with her on that.
“ if one text can produce a second , perhaps the producing need never end, and no prior need be forgotten”
I loved this book. The way he writes is the same way we think. Sometimes in full sentences or going into fantasies in our heads. I highly recommend this book.
I‘m only on the acknowledgements section
Starting this book for the “Banned” books project at school. Banned book week starts on the 23rd and was made to give credit to books that have been challenged or banned in different school districts or libraries. ( look it up to learn more about it) I‘m excited to give this one a read, I‘ve only read a bit and my friend had to ask me why I was laughing in class. So it‘s already looking good
I had to read the book for our school summer assignment and while last year I enjoyed the book, it was “to kill a mocking bird”, this year was very different. The book was short but I wasn‘t a fan of the plot or writing style, which really doesn‘t leave much of the book to like. The only character I liked was Martin, as he was a realist and didn‘t fall for much.
Due to an overload of school work I just started even though I was planning to ages ago. But finals are this week and I need a way to calm down, so what better way then to read.
Wasn‘t the biggest fan of this one, and I got really confused near the end. Overall kept my attention because during certain scenes I had to read sentences over to make sure I was reading them correct cause they were strange. Many allusions to mythology which I enjoyed but overall was not a fan of the plot.
So I got a set of lord of the rings from my library book store and since I just finished my book and have a lot of free time I want to start the series. But do I start with the prelude or part 1?
When I first got the book I didn‘t know what I was getting into, but I‘m so glad I read it.Grant issues great quotes and massive amounts of evidence to support any claim he makes and even proves on by using the reader as an example.He mixes humor with fact and it comes together to create something amazing. Highly recommend.One of my friends asked me what I was reading cause I was laughing in the middle of class today as well, so that‘s a good sign
Didn‘t know you can tell your boss that but ok
I highly recommend this book, her story is something you expect out of a work of fiction, but it is a memoir of her life and is amazingly executed with what senses she decides to include from her childhood. I loved this story and is definitely one I will revisit in the future
I loved this book. Even though I read it sometime last year anytime I see the title I can‘t help but just think “that was a great book” and then get all excited. The 2 different perspectives of the characters is done in a distinct way as to not to get confused. I got so immersed it took me about a day or two to finish. Highly recommended.
Reasons Lori is my favorite character
The reason the Egyptians made pyramids, for a legacy after death.
There are too many good quotes in this book.
I think everyone can benefit from a chart like this : )
I just sat here laughing for 5 minutes because of this paragraph, he tricked his reader because we trusted him to tell us factual information and then he pulls this on us. 😂😂
I think this is a great way to start chapter 1 :)