“The only way to learn is to live” Weekend mornings before the house wakes up are the best! #dogsoflitsy
“The only way to learn is to live” Weekend mornings before the house wakes up are the best! #dogsoflitsy
What more could I ask for this morning?
Waiting for Costco to open on this Sunday morning so I can get in and out! Really enjoying this one. #readingonthego
Only about 60 pages in but so far this one is fun and fast!
Going to the way back of my TBR pile for this second weekend of sheltering in place. Hope you all are staying safe out there! #shelterinplace #flattenthecurve #tbrpile
I have seen so many pictures of Shakespeare and Company posted here on Litsy but this time I am actually in the picture! Loved it!
It‘s been a little while since I have been to Solvang. It was fun showing the kids this cute little town today. #roadtrip #lastdaysbeforeschoolatarts #familytime
My daughter got a new sign for her pretend classroom and this is the first message she wrote! ❤️❤️ #Thebookwasbetter
Waiting in line at the DMV. We are camped out here and the line just keeps growing with 1 hour and 15 minutes to go before it even opens. At least I have a good book to keep me company. #dmvlines #funsaturdaymorning
Here we go! 2019 Northern California Braille Challenge. #Brailleisbeautiful #Braille #literacyforall #I❤️Braille This is my 17 year old super smart and super brave daughter. Wish her luck! She finished tagged book last night.
Heading to the California State Capitol today with my daughter‘s 4th grade class! So far all is quiet on the bus. I just might get a few pages in. #fieldtrips
Took my littles (both in 4th grade) to the mission in Carmel today as part of their California Mission project and found this. “First library” in California at Mission Carmel.
Why did I wait so long to read this book?
This might be unpopular and I rarely give a pan rating but I really just did not get this one. 👎👎
Road tripping with the fam. This one is keeping me company. It is amazing how much my 16 year old daughter knows about mythology. Good thing since I read The Iliad in college but have forgotten much of the story. Getting schooled by your teenagers is awesome!
He did it! First of the 7 summits. Congrats Nick!
My cousin, Olympic athlete, entrepreneur and published author, Nick Symmonds is now climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. You can follow his climb at RunGum.com/NowClimbing - I am so proud of him!
“Of course a book can change you. It can even change your life. It‘s like falling in love. And you never know when such an encounter might happen. You should beware of books, they‘re sleeping genies.”
I was just about to get up and start my Saturday chores but then this came through from the library. Chores can wait...at least until the rest of the house wakes up. 😉 #saturdaymorning
Today!!!!!! 🏖 #Malibu
Road tripping to So Cal for spring break. My 16 year old is in the front listening to music with her dad. I am reading to pass the time away in the back with the littles and their iPads. #family #vacay #ineedarest
Past her bedtime but she can‘t stop. The apple doesn‘t fall far from the tree. 😀
1. Rural England, a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, a summer‘s day at the start of the 1960‘s.
2. 481
3. Circumstance
4. Laurel
5. Pink
6. Fiction
7. First is “It” and last is “every”
8. Pink and green
9. K.M.
10. “The sun had slipped past noon.”
11. 2012
12. None
13. Nowhere near halfway - just started
15. No - this is the first
1. Mostly literary fiction but I love a good mystery.
2. Wrapping gifts at Robinson‘s but only for 2 weeks then a file clerk at a Dr‘s office.
3. Revenue Integrity Manager for a large healthcare organization.
4. Indie bookstore owner - one with a cafe and tons of comfy chairs where people come and stay for hours.
5. Coffee, coffee and more coffee!!!
That was fun!
I should be folding the clothes. 😬 🙊 #oops
Happy Saturday morning Litsy! Wishing you all a comfy chair, a good book and a cup of coffee (or whatever your morning drink of choice is)! 📖 📚 ☕️ 👓
Trying to get in a few pages while waiting for the doctor but these littles - even with strep throat - can‘t sit still. I had to bribe them just a little to take this picture. 🍭 🍬 #Litsybuddyread
2nd place in the varsity division. Prize: $75 and 2 tickets to Six Flags. 👍
Celebrating literacy for all. My daughter is competing in the Northern California Braille Challenge today. She just finished this book and told me to tag it. Wish us luck! 🍀🍀
The hour before the whole house wakes up is all mine! #bliss #peaceandquiet
Beautifully written. I felt like I was right there in the circus!
If you knew when you were going to die would you live your life differently? Was it all a self fulfilling prophecy? Do thoughts have wings?
Such a beautiful story! Are you following your personal legend?
Looking forward to today with this one. Hoping to sneak it in between Sunday chores and Super Bowl happenings. 🏈
Life changes fast.
Life changes in an instant.
You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends.
The question of self pity
And once again love saves the day! ❤️❤️ #cantwaitforthemovie
“When I lost my sight, Werner, people said I was brave. When my father left, people said I was brave. But it is not bravery; I have no choice. I wake up and live my life. Don't you do the same?” I resisted this book - mostly because I have a blind 16 year old daughter. I am so glad I made myself finally pick it up. Every day when I drop her off at school I think about how brave she is but for her it is not bravery - she is just living her life.