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Spaceman of Bohemia
Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
'How unlikely! Yet here we are...' Set in the near-distant future, Spaceman follows a Czech astronaut as he launches into space to investigate a mysterious dust cloud covering Venus, a suicide mission sponsored by a proud nation. Suddenly a world celebrity, Jakub's marriage starts to fail as the weeks go by, and his sanity comes into question. After his mission is derailed he must make a violent decision that will force him to come to terms with his family's dark political past. An extraordinary vision of the endless human capacity to persist-and risk everything-in the name of love and home, by a startlingly talented young debut novelist.
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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This storytelling is very unique which has a lot to do with how much I enjoyed this book. The wording is also quite lyrical. Jakub, a scientist, has a chance of a lifetime to go to space. The story is mostly told in his head as the reader learns about his family, his upbringing, the relationship with his wife, Lenka, and Russian/Czech politics. There‘s also an alien spider friend! The solitariness of Jakub reminds me a bit of Life of Pi.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Tagged book is my #bookspin and the second is #doublespin for August. Two wildly different reads to look forward to... 😊

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Well it has been a while since a book kept me reading past midnight. To start, let me state, this is not sci-fi and do not read this for an airtight plot (parts make no sense). Rather this book is about very human emotions such as love, the impact of memory, history and ancestry, fate, the ability to forgive. A book of justice and injustice, pain and hope which at the end left me wrung out but happy. Perfect? No but honest and wrenching, Yes.

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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Well I am enjoying it so far and Hanus the Alien and his Nutella addiction makes me smile

JanuarieTimewalker13 Hahahahaha !!! 4y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar

One of my new favourite books. Basically “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” — in space.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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“Spaceman of Bohemia” was generally a good read. The subjects it broached, such as love, thoughts of self and acceptance were well thought out and described. Where I thought the book weakened was in the plot itself. Near the end of the book, it felt like the author was trying to wrap up his narrative as quickly as possible, leaving too much to the reader‘s imagination. Altogether a good read that fell off near the end.

RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
JohannaRose Welcome to Litsy! 😊💜📚 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
Smrloomis Welcome! 🥳 5y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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So this was a surprising book for me. It took me longer than I thought, but I realized that It is a book that needed to be slowly consumed. This Literary Science Fiction novel was weird, experimental, and thought provoking. There were a few things that I didn't like, but the writing was just beautiful and I can envision everything that was written. This is definitely a niche read. It's not for everyone. Those who will enjoy it are in for a treat.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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It's a rainy day here in California...so I've got my dog, a cozy blanket, and a new book to read.

JoScho Sounds perfect 🖤 6y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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This book is largely about self-knowledge and loneliness; about the partially hidden things that can drive our actions. It never truly sucked me in, but I enjoyed it.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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😎 Pretty accurate, except that lately I'm craving things less complicated! I think this might be the summer of comfort reading.


Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar

I really enjoyed this! It captures the spirit of post-Soviet Czech Republic. My full review is here: https://www.librarything.com/work/18146389/details/154650262

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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New item in my shop! If you would love this in a BookGoGo make sure you hit the custom button! Would love to make a book sleeve with it http://etsy.me/2GdyWYI

TheLibrarian Great fabric design! 6y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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The language in this book was really lovely but I got really creeped out by one character basically stalking another character (it was supposed to be more romantic, I think, but it was icky for me). Also space spiders are creepy. It was a great way to finish off this rotation.
Shall we do another round?
#lmpbc @Schlinkles @starrdom @TsundokuAleax

TsundokuAleax Yes! I am totally down for another round. 6y
Schlinkles I would love to do another round! 6y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Starting this! 🤘🏽🚀

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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar

The protagonist takes on a solo space mission to investigate a purple cloud of dust between Earth and Venus. At one point he meets an alien spider, which you begin to question if its truly an alien or a figment of his imagination/loneliness. With the flashbacks, his ship becomes a place for his past regrets, love life, and memories of his parents/grandparents during the Velvet Revolution. Mysterious, witty, and imaginative.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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A book I am #currentlyreading includes some #paranormal activity! Alone in space for months, is the spaceman of Bohemia hallucinating, or has he made an alien bestie?

TommieMarie74 Sounds really good! I can‘t wait to hear what you think. 😊 7y
Booksnchill I so loved this book- read early last year!!❤️❤️❤️ 7y
ReadosaurusText @TommieMarie74 I am so close to finishing it and can't wait to see how it wraps up! 7y
ReadosaurusText @Booksnchill I really tried to get to this last year when I bought it. Also, I love your 💛handle💛! 7y
Booksnchill @ReadosaurusText ditto! Well it was one of my top reads for 2017 as it stayed with me so I hope you like the end! 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Not a book that I would normally pick up but so glad that I did. The author has an amazing command of language and his writing has such a lyrical quality to it. I very much enjoyed the story itself and the journey our main character goes through mining his past, coming to terms with a variety of things, and surviving. Also the giant spider provided some interesting space in the story. @bookandcat @Schlinkles @starrdom #lmpbc

DivineDiana Cool setup! 😎 7y
Schlinkles I‘m so glad you liked it! 7y
TsundokuAleax @Schlinkles such an interesting concept and I just kept falling in love with the writing. I actually read portions aloud to my roommate the other day. 7y
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TsundokuAleax @DivineDiana thanks! It is the master control area for the station that I work at. 7y
Schlinkles @TsundokuAleax I kept doing that with my husband too. He definitely has a way with words. 7y
TsundokuAleax @Schlinkles For the writing alone, I would at least borrow from the library anything else he writes. 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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This feels so connected to politics right now and environmental, race, religion, equality issues. MAGA is not about adapting.

"The greatness of a nation is in its symbols, its gestures, in doing things that are unprecedented. It's why the Americans are falling behind--they built a nation on the idea of doing new things, and now they'd rather sit and pray that the world won't make them adapt too much." p. 47

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Guys, look what arrived today! I am kinda sad that the sticker is on the box, as I want to keep it. May need to do some cutting so I can keep it. Super excited to get started on this guy. Sounds interesting and definitely not a usual pick for me. #LMPBC @Schlinkles @starrdom @bookandcat

Schlinkles @TsundokuAleax I didn‘t think about that! Yeah, should‘ve put the sticker inside. I hope you enjoy the book! 7y
bookandcat Love that sticker! Can't wait to see the book when it's my turn! I feel guilty because I didn't include a card in my package, I was so late sending it out as it was it just went out in the mail alone O_o 7y
TsundokuAleax @Schlinkles don't worry, I already cut it out. It makes an okay bookmark. A little thick but not bad. 7y
TsundokuAleax @bookandcat same. I was rushing to get it out and thought of it after the fact. 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar

I‘m glad I picked this book for #lmpbc
I‘m really curious to see/read your thoughts about this book @bookandcat @TsundokuAleax @starrdom It will be on its way tomorrow!

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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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And so it begins #lmpbc Group M

bookloo Really cool cover. 💙 7y
TsundokuAleax Color me intrigued. 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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On a grey Saturday morning, I am thrilled to start the next book in my #tbr pile. I've been looking forward to reading this staff pick from Parnassus Books since I picked it up in March!

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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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I'm a little over halfway in the audiobook and not sure how I feel. There is a lot here, very introspective. Do not expect The Martian from this, it's very different.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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#anditsaugust day 10: #drinksoncovers
I've yet to read any of these but definitely want to!
How about you?

charl08 Enjoyed Spaceman -unique book. 7y
mrozzz Sweetbitter was cool I think even though it gets a lot of flak 7y
Laura317 When Dimple Met Rishi is such a fun, cute book. 7y
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DimeryRene Loved Sweetbitter. 7y
Beachesnbooks I really loved Sweetbitter. 7y
8leagueboot Spaceman of Bohemia is waaaay up on my list. I think the only type of spider I can read about comfortably is a possibly imaginary one that is also way out in space. 7y
RealLifeReading @mrozzz @DimeryRene @Beachesnbooks one of my real life friends recommended it but I had seen some so-so or meh reviews of it so am still on the fence 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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1. Watching #BB19 on my couch
2. Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
3. Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfar
4. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
5. Harry Potter by we all know who!
6. Red Clocks by Leni Zumas
#Letstalkaboutbooksbaby @Liberty

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Excellent! A story about outer space, giant talking spiders, the sins of the father on the son and about finding your place in the universe. Really, really good. Warning though, it is an addictive read

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Really liking this book! Space and a giant talking spider.

chapter_fifty2017 My goodness , i started this and liked the style but returned it unfinished ( too many books just didnt pick it up again ) your review is making me want to get it back now !! Giant talking spider 😲 intrigued 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Library Haul! Got some work to do...

chapter_fifty2017 Great haul !!! 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Equal parts heartbreaking, terrifying, angry, and hopeful. So very, very good.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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This is one of the most beautiful sentences I've ever read.

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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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#junebookbugs day 9: #floating
I've been hit with some kind of head cold today so browsed my virtual shelves on Goodreads for some #floating covers. Ok maybe those trapeze artists aren't exactly floating but isn't that just a gorgeous cover? And that is an astronaut floating above that coffee cup there on the bottom right. Have you read any of these? Which would you recommend?

VioletBramble That is a gorgeous cover. And the book description sounds very interesting. 7y
CrowCAH Yes, I've read the tagged book; highly recommend!!! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Funny - I had just added Spaceman of Bohemia to my wish list. Looks really good 7y
Moray_Reads I'll never stop recommending Spaceman of Bohemia. I have to admit, I prefer the UK cover though 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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This book is one long giant existential crisis after another, and I kind of dug it. 😳

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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This book was marketed poorly. It was sold as a spaceman on a suicide mission may or may not be losing his mind as he talks to a spider. Instead, I found it to be about a man who loses and continues to lose everything precious in his life, yet continues living and persevering through it all. From his childhood home and life to his wife to his country and his trip in space where a spider, who observes him, is his only comfort. Push through it.

NerdyRev It is incredibly slow moving, but I kept with it and found it rewarding. 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto I just picked this up off the new in shelf at the library. 7y
NerdyRev @Ashley_Nicoletto Hope you enjoy it. Be ready as it moves slowly, but it is a thinker. 7y
Angeles Thanks for this! I had decided not to pick out this book because I saw the press about it, and I am generally not interested in stories about crazy people who might or might not be seeing things (the turn of the screw type stories). However, I am intrigued to read an idea type novel especially about loss and how to deal with it 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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A few of My new Nook additions 💙

EvieBee Some nice pics here! I saw a girl while traveling reading Girl in Pieces. Must check out! 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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I'm not sure this book is quite as good as it thinks it is, but it's still very good.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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I'm not a Star Wars fan.


Space travel in general's not my thing, but I'm looking forward to this book in my current TBR pile. #GalaxyFarFarAway #MayBookShowers

emilyhaldi Me neither!!! 👋🏻 7y
batsy Yeah, I'm not either. Guess the force isn't with us 😂 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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I just updated my blog with this challenge. It's super hard this year (I think)... the whole micropress things got me in a tizzy! If anyone has any insights, please share 🤝Also doing the Litsy A to Z Challenge, which also sounds like fun! I'll post about that at a later date! #readingchallenge #atozchallenge #bookriot #readharder #may

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Not always glam in space training...

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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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I got halfway through. Too bad because it has an extremely interesting premise. Maybe this is an it's-not-you-it's-me situation. I'm such a terrible reader of ebooks, for one, but this was the only format from the library. Reading this just started feeling like a chore. It wasn't what I was expecting; I wanted more about the mission and the creature and less about Jakub's backstory, more philosophical commentary on life rather than politics.

megantargaryen I only made it halfway through too. It's not a very long book, so I had actually hoped to finish, but I just couldn't manage to do it. Didn't enjoy the character enough. 7y
kristinshafel @megantargaryen I felt the same. I hated to quit at the halfway point but I feel ok about it. 7y
megantargaryen @kristinshafel I think we have to allow ourselves to DNF. It's tough for me to do, so it's helpful to see others willing to. 7y
kristinshafel @megantargaryen So true! Especially with super-hyped books getting rave reviews. 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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This is not a "zany" rocket trip of hallucinated spider aliens and mysterious space-dust. It's a deeply Czech satire about politics, history, communism, and family legacy and debt. Why high-profile reviews focus so much on the frame story that all but disappears halfway through, I don't know. It's a good book and Jakub is a good character but I picked it up expecting trippy literary sci-fi and it is not that.

Notafraidofwords Clearly, they tried to market it as something it's not. 7y
ChasingOm I love this photo! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Glad to see this review. I'm still interested, but I was definitely imagining it to be something it sounds like it isn't. 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Having a bit of a reading Slump this weekend. This is the second book I've given 100+ pages and just didn't get into. It's not you, it's me?!

8leagueboot I hate that! And then you never know if the book was worth another go or if it was actually just a let-down! 7y
kalinichta Sad to say I had the same experience with this book. I wanted to like it, but I got to page 126 and just lost the motivation to go on. 7y
AmyG I hate the slump. But...they pass eventually. Hopefully for you...sooner than later. 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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When was the last time you read a book by and about a Czech, let alone a Czech in space? I'm slightly in love with this book. 😍📚Philosophical, lyrical, political, humorous, and a bit cynical. Sooo good!

aa_guer2021 Ugh. I need to get to this book soon. It sounds wonderful!! 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Three hour glucose test equals lots of reading time. Almost done with this one, but have no fear, I brought 4 more books to read. Gotta have options.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Sometimes I get into ruts where I only want to read non-fiction, or I only want to read novels. I set this aside last week because I wasn't in a fiction mood, but now that I've picked it back up I'm really liking it!

JoeStalksBeck I do the same! I read non-fiction forever and just started back into novels about a year ago 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Waiting for the chicken to cook and starting a new book. #goodeatsgoodreads #space #apriltbr

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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Post-shopping wind-down... with cats.

#catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy

JessClark78 🐱❤️ 7y
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Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Trying to finish this today. It's a little grandiose for my tastes but I'm in it and we're seeing it through.

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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It will be a while before I stop gushing about this one. Fantastic inside and out #recommendsday

Spaceman of Bohemia | Jaroslav Kalfar
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Dropped off my son's library books. Walked out with more for myself to add to my ever growing pile. It can't be helped or cured. #booklove #librarylove #readallthebooks