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Cuore d'inchiostro
Cuore d'inchiostro | Cornelia Funke
Un romanzo che cancella i confini tra finzione e realt, tra personaggio e lettore. Una storia in cui impossibile non perdersi.
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Thought I‘d jump on the #CoverLove bandwagon for July! I really enjoyed this when I read it back in 2007. Might be time for a reread!♥️📕

Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 ❤️ 👏🏻 6d
UwannaPublishme Coolest cover! 😍 6d
PurpleyPumpkin @UwannaPublishme Totally agree! Love this artwork. 🎨 5d
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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A soft pick as I found the some of the actions a bit too simplistic. But I wonder how I would have felt about this book if I had read it when I was younger.

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Rereading one of my childhood faves between the annual post-summer deep clean

WorldsOkayestStepMom I love Inkheart!! 9mo
AbigailJaneBlog @WorldsOkayestStepMom yaaas! I love it 🥰 9mo
peanutnine Such a good one! I need to reread it soon 9mo
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Low pick. I found the story interesting and the characters compelling, but I just had the hardest time picking it back up (some of that is literal, but I‘m seeing the rheumatologist this week for joint pain🤞🏻). It‘s hefty for sure. Meggie gets pulled into an adventure involving her father and some villains he accidentally pulled out of a book nine years earlier. Danger and misfortune ensue.

AllDebooks I love this story, the film is good too. And Ouch!!! I hope the rheumatologist is able to help x 11mo
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Well, so much for only doing #bookspin next year 🤣 Since I read a lot of series anyway, I figured I'd join in for #SeriesLove2023 📚 I have a few more on another page, and I'm sure more will be added throughout the year!

Thanks for hosting, @Andrew65 and @TheSpineView

And Merry Christmas, everyone ❤🎄

robinb Merry Christmas! 💙 2y
wordslinger42 @robinb Merry Christmas! ❤🎄 2y
robinb Alexandria, you sound just like me! I was only going to do #BookSpin and then #SeriesLove2023 came along and…I‘m a goner. 😆🤣 Series are my catnip. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
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Andrew65 A great list, I‘m still contemplating targeting The Wheel of Time. 2y
Andrew65 @robinb Series are my favourite books and couldn‘t resist a series challenge. Look forward to seeing your series. 2y
TheSpineView I loved the Green Rider series!! All these series look good! 2y
BookKenz Inkheart is one of my favorite series! 2y
wordslinger42 @robinb 🤣 Same here! I love a good series, especially if it's fantasy! 2y
wordslinger42 @Andrew65 I started the first book earlier this year, but then got distracted by other books, so I'd love to finally tackle the series! 2y
wordslinger42 @TheSpineView It's been sitting on my shelf for a long time, so I'm really excited to finally start it 😊 2y
wordslinger42 @BookKenz Me too!! Did you know she's publishing a fourth book?! 2y
BookKenz @wordslinger42 I had no idea! That's so exciting! Do you know when it will be published? 2y
wordslinger42 @BookKenz It's being published in German first, and then in English next year, I'm pretty sure. It's called The Color of Revenge! 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke

I tried to like this book, but found it pretty boring for some reason.
#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I haven't tried to read this one in a long time, but at the time I didn't really care for it, either. 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: The Never Ending Story

PageShifter Nice cover for the book! I have only seen a different cover for it 2y
Klou I've heard of this book, best cover I've seen for it. Great choice! 2y
TheSpineView @Klou ❤️📘 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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I love this series. And there is supposed to be a 4th in the series out in October!

#LetterI #AlphabetGame


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome covers! (edited) 2y
Tera66 What?! Seriously!? I'm so excited now! 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Two of three in the fantastic Inkheart series are #600pluspages.

#Bookmoods @Eggs

Eggs Beautiful 🤩 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful covers!! 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke

Loved it. One of my favorites. Ok middle school, third book gets a bit darker.

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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke

I had forgotten most of this upon reading it again after many years. I felt like it could have been a bit shorter, but it‘s a unique story with good characters. A book for book lovers.

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻📚👌🏻 2y
Eggs Great choice 👍🏼👏🏻 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Blueberry Loved this book and many of her others. 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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I love this dedication 🤓

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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3 ⭐️s
I was hoping to like this book more than I did…
Characters were a bit cardboard-like. There were a fair amount of parts where action happens “off screen” and we‘re told about it after the fact. The book could have been cut in half and still be a comprehensible story, and I actually PREFER long books. The lack of responsible, critical thinking from any adult character was headache inducing. Might continue the series, but not anytime soon.

Ruthiella I also only read this as an adult and didn‘t love it. I wonder if I‘d have felt differently if I‘d read it when a child. 🤔 2y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella I don‘t think I would have been very impressed with it then either, honestly. 😅 I can think of plenty of books meant for younger readers that I‘ve only read as an adult and still enjoyed and knew that my younger self would have loved as well. I think younger me would have lost interest in this early on and probably not even have finished… 2y
PuddleJumper I've always wondered about this series since I enjoyed the film 2y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Why are we not contacting the police?!? I don‘t care if they‘re fictional characters from a book, they live in our world now and fucking kidnapped people!! Mo and company can prove they were kidnapped, there‘s probable cause littered all over the village!!!
I…I just…

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Fantasy fans will be PSYCHED to see an Inkheart episode of my book podcast, but here‘s the thing — as I learned reading this book for the first time, it‘s a story for *all* book lovers! I like to think this episode is for all book lovers, too. Debut author Akshaya Raman is my guest, and we had the best time talking about world building, the reader/author relationship, and more. 📖 Link to listen in my bio!

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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📚 Bilbo Baggins! We'd cook and enjoy all the yummy food from his many pantries 😂

📚 Hmm.. try something new that you've always wanted to, but have put off. I did that with watercolor painting and drawing, and it helped me so much!

📚 Hard to choose a favorite... I think I'd have to go with Inkheart by Cornelia Funke!


BookmarkTavern Bilbo is an excellent choice! Thank you for sharing! 🧡 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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So it's happened, I kept thinking, you're in the middle of a story exactly as you've always wanted, and it's horrible. Fear tastes quite different when you're not just reading about it, Meggie, and playing hero wasn't half as much fun as I'd expected.

#QuotsyOCT21 day 10: terror

Traci1 Inkheart is one of my favorite books. ❤ 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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1. Yep. I probably only read the blurb about 20% of the time. Covers and titles can almost always sway me one way or the other.
2. Inkheart is one of my favorite books.


TheSpineView I haven't read Inkheart yet. On my list. Tagged so I don't forget. Happy Tuesday and Thanks for playing! 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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1. For book, it's Inkheart. For movie, it's You've Got Mail. I love both of them to pieces.

2. The Thursday Murder Club by Osman would make a terrific movie, if they get the right cast.


TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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There is no place I would rather be but in a book, another world, another time… just started another book while still reading 2 others.. I don‘t know how to read one book at a time 😁

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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“Let bookworms gnaw his entrails in token of the #worm that dieth not, and when at last he goeth to his last punishment, let the flames of hell consume him for ever. — Curse on book thieves, from the monastery of San Pedro, Barcelona, Spain” #QuotsyJul21

Deifio Yeah, quite harsh, but then again that's what you deserve when you steal a book! You don't steal books, damit! 😉 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke

The word dropped like a stone into the silence.

Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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‘Word of honour – no crossed fingers?‘ Meggie looked him straight in the eye. She could always tell when Mo was lying, however hard he tried to hide it from her.

arkei I thought crossing your fingers means to hope or wish for things to come true. 🤔 3y
arkei Original image is from https://unsplash.com/photos/QHuauUyXRt8 by Toa Heftiba. 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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Stacks of books were piled high all over the house – not just arranged in neat rows on bookshelves, the way other people kept them, oh no! The books in Mo and Meggie‘s house were stacked under tables, on chairs, in the corners of the rooms. There were books in the kitchen and books in the lavatory. Books on the TV set and in the wardrobe, small piles of books, tall piles of books, books thick and thin, books old and new.

arkei Image from unsplash.com/@cristina_gottardi (edited) 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke

Nothing chased nightmares away faster than the rustle of printed paper.

Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke

Tomorrow's the day! Starting this with some buddies over at #booksandteabc discord. One chapter a day for me since I have other books I'm reading.

Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke

#TBR for July 2021, starting with tagged book.

Hopefully I can finish my June reads this week so I can start new ones. 🤞🏽😄

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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Beautiful book, I enjoyed it so much.

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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“The book she had been reading was under her #pillow, pressing its cover against her ear as if to lure her back into its printed pages.” #QuotsyMay21 #QuotsyCatchup

kspenmoll Love this quote!!! 3y
TK-421 @kspenmoll me too😊 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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#MoviesInApril @Klou
Prompt: Rise of the Guardians

LinesUponAPage I love this series. I don‘t think the movie did it justice. Imagination in ones head is better than someone else‘s imaginative view, don‘t you think? 3y
TheSpineView @Lifeisasnap Totally agree! 3y
LibrarianRyan I loved this book, and liked the movie. I liked that the movie shortened some of the dry spells, and Branden Frasier did a great job. But then again Funke always said she pictured Branden when she was writing and would not let them make the movie without him. 3y
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SpiderGoddess I adore this book!! 🖤 3y
Klou Love the sound of this one!! Great choice!! 3y
TheSpineView @Klou 👍💙📖 3y
TheSpineView @LibrarianRyan I have not seen the movie. Loved the books!💙📖 3y
TheSpineView @SpiderGoddess Me too!💜📖 3y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke

this book is awesome i can only recommend it!

Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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Something fun and lighthearted 😊 I had the chance to ask one of my favorite singers what his favorite books are and share some of mine in return, and he's going to give one of my favorite books (tagged) a go 📚📚📚 It was fun getting to share the bookish love today and provided a perfect bright spot!

wanderinglynn That‘s so cool! 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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I treated myself to these beauties as an early Christmas present. I adore these new covers!

LibrarianRyan I love those new covers!!! Please tell me those are new US covers? I really wish she would get back to writing. I guess she did do pan's labyrinth, but her one series didn't hit that big here and book 4 I can only find in german. And of course I am blanking on the title. 4y
magicalshelves @LibrarianRyan I believe they are the new UK covers. I bought them off of Book Depository. 4y
kaysworld1 Inkheart is the best but I didn't like the other's so much. 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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Just finished These Broken Stars, absolutely loved it! It took a surprising twist at the end. Now to wait for the next novel in the mail, I‘m going to be rereading my favorite childhood book! I absolutely adore this book, even now as an adult. What was your favorite novel as a child?

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke

“Every book should begin with attractive endpapers,” he had once told Meggie. “Preferably in a dark color: dark red or dark blue, depending on the binding. When you open the book it‘s like going to the theater. First you see the curtain. Then it‘s pulled aside and the show begins.”

--#Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Maybe I'll spend some time tomorrow checking out "curtains" of my books. From memory I know #TheHazelWood has beautiful end papers ?

Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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🍂Tagged! I don‘t know why, it just feels very autumn-y to me
🍁No, not yet! I don‘t really pick TBRs this far in advance lol
🧆Goulash! Yum 😊
🍃That‘s a hard one—I feel like I listen to podcasts more in that time, so I‘m going to go with The Penumbra Podcast
#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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“If you take a book with you on a journey an odd thing happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever after you have only to open that book to be back where you first read it..the sights you saw in that place, what it smelled like, the ice cream you ate while you were reading it... yes, books are like flypaper; memories cling to the printed page better than anything else.”

#ForeverNovember #Memories

OriginalCyn620 📚❤️😊 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Love this! And it's so true too! 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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#20Series20Days @Andrew65 One of my favorite fantasy series. Wouldn't you love to be able to read aloud words and make them real? And, I love the fact that Cornelia Funke had Brendan Frazier in mind while she wrote her books.

Andrew65 Looks good, added! 😊 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke

Some books should be tasted
Some devoured
But only a few
Should be chewed and digested thoroughly...

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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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Let bookworms gnaw his entrails...

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Inkheart | Cornelia Caroline Funke
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Finally getting around to reading this . Do much better than the movie

curiouserandcurioser @Shaneyney i love this series!! Doing a reread next month bc its one of my favorites:) 4y
LibrarianRyan Love this book. I also really like the movie. funke says she was picturing Brendan Fraser when she was writing it and would not budge on anyone else playing that character. 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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1. I Am Legend
2. Greg Iles
3. Inkheart
4. The Irish Rovers
5. I Dreamed a Dream

#letterI #ManicMonday @JoScho

JoScho 🧡🧡🧡 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Book— tagged!
Author— Kazuo Ishiguro
Movie— Independence Day
Band— Imagine Dragons
Song— Iconic by LEDGER
#manicmonday #letteri

JoScho 🧡🧡🧡 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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Day 3 #7books7days books that have impacted me!
@katy4peas would you like to join?

ju.ca.no Oh yes! 4y
katy4peas I love Inkheart!
I would love to join in @wideeyedreader !
Anything special I have to do?
wideeyedreader @katy4peas Just post 7 books that have impacted you, one per day! 4y
katy4peas @wideeyedreader Got it! Thanks! 😊 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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#Audiobaking today and @andrew65 asked for pics of my chipless cookies but the beasts on the right have both chocolate and peanut butter chips! 🍪 Link to recipe in comments 🍪
Today I also finished the first installment of Mo, Meggie and Eleanor's journey and can't wait to start on the next book!!

Andrew65 Yey! Look good enough to eat! 😋 4y
Andrew65 Even better we have the recipe. 👏🙌👍🥰 4y
IamIamIam @Andrew65 I always share recipes, especially since sending you cookies might be a bit tough!! 🤣 Let me know if you make them! My husband doesn't like chocolate so he was really impressed with these. I enjoyed both, which is saying a lot because I prefer Oreos to any kind of cookie I make myself! LOL 4y
Andrew65 @IamIamIam I wish I didn‘t like chocolate, always want more! Very sweet tooth and love cookies! 4y
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Inkheart | Cornelia Funke
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It's day 4 of #owlsreadathonsnaps2020 🦉⚡📚📸 Today's prompt is Taming a Fantastic Beast, biggest book on your Magical TBR. The longest book I'll be reading for the #owlsreadathon2020 isn't even on my TBR, it's on my son's. We'll be reading Inkheart for his Ancient Runes exam. #magicalreadathon2020 #magicaltbr #crookshanks

Shaneyney I have all three of the Inkheart books on my TBR. But I haven‘t gotten to them yet 4y
LibrarianRyan I loved inkheart. It‘s a little dry in the middle@but perfectly wonderful. 4y
SauerPatch Inkheart has a special place in my heart. 🥰 I‘m not doing the 7Days7Books challenge, but if I were this would be on it. It completely reshaped my reading life in my middle grade years. 😊 4y
vkois88 Ahhhhh I love the Crookshanks! 4y
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