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Outlander  Die geliehene Zeit
Outlander Die geliehene Zeit: Roman | Diana Gabaldon
Der zweite Band der erfolgreichen Highland-Saga endlich in ungekrzter Neubersetzung! Schottland, 1968: 20 Jahre nachdem Claire Randall aus der Vergangenheit zurckgekehrt ist, bringt sie ihre Tochter Brianna in die Highlands, denn Brianna soll endlich das Land ihres Vaters kennenlernen. Claire will auerdem die Antwort auf eine Frage finden, die sie seit ber 20 Jahren qult: Konnte ihre groe Liebe Jamie Fraser die schreckliche Schlacht von Culloden berleben?
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Will i finish this before libby returns it? Maybe? We will see. Lol

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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Working my way through the series again, a chapter a day. Book 2 down.... how many more chapters to go?? 😏 #42-2023

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Really hard to follow on audible. Great read with a physical book but you miss a lot on audible.

swishandflick I do so love Davina Porter's voice though! 10mo
Shemac77 Me too! It‘s almost meditative. @swishandflick 10mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Next audible

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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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And since Dragonfly in Amber well and truly fills the #BustleMuscle prompt, I think (ok technically it's pre-bustle, but Jamie's the muscle) - that's also a wrap on the #fourfoursin23 #readingchallenge for me for the year!

How are you all progressing?

@thebacklistbook @clwojick @thearomaofbooks @lizpixie @AbigailJaneBlog @CoffeeNBooks @ReadingRachael @mcipher @AbigailJaneBlog @PageShifter @Jas16

AbigailJaneBlog I have one more square left! I'm finding the last few prompts quite difficult 😅 11mo
Lauredhel @AbigailJaneBlog we could brain storm possibilities if you say the prompts and the genres you like? 11mo
Jas16 Just one more to go 11mo
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Lauredhel @Jas16 ooh which one? 11mo
Jas16 Glossy posse 11mo
mcipher Oh I failed this SO HARD because I legit forgot about it until now 😂😂 I guess I love to join challenges, not actually complete them 11mo
Lauredhel @mcipher you so haven't failed! We're barely half way through the year. Sort back through your Read list - it's a super flexible challenge so you're probably half way there and didn't know it :) 11mo
Lauredhel @Jas16 oh Glossy Posse is doable - any sort of tight girl gang or friend group 11mo
Lauredhel @Jas16 if you want a specific rec, Yardley's "Love, Comment, Subscribe" has a heroine who is a beauty Youtuber 11mo
Jas16 @Lauredhel I do have that one languishing in my kindle. Great suggestion 11mo
AbigailJaneBlog @Lauredhel I have a few ideas for the others (bustle muscle & armour charmer), but Peewee Teevee is the one I'm struggling with most!
Lauredhel @AbigailJaneBlog I read Here for the Right Reasons for that one - it's set on a reality TV set. But you could read anything that's been adapted for TV - that leaves it wide open! Or just read a novella. You don't have to make the book fill both prompts - one is enough. Both is kinda a bonus Hard setting. 11mo
AbigailJaneBlog @Lauredhel I didn't even think of an adaptation! That has opened my eyes - thank you! 😅😂 11mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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This #fantasychunkster read surprisingly quickly, I thought! Maybe it's because I've seen the TV series now? I am less daunted about tackling the future books in the series as a result.

Definitely thoroughly enjoyable, despite the violence.
And now I'm down to only three unfilled prompts in the #NoShameReadathon23


LiseWorks Wow your doing really well 11mo
Nessavamusic Amazing!! You are doing great. 11mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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And that's a wrap for July! #WickedWords @AsYouWish

AsYouWish Yay!!! Great job!!!💙💙💙 12mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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#WickedWords @AsYouWish #dragoon

The_Book_Ninja Here be dragoons 12mo
AsYouWish YAY!!!! I am super impressed that you found it and so many times!!! 💙💙💙 12mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon

We join Claire in the difficult task of convincing her daughter of the truth of her parentage. With a side order of trying to save a life, only to realise it isn't her place to play god. Bonnie Prince, indeed! In her attempt to share the truth with Brianna, Claire recounts the uprising of 1745. Of course seeing is believing... This book is very long. I strongly urge reading these books in hardback. it will go by faster due to the larger page size.

CuriousG My arms aren't strong enough to read these books in hardcover 😄 12mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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I got through the first one, so I can get through this, right?


#historical #romance #timetravel

dabbe Oh, yes. It's so worth it. Hang in there! 🤩😍🤗 12mo
CuriousG I actually liked this one so much more than Outlander. In my opinion it is definitely worth the read. 12mo
Reading_Beyond_The_Book_Cover 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I‘m still working on the first one 🥴 😂 Kudos to you for finishing Outlander and picking up the next book in the series. Happy Reading! 12mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Visited Glasgow Cathedral and it was gorgeous!
I believe parts of season 2 of Outlander were filmed here.

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Flying through this series mostly thanks to the audiobook.

dabbe #jamieandclaireforever! 🤩🤣🤗 12mo
LaurenAsh @dabbe Love them! ❤️❤️ 12mo
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon


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I love this book so much!!! It is the second book in the Outlander series. I just love Jamie and Claire so much!!! I read this for the #ISpyBingo challenge of Celebrity because my cover has the actors of the series and this is the second book completed for #joyousjanuaryreadathon challenge!!! I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars!!!

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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All of these terms are mentioned in this book or are themes in it. #wickedwords Now all I have to do is actually finish reading it.

AsYouWish Hi and welcome to #WickedWords ! Would you like to be tagged when I post new words? 💙💙💙 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first. Honestly I was bored with the first half (the Paris section, and all the Bonnie Prince Charlie stuff). But the second half was SO GOOD. And the ending.... 😭😭💔

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This book has a lot of good quotes in it, but I really felt this one. 💔

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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I love Book Scents #candles. These are based on the Outlander series. Brianna is my absolute favorite smelling candle. I light them every now and then. Usually when there's a power outage. 😄


TEArificbooks Love these candles too. They are my favorite 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty ❤️🕯 2y
Eggs Lovely 🕯🎃🖤 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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I am finally getting back into Outlander book 2 after being distracted by way too many other books. 😆 I'm at 38%. (I took this picture while on a walk at the park today. I wasn't reading anything while there, but what a lovely spot for it!!)

5feet.of.fury Gorgeous pic! 2y
kplovesbooks @5feet.of.fury Thank you!! 2y
mcctrish Gorgeous spot to just be 🥰 2y
kplovesbooks @mcctrish YES. ♥️♥️ 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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I've been so looking forward to starting this one, three pages in and I'm like 🤯

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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I can see why this series is so popular! I loved this 2nd installment as much as the 1st! I think what I love most is that, while there is obviously a good amount of romance, I don‘t feel like it overpowers the history, drama, and character building of the larger cast. I also liked how much deeper the intrigue and scheming continued to build. And it left on somewhat of a cliffhanger, making it hard not to dive right into the next book! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Sparklemn 100% agree. This was my favorite of the first three. Glad you enjoyed it! 2y
candc320 Thanks @Sparklemn !! I‘m so excited to see where it all goes! 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Out of curiosity as to what monumental task I had gotten myself into by starting to read Outlander, I went count the combined page number of all nine books (per Goodreads)...8,565 😳🤯

rwmg Plus the associated short stories and the Lord John novels. 2y
kplovesbooks @rwmg Please stop. 🤦😂 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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My visitor yesterday while reading the 7th book.

kspenmoll Beautiful!!! 2y
Ruthiella Fitting! 🤩 2y
mandarchy @kspenmoll & @Ruthiella I can't believe how gold it was! 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView

I found Book 2 in this series to be a lot more enjoyable than the first book. There's more historical fiction in this one and less insta-romance and cringe worthy "I am man, you are woman" moments. ?

I'm actually finding myself excited now for the next book.

TheSpineView Great job! 2y
Sparklemn I felt the same way about the second book. Hope you enjoy the next one! 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Finished the tagged book to wrap up March last night. The shaded squares and the squares with book covers are the ones I completed. Pretty happy with getting both #bookspin, #doublespin and one bingo!

Looking forward to April, and will be posting my list and board momentarily!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Fantastic month!!! 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon

Book #2 in the outlander series. I‘m re-reading my way through the lot. This book has sooo much in it. It stays with Claire & her 20 yr old daughter and tells the story of how Claire made it back through the stones.

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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After a long hiatus in pattern releases, I've done a couple more Wrapped in Jamie blanket squares. Here's the Dragonfly one. #litsycrafters

wanderinglynn Ooh, I really like this one! 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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My only plans for today. 🥰

mabell What a sweet face 😍🐶 2y
ladym30 Such a beautiful face!❤️ 2y
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1. I think it was the tagged book. I‘m guessing it was somewhere around 800-900 pages, but it‘s been a while…

2. Yes, I definitely put them off. It‘s just that they seem like they take so long to work through that sometimes I get really discouraged not feeling like I‘m making progress fast enough.


TheSpineView All of the Outlander books are chunksters! 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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🥲🇫🇷🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 This book. Set in both times it balances the historical with the personal and the powerful. Character growth, progression, and depth. It‘s helping my reading pace so far for this year, and so an update: my office book shelves are up, my stuffed animal collection has a new home, and my loyal Chatty #catsofLitsy still lays with me while I read. Also #blessed to work from home. #recentlyread #outlander #romance #timetravel 😻

RaeLovesToRead Aww, Chatty is so cute 💕 Also, good to see someone with as many cuddly toys as me 😄 2y
Kloves2read Love this series so much! But this is actually my least fav. But i have to say, ironically it play out well on tv. Season two, turned out great! But just not on paper. Too much poltics for my taste. 2y
Kloves2read But i love your kitty! 2y
aa_guer2021 @RaeLovesToRead thanks. He‘s spoiled because he is my only fur baby, but he definitely knows how to cheer me up when I am down. 🥰🥲 I have been collecting stuffies for a long time, lol. Thankfully my husband doesn‘t mind. 😝 @Kloves2read I am approaching this series with new eyes. And really enjoying it, after seeing the TV show. You are right, the political stuff is a drag, but it is fascinating to read historical stuff in a new context. 2y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Finally finished reading the second book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. With the help of listening to the audio book during my commutes to and from work anyway! The books are quite long so having them read to me helps a lot or I wouldn't be able to get through them on my own. 😁

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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#FallTreasures @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Prompt: Thrift Store Find

Found this hard cover copy in 2019. Have not been thrifting since Covid. I miss the thrill of finding books to read.🧡📚

Eggs 🧡📚👏🏻👍🏼 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I haven‘t either and I really want to go! But I have sooo many books to read already! 3y
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Me too and just both 4 ebooks today!😏💸💸💸 3y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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I'm two-thirds of the way through DiA. I have already read the series, and I'm noticing that I prefer the setting of Lallybroch. I never felt like the ridge was their place, as if it had a tinge of danger/haunting. There was something about it that didn't sit right. I don't think they were any safer at Lallybroch so I'm not sure why I like it. Did you have a favorite setting in the series? Oh, and the ridge was way nicer on TV than I pictured.

Scochrane26 My friend & I like the series better when it‘s in Scotland because of the history. 3y
mandarchy @Scochrane26 the history of Scotland? Because I got bored reading about the Revolutionary War, actual all the war scenes. Funny I like the series so much, when there are so many situations I can't wait to read out of. 3y
Scochrane26 @mandarchy Yes, I think the Scottish history & setting is more interesting since I already know plenty about the revolutionary war. 3y
HOTPock3tt I preferred Lallybroch too. In the books and the TV show (edited) 3y
mandarchy @HOTPock3tt it must be the safety zone. 3y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Re reading book two and preparing for a hot day. Starting with iced coffee from a local coffee shop, after dropping the dog off at the beauty parlour. Lunch will be a French fry feast at the Big Tom's. Later we'll stay inside and read. Currently savoring some porch time before the heat and the air quality drives me indoors.

BethM Looks and sounds lovely! 3y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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#bookhaul from earlier in the week after a trip at my brother‘s request to Barnes and Noble, which is always dangerous. 😅

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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Dragonfly in Amber was my favorite book in the Outlander series when I first read them. I‘m remembering why that as I read through again for the #OutlanderReadAlong — the styles (and scandals) of French court, the dinner parties, the seedy streets of 18th century Paris, the magic and superstitions…it still reigns supreme and I don‘t think other installments will dethrone it. I‘m enjoying it so much I‘ve forgotten my other reads. 😅

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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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This one ripped my heart out several times. Claire and Jamie's emotions are so rough on the page. Jamie with his steadfast presence and Claire with her constant flow of intense emotions that drive her decisions. Their love is earth-shattering which leads each of them do move heaven and earth to save the other. At times they feel star-crossed.

So happy my book club is taking this journey through the books.

July Book 6/25 #LitsyLove #Bookspin

BayouGirl85 @TheAromaofBooks not sure why it wasn‘t letting me tag you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Nothing like sitting under your umbrella outside listening to the rain while reading! Elsa isn‘t stopping my peaceful morning routine!

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Continuing the #OutlanderReadalong ! I‘m remembering why I fell in love with this series in the first place and I‘m able to take my time with it this go-around. I first read Outlander in between semesters in college and didn‘t want to waste any time so I feel like I buzzed through it! Taking my time is letting me pick up things I never noticed and reading them in succession helps me not forget anything! ☺️

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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And I absolutely love the dragonfly jewelry to go with this book.

Thank you SO MUCH @Gissy ❤️ I love it all so much, and hope your swap comes soon. 🤞🏻

britt_brooke So nice! 3y
SheReadsAndWrites ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍 3y
Gissy I was nervous with the necklace but I found it so pretty. I think that after I read the series, I will buy one for me☺️But I don‘t know anything about this series. 3y
sprainedbrain @Gissy it‘s gorgeous and I love it! Wearing it today. ☺️ If you do read the series, I hope you enjoy them! 3y
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Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Yes please!
Clair‘s story continues.
The spice is strong in this one 🥵

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Taking an outdoor break. I deep cleaned my bathroom yesterday and got a really good dent in my craft room today. Now hammock, dogs, and book.

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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My hold is in!
Time to continue the Outlander series 😀

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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This wasn‘t a new favorite of mine, but I got through it okay mostly by reading the audiobook and skipping the graphically violent parts. #chunkster

#NutsInMay #readathon

jackilynn Dragonfly in Amber is probably my least favorite of the series so far. I haven't read them all yet (I have read books 1-5) so it could change I guess. 3y
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