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The Red-Headed League
The Red-Headed League | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, P. James Macaluso
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Sherlock Holmes, the worlds only unofficial consulting detective, was first introduced to readers in A Study in Scarlet published by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887.It was with the publication of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, however, that themastersleuth grew tremendously in popularity, later to become one of the most beloved literary characters of all time. In this book series, the short stories comprising The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been amusinglyillustrated using only Lego brand minifigures and bricks. The illustrations recreate, through custom designed Lego models, the composition of the black and white drawings by Sidney Paget that accompanied the original publication of these adventures appearing in The Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892.Pagets iconic illustrations are largely responsible for the popular image of Sherlock Holmes, including his deerstalker cap and Inverness cape, details never mentioned in the writings of Conan Doyle. This uniquely illustrated collection, which features some of the most famous and enjoyable cases investigated by Sherlock Holmes and his devoted friend and biographer Dr. John H. Watson, including A Sandal in Bohemia andThe Red-Headed League, is sure to delight Lego enthusiasts, as well asfans of the Great Detective, both old and new. THE RED-HEADED LEAGUE: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are called on to investigate the bizarre proceedings of The Red-Headed League, a philanthropic society which promotes the interests of men with red hair by paying them handsomely to perform small tasks. Holmes soon realizes that The League is not as charitable as it appears but rather part of an ingenious criminal plot involving the fourth smartest man in London.
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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And here's some fun stuff for “The Red-Headed League“ if interested. The link is below. 🤩

Librarybelle Thanks! 7mo
Read4life Thank you! 7mo
SpellboundReader Thanks so much for all those links @dabbe. I need to print out the word-search. 😍 7mo
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kelli7990 Thanks 7mo
dabbe @Librarybelle @Read4life @BeeCurious @kelli7990 ... you're welcome! The word search can actually be done online, too! 🤩😍😃 7mo
Read4life I enjoyed the word search 🔍 7mo
SpellboundReader @dabbe I'm a paper copy type of person when it comes to crossword puzzles & word search game. Plus, it's easy to work on it for ten minutes, set it aside & come back to it again. Otherwise, I'm fine with doing something like Wordle online though. 🤗 #wordgameidiosyncracies (edited) 7mo
dabbe @Read4life Yay! 💚💙💚 7mo
dabbe @BeeCurious I love using highlighters for word searches, so I happily join you in your #wordgameidiosyncracies! 😍 7mo
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Librarybelle I liked this one, maybe as much as the short story from last week. I read it in one sitting. 7mo
Read4life I liked this one, too. I remember reading this for the first time at 10 or 11 and being so proud of myself for figuring it out early. ☺️ 7mo
5feet.of.fury Very enjoyable! 7mo
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IndoorDame Bizarre, but super fun! 7mo
Daisey I really like this one. It‘s kind of random but fun. 7mo
SpellboundReader This is my favorite story so far. It wasn't overly complicated or violent and I thought the initial mystery was so bizarre that I found it amusing. Well, Mr. Wilson seemed rather naive. 7mo
dabbe @Librarybelle Me, too! During happy hour, of course! 🍸 7mo
TheAromaofBooks I am really enjoying these short stories!! I think this is a format that works well for Sherlock - keeps things concise! 7mo
dabbe @Read4life 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
dabbe @5feet.of.fury Agreed! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
dabbe @Daisey It was a bit out there! I'd love to earn $ just for copying out of the encylopedia! 🤩 7mo
dabbe @BeeCurious Just a wee bit! 😂🤩😃 7mo
Aimeesue They‘re a very enjoyable part of my week, as Stephen Fry is very kindly reading them to me! He‘s so good with the voices. 7mo
CogsOfEncouragement I enjoyed this one. It seems an ironic truth that people as cheap as Mr. Wilson (paying someone only half wages) have no trouble believing that someone would want to pay them a lot of money to do nothing of value. lol 7mo
dabbe @Aimeesue Yay! 🤩😍😃 7mo
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement Excellent point! He kind of was a buffoon all around. I loved when Holmes and Watson laughed at him, and Holmes even said that he didn't lose much because at least he gained some knowledge! 🤩😂😍 7mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks I bet Conan Doyle quickly realized it, too, since these stories are when the whole Holmes phenomenon really took off! 😍 7mo
kelli7990 I enjoyed this one as much as the last story. I finished it in one sitting. 7mo
eeclayton I enjoyed it, too. I found the RHL ruse much more amusing than the actual mystery. 7mo
Cuilin I loved this one, it was simple and clean cut. 7mo
Cuilin @Aimeesue I could listen to Stephen Fry read a telephone book!!! 7mo
Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks agree, I love the laconic compact style. 7mo
Cuilin @BeeCurious sometimes you need a simple solvable mystery. This one was great. 7mo
CatLass007 @Aimeesue @Cuilin Stephen Fry‘s narration is priceless. I also like his introductions. 7mo
CatLass007 The thing I like the least about this story and Conan Doyle‘s writing in general is that he doesn‘t want the reader to try to solve the mysteries so he withholds information. I don‘t usually try to solve things myself but I know others enjoy doing so. (edited) 7mo
Cuilin @CatLass007 I think he gave us enough clues to know about a tunnel being dug to a bank. Everything else was all in Sherlock‘s head, which is not shared with the reader. Perhaps to cultivate the image of Sherlock‘s super intelligence. 7mo
dabbe @kelli7990 Me, too! 🤩 7mo
dabbe @eeclayton Jabez Wilson was quite the hoot! 😂 7mo
dabbe @CatLass007 Agatha Christie was a maestro at this as well. Some love it, and some hate it. When you reread it, the clues jump out at you, but the first time around??? For me, anyway, I was like “Huh?“ 😂 7mo
dabbe @Cuilin I guess that's why he's the detective hero and we sit on our couches, clueless. 🤩😂😍 7mo
CatLass007 @Cuilin I think you‘re right about being given enough clues to figure out about tunneling into a bank vault. But if we don‘t know everything the detective knows we don‘t know the whole picture. @dabbe (edited) 7mo
dabbe @CatLass007 So true. I can't imagine how tough it would be to write a detective story. You want the reader hanging on until the end, so you don't want to make it too easy to solve. But then you don't want it to be impossible either. #catch22 7mo
CatLass007 @dabbe Exactly! 7mo
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Librarybelle A league of red-headed men was a little out of my scope! Also, the fact that the letter stated a gentleman from Lebanon, Pennsylvania recently died - I live not far away from Lebanon. Bizarre for me that a town in PA would show up in a Holmes story! 7mo
Read4life Copying the Encyclopedia? Just need red hair not legible penmanship? 7mo
IndoorDame The idea of that many people answering a sketchy add or conversely, of them supplying huge numbers of actors to make con seem legit on day 1 both seemed a bit absurd to me, but the story doesn‘t work unless you go with the flow 😁😆 7mo
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Aimeesue Copying the encyclopedia cracked me up. As did Sherlock saying that at least he got an education about topics starting with "A" ? 7mo
dabbe @Librarybelle Now that would be a fun research project: how many people jump in on bizarre schemes? Probably quite a few, now that I think about it. All of the quick-rich schemes that are out there, right? 😂 7mo
dabbe @Read4life And we'll pay you the equivalent of $655 a week (our $ now), but you have to buy your own paper and pens? 🤩😂😃 7mo
dabbe @IndoorDame You hit on the words I'd tell my students over and over again: How much does one have to suspend his/her/their disbelief in order for the story to work? Sometimes the only point is to “go with the flow“ and enjoy it, right? 🤩 7mo
dabbe @Aimeesue That part reminded me of Joey on FRIENDS only being able to buy the “V“ encyclopedia, then sharing his knowledge with his “friends“ until they brought up the Korean War, of which he knew nothing! 😂 7mo
kelli7990 No. I didn‘t notice anything. I just went with the flow and enjoyed the story. 7mo
Cuilin This was probably the only story I could predict some of the ending. The knees, the bank and the clue of being out of the way. But how Holmes knew about the timing I missed. 7mo
Read4life @dabbe Exactly! 🤦🏼‍♀️ 7mo
dabbe @kelli7990 That's what make SH so great! 🤩 7mo
dabbe @Cuilin You're better than me. The 2nd time I read it (years ago), I was like “Doh, stupid me!“ RE: timing: maybe Sherlock thought Saturday as the day because that would give more time for the robbers to escape before Monday. 🤷‍♀️ 7mo
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Librarybelle It‘s very rare that I figure out the solution to the mystery by the end, so I cannot speak to that. Benjamin Stevenson brings up similar rules with his Ernest Cunningham “Everyone Is A…” set of books. I personally am drawn to characters with flaws, so that plays a part in my liking the mystery. The story flow plays a huge role for me too…is it thrilling, does it unfold plausibly??? 7mo
Read4life #2 will always get a ✅ when Sherlock is on the case. 🤓 7mo
5feet.of.fury To the 5th point I think there are so many small details admitted that the real trick is figuring out which one is important. Holmes will just be saying as many things as possible 😂 like the tattoo with the pink scales being particularly Chinese, oh plus that Chinese coin right there 7mo
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IndoorDame 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣&6️⃣✅ I‘m also bad at solving the crimes myself so 4️⃣&5️⃣are murkier for me… there weren‘t really multiple suspects, and the bank manager seemed to come out of nowhere, but I was getting to the idea that it was a ruse to get him out of the shop, so I expect someone good at solving mysteries ahead of the story would have enough clues to figure out most of this one? 7mo
SpellboundReader The Red Headed League gets a C grade for #4 & #5 especially concerning who the prime suspects are. Holmes has past knowledge of people/places that the reader isn't aware of and he doesn't really reveal that information until the end. For #2 & #3 the story passes the test with flying colors. Well, for #1 maybe the crime is more significant to Jabez Wilson than anyone else. Holmes finds it amusing and Watson initially seems perplexed. 7mo
dabbe @Librarybelle Same here; I rarely solve it. To be truthful, I really don't want to. I want to be stunned until the brilliant unfolding at the end. I think quite a few detective novels leave out some stuff because we all want the thrill of the solution at the end. 7mo
dabbe @Read4life Without a doubt! 🤩 7mo
dabbe @5feet.of.fury It is challenging to sift through what's important and what isn't. That's the fun of it, too, right? 🤩 7mo
dabbe @IndoorDame It is amazing when you reread the story to see that the clues are there (like looking at Clay's knees), but you just don't pick up on it the first time around. Even when they looked at the street behind Wilson's shop and when Holmes mentioned a BANK, I didn't get it the first time around. 😂 7mo
dabbe @BeeCurious For #1, if you mean the crime of Wilson losing his cozy job, totally agree. The bank heist, though, I believe was definitely a worthy crime worth our time. Totally agree on #s 4 and 5. So, Holmes has been “bested“ by Clay before (so have the police), but we're privy to none of the specifics. That makes me also wonder why Watson doesn't include that info? 7mo
SpellboundReader @dabbe Yes, I meant the initial mystery of Wilson losing his sweet paying gig. 🙂
Without the investigation by Holmes, I doubt if Wilson would have pieced together the bank heist tie-in, even after it occurred. Well, maybe if someone discovered the tunnel.
Aimeesue @dabbe There‘s a whole list of cases that Watson didn‘t write about which are mentioned in the books or short stories. Watson explains at some point e point that this is because Sherlock didn‘t solve the case, or people involved wanted it kept private, or SECRET GOVERNMENT BUSINESS (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), and so on. The brief references are tantalizing. http://www.bestofsherlock.com/ref/untlist.htm (edited) 7mo
dabbe @BeeCurious 💯 agree! 🤩 7mo
dabbe @Aimeesue Thanks for the link! They're so good they even sound better than the stories he did put down on paper! 🤩 7mo
kelli7990 I think it succeeded. 7mo
dabbe @kelli7990 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
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#NoPlaceLikeHolmes I don‘t think there‘s actually any rhyme or reason to which of the stories I‘ve read before. This turned out to be one of the ones that was totally new to me, and while I enjoyed both the surprise and the bizarreness of this one, I think on the whole I‘ve been preferring the experience of rereading. @dabbe @Cuilin

dabbe Same here! I am thoroughly enjoying rereading these as well as the Nancy Drews. #nostalgiaoverload Plus, I see new stuff in them each time, especially the NDs. 🤩 7mo
IndoorDame @dabbe rereading Nancy Drew is amazing! I haven‘t been keeping up with the buddy reads, but I‘ve been revisiting them on my own sporadically for a few years now and I LOVE it!!! 7mo
dabbe The Sherlocks I know almost like the back of my hand. But the ND‘s are like reading completely new books again! I‘m lovin‘ both! 🤩 7mo
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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TheSpineView 👍🤩📖 7mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
DieAReader 🥳Awesome 7mo
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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I believe it's honest to say that I am now addicted to Sherlock Holmes....although I feel I have more in common with Dr. Watson...😉

#mystery #SherlockHolmes #ArthurDoyle #classic

lover.of.the.classics Okay, so you can be the Watson to my Holmes!!! That was really good as well! 5y
Savedbygrace @lover.of.the.classics Sounds great! 😆 5y
lover.of.the.classics @Savedbygrace so you can see that too? 5y
Savedbygrace @lover.of.the.classics I honestly really can! 5y
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The Red-Headed League | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, P. James Macaluso
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This one was very entertaining

The Red-Headed League | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, P. James Macaluso
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The Red-Headed League | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, P. James Macaluso
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"It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling ..." #quotsynov17 #litsyquotechallenge #puzzle

Kodak2057 You know you're reading too much True Crime when you see a Sherlock Holmes quote and immediately assume it's HH... 😂 7y
Kodak2057 @BarbaraTheBibliophage H.H. Holmes was a serial killer in Chicago in the 20s, the Devil in the White City is about it 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Kodak2057 Ooooh. I think that book is on my shelf waiting to be read! Thanks for filling me in. 😎 7y
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This was a fun story - one I can't remember reading before. The scene with the gathering of the gingers was very amusing.

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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Not as good as the others I've read so far. Seemed a bit short for Sherlock to figure out the entire scheme so quick.

The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir

This one was quite alright, not quite as engaging as the previous story but decent enough.

The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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I'm not sure about @SerialReader , I think I'd prefer to read these stories in one gulp! I quite enjoyed this, although I half remembered how it unfolded. #sherlocked

(The above is a description of what Holmes sees as Inspector Peter Jones of Scotland Yards, only good detective qualities)

nickimags Love a bit of Conan Doyle ☺ 8y
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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You lost me with this one Sherlock Holmes. It didn't peak my interest at all. It started out promising but turned to blah for me.

The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir

Quick one, but I didn't like the ending.

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And now it all comes together and I remember the ending! I remember absolutely loving this story when I read it for the first time in high school and it's cleverness still stands up! Can't wait for the next #sherlocked story it's been so fun to read all of these this year!

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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Holmes and Watson don't get high marks for customer service here... laughing at a client and then not letting him leave 😉


The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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So far, I have been enjoying the short stories from the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. It was another quick read and it was fun. This time Sherlock also let us in more in his reasoning process, even if it was only after the criminal was caught. #Sherlocked

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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Embellish? This is probably just Holmes being wry, but... what if Watson is an unreliable narrator? 😳🤔


Bookworm83 Ooooohhh!!! Interesting! 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I had not thought of that!!! 8y
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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I love when I find the little details they used in the modern tv series! #sherlocked #readalong @SerialReader

Marchpane Fifty minutes is so pleasingly specific 😅 8y
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Who isn't at least a bit #Sherlocked?
It's been ages since I've read Sherlock Holmes - I remember this one being good!

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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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I think that means a lot that I First read *are* instead of *share*... #sorrynotsorry #sherlocked #socialreader #readalong

The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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Our next @SerialReader #readalong is The Adventure of the Red-Headed League! It only has three issues so it's a perfect time to join in! Just use the tag #sherlocked so we can all see your thoughts and chat with you!

The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir

It's never too late to join the #Sherlocked readalong on @SerialReader with our current story The Red-Headed League (you might find it under the title The Adventures of the Red-Headed League).

Theresa Ack!! I'm behind! I haven't even read the 1st one yet. Thankfully with short stories I can catch up quickly! 😄 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Theresa I sort of cheated because I read the first short story last year so I didn't read it again. I got a break! 8y
Theresa @jpmcwisemorgan I just read it. Loved it!! 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Theresa See how fast that is?! 😀 8y
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The Red-Headed League | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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#serialreader After reading a few misses, I think I finally found my classic reading jam...Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ❣️