I borrowed this from Brain Pickings this morning but it‘s soooooo me.
I borrowed this from Brain Pickings this morning but it‘s soooooo me.
Love this Finnish word for reindeer travels! It‘s timely because we all need to know if Santa‘s reindeer are going to need lots of rest before they make it all parts of the world on Christmas Eve 😂. because of all of the books I‘m hoping for! I really love the entire book - great choice for word nerds!Thanks @4thhouseontheleft for posting this book - your reviews putting this on my radar! #wintergames #thefilthyanimals
#PenguinsandPolarBears and Reindeer? I love that there‘s a word for this! We have the Finnish language to thank!! 🛷
#FestivePhotoChallenge #WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals
In all the craziness of last night, I never posted this review!
Such a beautiful little book that explores the language of words that don‘t have direct English translations.
Hubby is home from the hospital and still sleeping, thank you for all the well wishes! I ended up being awake all night, and almost finished my other book to pass the time. I‘ll probably crash as soon as Maya gets off to school.
Tsundoku - (Japanese) Leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other unread books.
Although, I do read them eventually. 😃
Well, this is a coincidence!
“Pålegg - anything and everything you can put on a slice of ?” (Norwegian)
Fits perfectly with my ? toast breakfast this morning!
#TIL #booksandbreakfast #NFNov
Mixing the seasons this morning!
Picking off some low-hanging fruit for #NFNov, and this book has been on my shelf for years! Found it in the basement level of The Strand a few years ago.
Plus, my attention is shot this week, so I need short books with lots of illustrations. 😂
Okay, peer pressure. 😂😂
This is my tentative stack for Winter #Booked2020. All subject to change.
1. Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemi
2. A Gentleman in Moscow - Amos Towles
3. The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot - Skye Alexander
4. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
5. Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan
6. Lost in Translation - Ella Sanders
I posted today‘s prompt yesterday! #lost #coolbooks
Thank you so much for these wonderful gifts @Linsy from your #LinsyLovesLitsy giveaway. They are beautiful, and I will definitely enjoy learning some new great words. The messages on the shipping slips, loved that!
I love that there‘s a word for this! It‘s from Italian.
Thank you all for participating! This has been so fun!!
I‘m holding a #giveaway for reaching 1,000 followers. Comment with one of your favorite words or post using #LinsyLovesLitsy by Apr. 10th and you‘ll be entered to win a wordy goody bag.
I could probably post these all night, I tend to screenshot ones I see online and like and save them. But I‘ll limit myself to my original and this one just because.
@Linsy #LinsyLovesLitsy
One of my personal favorites @Linsy #LinsyLovesLitsy
I reached 1,000 followers!!! So I‘m doing a giveaway.
Thank you, fellow Littens and word lovers, for making me feel so welcome here. I‘ve been excited all week, realizing that I was reaching 1,000 followers. Now that I‘m here, I want to thank you all with a giveaway.
I‘m posting words that I love for the next week. Comment with one of your favorite words or post using #LinsyLovesLitsy by Apr. 10th and you‘ll be entered to win a wordy goody bag.
#day29 #lyricalapril #cominghome I have a 'thing' for those words that cannot be directly translated into other languages ... and this beautiful Welsh word is one of the words that has stuck with me....as someone who lives thousands of miles from my home country and family.... it touches my 💗.....
A lovely meditation sort of book for when your brain (and sinuses) feel fried. My personal favorite word was 'tsundoku' which means leaving a book unread after buying it, along with stacks of other books...
#guiltyascharged #booklover #authorlife #tbr #neverenoughbooks #shelfie #library #language
Rainy and icy outside means spending the day reading in bed. Also 'Lost in Translation' works as band name, there are quite few miscellaneous indie and alt bands with the name. #marchintoreading
Commuovere (Italian) v. To be moved is a heartwarming way, usually relating to a story that moved you to tears.
So many great words in this book.
One of my #Christmaspresents from @BooksGirlsCats 😃I love this book! Beautiful words from other languages which have no direct translation in English along with lovely illustrations. Quite a few, like the one above, are very bookish.
Tsundoku (Japanese): n. Leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other unread books. 📚
Tsundoku- n. Leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other unread books
I am so glad there is a word in Japanese that describes my habits.
Definitely another #booknerdproblem of mine
Probably the worst part is that I buy books, leave them unread, and off I go to the library (or the library's online catalogue) to borrow books that I do read!
Love this book - as a former German student I love the idiosyncrasies of languages!
I love this book!!! Ella Frances Sanders has the most beautiful illustrations. I was so enchanted by all of the words and ideas from the different languages and cultures. (Mångata = Swedish) #bythesea #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #illustrations
Beautiful, interesting, new.
I prefer "second refill" ☕️☕️☕️
KOMOREBI: Japanese noun that means the sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees.