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Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from Around the World | Ella Frances Sanders
An artistic collection of more than 50 drawings featuring unique, funny, and poignant foreign words that have no direct translation into English. Did you know that the Japanese language has a word toexpress the way sunlight filters through the leaves of trees? Or that theres a Finnish word for the distance a reindeercan travel before needing to rest?Lost in Translation brings to life more than fifty words thatdont have direct English translations with charming illustrationsof their tender, poignant, and humorous definitions. Oftenthese words provide insight into the cultures they come from,such as the Brazilian Portuguese word for running your fingers through a lovers hair, the Italian word for being moved to tears by a story, or the Swedish word for a third cup of coffee. In this clever and beautifully rendered exploration of thesubtleties of communication, youll find new ways to express yourself while getting lost in the artistry of imperfect translation.From the Hardcover edition.
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I borrowed this from Brain Pickings this morning but it‘s soooooo me.


alisiakae I have the tagged book and love it! I often leave it out on the coffee table or in the guest bathroom. 3y
KimHM @4thhouseontheleft ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Love this Finnish word for reindeer travels! It‘s timely because we all need to know if Santa‘s reindeer are going to need lots of rest before they make it all parts of the world on Christmas Eve 😂. because of all of the books I‘m hoping for! I really love the entire book - great choice for word nerds!Thanks @4thhouseontheleft for posting this book - your reviews putting this on my radar! #wintergames #thefilthyanimals

alisiakae I‘m glad you like it! 5y
Come-read-with-me @4thhouseontheleft It‘s great. The whole book makes me smile 😊 5y
rather_be_reading 21pts💚❤ 5y
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#PenguinsandPolarBears and Reindeer? I love that there‘s a word for this! We have the Finnish language to thank!! 🛷

#FestivePhotoChallenge #WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals

tpixie Lol 😂‘a break‘ Compound of poron (“reindeer's”) +‎ kusema (“peed by”); the distance a reindeer could travel without stopping to urinate. 🦌 💛🦌 5y
Linsy @tpixie Oh my gosh, that‘s even better! 🤣🤣🤣 5y
charl08 @tpixie that's brilliant! 5y
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tpixie @Linsy @charl08 lol 😂 so funny 😆 5y
tpixie I‘m going to order this book for one of my kids for Xmas. 5y
rather_be_reading 3pts🎉 but if u review this book u will get 21pts 5y
tpixie @rather_be_reading 🎉🎉🎉 5y
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In all the craziness of last night, I never posted this review!

Such a beautiful little book that explores the language of words that don‘t have direct English translations.

Hubby is home from the hospital and still sleeping, thank you for all the well wishes! I ended up being awake all night, and almost finished my other book to pass the time. I‘ll probably crash as soon as Maya gets off to school.


Clwojick 6 pts. 5y
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Tsundoku - (Japanese) Leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other unread books.


Although, I do read them eventually. 😃


rsteve388 Just @me next time it's easier.... 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I know, such a dirty word that I am so guilty of...🙊🙈🙉 5y
alisiakae @rsteve388 I did tag you in my other posts today, but didn‘t want to overdo it. 😂😂 5y
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rsteve388 I feel so called out.... Lol 5y
alisiakae @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I love my piles of read and unread books. A home library needs unread books, so I always have something to choose! 5y
alisiakae @rsteve388 🤣 I tend to go a bit overboard with some of my illustrated nonfiction reads. I want to share all of the amazing ness! 😂 5y
rsteve388 4 pts by the way 5y
Linsy Love this book!! 5y
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The literal translation of this German word is “grief-bacon”! ❤️ it! 😂

Refers to the excess weight we gain from emotional overeating.

I will definitely be using this word in the future!


rsteve388 4 pts 5y
Hooked_on_books The Germans have a word for everything. It‘s pretty amazing. 5y
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I promise I am not gong to quote this whole book today. 😂 But I had to share the bookish one. 📚❤️

Commuovere (Italian) - to be moved in a heartwarming way, usually relating to a story that moved you to tears.


veritysalter What a fabulous word! 5y
rsteve388 4 pts 5y
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Well, this is a coincidence!

“Pålegg - anything and everything you can put on a slice of ?” (Norwegian)

Fits perfectly with my ? toast breakfast this morning!

#TIL #booksandbreakfast #NFNov

Karisa Oh! I love that little book so much. Illustrations are so perfectly chosen and the words are just delicious! 5y
alisiakae @Karisa It is a lovely little book. I‘ve dipped into it a few times over the years, but never read it cover to cover. 5y
rsteve388 4 pts I am learning so much from your posts!! 5y
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Mixing the seasons this morning!

Picking off some low-hanging fruit for #NFNov, and this book has been on my shelf for years! Found it in the basement level of The Strand a few years ago.

Plus, my attention is shot this week, so I need short books with lots of illustrations. 😂


Clare-Dragonfly Gingersnap cold brew oat milk latte?! That sounds delicious. 5y
rsteve388 1 pt 5y
rather_be_reading love oat milk! 5y
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Okay, peer pressure. 😂😂

This is my tentative stack for Winter #Booked2020. All subject to change.

1. Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemi
2. A Gentleman in Moscow - Amos Towles
3. The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot - Skye Alexander
4. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
5. Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan
6. Lost in Translation - Ella Sanders

TheBookAddict That looks like a good stack. I have some of those on my TBR. 5y
Cinfhen I was thinking Gentleman in Moscow would be perfect for hat 🎩 5y
Cinfhen And im considering reading Children of Blood for #YApocAuthor 5y
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alisiakae @Cinfhen I was originally going to go with a head covering, like🧕 but Gentleman in Moscow has been on my tbr for a while now! 5y
Cinfhen There are so many options for that prompt!! I actually own 6 books that would have worked 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice plan! Like your #liveandlearn pick! I‘ve been thinking about getting my deck out again. 5y
alisiakae @BarbaraTheBibliophage That‘s actually the prompt I‘m most likely to change! I have so many to choose from for #liveandlearn! 5y
Scochrane26 The gentleman in Moscow ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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I posted today‘s prompt yesterday! #lost #coolbooks

rather_be_reading ohhhh sounds interesting! 6y
knittedgnome Sounds really neat! 6y
CoffeeNBooks This sounds like a really cool book! 6y
Linsy @rather_be_reading @knittedgnome @CoffeeNBooks It‘s fantastic! And has absolutely lovely illustrations. 6y
CoffeeNBooks @Linsy I put it on hold at the library, but I'll probably end up buying a copy of it 😂 6y
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Thank you so much for these wonderful gifts @Linsy from your #LinsyLovesLitsy giveaway. They are beautiful, and I will definitely enjoy learning some new great words. The messages on the shipping slips, loved that!

Linsy I‘m so glad you like it! I had fun putting it together. Thanks for participating!!! You helped make my first giveaway a success. 💖 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Linsy You‘re welcome! And really thank you! 6y
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I love that there‘s a word for this! It‘s from Italian.

Thank you all for participating! This has been so fun!!

I‘m holding a #giveaway for reaching 1,000 followers. Comment with one of your favorite words or post using #LinsyLovesLitsy by Apr. 10th and you‘ll be entered to win a wordy goody bag.

erzascarletbookgasm One of my favourites “Blistering barnacles!” 😁 6y
Linsy @erzascarletbookgasm Love it!! 🤣 6y
Elisa Yes! There is also an adjective, “commuovente” which is used for something so touching, so heart-warming that it brings tears to your eyes 😊 6y
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I could probably post these all night, I tend to screenshot ones I see online and like and save them. But I‘ll limit myself to my original and this one just because.

 @Linsy #LinsyLovesLitsy

Alfoster Love this!😍 6y
dsfisher Love this word! 6y
Linsy I know, right?? I‘m always finding new words to love. This is a great word. I extra appreciate the pronunciation guide, so I actually can say it right. 6y
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One of my personal favorites @Linsy #LinsyLovesLitsy


Soubhiville Ooo, yes! 6y
wordslinger42 Ooh I love that! 6y
PenguinInFlight Yesss! Great word! 6y
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tournevis There was none of that today around here today! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @tournevis I know, it‘s windy and cold here. I‘m wishing for a little though. 6y
Linsy Yes!!! Great word, and I love that feeling. We had that the other day here, where it was cold but I could feel the warmth of the sun. There‘s a certain kind of contentment to it. 6y
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I reached 1,000 followers!!! So I‘m doing a giveaway.

Thank you, fellow Littens and word lovers, for making me feel so welcome here. I‘ve been excited all week, realizing that I was reaching 1,000 followers. Now that I‘m here, I want to thank you all with a giveaway.

I‘m posting words that I love for the next week. Comment with one of your favorite words or post using #LinsyLovesLitsy by Apr. 10th and you‘ll be entered to win a wordy goody bag.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Oh this is a fun giveaway. Congrats! 6y
AmyG Congrats! 🎉 and thank you! 6y
monkeygirlsmama Congrats on the follows and thanks for the chance in your giveaway. 😊Huggermugger is one of my new faves that learned last month while reading. 😁 6y
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hermyknee Awesome! Congratulations!! 6y
Linsy @monkeygirlsmama That word is fantastic! Which book did you find it in? 6y
JoScho Yay!!! 😊❤️🎉 one of my favorite words is catawampus. 6y
DivaDiane One of my favorite words is serendipity or serendipitous!!! Life is just full of it and things that are. 6y
monkeygirlsmama @Linsy Dean Koontz‘s The Whispering Room 6y
Ke633 Congrats!! One only my favs.. librocubicularist!! 6y
Hollie My favorite is “acquiescence” 6y
Jas16 Today I am choosing moot. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great word, and Congratulations!!! 6y
mabell What a great idea! I keep a note on my phone with good words. One on my list is antipodean. 6y
Jadams89 It‘s silly, but one of my favorite words is bubbles. It‘s just such a happy word, and even if you try to use it in an unhappy tone, it just sounds ridiculous. So there it is, bubbles. Congrats on reaching 1000 followers!!! 6y
Dragon Congratulations 👍😀🎉 6y
DebinHawaii Congratulations on your milestone 🎉and what a fun giveaway topic! I adore great words. One of my very favorites is luminous. I love both the meaning and the way it sounds. 🌕🌛💙 6y
bookworm.krizia Congratulations!! My favorite word is also a Tagalog word since I'm from the Philippines! I love the word "bababa" it means going down. I like it because its the same set of syllables repeated thrice! ?? 6y
Major_Houlihan One of my favorite words is palindrome. I like words that describe language or other words. Plus, it‘s kind of fun to say. Congratulations on your milestone!! 6y
zezeki Congratulations!! 🎉🎉 My favourite word is travolgente which is Italian for overwhelming. I just like pronuoncing it. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Fantastic job! And fantastic is one of my favorite words because the way you say it gives it such varied meanings. It‘s not alone in this but it also has the hard consonants that give it punch! My uncle used to say “Faaaaaannntaaaastic!”all the time, so it has memories for me too. 📚📚👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉 6y
wordslinger42 My favorite word is "redamancy." It means "a love returned in full." Thank you so much for doing this giveaway & congrats on the milestone!! ? 6y
TheWordJar Congratulations!! 6y
Mitch 👏🏼👏🏼Congrats 👏🏼👏🏼 one of my favourite words is topophilia. It means - the love of place. I‘m a born geographer I think, I love maps and all things place related. A great book for me needs to have a great sense of place if it‘s to draw me in! 6y
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A great read for these chilly days #snowoncover #jingleshelves

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Here's my shelfie, @bookriot ! #riotgrams

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#day29 #lyricalapril #cominghome I have a 'thing' for those words that cannot be directly translated into other languages ... and this beautiful Welsh word is one of the words that has stuck with me....as someone who lives thousands of miles from my home country and family.... it touches my 💗.....

LeeRHarry This is one of my favourite words 💕 - living in Australia away from my Welsh family it brings a tear to my eye 😢 good choice 😊 (edited) 7y
valeriegeary Wow! That is a beautiful one. 7y
rockpools 💕 7y
Cinfhen Beautifully said 💕💕💕I can relate in so many ways! 7y
Jess_Read_This Gorgeous... I just love this. 💕 7y
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A lovely meditation sort of book for when your brain (and sinuses) feel fried. My personal favorite word was 'tsundoku' which means leaving a book unread after buying it, along with stacks of other books...
#guiltyascharged #booklover #authorlife #tbr #neverenoughbooks #shelfie #library #language

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Rainy and icy outside means spending the day reading in bed. Also 'Lost in Translation' works as band name, there are quite few miscellaneous indie and alt bands with the name. #marchintoreading

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Commuovere (Italian) v. To be moved is a heartwarming way, usually relating to a story that moved you to tears.


So many great words in this book.

CrowCAH That's how I know it was a great book! ☺️ 8y
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One of my #Christmaspresents from @BooksGirlsCats 😃I love this book! Beautiful words from other languages which have no direct translation in English along with lovely illustrations. Quite a few, like the one above, are very bookish.

Tsundoku (Japanese): n. Leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other unread books. 📚

Lacythebookworm I can relate to that word! 😂🙌 8y
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Tsundoku- n. Leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other unread books
I am so glad there is a word in Japanese that describes my habits.

the.bookish.valkyrie Perfect! I love it! 📚💕 8y
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The PERFECT gift for your adventurer, gypsy, linguist, wanderlust friends...

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Definitely another #booknerdproblem of mine
Probably the worst part is that I buy books, leave them unread, and off I go to the library (or the library's online catalogue) to borrow books that I do read!

I-read-and-eat Same here. Sometimes I even go to the library, borrows books, leave them on a pile while reading other books, return them unread... 8y
HardcoverHearts Co-signing this one! 8y
raelaschoenherr Yes! What is that?! 8y
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Lynnsoprano All of the above😎 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Im wondering if this is a bonafide pathology because I too have this affliction!! 8y
Hooked_on_books I totally do these things, too! 8y
kspenmoll Same here!!! 8y
MyNamesParadise Story of my life! 8y
CaitZ Yup me too. 8y
LeahsBookNest I can't help it! I tell myself that I will read the books that I own but I am forever putting books on hold!! 😬😬 8y
RealLifeReading @I-read-and-eat 👊👊@HardcoverHearts 👍👍 @raelaschoenherr indeed! 8y
RealLifeReading @Lynnsoprano ? @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com I read "affliction" as "affection" at first. But hey that works too 8y
RealLifeReading @LeahsBookNest especially w ebooks making it so easy to request and download! 8y
Eyelit That about sums me up! 8y
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Love this book - as a former German student I love the idiosyncrasies of languages!

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I love this book!!! Ella Frances Sanders has the most beautiful illustrations. I was so enchanted by all of the words and ideas from the different languages and cultures. (Mångata = Swedish) #bythesea #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #illustrations

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Beautiful, interesting, new.

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I prefer "second refill" ☕️☕️☕️

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KOMOREBI: Japanese noun that means the sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees.