My favorite thing to do? Watch out the window while it snows. I‘m pretty much an indoors lady.
As a former children‘s bookseller, I sold so many of these every winter. I so love this book.
I‘m grateful for blankets. I‘m addicted to blankets and throws. And, since I‘m always cold, I almost always have one on my lap.
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
Bedtime last night! This is a cute book. Fun to read, great artwork. Our favourite snowmen is the one with the cucumber nose.
There be snow here.
It'll be gone in a couple hours, when the temperature rises above 0ºC, but snow, right on time.
This is a hilarious book about what snowmen do at night when no one‘s looking. The art and the story are flat out adorable!! #holidayread
#wintergames #tmskellington @crimson613 @clwojick @staycurious
Oh this one was really cute!! Really enjoyed the creativity behind it. What exactly do snowmen Do at night? 😉 #tmskellington #wintergames #holidayread
@clwojick @staycurious
See those flecks on the windshield? Snow. Not like where @lindy lives, but yeah. Snow.
I have read less than a 1000 words in the last hour. Someone is asking for attention. Someone is asking for attention every five seconds as I am writing this.
It's #snowday ! Ironically, the storm is over. We got about 35 cm of snow over night and though we might get some localized flurries in the morning, it's over. Now, the roads won't be cleared until much later today or tonight, so we are stuck home, or not if our neighbour with the snow blower has anything to do with it. He's been at it for over an hour clearing everyone's driveway. Because he likes blowing snow that much. Snow is hip deep in pic.
So it begins...
(My son's school is closed tomorrow, so is uni; a rare occurrence, a sign of impending doom)
So the storm warning had a typo or whatever? Because it was reissued during the night saying the storm is later today into tomorrow. Still same amount of snow, 30-40cm and temperatures rising to -2ºC by evening. I don't get it. I'm not complaining. I'm just confused.
Hunkering down before the winter storm. Environment Canada are forecasting 30 to 40 cm of snow overnight. I don't know if it will actually occur, there is still no snow as I write this, but hey, I'll know when I get up tomorrow morning!
#hellothursday @wanderinglynn
1️⃣ Right now -20ºC (feels -31ºC), high today of -16ºC. It's winter for real.
2️⃣ 12ºC to 18ºC
3️⃣ 21ºC
4️⃣ Any weather.
5️⃣ The one I keep tagging this week!
Looking at the forecast and rather happy for us right now. It's warmer here than Philly (though not by much, but still). All of you experiencing abnormal cold conditions, stay warm, stay inside if you can. Most of you are not used to these temps. Be careful. Dress in layers. Mind your hands, feet and nose. ETA: Wear a hat! Cover your ears! 😘😘😘😘😘
Kingston today. It's -23ºC, -37ºC with windchill and every single negative degree is real. Yowzah.
Well. For a storm, it's a lame one. It's at the limit between a heavy snow fall and a storm. The wind isn't that strong at all and 15cm is, again, at the limit btw. The extreme cold is by far more bothersome. This, of course, does not mean I'll be galavanting outside much at all. The roads have not been cleared. So, movies and reading on the docket for today.
1️⃣ Eve. As close to midnight as possible.
2️⃣ No? Meh? Pffft?
3️⃣ Reindeer, I guess. They're edible.
4️⃣ Gingerbread everything. Everywhere.
5️⃣ @OrangeMooseReads 👋👋👋👋
#tuesdaytidbits @JenlovesJT47
I remember this cover from my days working with kids in the library.... #frostythesnowman #winterwonderland
Love this idea♡♡♡
❄️ Yééééééééééé!!!!!!
❄️❄️ A lot!
❄️❄️❄️ Read.
❄️❄️❄️❄️ Read. 😉
#snowedition #hellothursday @wanderinglynn
I have a confession. I sometimes don‘t open my mail for months, unless it looks like a book.
I am not a responsible adult most days.
Thank you Jenny for the sweet holiday card. I just opened it today. That was really nice of you.
I have a feeling there might be some birthday card in my mail pile. I‘m going to try and get through it this weekend.
I love my job because I get to teach fun books like this and do fun activities that tie into them!! #teacherslitsy
After having one of the worst days ever and my anxiety and stress levels being high, I came home to my new Christmas/Winter bookmarks (the I Smell Snow is perfect for tomorrow since we are getting a storm) and two that are not shown for the #bookmarkswap. Hopefully I‘ll get those mailed out at the beginning of the week!
A fitting read for the kiddos after a day of sledding and playing in the snow. #snowdayreads
back at it. today's read aloud choice was a hit, as per usual, and fitting since our first snowfall of the season is in the forecast tonight. 🎶 do you wanna build a ⛄️? 🎶 I do, I do!! #teachersoflitsy
Sean was full of questions with this rhyming book. He was asking how snowmen run races... hmm. I don't know either. But it is fun to ponder, isn't it.