Enjoyed this a lot, in particular this poster hanging up in the girls dorm. #whatwoulddarcydo #needthisformyroom
Enjoyed this a lot, in particular this poster hanging up in the girls dorm. #whatwoulddarcydo #needthisformyroom
Read this one with my youngest today on our snow day morning. I enjoyed it even though I prefer Marvel to DC. He really liked it too!
#gothamacademy #dccomics #comic #ya #reading #winterstorm
Loved it! I adore boarding school stories. It‘s a great way to get the pesky parents out of the way 🤣
Omg I love this poster on the wall in this graphic novel 🤣🤣
“A room without books is like a body without a soul. ...Cicero never actually said that, but we attribute the quote to him nonetheless. This just goes to prove that if we want the truth, we have to get as close as possible to the source as possible.”
Cute graphic novel series. Dips into the Batman mythos but is it‘s own story with new characters. I love the setting at a boarding school and the characters Olive and Maps. Maps reminds me of Ripley from the Lumberjanes, another great series. This was exciting with a dose of humor.
My reading for tonight. Looking forward to this series 😄
Just mysterious enough to leave me wanting volume two!!!
Wasn't sure I was going to like this one, but I'm digging it so far! No idea what's happening yet though, so let's see where this goes...
I'm so glad I finally read Gotham Academy @DCComics 4🌟https://jilljemmett.com/2017/06/29/gotham-academy-volume-1/ #bookblog #review #graphicnovel
I can't say I totally loved it, but this was fun. I'll probably ILL the next one when I'm in the mood for comics sometime soon.
I have since started and put down 3 books. Why is it that I can't get into anything when I actually have a few hours to read?
The moment I've been waiting for all week is here - the baby and husband are sleeping, I'm cuddling with a cat, and I have hours to read. But other than finishing this (which will take a half hour?), I don't know what I am in the mood for... I hate making decisions!
So much fun. I'm looking forward to the next one.
I basically picked this up because I wanted to better enjoy/understand the Lumberjanes / Gotham Academy combo that recently came out.
Holy Moses, this is fantastic!! Mysterious, thrilling, gorgeous atmospheric art, and interesting connections to the Gotham we all know. I am IN!
The girls are also tough and awesome 👍
I'm really enjoying this story featuring two strong female leads. I hope they stay that way. The artwork is also really strong and I like forward to the exploration of the dark secret in Olive Silverlock's past.
Friday morning reads
Secrets abound in this thrilling series! After a mysterious incident during the summer, Olive Silverlock struggles with amnesia and complicated relationships at the beginning of the new school year. Meanwhile, a secret society, a haunting, and several other mysterious events occur. The mystery aspects of the story are laid out well, and the characters are vibrant and memorable. I can't wait to read volume two! #2017Book16
I love the big bat #shadow hanging around behind them. I was surprised that it wasn't the familiar characters in a high school setting but an entirely new set of characters and a new story type but that it still has the image of Batman around as a concern all the time. Its a great addition to the world.
And the crossover series with #Lumberjanes doesn't hurt either!
#feistyfeb @RealLifeReading
I felt like information was missing, making it slow at times for me. The end does make me intrigued to keep reading though!
Checking out this book before I add it to my classroom library. Feel like this will be a winner with my students!
I've been into comics a long time, but I'm usually more about the writing than the art. Gotham Academy is the rare exception for me. Yes, I'm digging the writing (well-paced suspense & great character development), but Karl Kerschl's artwork is just gorgeous. Each image looks more like a frame from a classic Disney film than comic book art. This two-page spread, a few pages into the first issue, won me over completely. #comicbook #GothamAcademy
Litsy is 100% the reason I started reading graphic novels again. I used to dabble but hadn't read one in what felt like years. In just a few months I've read some really great titles but I think my favorite was Gotham Academy with great art and a plot that seemed made for me.
Second choice would likely go to Lady Killer, not pictured because I had borrowed it through ILL. The art is stunning and the morbid plot empowering.
I just loved this one. I'm a sucker for boarding schools stories and I loved the Veronica Mars-esque "fall from popularity because of mysterious *life event* turned sleuth" vibe. I know nothing about DC or Marvel and maybe my enjoyment was helped by the fact that I had zero expectations.
I already have volume 2 ordered and I need to start on Lumberjanes so I'm ready for the mashup!
"The Diary of Millie Jane" shelved in animal husbandry?
I've been meaning to read this for years (I meant to pick up the serial at my local comic bookshop, but they sold out instantly)
I love this concept! I can't wait to see how the series continues
No #readathon for me. My off day includes too much adulting, unfortunately. But I am hoping to read through my towering stack of graphic novels between bouts of cleaning and parenting. Started Gotham Academy last night. I am loving it!
Happy #readathon to all participating. I'm cheering you on! Remember, bad books aren't worth it. Chuck them and move on! 😉
#booktober Day 18 The crew from Gotham Academy, especially Olive and Maps, is one of my favorite friendships. #favouritefriendships
One of my new favorite sidekicks is Maps Mizoguchi from Gotham Academy. I read the first volume last month and absolutely loved it!
Maps is all about exploring and adventure. She often leaps into situations without knowing what danger she might run into, but that's what makes her so much fun. Maps is the perfect sidekick for Olive because she pulls her out of her shell. I can't wait to see what she gets into in volume 2!
#Booktober #bestsidekick
The art is PHENOMEMAL. It's dark, muted, slightly gothic vibe, but still super detailed, and it really lets the characters be the bold and the vibrant part of the story. The characters really stood out because of the art (IMO). Soooo many questions left. I need volume 2 plz and thank you.
Took a much needed break from reality with Krispy Kreme and Gotham Academy. And now I'm smitten with Maps!!! 😍😍😍 As per usual with DC (and Marvel) comics, I'm left wondering if I should know more about some of these characters already. But overall it feels like Scooby Doo at boarding school with bats. Now I'm keen to read the crossover with Lumberjanes! #comics #Gotham #DC #YA #mommyreads
💕 Boarding school. Secrets. Mystery. A Scooby gang. I'm sold! Luckily I have the next volume on hand. 5⭐️
Harry Potter meets Batman and I'm in love. So wonderful. Great female heroine. Bruce Wayne doesn't overshadow everything. Just great.
First trade in this series. I really enjoyed it and cannot wait to continue with this series. I picked this up after hearing that they would be doing a crossover with Lumberjanes. Looking forward to dining out more about the characters and Gotham Academy.
I was super worried that this was going to be just as terrible as the new Batgirl of Burnside. But it wasn't. It was fantastic! Now my library just needs to hurry up on getting volume two. /impatient.
I identify strongly with any protagonist who hates Batman, because he is the worst. But this comic is great without that perk. Like Lumberjanes set in the DC universe. Finally, a DC title that doesn't make my skin crawl! It's been too long.
4 ⭐️. So I don't read DC comics really, and I couldn't help feel like I was missing a LOT of inside references/humor. Despite that, I really enjoyed this. School drams, secret passages, missing memories - and Maps!!! Love her.
Yessss. Excited to dive into this one.
😍 I am in love. The characters, the plot, the ART! I could marry this TPB. It has such a unique voice and style. I can't wait to get my hands on more of this series!