This was fascinating and felt very well researched.
This was fascinating and felt very well researched.
😂🤣 Love how Dr. Greger uses humor to get some points across. This book is really blowing my mind!🤯🤔
When I think about my own eating habits and family health history, this observation seems pretty legit!
Considering some big lifestyle changes in our house🤔
This was an interesting book. A lot of science. It‘s focus is American, I‘m Canadian so this is some disparity in regulations and FDA approvals here. But that‘s not the point, the point of this book is being vegan will save you from disease and early death. I‘m willing to make some changes to include the daily 12, but I‘m not sure full time vegan is in the cards.
My lunch, that I ate yesterday while I drove around doing errands, is not recommended by this book 🤣🤣🤣
Not sure the lead up to holidays is the best time to listen to this 🤣🤣🤣 at least I don‘t smoke
Want to read a book that will transform your life? This one will. I picked it up this month, and it‘s has given me an amazing amount of information and the desire to do better for myself, by eating better.
I enjoyed this book much more than I thought I would. The science was a little dry in parts but I respect that this book is almost half made up of endnotes - it‘s really well researched and based in science! Now I‘m ready to make some dietary changes and I can‘t wait to get my hands on the cookbook!
Now I'm inspired to try the How Not to Die cookbook!
Bananas vs Reese's Pieces!
I‘m not even past the introduction and already my PBJ sandwich and crisps wasn‘t looking very appetising 😂
Fascinating already ..
“This was my wake up call. I opened my eyes to the depressing fact that there are other forces at work in medicine besides science. The U.S health care system runs on a fee-for-service model in which doctors get paid for the pills and procedures they prescribe, rewarding quantity not quality”
Yay book delivery 😍
Been wanting to read #michaelgreger for a long time and just having completed my reiki 1 I‘m hoping Penelope quest will help me with my journey 🥰 ...... although for now they will have to sit with my others in my to read stack
#toread #litsywelcomewagon #newbooks #bookdelivery #bookmail #bookworm #selfhealing #metime
According to my phone I did manage a mile today! #bfc #bookfitnesschallenge Now to try and actually finish a book this month... I‘m hoping tonight.
1. Whatever I can accomplish. I used to love working out.
2. Outdoors
3.either. In a gym music, outside quiet.
4. Walking, hiking, used to be running.
5. Lets get physical By Olivia Newton John and She‘s a Maniac by Hall and Oates ... on repeat 🤣🤣🤣
I can walk the perimeter of my property three times on nice days to make a mile- but need ideas for rainy days when pain is higher to get moments of movement in. (It is supposed to rain every day this week) #bookfitnesschallenge
There is still time to join! See @wanderinglynn to join- there are prizes for additional motivation!
Kindle greeted me with How Not To Die last night. I combed through the comments and was pretty pleased, though I still won't buy it. We all die. One way or another. Life is great, but we all die. Sensational title, okay then.
I choose my #audiobook based on who is listening with me. Currently these are on deck. #31bookpics
Even my doctor is surprised that “vegan” doesn‘t equal “health!” I knew I was in for a “eat better and exercise more” talk at my yearly physical today, but I was slightly surprised to see my cholesterol creep over the 200 mark.
So, time to start again. While you don‘t have to eat healthfully to be vegan, a whole-foods, plant-based diet has so many benefits. The tagged book is just one I‘ve read on the subject.
Tucked in bed with this great read. So dense with evidence based info! I‘m really enjoying it.
AMAZING. MUST READ. Dr. Greger, thank you for existing.
I needed this book in my life, so informative.
This is one of the most interesting books I have read!! For all of those people who give me a hard time for eating the way I do this is a great book for you 😜
All The Books podcast + gym time = self-care time that I needed 😀
Back in 1903, Thomas Edison predicted that the “doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of [the] human frame in diet and in the cause and prevention of diseases."
How Not To Die was the highest rated book I read in 2016. Very informative, and I did eat better for about a month after reading it. #myyearinbooks
The best way to minimize your exposure to industrial toxins may be to eat as low as possible on the food chain, a plant-based diet.
Bedtime reading 😴😴