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A Game of Hide and Seek
A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
40 posts | 13 read | 28 to read
The mid-twentieth century British novelist Elizabeth Taylor numbered among her admirers Elizabeth Bowen, Ivy Compton- Burnett, and Kingsley Amis. She also regularly published stories in The New Yorker for close to two decades. For all that, her work, as steely as it is delicate, remains the secret of a small number of intensely devoted readers. The publication of her finest novel, A Game of Hide and Seek, long unavailable in the United States, should help to change that. This is an unabashed love story, capturing all the uncertainty and inevitability and deceptiveness of true love, tracking the shifting currents of emotional life, and never yielding to melodrama. Set in Britain between the wars, a time of transition between old convention and new ways, the book has for a heroine Harriet, the only child of a suffragette, whom we meet as a shy and domestic and not especially smart or pretty girl. At eighteen she falls in love with Vesey, but after Vesey must go away, she marries another man, Charles, and bears a child. Then Vesey returns. Love is at the center of the book, but so too is Taylors extraordinary knack for depicting characters. The minor figures in the bookfrom Harriets mothers friend Caroline, with her progressive politics, to Charles, his coworkers, and his mother, to Betsy with her schoolgirl crush on her Greek teacherare as memorable as the passion and heartache of Harriet and Vesey.
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Part 2 of my book sale haul. I returned to the sale and came home with these. I‘m especially happy with the #VMC finds.

quietjenn 😯 so good! 1y
rabbitprincess Haha the Tey cover has a bit of a “Fontana paperback edition of an Agatha Christie” vibe to it 😆 Great haul! 1y
batsy Those green Viragos 😍 1y
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kwmg40 @quietjenn Thanks for stopping by! 1y
kwmg40 @rabbitprincess It really does! It's actually a green Penguin, which is surprising. 1y
kwmg40 @batsy I was very surprised to find the Viragos -- in excellent condition and only $2 each. (That's in Canadian dollars too, so it was a really good deal!) 1y
CarolynM Great haul 1y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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This is my third Elizabeth Taylor. The story of Harriet and her journey from playing Hide and Seek with the children she minds .. and on then into her own loves and losses in life. Written with beautiful emotional intelligence. I read this on kindle but I see it‘s out in a gorgeous hardback edition. I‘m tempted ! Such an enjoyable book.

LeahBergen I thoroughly enjoyed this one, too. 👍 2y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen I‘m really loving her books , looking forward to the next one 👍🏻😁 2y
Tamra Stacked! 💜 2y
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CarolynM Moving Elizabeth Taylor further up my “must read” list🙂 2y
Cathythoughts @tamra @CarolynM I have to say , I particularly like her 👍🏻❤️ 2y
merelybookish We read this for the NYRB book club. I loved it. And honestly I don't know why I haven't read more by her! 2y
Cathythoughts @merelybookish I find her such a good read. This one is really good too 2y
Centique Hi Cathy. Just popping onto an old post to let you know I have sent you a book via Book Depository for Christmas. I have been too scatterbrained this year to organise myself for Christmas mailing but there is a card in the post that will get there sometime! All the best for the Christmas season to you! 💕 2y
Cathythoughts @Centique Thanks so much Paula ! I also have a BD on the way to you 😘 2y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Thank you to all of my #NYRBBookClub friends, and especially @saresmoore and @vivastory, for yet another wonderful selection and enriching discussion.

vivastory Thanks for joining in! 🍷📚 4y
saresmoore Thanks for contributing to the discussion! And I love your planters! 🦕 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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#NYRBBookClub Question 5: There are many themes throughout the book that are universally relatable. Which did you feel were best (or most poorly) elucidated?

Reviewsbylola Just the idea of marriage and how much we know about someone‘s intentions and feelings. We like to think we know our partner but there is still a lot of mystery. 4y
vivastory @Reviewsbylola I completely agree 4y
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vivastory I will say that based on the title & the opening of the book, a lesser author than Taylor would have taken the hide and seek metaphor & bludgeoned the reader with it 4y
Liz_M Well, one of the most obvious themes about the development of personality. Two different mothers (Julia? first and then Harriet) comment on how children are complete people when born and they only “unfold“. Both Charles and Betsy are described repeating gestures and characteristics of their same-sex ancestors. 4y
saresmoore @vivastory Yes! I like that she simply took the germ of the idea from another work and let the story speak for itself. 4y
saresmoore @Liz_M That stood out to me, as well. More circumstances of life beyond one‘s control. 4y
vivastory @Liz_M @saresmoore That was one of the most striking passages in the book. Very unnerving. 4y
saresmoore @vivastory @Liz_M It was especially unnerving for me in this present time because I‘m socially isolated in a house with my children and mother. 😬😱 4y
vivastory @saresmoore Sending good vibes your way!! 😬😬 4y
Suet624 @saresmoore What a life event this is for you! 4y
saresmoore @Reviewsbylola In reference to your point, this quote really stood out to me, as Harriet is reflecting on her marriage to Charles and her feelings toward Vesey: “But now she flouted what she had helped to create – an illusion of society; an piling of wheels which went round but not forwards; conventions which could only exist so long as emotion was in abeyance.” 4y
batsy @saresmoore @Reviewsbylola That's a great quote. The universal existential question of who one is and how much of the self needs to be shut away in order to participate in that "illusion of society". The marriage novel seems to be especially ripe for that kind of interrogation. 4y
GatheringBooks @saresmoore that quote is lovely. the reining in of emotions, the struggle to do what is expected and socially prescribed was also beautifully wrought - and the ultimate absurdity and pointlessness of giving in or yielding to emotions unleashed - clearly, vesey had zero plans. he couldn‘t even take care of himself. i like how taylor made that plain without having to “bludgeon” the reader with that sordid fact as @vivastory puts it. 4y
batsy @vivastory Yup! I was just thinking that in the hands of a lesser writer the ennui and the detailed study of a marriage would have been both super obvious and an absolute bore. 4y
batsy @Liz_M That's an interesting point. And can perhaps be tied to how much Harriet's mother found her own daughter unnerving for being so unlike herself. But I like that Taylor leaves it open to how social forces and milieu also influence and shape character. The suffragettes vs their children's generation, for example. It seems like something Taylor herself was trying to think through and work out. 4y
Leftcoastzen Wow loving everyone‘s comments.I loved this book ! The differences between parents & children, the layers of what society sees and what is hidden. 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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#NYRBBookClub Question 4: It seems that not much transpires in the plot of the novel. Did the overarching ennui add or take away from your reading experience?

vivastory I think it would have suffered if it had been more plot focused than it was. I thought it was the perfect balance. 4y
Reviewsbylola I agree with @vivastory I was never bored and I appreciated the contemplative feel of this novel. 4y
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saresmoore @vivastory I agree. I liked how the things that happened to and around Harriet didn‘t take precedence. I felt resigned to the outcome, whatever it might be. Sort of a devastating realism. 4y
vivastory @Reviewsbylola Definitely a very contemplative book 4y
mklong @saresmoore “Devastating realism“ is such a wonderful way to put it. I think following well developed characters through their lives can be just as affecting, and perhaps even more so, than following a twisty plot. 4y
vivastory @mklong I agree. Plot driven books can be entertaining to read, but the books that stay with me are the ones with the best characters 4y
Suet624 @mklong Ahhhh yes... you're so right. 4y
LeahBergen I think you‘re right, @vivastory . I don‘t think any of her books (of the five I‘ve read) are terribly plot-driven and yet they all have a compellingness of character (yeah, I just made that word up 😆) that make them all beautiful to read. And I was also just thinking Taylor might be a bit of a “marmite author”. 🤔 4y
batsy Not at all! I sort of lived through the book, and maybe the ennui was a perfect reflection of the current condition. But I think Taylor is so interested in people and it comes through in her characterisation. I like the term devastating realism, Sara! Her psychological acuity is pretty devastating. I was just so moved and sad and touched and heartbroken. #allthefeels 4y
GatheringBooks i think a lot has happened within the characters in terms of growth, life changes, states of being: vesey‘s degradation and that diminished sense of self in the end was already a sinuous plot right there. but yes, i like the contemplative nature of the narrative even as it also strikes deeply into nature of human foibles, the choices we make, and the ultimate consequences brought about by our action or inaction for that matter. 4y
GatheringBooks @batsy yes. i felt sad for harriet too. and charles, as well. how he tries so hard, his cruelty brought out of desperation, his silent acts of affection with the hot water bottle, his fervent desire for harriet to remain even while she is clearly elsewhere even when physically around. taylor has captured so tastefully and so incisively the nature of most marriages: the compromises and the leaning towards the safe confines of a constructed home. 4y
saresmoore @batsy Oh, yes, living through the book is a great way to put it. I honestly even appreciated Charles because he acted as a sort of mooring in the midst of my uncertainty about the characters (and life). 4y
vivastory @GatheringBooks Very well said! Now I feel like rereading it 😆 4y
emilyhaldi My husband's friend asked me what my book was about and while I tried to explain he was shocked at what a bore it sounded ? but I agree with all of the above comments that "devastating realism" can be just as enagaging as a more plot-driven read. 4y
Leftcoastzen It is a hard book to describe. Once I was in Taylor‘s world , I wanted to see what would happen with these carefully drawn characters..her writing is beautiful..ennui as @batsy said. 4y
sisilia I guess that‘s what drew me to Taylor, novels where nothing much happens 😆 She‘s so good in detailing mundanities, giving us a good peek of how life was during her time 4y
batsy @GatheringBooks Yes to all of this! @sisilia "detailing mundanities"—yes, you'd have to be a certain kind of a writer with a certain kind of sensibility to make that work so well on the page. 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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#NYRBBookClub Question 3: The Second World War takes place between the books and in the background of the story. Do you think this was intentional on Taylor‘s part?

Reviewsbylola It definitely struck me, as there were quite a few references to the war. My mind kept taking me to “if they only knew.” 4y
Liz_M I hadn't been paying close attention to the time period and didn't realize the war had been skipped over until Caroline's funeral. I wish I had paid more attention to what the war changed and what it didn't, because surely more should have changed in contrast to Harriet's feelings for Vessey remaining the same? 4y
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saresmoore @Liz_M It sort of adds to the life goes on vibe—plus ça change, plus c‘est le même chose. Her mother‘s death didn‘t seem to change her much at all, either. Whereas, Betsy was greatly affected by even perceived momentous life events. Betsy mentions the war‘s impact, specifically. And I think it‘s pretty clear that it impacted Vesey‘s life. 4y
saresmoore This quote seems like it could be an oblique reference to the war: “Nowadays,” [Harriet] thought, “perhaps always, happiness has to be isolated. Only when we blot out all that surrounds it, can we have it perfect, as we so often have perfect grief.” 4y
Suet624 @saresmoore Hmm... that quote kind of reminds me of now. If I blot out all the news, my current isolation is pretty perfect. 4y
saresmoore @Suet624 Oh, true! I hadn‘t even made that association. 4y
vivastory @Suet624 I've been continuing my weekend news blackouts for my sanity 4y
Suet624 @vivastory I've been trying... but today I snapped. Yelled at a few Trump supporters. Then sat in the sunshine and apologized to myself (and any I have offended) for dipping into that horrid pot of viciousness. 4y
vivastory @Suet624 Oof, horrid pot of viciousness is right. It's hard to find the energy to keep fighting, while taking a break when you need it. 4y
GatheringBooks now that i really reflect on it, the oblique references as @saresmoore eloquently put it only demonstrate even more taylor‘s skill as a writer: the subtlety, the way the drama of harriet‘s love affair and infidelities take center stage. this centrality of ordinary people‘s lives while momentous historic events happen on the backdrop, influencing events as they do - is so real and credible and skilfully executed. 4y
batsy It did feel deliberate, the war having such an impact that it could probably not be described but only taken in via the small changes in psychology and daily life. Like when Harriet can barely look at Vesey in his battledress; maybe an indication of a larger collective inability to reckon with the war directly. Much like the present, I think, like how @Suet624 describes it. 4y
saresmoore @batsy Well said, Suba! 4y
vivastory @batsy Events so momentous they require distance... this is so well stated! I've already been wondering when we'll get our first truly great novel of the Covid-19 era. Not one written as a knee jerk reaction, but one where the writer can absorb some of the implications. 4y
batsy @vivastory I've been wondering the same! We'll get an initial wave of hyped Covid-19 novels and then the interesting ones will probably come years later (if publishing as an industry recovers—sometimes I think about what might be left after an unprecedented economic shock like this one and I start to panic...) 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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#NYRBBookClub Question 2: In what ways did the other characters inform your view or understanding of Harriet?

vivastory I thought the female characters provided a good contrast to Harriet. I loved their conversations, they felt very authentic but then there were those moments of lyrical psychological insight. 4y
Reviewsbylola I though Betsy‘s viewpoint was very interesting. We often don‘t see ourselves the way our children see us, and my heart broke for her daughter. 4y
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Liz_M I am not sure the different perspectives helped an understanding of Harriet, but they added complexity to their interactions with Harriet. I loved how we hear Miss Bell's (Betsy's Greek teacher) inability to look Harriet in the eye after a tearful confession and later on hear Harriet comment on how Miss Bell seems to be avoiding her. It's as well-done as in Iza's Ballad, but more subtle since the story isn't one of conflict between characters. 4y
Reviewsbylola Yes, I appreciated the dual perspectives of Harriet and Ms Bell. @Liz_M 4y
saresmoore @vivastory Yes, well said! @Reviewsbylola I also appreciated the frequent juxtaposition of Harriet & her own mother to her relationship with Betsy. 4y
saresmoore @Liz_M That‘s a good comparison. The story is almost solely in avoidance of conflict, now that I think about it. 4y
vivastory @Liz_M That's a good point. It was interesting reading them as our consecutive choices because tonally they felt similar, but Taylor's is much more qui 4y
vivastory @Liz_M *quiet 4y
mklong @reviewsbylola I agree, and I appreciated the hints we got early on when Harriet, in Part 1, says she never really understood her mother until she was a mother herself. I loved the bit where she said she was far more concerned about her mother's lost youth than her mother was. 4y
batsy Like @vivastory says her conversations with other female characters were wonderfully described, especially with the other shop girls. Those were some of my favourite scenes. And so discreetly funny. You get a sense of how quiet and reticent Harriet could be and a good sense of others in terms of how they respond to that. For that reason her mother made me sad. @Liz_M I hadn't thought about it but that's a really nice comparison to Iza's Ballad. 4y
GatheringBooks @vivastory @Liz_M great point re the parallels between taylor and szabo. I find the former‘s restraint and detachment spill over into the characters. i agree that the latter has greater conflict among the characters and with a seeming immovable certitude and fullness and self-assuredness about who they are as characters - unlike harriet‘s feelings of driftlessness - even vesey with all his big talk also had that aimless vibe abt him. 4y
GatheringBooks i actually like the contrast between harriet and her best girlfriend - the wife of charles‘ friend - especially when she was trying to tone down harriet‘s budding infidelity and making her realize how one and the other are all basically the same. harriet‘s stubbornness and intransigence at this point also says a lot about her. 4y
LeahBergen Oh, I just wanted to add here in regard to the other characters... didn‘t you all just love the scenes with the “shop girls” in that back room? 😆 So brilliantly wrought! 4y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Yes! I can picture them all vividly! 4y
Leftcoastzen @LeahBergen loved the shop girl talk! 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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#NYRBBookClub Question 1: The majority of the novel follows Harriet‘s thoughts and feelings, but do you see her as a true protagonist?

vivastory Harriet is definitely the protagonist in this book, but Taylor's attention to other characters is striking. Her minor characters are so well drawn that they feel like mini-protagonists themselves 4y
Leftcoastzen In a way, I think you could make a case that unconsummated love is the protagonist. 4y
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Liz_M I do see Harriet as the protagonist. Even though we see a lot of different viewpoints, often what we see is the other characters' thoughts about Harriet -- Julia's suspicions about Harriet's refusal of tea, the husband's worries about their age differences (d'uh, so boring of a character that I've forgotten his name!), Vessey's lies to her, Betsy's obsession with Vessey & Harriet. 4y
saresmoore @Leftcoastzen I love that! @vivastory Because of the fluid & frequent perspective shifting and Harriet‘s almost lack of personality, it almost felt like she was being washed along on the tides of everyone else. At one point, Vesey comments on her hyper awareness of others and how unique it is. It‘s almost as if Harriet‘s perspective is so others-focused that she loses her own true essence in the midst of it all. 4y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen That's an interesting point 🤔 4y
saresmoore @Liz_M Ahaha! That‘s a great point. 4y
vivastory @saresmoore This is my first Taylor, I wasn't sure if the shifting perspective is standard for her or specific to this one? 4y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory Yes ! Her attention to all the characters adds so much ! One of the things I don‘t like in contemporary writing is a minimally drawn character that just moves the plot along . 4y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen I thought it was one of the best aspects of the book 4y
saresmoore @vivastory If only I could remember! 😅 I think it‘s her typical style, but I could definitely be wrong. 4y
Leftcoastzen @saresmoore I agree with that too . She seems so focused on others , she is a cipher, hard to read , hard to pin down. 4y
saresmoore @Leftcoastzen Agreed! That really helped me to stay engaged in the story. 4y
vivastory @saresmoore @Leftcoastzen I will definitely be reading more. This is one of my favorites the group has read. 4y
Reviewsbylola She seems meeker than I would have expected. She seems a bit steamrolled by the strong men in her life. At the same time, she did seem pretty strong in the conviction of what she wanted, even if she was fearful of going after it. 4y
mklong @leftcoastzen That is such a great point! I appreciated taking the time to fully realize the minor characters. The ladies at the gown shop were so vivid, that I have been describing myself as “fat and forty“ for the past few days! And you are so right, that too many authors gloss over characters like these so as to move the plot along, or I'd say not to pull focus from the protagonist. 4y
saresmoore @mklong That‘s fantastic! It is such a great description. And a great point about other authors trying not to pull focus from the MC—Taylor‘s approach is almost in opposition to that. 4y
saresmoore @Reviewsbylola In the intro, Crain comments on Harriet‘s timidity vs. Vesey‘s cruelty. I didn‘t see either of them in that light as I was reading, but it does seem to be the most obvious flaw in Harriet. I saw her as meek, too, but I think you‘re right that it‘s actually fear. 4y
Liz_M @saresmoore I am not sure Harriet ever had a true essence, other than as defined by others. One of the earliest descriptions of her is the narrowing of her mother's dreams of her greatness: from being a brilliant leader to hoping she would go to university to just being glad she had enough gumption to get herself hired as a shop girl. (edited) 4y
saresmoore @Liz_M In my head, I kept referring to Harriet as pants. I had moments when I questioned if she might just be a vehicle for Taylor to write about Vesey. 4y
Suet624 @Leftcoastzen Nailed it! :) 4y
Suet624 @saresmoore Oh my. I love how you phrase this and yes, I agree. 4y
Liz_M @saresmoore Pants? But interesting.....perhaps Harriet was a mirror -- a way to reflect a lot of different characters and a particular milieu? If she was too strong of a character herself, we wouldn't be able to see the minor characters and interactions between them as clearly? 4y
Suet624 @Liz_M That was sad. 4y
saresmoore @Liz_M Yes, exactly what I was thinking and much better articulated. 😅 4y
GatheringBooks @Liz_M loved reading your response to @saresmoore ‘s q, particularly with the mother‘s viewpoint thrown in here. I do see her as the protagonist in the story even as she lacked a clear “essence” - but one can argue that isn‘t everyone merely a collection of influences and experiences? Harriet, while placid and evidently commonplace, clearly had strong urges that she followed through, notwithstanding the risks. 4y
batsy So many great answers here. I found Harriet's meekness to be a kind of generosity, in a sense; it allows other people to be who they are—the shifting perspective is something Taylor handled beautifully. @saresmoore I felt the same; you do get the sense that Taylor was intrigued by Vesey. And Harriet's mother's disappointment in her (the suffragettes' disappointment in their children's generation) seemed to be reflected in Taylor's writing somewhat 4y
batsy @GatheringBooks Nicely put! I also began to look at Vesey differently when he described her as brave. He saw something in Harriet that others didn't—probably not even Harriet herself did—and his ironic posturing began to look a bit different in that light. I finally warmed to him. (I found him an interesting character, but I wasn't fond of him.) 4y
sisilia The shifting perspective is what I like the most about Taylor @batsy @vivastory 4y
merelybookish Late to the discussion so not much to add. I did consider Harriet our center albeit a wispy one. Her lack of personality or will initially annoyed me but I came to appreciate her more as the book went a long. And yes to being fat & forty @mklong 😀 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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I‘ll be kicking off our #NYRBBookClub discussion of April‘s pick—A Game of Hide and Seek—in a few minutes! All are welcome to join at their convenience and the questions are merely a launching point for any and all topics related to the book. Please let me know if I missed tagging anyone. 😊

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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Taylor is deft at balancing objectivity through keen observation and the Big Feelings that charge each scene with a palpable tension & propel the lives of her characters. Nothing much happens and yet perpetual uncertainty bubbles just beneath the surface. The characters are painfully believable and frustrating, yet somehow endearing. The writing is gorgeous. In short, I loved this quietly devastating book. #NYRBBookClub

saresmoore A friendly reminder to all my fellow NYRBers that our discussion is tomorrow at noon EST. I‘m looking forward to some good insights and strong opinions! @vivastory @BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi @LeahBergen @mklong @sprainedbrain @Liz_M @Leftcoastzen @merelybookish @GatheringBooks @sisilia @Reviewsbylola @batsy @MicheleinPhilly @Suet624 @youneverarrived @Theaelizabet 4y
MicheleinPhilly Ugh, I am the WORST group member. This completely slipped my mind. Damn rona brain. 😕 4y
LeahBergen Yay! 👏🏻 I‘m looking forward to this discussion. 4y
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merelybookish Great review! I'll be there with bells! 4y
BarbaraBB Wonderful review! I try to be there but it might be difficult as it is 6 PM here by then! 4y
saresmoore @MicheleinPhilly Don‘t feel bad! Even when our world isn‘t being turned upside down and inside out, I can‘t remember my own birthdate most days. 🤷‍♀️ 4y
emilyhaldi I agree!!! The characters are all deeply flawed... in the most realistic way. 4y
vivastory Fantastic review! Looking forward to the discussion! 4y
Reviewsbylola I‘m ready! 4y
Billypar Still waiting on my hold to come in, but it sounds really good: have a great discussion! 4y
batsy Nice review ❤️ Looking forward to the discussion! I'll join in if I'm still awake over here or comment later if not 😁 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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My secondhand copy of this never arrived, so luckily @emilyhaldi was able to spare her copy. I would have been ashamed to miss a third month of #NYRBbookclub, and I always want to try more Elizabeth Taylor.

I‘m hoping to finish today. I‘m really enjoying it although the characters are irritating. I was rooting for Charles initially (and I may be the only one, but I picture him as Ashley Wilkes 😂) but still 2/3 thru, that ship has sailed.

emilyhaldi Ew, Charles 😏 4y
Reviewsbylola IKR?!? I really felt for him initially but it didn‘t take long for his true colors to shine through. @emilyhaldi 4y
merelybookish I think part of Taylor's gift is that she made me feel some empathy for all the characters including Charles. 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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This is my first novel by Elizabeth Taylor, & as soon as I started I was reminded of Elizabeth Bowen's The Death of the Heart. Both books are vastly different but so similar in how it plumbs the depths of character & motivation & how we do what we do, or don't do, for love (or the idea of it). Beautifully modulated, quiet, with nothing much happening except the beating of hearts. Taylor's writing is something I'd like more of. #nyrbbookclub

Tanisha_A Stacked a jet speed! 😁 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely review, dear. I haven‘t read her but have one of her books on my shelves. That‘s a pretty copy. 4y
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saresmoore Great review! ♥️ I‘m looking forward to discussing it. 4y
batsy @Tanisha_A 😁🎉 4y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you, lovely! I want to read that, too. And this one is also fighting to be my next Taylor read 4y
batsy @saresmoore Thanks, Sara. I'm looking forward to it as well. I'll probably just be mooning about how much I love her writing 😆 4y
Palimpsest Lovely review! 4y
batsy @Palimpsest Thank you 🙂 4y
vivastory I completely agree with the Bowen comparison. Fantastic review! 4y
batsy @vivastory Thank you! We've discovered some fab women writers with our #nyrbbookclub 4y
Ms_T Another beautifully eloquent review from you❤️ 4y
batsy @Ms_T Thank you so much 😘 4y
rubyslippersreads Such a gorgeous copy! 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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3⭐️ I love Elizabeth Taylor, but I couldn‘t connect with this novel in the same way as I have with her other works. The writing, however, is very lovely. As always, Taylor‘s brilliant in describing mundanities & her characters‘ feelings. The last third of the novel finally pulled me in, and saved me from DNF-ing. I‘m bad in connecting with adultery novels; I was frustrated with Madame Bovary & Anna Karenina. I suspect the theme is the culprit here

merelybookish Fun pic! I think @BarbaraBB also found the last third saved the novel. 4y
BarbaraBB @merelybookish That‘s right! I felt about the same as you did @sisilia though I have nothing against adultery novels, I have loved a lot of them. (edited) 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Tea time (jasmine pearl) with our #NYRBBookClub pick.

I‘m loving it so far (but I was already a big Taylor fan, so no surprises here 🙂).

Mtroiano Love that tea pot! 4y
TrishB Beautiful pic ♥️ 4y
BiblioLitten Ah! Perfect♥️♥️ 4y
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DGRachel That looks so cozy! 4y
tpixie Lovely photo! That teapot!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 4y
Leftcoastzen Looks like the place to be! 4y
merelybookish Lovely! 4y
BarbaraBB Two cookies. You‘re so civilized 😉, I‘d put all of them beside me 😘 4y
Tanisha_A Love everything about this photograph! ♥️ 4y
readordierachel Looks heavenly! 4y
rubyslippersreads Perfection! 📚🍪🍵 4y
Cathythoughts Gorgeous pic ✨ 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Me stuck halfway reading the tagged book 😩

Tanisha_A Oh no! Can understand how annoying that is 4y
sisilia @Tanisha_A Right?! Was hoping for a super engaging read .. haha 4y
BarbaraBB Is it the timing or don‘t you like the book at all? 4y
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saresmoore Bummer! I‘m nearing the end and am fully engaged now. 4y
sisilia @BarbaraBB Maybe it‘s because I‘m not into adultery stories 😆 Madame Bovary irritated me big time 4y
batsy I just finished and loved it! But I also loved Madame Bovary 😉 4y
sisilia @saresmoore @batsy Fingers crossed I find a turning point soon 😁 4y
TheSpineView I hate getting stuck in a book. In a great book the story should ensnare you and pull through to the very end. 4y
sisilia @TheSpineView That is so true! 4y
AyaOfSiwa I hate when that happen to me. Like right now with book I read :( 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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I‘m heading in, #NYRBBookClub people! 👍🏻

@vivastory @saresmoore

merelybookish And into such a pretty edition! 4y
rubyslippersreads Gorgeous! 😍 4y
vivastory I hope you love it! 4y
See All 20 Comments
vivastory And I agree with @merelybookish ! 4y
BarbaraBB Great edition, it definitely matches the NYRB one! 4y
Kalalalatja So pretty! 4y
batsy I have that edition! 🙌🏽 I'm about midway through and really liking it. 4y
saresmoore Beautiful! 4y
Liz_M Lovely! Is that a Virago edition? I think I have a Pym from the same design collection. 4y
emilyhaldi I'm 2/3 of the way through and already sad for it to end 💙 4y
Reviewsbylola I‘m just now starting it. 🙌🏻 4y
Centique I think this is the prettiest cover! 😍 4y
LeahBergen @batsy I‘m about halfway now and loving it! 4y
LeahBergen @Liz_M Yes! You must have Excellent Women. I love the cover on that one, too. ❤️ 4y
LeahBergen @emilyhaldi I‘m about halfway. Sooo good! 4y
LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola How are you liking it? 4y
Reviewsbylola I‘m not very far. I‘m hoping to make some real headway tonight! 4y
Suet624 That‘s such a pretty edition! 4y
LeslieO I recently purchased two by Taylor after listening to a discussion of one of her books on the Backlisted pod. Haven‘t read them yet but looking forward to it. 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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The ending saved this book for me. I am a sucker for a good adultery novel and I know everyone loves this one, but I wasn‘t gripped by the story nor the characters. I even caught myself skimming at times. The last 50 pages or so made up for the first 250 and now I feel like I should start all over again to fully appreciate it. Maybe one day. When the world is back to normal.

#NYRBBookClub #ATY2020 author you read only once #NYRB

merelybookish Oh well, we can't love 'em all! Will be interested to hear at what point it shifted for you. 4y
BarbaraBB @merelybookish It is probably me and my mood, I keep thinking of your review and these kind of books are usually so up my alley 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
BarbaraBB @merelybookish When they meet and drive to Surrey. Vesey only then becomes real/human to me. He shows his vulnerability and I loved their dialogues from them on. 4y
sisilia Same here 🙌🏻😺 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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While our prime minister announces in a press conference that we‘ll have another month of staying at home as much as possible, I am hiding for reality in the world Elizabeth Taylor created in this month‘s #NYRBBookClub choice.

Hooked_on_books That‘s not ET the actress, is it? 4y
Kalalalatja Take care ❤️❤️ 4y
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books No it‘s another! 4y
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BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Thanks! I envy you, Denmark is moving fast now! 4y
robinb Hang in there, sweet friend! 💕 4y
TrishB It‘s never ending! 4y
JennyM Hugs 😘 (edited) 4y
CarolynM Our PM is talking about 6 months, although it's not an order yet. The fact that we are going in to winter here means we will likely need to maintain restrictions for longer than the northern hemisphere. 4y
BarbaraBB @TrishB It does seem that way at times. Kids can go to kindergarten and school again and do sports. That‘s the only change for now. 4y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM 6 months? What will be left of your economy? Frightening, although I understand the arrival of Winter won‘t help. 4y
CarolynM I don't know, but having the virus running rampant through the community wouldn't be good for productivity either. I think there will probably be some easing of restrictions, but it will be a long way from business as usual. 4y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM that is certainly true. Business as usual seems unreal, unthinkable for now. Take care 💕 4y
batsy It seems to show no sign of ending here, as well. Scheduled to end next week but lots of rumblings that it's too soon to lift lockdown and that it will continue for the next phase. Sending ❤️ to you and all of us who have no idea what's in store. I feel like it's trivial but I miss the simplest things, like cafés and bookstores and seeing people in groups... 4y
BarbaraBB @batsy Me too, exactly those things. Book store are still open here fortunately but no cafés or terraces filled with people or even museums. I really miss that. 4y
Kalalalatja Yeah, but it almost feels like it is too fast. A lot of things are opening up (daycare, health care for non-corona related illness, hair dressers, chiropractors, tattoo shops, etc etc), but we don‘t know how all this new activity will affect the number of sick people or people who need to be hospitalised. It feels kinda rushed to me, and that‘s scary! 4y
hilded It‘s hard for sure. Sounds like we are about where you are here in Norway. Kindergardens opened up again this week, and schools will open up for the youngest (1st to 4th grade) on Monday. On the bright side, summer suddenly arrived, 21C here now ☀️ Lovely, but also makes it crowded outside with people gathering on beaches and in parks. Gonna enjoy it with shrimps for dinner out in the sun today 🍤🍻 4y
TrishB No schools open yet. Still in lockdown until 7 May. Not sure about next steps as govt. doesn‘t seem to want to discuss in public. Though Scottish govt seem open to options. 4y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja I can imagine that‘s scary, but Sweden does it too, isn‘t it? And they are doing good, I thought. I‘m sure the rest of Europe is following close how things are going in Denmark and Sweden! 4y
BarbaraBB @hilded That is about the same indeed. And it is summer here too. The sun makes up for a lot of the dark times! Take care 🤍💚 4y
BarbaraBB @TrishB “doesn‘t want to discuss in public”. It makes me laugh despite it being not funny at all. Take care dear Trish, things will get better - even without the festivals and the gigs and football 😌😘 4y
TrishB Missing all those things ☹️ but family and friends more. 4y
BarbaraBB @TrishB We can see family and friends fortunately, as long as we keep our distance and as long as we‘re in small groups. Most heartbreaking are my parents, who we visit often but can‘t hug or even touch. They are by themselves all the time. A sad situation but they are still healthy. Can‘t you travel or meet friends/family at all? That must be hard. 4y
TrishB We don‘t have a car and even if you do you are not supposed to make ‘unnecessary‘ journeys. Only one of my nephews lives in walking distance and we wave and shout across the park when out with the dogs. I‘m used to seeing my sisters most weeks. Never missed them more. It‘s good you can still see your parents and know they‘re ok. 4y
Kalalalatja Well, there‘s a bit of a “competition” going on between Denmark and Sweden (at least the media think so) about “who did the right thing), and Sweden has had a higher number of deaths and sick. But I don‘t really know what counts as succesful at the moment 4y
BarbaraBB @TrishB That is tough. Especially when you don‘t know how long it will take. I hope your daughter is still with you? Take care ❤️ 4y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja You are right, it‘s should not be a competition now, with so many losing. We should learn from eachother though and I hope Denmark will be safe and we can follow you! Take care ❤️ 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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"We are complete in the womb itself, she thought in terror. We only unfold. This seemed monstrous to her, repulsive."


paulfrankspencer I think there might be a surprising amount of truth in this quote. 4y
batsy @paulfrankspencer Yes! I found it unnerving to think about, much like Julia in that passage. 4y
Smarkies Hello! I know this is an odd thing.... But I was going to send you a little something and the delivery person is asking for a phone number. If you are not ok putting it here.... Could you please email it to me at smarkandu at gmail.com ? Thanks! 4y
batsy @Smarkies Hello! Thank you, that is is so unexpected and sweet of you! I'll drop you an email 4y
Smarkies @batsy thanks! Got it. 😁 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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All the stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This could have been a trite story about love lost and found. Harriet and Vesey have a brief, lurching almost love affair as teens. Later, their romance is rekindled but Harriet is now a wife and mother, Vesey, a disappointed actor. But each scene is so beautifully wrought, each character, even minor ones, written with complexity. Astonished at how she reveals the depths at work in even the most seemingly simple interactions.

merelybookish A new #NYRBbookclub favourite. (Sorry Cassandra!) Looking forward to discussing @vivastory @saresmoore 4y
BarbaraBB Wow, it surpasses Cassandra. I have a hard time getting into the story but your recommendation is encouraging! Great review! ❤️ 4y
batsy Lovely review! I'm loving her writing and characterisation. Such a keen eye. I'm just going into Part 2 and I feel like it's going to be a favourite. 4y
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vivastory What a great review! Can't wait to discuss! 4y
saresmoore Excellent review! It‘s a beautiful book. 4y
Jess_Read_This Wonderful review! I really need to move this up on the TBR list. 4y
merelybookish @BarbaraBB I hope it picks up for you! 4y
merelybookish @batsy @saresmoore @vivastory Thanks everyone! Excited to discuss. I may gush. 😂 4y
merelybookish @Jess_Read_This Thanks Jess! Yes, do. I think we should push all the Elizabeth Taylor books up our TBRs. 4y
sisilia Beautiful edition! 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Beautiful writing, with all the complications of life .What was , what is ,and what might have been.I don‘t want to say more until the #NYRBbookclub discussion. Another reason to love our little club!

merelybookish Wow a pan! I'm so intrigued. I'm loving this far! 4y
Leftcoastzen @merelybookish oops , just hit the wrong button!😂correction 4y
merelybookish @Leftcoastzen 😂. Makes more sense! Although a pan would have been juicy. 4y
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Leftcoastzen @merelybookish I‘ll blame it on the 🍺I do have another Taylor novel in the house ..she does remind me of Elizabeth Bowen. 4y
batsy I just started and I'm hooked. She immediately reminded me of Bowen! ❤️ 4y
saresmoore Yes, I‘m loving it, too! 4y
BarbaraBB For me the used language is more difficult to understand than mostly. But I‘m only 20 pages in so I hope it just takes some getting used to! 4y
Leftcoastzen @BarbaraBB I get that.It is kinda mid century “ flowery”English. 4y
BarbaraBB I am a 150 pages in now and I think I kind of am used to it now. But I don‘t read it as easily as I usually do. 4y
vivastory Fantastic review. I just read the first quarter of it & I'm loving it! 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Starting this for this month‘s #nyrbbookclub ✌🏻

Moray_Reads Love Elizabeth Taylor ♥️ 4y
emilyhaldi I'm loving it so far ❣️ 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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#WeeklyForecast 18/20

I am in the middle of Lady Susan and Inheritance. Both are short so I expect I can make a dent in this months #NYRBBookClub choice as well. Also I really wanting to start The Enchanted (for #Booked2020).

LeeRHarry Be interested to hear what you think of Inheritance - I‘ll be reading that for bookgroup next month 😊 4y
Cinfhen As you know both Inheritance and The Enchanted were books I found really powerful and connected with. Can‘t wait to hear your thoughts ♥️ 4y
TrishB Which prompt are you using The Enchanted for? Asking for a friend 😁 4y
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BarbaraBB @TrishB 😂 Animal on cover! 4y
TrishB @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB sadly, she has done that one 😉 4y
BarbaraBB @TrishB 😂😂 I feel sorry for your friend! 4y
BarbaraBB @LeeRHarry I will keep you posted. Am reading it right now! 4y
readordierachel Loved The Enchanted. It has stayed with me. 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Womb "What a word to be stuck with -- so sinister, so Biblical." The various conversations amongst women are so good.
I am loving this book!
#nyrbbookclub @saresmoore @vivastory

batsy Oh that's so good! I haven't started yet but I'm really looking forward to it. 4y
merelybookish @batsy I think you'll like it! I think we are both going to wonder why we haven't been reading her for years. 4y
BarbaraBB Excited now to start this one too! 4y
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merelybookish @BarbaraBB I'm excited for others to read it and our discussion! (I missed last month's 😕) 4y
LeahBergen I love Taylor and I‘m really looking forward to this one! 4y
merelybookish @LeahBergen I may be looking for recommendations after this one! 4y
Ruthiella I‘ve only read Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont which was so so good! I love her economical writing style. 4y
emilyhaldi I'm loving this too 💕 4y
merelybookish @emilyhaldi It is really, really good! Potentially my new NYRB fave. 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Virginia Woolf has nearly ruined the novel, according to 18 year-old aspiring literary critic Vesey 🙄
He is insufferable. And yet, at 18, like Harriet I would have probably been smitten too.
Starting the #NYRBbookclub pick early since I missed out last month. I have a very good feeling about it! @saresmoore @vivastory

saresmoore I feel the same way about Vesey! I think she really completes the picture of his character when she puts him in “mandals”—he reminds me even more of an insufferable crush of mine from freshman year of college. 😅 4y
merelybookish @saresmoore Exactly...freshman year. I would have thought Vesey tres sophisticated and oh-so-smart! 4y
vivastory 😂 I'm not going to lie that it brought me great joy to see him hurt himself a few paragraphs later. It felt like the universe was readjusting a bit. 4y
merelybookish @vivastory. He's a such a young cad! I mean who insults VW?! But my feelings for him changed as I read. 4y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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This is definitely a #blameitonlitsy read. I had no idea who THIS Elizabeth Taylor was before hearing of her here. I believe I may have found the only copy of a book of hers in the entire Vermont library collection. It took a while for me to fully invest in the story and then her descriptions of suburban society and the MC‘s yearning to be with a childhood love became a felt experience. Humorous moments came unexpectedly and were delightful.

vivastory You just can't go wrong with NYRB Classics! 5y
Reviewsbylola I didn‘t realize any of her books were published thru NYRB! 5y
Suet624 @Reviewsbylola NYRB has published two of hers. Angel is the other one. 5y
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Suet624 @vivastory So true. It‘s a daunting catalog to get through though. ☺️ (edited) 5y
vivastory It's completely worth it. 5y
Suet624 @vivastory how many or what percentage of them do you think you‘ve read? 5y
vivastory Maybe 1% 😬🙊We should start a Litsy nyrb book club, where one month we read & discuss one title. 5y
vivastory *one title each month 5y
BarbaraBB @vivastory that sounds like a plan! 5y
LeahBergen Isn‘t she glorious? I have this one waiting on my shelf. 👍🏻 5y
Suet624 @LeahBergen what others of hers have you read? 5y
LeahBergen I‘ve read At Mrs Lippincote‘s, Palladian, and A View of the Harbour. I enjoyed them all! 😃 5y
Suet624 @leahbergen Wow! I‘ve got some catching up to do. 5y
sisilia I have this NYRB copy, untouched 😅 I‘ve read At Mrs Lippincote‘s, In a Summer Season, and The Soul of Kindness. Love all of them, and look forward to reading more of Elizabeth Taylor 5y
Suet624 I need to start shopping! Like I said, this was the only one I could find in the entire Vermont library collection. Although I haven‘t checked any of the college libraries. Hmmm...I‘ll have to try that. 5y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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One of my bookcases that‘s #CloseToMe right at this moment. 😄


Mtroiano 😍 5y
saresmoore Oh. My. Goodness. 5y
Reviewsbylola Your shelves are my absolute favorite Litsy shelves!! 5y
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writerlibrarian Well... i'm not at all turning green... nope. 😉😉😉 5y
JoScho Beautiful 💗 5y
Leftcoastzen Pretty! 5y
Mdargusch Wow! I could stare at that for hours! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
batsy 😍😍 5y
AlaMich Your shelves are awesome! I get the feeling you are a series completist...😉 5y
emilyhaldi Uuggghhhh I will never not have major book envy with ANYTHING you post 🤤 5y
LeslieO So beautiful! I wish I could enlarge it like instagram so I could read all the titles. 5y
Kalalalatja I can‘t deal 😍😍😍😍 5y
Tanisha_A WOW 5y
Cinfhen Looks like an old English library shelf!! Beautiful 5y
Susannah So purty! 😍 5y
mabell 😍❤️😍 5y
Sarah83 Can you take a picture of the vmc's 😍😍😍 5y
youneverarrived Gorgeous 😍 5y
Cathythoughts Beautiful ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
LeahBergen @AlaMich Hmm... a wee bit. 😆😆 I‘m not too rabid about it, though. 5y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads Yes, and it‘s all thanks to you! Doesn‘t it look nice with the other old Thirkells? 😄 5y
LeahBergen @Sarah83 Do you want a photo of just the titles? 5y
Sarah83 This would be very nice. 😍 I am going to use this for future parcels as an alternative to Folios. 😍 5y
LeahBergen @Sarah83 Aww, you‘re so sweet! 😘 5y
Sarah83 😘😘😘😘 These ones I can order at book depository for example 😍 5y
Melissa_J You know I love your Shellie pics 😍 5y
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen 😊 I also like seeing two of my favorites, Tryst and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. (edited) 5y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads I blame my purchase of both of these on YOU! I only recently (finally!) found a hardcover of The Ghost and Mrs Muir (I‘ve never even seen the movie). 5y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads Oh, and I had to put it next to Tryst on the shelf because they‘re both recommendations from you. 😆😆 5y
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen Read the book first, but you must watch the movie. It‘s wonderful! (edited) 5y
RohitSawant Oo, love this! 😍 5y
BiblioLitten Can‘t even!! 😍😍 5y
Megabooks 🤩😍🤩😍🤩 5y
MStew I'm in love with your books and book taste 😍 5y
LeahBergen @meghan2714 Wow, that was a lot of “likes” from you. 😆 Thank you so much!! 5y
MStew @LeahBergen 😂 I was looking at all your bookies your welcome. 5y
elkeOriginal I wish I could zoom in and check out your titles! 5y
121 likes40 comments
A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Oh, this was wonderful. Quietly, calmly devastating with characters with the changeable, contradictory ideas and feelings of real people. No one is right or wrong in this exquisitely sensitive story of different loves and less-that-perfect lives, I read most of it with years in my eyes and a lump in my throat. This is now my favourite by Elizabeth Taylor.

EvieBee Lovely review and photo! You‘ve inspired me to pick up the next book I need to read of hers. I‘m reading them chronologically. 6y
Moray_Reads @EvieBee that's much more organised than me, I read a few last year and then forgot about them until I saw this at the library but now she's right at the forefront of my mind again 6y
EvieBee @Moray_Reads That was me! I read Mrs. Palfrey first and was like...I need all her books. Turns out I already owned most of them. I collect Viragos old and new. 6y
Moray_Reads @EvieBee Mrs Palfrey was my first too. I've just ordered a few more from my library ♥️ 6y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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aa_guer2021 Relatable. Stacked. ❤️ 6y
Moray_Reads @ruskigurl16 if you haven't read Elizabeth Taylor before her writing is full of pieces like this. She has such a grasp of inner feelings ♥️ 6y
aa_guer2021 @Moray_Reads I haven't actually. Where would you recommend I start? Or are all of them good? 6y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Suet624 Haha. Just read this in the book and was going to post it. 5y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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EvieBee Are you reading this?! I adore her. Haven‘t read this one yet. 6y
Moray_Reads @EvieBee I'm just a few pages in! I've read a few by her and I love them ♥️ 6y
rubyslippersreads @EvieBee @Moray_Reads I haven't read any, but I think I need to. 6y
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Moray_Reads @rubyslippersreads she's a great writer; funny, insightful and clever. She had a wonderful style 6y
Weaponxgirl What I have read by her is wonderful, Mrs palfrey at the Claremont was a stunning little book. She gets the indignities and little sorrows of everyday life just perfect 6y
Moray_Reads @Weaponxgirl perfectly put! She's so good and capturing humanity in small, everyday episodes 6y
Weaponxgirl I heard the term domestic fiction once and this is what I think of. Somehow nothing outside of the ordinary really happens in a 'thrilling' way but I can't stop reading since the characters and writing are so good and true to life. 6y
andrew61 I've read Angel which is a wonderful read so i wasn't aware if this but will have a look for it. 6y
EvieBee @rubyslippersreads I agree with Moray 💯%! My favorite so far is... 6y
EvieBee @Weaponxgirl I loved that one too! I think I cried. 6y
Moray_Reads @EvieBee that one is my favourite too! 6y
Weaponxgirl @EvieBee I cried too! 6y
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A Game of Hide and Seek | Elizabeth Taylor
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Somebody (@LeahBergen, I think it was you?) recently told me to read Elizabeth Taylor. This one was in brand new condition for $3. Yay!

Hobbinol You got that in a philosophy bookstore?! Liz must be much deeper than I've given her credit for...😊 7y
EvieBee She's great. I've been working through her books as a Spring/Summer project. 7y
LeahBergen Oooo, yes! I have 3 of hers. 😍 7y
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