Just finished a book about the Taliban, so it‘s time to move on to read about the Nazis. The company I keep…
Just finished a book about the Taliban, so it‘s time to move on to read about the Nazis. The company I keep…
I just finished this gem. Boyne really is the master!
This book made me cry...
It tells how innocent the children are in war and how propaganda has even influenced the people.
Very sad that children had to experience such times. 😞
⬇️What is your opinion on this book?⬇️
#johnboyne #germanbooks #cry #war #theboyatthetopofthemountain
#mistymountains #soaringscores
Another good one from Boyne 👍🏻
1. I made some blueberry coffee cake. 2. Another John Boyne Book. My library doesn‘t have many of his. 3. I have been in 39, but within a year it should be 48. 4. No, but I have a few beloved ones I‘ll never part with. 5. We are talking Cayman Islands and Denmark.
As crazy as this may sound, I had NO idea this was YA going in... but of course realized it quite quickly. I have so much trouble judging YA- this book in particular felt so dumbed down and hollow. But is that just bc I‘m not the right audience? Either way, I can‘t say I enjoyed it much. Too bad considering I had anticipated loving everything by Boyne!
I read this book instead of THIF to represent Cincinnati in the #marchmadnesschallenge! 🏀🤞🏻
#currentlyreading while my cinnamon rolls are baking
Such a poignant novel. Just like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, this book made me feel so many things. Will definitely read all of his other books now. ❤
Yet another title from my tbr list by a favorite author and some beautiful #mountains to look at.
Absolut beeindruckend. Unbedingt lesen. Lauter Fäden der Geschichte hat Boyne meisterhaft verwoben. Bei uns wird heute gewählt und eigentlich müsste jeder der rechts sein Kreuz machen möchte, so ein Buch in die Hand gedrückt bekommen.
Today I am #guilty of ordering the tagged book off of my son's scholastic book order for me. In my defense, it was only $5 and I'll share. Maybe I'll even tell him it's his. You know what, I'm not even sorry about it. No shame in my game! #fallintobooks
WW II historical fiction from the author of Boy in the striped pajamas
When absolute power corrupts absolutely the result is life altering as it was for a vast number of men and women, young and old alike during WWII. After reading this one, I am beyond words...
I had not heard of this particular novel until we were shopping for a new read aloud couple's book and I came across this bright read cover! Intrigued to read about Austria in WWII as that is the time period in which my father's mother, my Oma, grew up there.
I think the number of books by #Irishauthors in my collection can rival the number of Irish pubs 🍺in my city. 😅
#marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
Good month for me, I normally average between 8-12. Definitely blame it on Litsy.
Favourite was John Boyne one tagged here because it made me sad and was very topical at the moment.
John Boyne does this sort of book so well 😢 thought-provoking, sad and definitely an eye-opener for discussion on innocence and corruption with younger ones. Written about Hitler, but sadly so relevant today.
So I'm not sure how I feel about this book. It is a book to make you think, but it was overall darling than I thought it was going to be and I think that affected my overall view of the book.
Planning a cozy night in! Starting this tonight. It was a gift and I really haven't heard anything about it but I'm excited to give it a try, the first few pages are good!
"That's what I call real honest-to-goodness Christian charity. This is what people don't understand about you, Adolf." p. 158
This is how far I got before I was too nauseated to keep going. I guess that's how you know a book about WWII is doing its job.
A dark and beautiful story of a young, innocent boy who grew up under Adolf Hitler's wing, and became someone else entirely. The focus of the story is very interesting- the German side of WWII, from a young boys perspective, who becomes hungry for power in the shadow of a monster. Tear jerker: ✔️/3- some moments were very harsh and dark, but surprisingly not as sad as I had prepared myself. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
I was half afraid to read this; The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas has never left me. Fundamental life lessons are explored in an engaging way and I would teach this. At times the dialogue felt annoyingly contrived, serving only to fill in history but the characters were drawn well and I experienced many of their stories as if the wire on the novel cover was wrapped around my heart. The ending was not as confronting as TBITSP, but the middle? Wow.
This was unexpectedly good. I liked The Boy in the Striped PJs but I thought this similarly named title by the same author would be weak. I was pleasantly surprised. It's got similar overtones but it was a solid read about the ease of corruption and the lifelong guilt that accompanies it.
This is the whole lesson of this novel, what we should NEVER forget. I don't think it's a spoiler, but @JaimitaPR thinks it might be, so I defer to her better judgment!
An unsettling novel about a boy's indoctrination in Nazism, as he grows up in Hitler's mountain retreat as Hitler launches his campaign to "Make Germany great again." The novel asks an important question: "Is it really that easy to corrupt the innocent?" It provides no easy answers, and instead forces the reader to grapple with the complexities and ambiguities of what Arendt called "the banality of evil." Very worthwhile.
Yes, THAT Henry Ford wrote a blatantly anti-Semitic tract. (I had to stop reading to double check online.) In the novel, Hitler gives a copy to the boy...
A discussion about the power of uniforms is particularly piquant given the context of the book --an orphaned seven-year-old boy goes to live with his aunt, the housekeeper at Hitler's mountain retreat, in 1937: "uniforms allow us to exercise our cruelty without ever feeling guilty."
@BookishMarginalia and @gibblr are at @TheBookmarkPR practicing for our #24in48 readathon event this weekend. #redbookcovers
A good read that goes into the loss of Pierott's childhood innocence due to the evils of the world. It also deals with the guilt Pierott must carry with him as becomes an adult.
Stærk og rørende bog om hvordan den franske Pierrot bliver til tyske Pieter.