For today‘s #Paint 🖌️🎨 prompt I had to go with The Painted Man and my very first 3D acrylic painting that I finished this weekend for my SIL‘s 40th Birthday of her wedding bouquet 💐
#SchoolSpirit 🏫🎒🔔🚌👩🏫🍎✏️📓📚
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
For today‘s #Paint 🖌️🎨 prompt I had to go with The Painted Man and my very first 3D acrylic painting that I finished this weekend for my SIL‘s 40th Birthday of her wedding bouquet 💐
#SchoolSpirit 🏫🎒🔔🚌👩🏫🍎✏️📓📚
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
#top20series #20series20days Day 11
The Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett
There‘s 5 total books. I‘ve only read 2, but I like them a lot & the other 3 are on my TBR. Loved the world building and the magic system. The main character, Arlen, is an interesting character. I really need to reread these 2 and get the other 3!
This book has been on my ereader since... Forever 😅 But then a good friend asked me, of I wanted to adopt her copy. Sure, why not?
Didn't take me long and the book had sucked me in. And refused to let go. It lives from the eorld building and its characters, telling its story slowly and patient.
Sadly, everybody says that the following volumes aren't as good as this one. So my expectations need to scale down...
This book has it all! Utterly amazing dark world where demons roam free at night, powerful magic, thrilling fights and most of all strong characters who surpise themselves with their decisions to stand up to what their society deems proper. The way the characters evolve is so natural and beautiful and felt the most important aspect of the story. I can't wait to read more and see how the story goes.
One of my holds finally came in. Super excited to devour this. Hope it is as great as it seems so I can get sucked into a new series; it‘s been too long. 🙌🏻 📚
Really enjoyed this. Great storytelling. Looking forward to the next one in the series.
I am all about world build, I am all about multiple POVs, I am NOT okay with slow creeping progression that leads to....nothing. Absolutly nothing. This is what this book has delivered to me. Little excitement, boring POVs, and five seconds of the the actual Warded Man. Maybe it gets better in the series maybe it does not. I am not going to take my chance. Sorry! Not for me.
Kind of bummed, was totally enjoying the thrill, excitement, and fear for our first main character when all of a sudden we switch over to not just ONE POV but TWO different POV before resuming to that fate of our first POV character. Kind of killed my reading high. If the other two POVs weren't so boring I'd be okay but alas they ruined my reading vibe.
My Black Friday BookOutlet order arrived! I was just pawing through the books I ordered(since I had forgotten most of them) when I found this in the box! It‘s signed!!!! 😱😱 I have heard about people getting signed editions in their orders but this is the first it has happened to me! So. Much. Excitement. #bookoutlet
Just finished the final book in this series (The Core) and it was amazing! Read it electronically, but still need to buy so my OCD can have a complete collection on the shelf!
It's been awhile since I read an epic fantasy (mostly because I want to wait till the series is done before I start). So I was very eager to dive into this. Loved the unique world that Brett built. Loved the characters, the different take on magic. I would say there are some things that might not sit well with readers (can't say much more without spoiling). But overall for me, a very good read!
Pros: A great hook (Every single night in this fantasy world demons rise from the ground and kill anything they find. Humans survive the night by painting magic wards on their buildings or in portable ward rings on the road) and thoughtful world-building.
Cons: Dull repetitive prose (see #bulged). Odd pacing that seemed to linger on boring stuff and skip interesting stuff. Incest, sexual assault, and rape that were all unnecessary to the plot.
450 pages... 10 occurrences (my collage app only went up to 9 boxes)
Now, I am a calm and reasonable man but...
Maybe the people in this fantasy world should worry less about the demons that rise from the ground each night and more about this seemingly widespread ocular issue.
Friends, I am less than one fourth of the way through this book...
This... this could be a problem.
#Starting this book I received during an All Hallow‘s Read book exchange with some friends last year.
I really enjoyed this! It does seem that I am now on a new fantasy kick but I was super into this book! Not so patiently waiting for the next to be available from my library.
It followed several different characters and all were interesting and provided a different look into this demon filled world.
This was honestly the most enthusiastic I've been about reading a new book for quite a while (not that I've put an enormous amount of effort in lately 😅) and I've finished it feeling excited for the next book in the series.
#fantasy #adventure #action #monsters #petervbrett
I've had real trouble starting new things for a while, I just can't seem to get past it, so I decided to force it and throw myself into a new book. I love it. I am flying through this book, I haven't even touched The Keeping Place since I picked this up (which is a bit sad 😅)
#fantasy #demons #petervbrett #action
This review sums up my thoughts exactly on this horrible book:
This one is also great:
Just finished this! It was slow going at first but really picked up shortly after the halfway mark. I really enjoyed it. Definitely some epic scenes! I'm very interested to see where the next 4 books go. From everything I have heard it just keeps getting better and better!
An easy 4 ⭐ outta 5! 👏👍👌
69% in and things suddenly got reeeeeeeally badass! This chapter was bananas! 🙌
Good gravy I ❤️ fantasy novels!
Starting this tonight. Long overdue. The 5th (and final) book came out this year so it's time to dig into this series! I'm very excited to see what all the hype is about! 🙌
A very nice man in uniform just knocked on my door and handed me these! You are supposed to hug the postal workers when they bring you books, right? I'm not the only o...what? Why are you all looking at me like that?
I'm late to the party but I'm excited to dig into these. My plan is to time it so that the final volume will be out in paper back edition when I get up to it.
I sat down, and turned to page 209, where I had the page turned down, intending to read one chapter. Maybe two. And then…it was midnight, and I was done with the remaining 250 pages.
I knew there was a sequel, but searching by the author's name for this blurb, I see there are four available, and the final book coming out in 3 weeks. I'd better get cracking!
I really liked the first book of the demon cycle by Peter V. Brett. I loved the characters and how good they were written. I was fascinated how they developed. And I'm still looking forward to read how the story goes on - three books wanted to be read. 😅
Damn, kinda sad this one ended but it's ok because the next one is right beside me. It's books like this that make me wonder how some people can't like books, this has everything, action, romance, suspense. It's fast paced and riveting.
Bring on my summer of sunshine and reading!!! Starting with a whole bunch of fantasy I've been neglecting 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
Amazing book!
I just couldn't put it down, the storyline is very interesting, the concepts of corelings is so spooky. Amazing characters, Bruna being my favourite.
Highly recommended.
The only reason I'm not so enthusiastic about this book is because I was left feeling bleak. Maybe because of too many trials, betrayal, and hardships for the MCs and the demons seemed to be stronger than them. Despite having a common and greatest enemy (demons), man insists on fighting each other. But this is only the first book in the series, so maybe it will get better?
This book was so good. It sucks you in and you don't want it to end! I enjoyed seeing all the different point of views, however it was hard to follow the "years" since it jumped around from one person to the other. I will ABSOLUTELY recommend!! Can not wait to start the second book! (Already downloaded and queued in my audible account ??)
I'm so close to being finished and it's SOOO good!! I've already added book 2 to the top of my TBR pile!! (The incest is just a small part that is over VERY quickly and yet to be discussed again!)
Aaaaaaaaaaand there's incest....... 🙀😳
#iwanttoreadindec #seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading a smaller pile and shorter books than I would like but December is already a crazy month and a new job leaves no time for reading!
First in a very good series of fantasy novels. It'd been sitting on my tbr pile for a while and it was so much better than I expected when I got to it. It will ultimately be a 5 book series with the last book "The Core" to be released in 2017 I believe. A very down to earth writing style and an unconventional fantasy universe with great characterisation.
So I was looking for a fantasy book to fill the void while I waited for RR Martin and Patrick Rothfuss to finish the next book in their series. Warded Man had all the elements I enjoy: likeable hero, nasty bad guy (demons in this case ), a touch of romance, and I couldn't put it down.
Okay I bought another book. So my current stack of on the go books is...
didn't bother finishing this series, had to quit in the second book. Not sure this author has ever met a real woman because who gets basically gang raped and then goes all sorts of crazy hot-to-trot? Great idea, interesting premise, super disappointing execution.