I tried —- I can't —- just was too too much blah for me. But excited to engage with other #HashtagBrigade books @BarkingMadRead you can keep me posted on this one I'd you'd like. I don't want to accidently miss the next one :)
I tried —- I can't —- just was too too much blah for me. But excited to engage with other #HashtagBrigade books @BarkingMadRead you can keep me posted on this one I'd you'd like. I don't want to accidently miss the next one :)
Why does it feel like I have been reading this FOREVER?! And how am I not even halfway through?! WT actual F
Ch 2.5: well, that was fortuitius #nowedding #runningawayfromveniceinstead #awaywegotoudolpho #whichobviouslymeansmorecrying #udoplhoisfallingdown #totalmoneypit #emilysroomonlylocksntheoutside #anddontgetmestartedonthecreepyportrait #andthemissingwoman #thatsnotsketchyatall #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 6: of I‘m up, I may as well read 🤷🏻♀️ #anyway #popsandemleaveVbehind #heswappedbooksonthesly #romanticorcreepy #youdecide #popsgetsnewsthathesbroke #ibetthatgaveQMuchjoytotell 🙄 #popstakesabadturn #nowheretogobutacreepychateau #popspassesoutsoemgoesforhelp #finallyfindsomehelp #dudetellsastoryaboutamarchioness #popsisoddlymoved #hmmmmm #timetogohome #staytuned #whew #imadeit #hashtagbrigade
Ch 5: more traveling #anotherlongwalk #lotsofverdantverdure #radcliffereallylovesthosetwowords #anyway #theycomeuponashepherd #thegypsiesstoletheirsheep #soofcoursepopsandemilygivethemmoney #Vgivesmostofhisaswell #ontothenexttown #tomorrowtheyseparate #everyoneissad #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Okay here we go. #HashtagBrigade #BoringKindleCover
My work life continues to be constant, stressful, and exhausting, so today I am having a long overdue self-care day. After seeing all the wonderful Litsy posts regarding all the different October readathons, I decided to have a cozy morning with my coffee and a book I've been meaning to read for decades. Happy Saturday, everyone!!!
The Mysteries of Udolpho remains one of the most important works in the history of European fiction. After Emily St. Aubuert is imprisoned by her evil guardian, Count Montoni, in his gloomy medieval fortress in the Appenines, terror becomes the order of the day. With its dream-like plot and hallucinatory rendering of its characters' psychological states, The Mysteries of Udolpho is a fascinating challenge to contemporary readers.
Today‘s prompt is a book you did not finish. Here‘s 6, each a #ADNF for me. Note the thing they have in common—all are #chunksters I have a short attention span sometimes & if a book doesn‘t totally grab me or another competes, I have a hard time staying with them. 🤷🏻♀️📚
Some of these (the top row) I do intend to finish one day. I‘m about 2/3 through the tagged book & just need to recommit to Serial Reader & finish it up.
Two readalongs in October, and I'm hosting one of them! I think I'll be a little busy reading....but this should be incredibly fun!
#UdolphoRead #ImpossibleRead
My #classicstbr. I was doing so well for awhile there zipping through classics that I had never gotten around to! I need to get back to that darn it. #junebookbugs