Ch 25: Dracula foiling all the plans 🧛🏻 #usingminatogetinfo #detourtheship #sneakyboy #nowtheymustmakenewplans #butdoesdracknowtheyknow #hmmmmm #lotsofblahblahblah #butalsosomeaction #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 25: Dracula foiling all the plans 🧛🏻 #usingminatogetinfo #detourtheship #sneakyboy #nowtheymustmakenewplans #butdoesdracknowtheyknow #hmmmmm #lotsofblahblahblah #butalsosomeaction #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9.6: searching Ds clothes for the rest of the money #spoileralert #theydidntfindit #obsessedwiththeopendoor #DblamesSmerdy #hmmmmm #theyarentbuyingit #showmethemoney #Disabouttosaywherehegotit #staytuned #ps #dontsearchstripsearchmemes #thatsarabbitholeiwasnotpreparedfor #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 9.2: this chapter reminded me of the end of Clue, where they‘re all running around 🤣 #Petegoestothecops #buttheyalreadyknow #MarthafoundGreg #helives #butpopsisdead #Smerdyisstillfakingafit #thatmustbexhausting #MarthabeatsPetetothecops #everyonerunsover #alaClue #moneyisgone #offtofetchDmitry #thedocstayswithSmerdy #intriguedbythefits #hmmmmm #staytuned #thebros #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
A blustery rainy day is the perfect time to curl up inside the camper (beside the water) and read about murder on an island, mostly during a storm. #hmmmmm #questionablechoices #doingitanyway