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Secrets in Death
Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
No one is going to miss Larinda Mars. A ruthless gossip queen with a lucrative sideline in blackmail, there's no lack of suspects when she's murdered in a fashionable New York bar. With so many people wanting her dead, it's going to be a tough case to crack. Lieutenant Eve Dallas may not like this particular victim, but it's her duty to bring the killer to justice. As she digs deeper into Larinda's mysterious past, it becomes clear the reporter had a unique talent for uncovering secrets. Including ones very close to home for Eve and her husband Roarke... Someone was willing to commit murder to keep their secrets hidden. And with Eve now working to uncover the truth, she and her team are heading into serious danger.
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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#FreeLittleLibrary at the Canterbury Village Medieval Faire, Lake Orion, MI.

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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We all have them and most are not harmful just the opposite but some have secrets that would remain secrets … loved it

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Loved it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ So much great banter between everyone. 15pts TBR #TeamGameSleighers #Wintergames @StayCurious

VeganCleopatra Your cat is gorgeous. 3y
Liatrek @VeganCleopatra Thank you 🙂 3y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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BookwormAHN Great job 👏🏻 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌 A fantastic week! 🎉 5y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Almost made it to 10 hours #readathon @DeweysReadathon Finished one book — The Unhoneymooners and made good progress on Secrets in Death.

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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I‘ll be working most of the day tomorrow so I won‘t get many hours in for this weekends #reversereadathon. Tonight I‘m listening to Secrets in Death and working on a blanket

Lady_Tigana_20 Such a cute fox bag. ❤️ 5y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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1. I‘m airykah13 on Instagram and Goodreads
2. No penpals and no I don‘t like writing letters 🙈🤷🏾‍♀️
3. Exercise, crochet, and softball
4. I‘d like to learn Mandarin — my library community is largely Chinese and I‘d love to be able to communicate with those who aren‘t comfortable speaking English.

Thanks for the tag @Eggbeater ☺️

#hellothursday (day late 🙈) @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💜 5y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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At the risk of repeating myself, yet another winner in the series. The usual humor here and stellar back-up performances from secondary characters. Our victim also doubles as a villain in this one which makes for a slew of possible suspects. My only complaint was the extremely swift “light bulb” moment and wrap up at the end. Normally there‘s a longer denouement to savor Eve‘s triumph...but that‘s OK, I‘ll take it. 😊👍

wanderinglynn Love this series! Just when you think Ms. Robb couldn‘t possibly come up with yet another way & reason to murder someone. Plus, I‘m super impressed by her writing ability. She is a writing machine! 6y
Bostonmomx2 I quit on this series maybe around Book 8 but lately have been thinking of starting over and seeing where it takes me. 6y
robinb @wanderinglynn I‘m always amazed that after so many books (currently 46, I think), she still keeps them fresh and exciting! And yes, I think she could be termed a writing machine considering she also writes under another name. Not sure how she juggles it all! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
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robinb @Bostonmomx2 I‘ve kept up with it and haven‘t been disappointed at all. Her combination of fresh, innovative plots and strongly written characters that I connect with always keep me coming back for more. 6y
wanderinglynn @Bostonmomx2 I agree with @robinb. Plus, I love seeing how Eve has developed, especially her relationships with Roarke. 6y
robinb @wanderinglynn 👍👍😊 6y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Current read...getting caught up with Eve and Roarke and the In Death series. It‘s like comfort food in books. OK, never mind, that just sounds too weird! 🤣🤣🤣

Nessavamusic I love Eve and Roarke! 6y
robinb @Nessavamusic I love getting to immerse myself in their world with each new book! Are you up-to-date in the series? 6y
Nessavamusic Yes @robinb I have read every single one, some more than once! 6y
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robinb @Nessavamusic I‘m behind by one or two with this one, I think. I am hoping to collect them on my Kindle to re-read too. I‘ve mostly read them from the library but would love to own them. Do you have any favorite secondary characters? 6y
Nessavamusic @robinb my favorite secondary characters are Mavis, Summerset and Dr. Mira. 😍 6y
ScientistSam 💕 6y
robinb @Nessavamusic That‘s one thing I love about this series are how well-developed the secondary characters are! I can picture them all (even Galahad the cat). It‘s like I‘m watching a movie with every book I read. I ❤️ Summerset and Dr. Mira as well. 6y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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This is probably the longest series I have ever continued to read. I just love the characters so much. I have been missing Mavis in the last few books though. We've just gotten small scenes with her. But these characters just seem so real and fleshed out. It's hard to believe there are over 40 books in this series! One thing is that I guessed the person who did it before Eve Dallas... overall, another great story in the In Death series.

robinb I ❤️ this series too....hard to believe it‘s so consistently good....but it is! 😊 6y
tracey38 @robinb yes! But again, Nora Roberts always seems to have good stories, even if I'm not totally into them. But her writing such a long standing series is amazing. 6y
robinb @tracey38 I agree, she is amazing! I have her Year One book to read and am looking forward to seeing how this new series begins. 6y
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tracey38 @robinb I read Year One last month and it was good but very different. It wasn't my favorite of hers but I enjoyed it enough to continue the series as it comes out. 6y
robinb @tracey38 I received it as a Christmas gift and had heard that it‘s quite a departure for her. She‘s sooo good, I‘d probably follow her anywhere! 🤣 6y
tracey38 @robinb That's how I feel about her, too! 6y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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One of my two reading companions tonight. #dogsoflitsy #readingbuddy

DebbieGrillo ❤🐕❤ 6y
tammysue Precious! 💕 6y
tracey38 @DebbieGrillo and @whatshesreadingnow Thanks! He is such a sweet love boy. 6y
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tpixie Aww! Sweet #dogsoflitsy ! Welcome! 6y
tracey38 @tpixie thank you! He's a sweetheart. 6y
Kaye What‘s your pup‘s name ? 6y
tracey38 @Kaye this one is Cooper. I also have a mini schnauzer named Stella. 💜 6y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Starting this one next, either tonight or tomorrow.

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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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When the boys want to go to Sprint, you read in the car

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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb

I have been a Nora Roberts fan since I was young. Her characters are good and the plot is usually well paced. I feel like some of the most recent In Death books have been very phoned in. I enjoy Lt Dallas but I feel like she has not really grown. Also she either pyschically knows the killer right away or irs someone obvious. Not enough of a mystery or character development in this one

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Book 45 in this series and I still love it as much as I did in the beginning. Eve, Roarke and the rest of the crew just make me so happy!

BookishMarginalia I love this series too! 7y
Liatrek I just finished book 24 and it‘s so great to see I still have so much to look forward too! I don‘t know how she does it. I know book series that fall flat after book 2. 7y
Bookcation74 Me too! 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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I am not sure why I like this series. It has a thinly veiled futuristic, slightly unrealistic, crime/romance story line. Eve, the main character seems to have an aspect of Asperger‘s syndrome combined with a horrific childhood and a husband who somehow understands all her quirks. The supporting characters also seem to get her. I guess that I must get her on some level also or I would stop listening.

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Loved the heat, humour and scandal of this read! After over 40 books, Lt. Eve Dallas and Roarke have still got it. And as always, they left me craving pizza. #romantsy

Chachic Huhu I want that pizza.🍕🍕 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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I love this series - the characters and their relationships, the world building, and the writing in general. There are dozens of books in the series, some stronger than others. For me this falls in to the high/middle range. I enjoyed it but because of the nature of the murder case, the fact pace was a bit slow. Robb used the breathing room to give us glimpses into some of the more routine aspects of Dallas‘ life.

Lauren_reading I‘m waiting on a library copy, but I might just buy it 😂 7y
KarmonR @LaurenReads I had to wait for my library copy as well. 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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I am with Dallas on this one. I don‘t enjoy autumn because I am busy dreading winter.

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb

I love this series by J D Robb. This one was not as supenseful, as they usually are. Peabody still did her booty bump, though. A Celebrity Gossip gets killed in front of Eve. So begins the case. Wish it would have been more supenseful.

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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So much for hoping the new publisher would mean better copy editing. Jeez.

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Really looking forward to inhaling this book!

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Every time I read about how Eve and Roarke interact with Galahad, I just crack up 😂 They are well trained humans!

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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Just finished devouring this one! A good addition to the series. I felt that the plot was less suspenseful than many of her others, but the humor and banter that we know and love shone, as did the interactions amongst the characters. 😍Roarke.

robinb Yay! Looking forward to getting back to Eve and the gang! ❤️ 7y
Jinjer My 90-yo mom saw there's a new one out and had me order it for her. I think it arrives today. I didn't tell her how much a brand new book costs these days. She's just fascinated by how quickly she can get something that she wants thanks to Amazon Prime.😂 7y
ScientistSam @robinb I'm so happy she writes new ones in this series every 6 months or so! 7y
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ScientistSam @Jinjer lol, books are so pricey now. And Prime fuels the addiction! 7y
Jinjer Upon a second look, the one you posted is the one she had me order and she is almost finished with it.😂 7y
robinb @ScientistSam me too! She is a prolific writer....just amazing how much she gets out! 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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It's here it's here it's here! My hold finally came in (let's not talk about how many times I refreshed the library hold page over the weekend when I found out I was first in line).

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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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I really love epigraphs!! #epigraph

robinb I do too (as well as this series)! 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Starting this today! So excited!!

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Eve Dallas + etymology = LOLs. I've read every book in this series, and I skipped sleep last night to indulge in #45, which dropped yesterday. I still love these characters.

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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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#TBRtemptation post 6! Coming in September. I like this cover. This is the 45th(!!!) installment in the In Death series. It has a 4.6 GR rating with over 200 ratings so far. Professional gossip Larinda Mars is killed at the Du Vin club. Turns out she blackmailed some wealthy folks. Now Eve Dallas has a murder to solve with a long list of suspects and secrets she doesn't want to know. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

robinb ❤️ this series and am amazed that at no. 45, they still manage to be fresh and entertaining. 7y
Scorpioseah Love the series 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Like clock work... September and February releases.... Damn Ive missed Eve & Peabody!

Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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I'm reading the new JD Robb and these quotes were in the beginning. Eve definitely fits the prompt of #independentwomen . I know I'm a few days behind on this one but she's going to #followtheclues to find the murderer.


Billypar I'm just reading the Ben Franklin quote and thinking...'Do any of the suspects go by the initial A. ?' Sounds like J. D. Robb could be a Pretty Little Liars fan 😜 7y
Debiw781 @Billypar 😂😂 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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I tagged the book I'm #currentlyreading but I wouldn't want any of this series made into a movie. I usually don't have such clear pics of book characters but I've invested a lot in this series.

EchoLogical I wouldn't want Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Universe to become a movie. I think a TV show would be more fitting. Lol. I had to list something that I wouldn't want adapted at all I'd say Ruby by Cynthia Bond. It was so violent that I couldn't finish it. I can't imagine what a movie would look like. 7y
Jess7 I don't know bc I always want the books I read to be made into movies, even though I rarely like them as well. @BookishGirl06 (edited) 7y
gibblr Bird Box!!! 7y
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Debiw781 @gibblr I need to find time to read Bird Box. @EchoLogical Agreed on Carey's series! @Jess7 that's kind of funny 😂 7y
Jess7 Haha @Debiw781 - That's how I operate. I'm a complete #contradiction 🤓🤗😜 7y
gibblr Yes you do!!! 7y
Bostonmomx2 I'm surprised each time I start a new jr ward book that Netflix or someone hasn't picked them up to do a show. 7y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 I'm surprised too 7y
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Secrets in Death | J. D. Robb
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Part of my #bookhaul from yesterday from #freshfiction and a definite #readthisnow for me!


Bostonmomx2 Is this #874 in the series? 😂 7y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 nope, # 961 😂😂😂 7y
Bostonmomx2 @Debiw781 lol seems like!! 7y
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Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 The funny thing is I knew you would comment on this post 😜😂 7y
Bostonmomx2 @Debiw781 I'm so predictable lol 7y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 😂😂😂 I know you too well! 7y
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