My company separated from me yesterday. And I‘m relieved. It was nothing less than soul-sucking. Now to tap into my inner frugal housewife and SAHM! Here is Bunny empathizing with me last night by pinning me down and loving me.
My company separated from me yesterday. And I‘m relieved. It was nothing less than soul-sucking. Now to tap into my inner frugal housewife and SAHM! Here is Bunny empathizing with me last night by pinning me down and loving me.
This is my silly girl eating at IKEA. #latergram
I fell asleep in her bed with her tonight and I just witnessed a full blown night terror. About five minutes of seeming wakefulness, full body convulsions, and panicked breathing. She looked right at me but wasn‘t seeing me. Whimpering and crying out and looking at something just out of reach. 👇🏻
This is the latest in the series and reads like it might be the last. The sitcom aspects are still very funny but the satire is rather less gentle than usual.
These ruby giant crocuses are for @Maggie for her birthday. I recently had a cruddy birthday too. I was sick, and no one in my house was in a good mood. It passes. We survive. I celebrated a week late at the museum with my best friend, lunch, rosé, and art. I came away renewed. I‘m finally shaking my bronchitis and clearing my sinuses. #LittensTogether #35RandomActs
This photo has NOTHING to do with Scotland. Or tartan. OR this book. It's just pretty.
This series of books is one of my absolute favourites. Most of the time they just jog along and not much really happens, but it is a highly amusing little jog.
This book is the game changer, though. Some BIG plot changes occur. Where on earth are you taking us, Mr. Alexander McCall Smith?
"Have you read what Hamish Henderson had to say in one of his poems? ... 'let us not disfigure ourselves with hatred'. Let us not disfigure ourselves... how apt, how resoundingly true. We should not disfigure ourselves with hatred, Matthew, and yet we do, and dear Hamish Henderson, that softly spoken, good man, who believed that we should treat one another with gentleness and love, understood the dangers of that & would be birling in his grave..."
Scottish conversation.
Aye aye.
"Pat caught her breath. She wanted to storm out; she wanted to tell this outrageous man that his charms would no longer work on her; that she saw through everything; through the hair gel, through the banter, through every arrogant assumption about female psychology; through the whole, outrageous act - she saw right through it. But instead she asked him whether he took sugar."
Insightful sentence and admirable semi-colon usage.
Guys! I found it! I found it!
I ADORE this series, and I found the most recently released instalment (volume 12) at a local library.
Bertie, a 7 year-old boy living in Edinburgh with his pushy mother, his push-over father, and his little brother Ulysses is one of my favourite characters in all of literature.
Who are your favourite characters?