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Tuesday Nights in 1980
Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
115 posts | 69 read | 1 reading | 162 to read
An intoxicating and transcendent debut novel that follows a critic, an artist, and their shared muse as they find their wayand ultimately collideamid the ever-evolving New York City art scene of the 1980s.Welcome to SoHo at the onset of the eighties: a gritty, quickly gentrifying playground for artists and writers looking to make it in the big city. Among them: James Bennett, a synesthetic art critic for the New York Times whose unlikely condition enables him to describe art in profound, magical ways, and Raul Engales, an exiled Argentinian painter running from his past and the Dirty War that has enveloped his country. As the two men ascend in the downtown arts scene, dual tragedies strike, and each is faced with a loss that acutely affects his relationship to life and to art. It is not until they are inadvertently brought together by Lucy Olliasona small town beauty and Rauls museand a young orphan boy sent mysteriously from Buenos Aires that James and Raul are able to rediscover some semblance of what theyve lost. As inventive as Jennifer Egans A Visit from the Goon Squad and as sweeping as Meg Wolitzers The Interestings, Tuesday Nights in 1980 boldly renders a complex moment when the meaning and nature of art is being all but upended, and New York City as a whole is reinventing itself. In risk-taking prose that is as powerful as it is playful, Molly Prentiss deftly explores the need for beauty, community, creation, and love in an ever-changing urban landscape.
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Eggs Perfect ❤️💛💚💙 1y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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A little slow in places but it kept my interest throughout. The three MCs were well-developed and I enjoyed reading how their lives connected. And yes, I‘m a sucker for stories set in NYC and/or the 80s!


#booked2020 - at the bottom of my TBR

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
Cinfhen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❣️ 4y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. I‘m trying to read more diverse books and be more conscious of who I‘m reading. I‘ve also been trying to read outside my comfort zone genres.
2. Absolutely going to continue.


TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😀 4y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss

A very fine read. Having been raised in NY during this period, it seemed to me a little inauthentic, but I forgave the author this small gripe. Loved the epic scope of what is ultimately a very small, intimate story. I kept feeling that there was something Dickensian about this story about the New York art world at the beginning of the 80s.

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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It's #FriYayIntro time again! @howjessreads

1. 1980s, baby! I was too young to enjoy them.
2. I like all formats, but print and audio are my favorite.
3. Older- I'm turning the meaning of life (42) in May.
4. Weirdly enough, yes! I live 85 miles from where I grew up, but I've lived in other states. Richmond might only be 85 mils from Fairfax, but it's a million miles away in attitude. I'm definitely more RVA than NoVa these days. ;)
5. ❤❤❤

GlassAsDiamonds I love your answer for 3!!!!!! 😂♥️😂 5y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Chicken noodle soup and saltines
2. Hmmm...cant remember this one
3. Curled up under the covers with some good books and shows to watch - pretty much the same then as now, more complaining before, but thats about it
4. Everyone.

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Book club read this month ♡

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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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@tpixie @JenlovesJT47
Tagging anyone who wants to play. #TuesdayTidbits

JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
tpixie We matched! 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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📚 Bio if it's an autobio by a comedian (Tina Fey, Anna Kendrick, etc)
🤾 Neither, not into sports
✍️ Haven't read Capote, but a definite no on Hemingway
🌮 Tacos all the way
#️⃣ Tag!


JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Biography. Self help used to be my thing, but has become so repetitive. Taking a break from it.
2. Football
3. Hemingway, although I haven‘t read Capote so maybe I‘d love him more.
4. Tacos because I‘m GF, so corn tortillas are my thing
5. Hmmmm. YOU!

Thanks for the tag @Samplergal ! @JenlovesJT47 #TuesdayTidbits #ThisorThat

JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Biography – never sell help!
2. Hmm Baseball ⚾️
3. I‘ve Ernest Hemingway, but have In Cold Blood on my shelf waiting to be read!
4. Tacos 🌮 CRUNCHY
5. @Betty
Thx @Gissy !
#TuesdayTidbits #ThisOrThat

JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Historical Fiction ❤️
2. Star Wars
3. Both, please! ❤️❤️
4. Both but maybe a slight edge to Martin
5. Have you played today @eanderson , @SamHeartCoffee , @Andrew65 , @Bourriquet76 ? Or anyone who‘d like to! 😊

JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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I can't sleep, soooo...

1. Yep. I dislike hardcovers because they're tough to haul around.

2. Always. I usually go once a week, and I source all my audiobooks from my library's digital collection.

3. Yes. I'm slooooowly working my way through my backlog of digital freebies, I buy a fair amount of digital first titles and ebooks on sale, and most of my comics are digital.

#tuesdaytidbits @SilversReviews

SilversReviews Thanks for playing. Great answers. 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Northwest Passage, Paris, Italy, the Azores, so many more ❤️ 2. Cassandra Clare‘s NYC ❤️ 3. Donna Tartt ❤️ 4. I‘d like to sail through the Northwest Passage while singing the Northwest Passage ❤️ 5. Don‘t judge me - Jacob Black in New Moon

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. I don‘t bring a book to run errands or anything, but I always bring one to work, and try to bring one when I‘ll be waiting for the kids
2. Always
3. Yes, but still prefer print.
@SilversReviews #tuesdaytidbits

SilversReviews Oh yes....print is my preferred way of reading. Thanks for playing. 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Absolutely everywhere. Please never ask me to get in an elevator without one ❤️ Yup. I‘m a librarian ❤️ Audiobooks yes, e-books rarely #Tuesdaytidbits

JazzFeathers That was good, librarian! 😄👍 l'm a bookseller. Maybe that's why l don't go to the library very often 😆 6y
SilversReviews Thanks for playing. I always have a book on me too. 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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I‘ve got one hour to go. I‘m spending it with some delicious Indian take out. Congrats to all those who made it to 24 already! 🥘 #24in48

BarbaraBB That food 😍 6y
Stephykitten Omg yesssss 🍽 6y
susanw I love that book! I also love samosas! Enjoy both!! 6y
BooksForEmpathy I got Indian takeout tonight too!!! 6y
StephBengtson @BooksForEmpathy it‘s a good night for Indian food! 😋 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Continuing on with my half read books. Vegan cheese its in bed and five hours to go (would have been four, but my stop watch reset and I didn‘t take a screenshot. 😭). #24in48

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss

Slow start, picked up in the middle.

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy!! 📚🎉📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Reading in bed 😊🛌📖
2. Mr. Churchill‘s Secretary (Susan Elia MacNeal)
3. Usually I have ARCs and try to get the reviews out in a timely manner. Or if #whodunitthesequel is due. In this case, it‘s my first Libby borrow and want to get it read on time. 😊 If nothing‘s pending, just whatever I‘m in the mood for...usually something historic (romance, mystery, etc.).

Nice graphics, great questions! 👍😊


SilversReviews Thanks. Glad you like the questions and the graphics. Love Libby. Thanks for playing. 😊 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. No. We recently got rid of cable completely.
2. Netflix, followed closely by Hulu+
3. True crime, real life but not “reality” (Great British Baking Show for example)
4. Yes.
5. Miss Peregrine‘s Home for Peculiar Children. Or Harry Potter
@Ke633 #tellmetuesday

Ke633 Miss p‘s would be a great tv show if they followed the books! Thanks for playing! 6y
OrangeMooseReads @Ke633 yes unlike the movie 6y
GondorGirl I love GBBS so much! 😍 6y
OrangeMooseReads @GondorGirl I‘ve just started watching it on Netflix. I feel so terrible for people when they have a bad bake and so good when they pull off something they aren‘t sure of. 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Sunday Funday at the pool!

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. The Alienist and Angel of Darkness by Caleb Carr.
2. Mashed potatoes and gravy
3. The new Lost in Space on Netflix. I watched the whole season this past weekend. It was so good! Also Black Mirror. CRAZY good. I‘m sad I have to wait until December for new episodes.
4. @HelloZombie

#tuesdaytidbits @JenlovesJT47

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Harry Potter, of course. Maybe the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
2. Currently Dang Salted Caramel Coconut Chips.
3. Jessica Jones
4. @TK421

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Thanks for the tag @Laughterhp
1. Children of Blood and Bone
2. I don't usually give 1 stars. I think if it were that bad, I'd bail, and even though I just bailed on Ink, Iron and Glass I wouldn't say it deserves only 1 star.
3. To the Moon, in Words
4. @tracey38


Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Hogwarts
2. My life is the definition of a Lifetime movie
3. God gave me great friends who are always ready and willing to listen (and some were direct answers to prayer).

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Books of course, Funkos, Bookish clothing/art/knick knacks, Octopus sculptures. 2. I prefer to read my books without the dust jacket to avoid any rips or accidents. I keep my current reads in book sleeves since I always take what I‘m reading to work to read on lunch. 3. Books-A-Million it‘s the only bookstore close and it‘s about 35 minutes away. Sometimes amazon but rarely. #tripletuesday @MelAnn

MelAnn Octopus sculptures sound interesting! 🌷Thank you for playing along! 6y
BookwormBeth @MelAnn kind of an odd thing to collect but they are pretty neat & easier to find than you would think lol. You‘re very welcome 🤓🐙 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. New York City (circa 2058+). Would love to see Eve & Roarke‘s world (especially their “castle”).
2. She‘s All That (I WISH!!!) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ That‘s a toughie!
3. Being a mom to my son and daughter. 💗💙
4. @ForeverNerdy , @eanderson , @Andrew65

Thanks for the tag @JenlovesJT47 !

JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Good movie title! You are all that! ❤️❤️❤️ My movie title would be, Dazed & Confused! Because I have a husband, kids, & I‘m always confused. 🤣🤣🤣 Life! 💕 6y
Liatrek Love this idea of seeing Eve and Roarke's world great choice ❤️ 6y
robinb @ForeverNerdy I think I‘ve tried to come up with a movie title before, and I simply draw a blank. Dazed & Confused is a great one for me too...any day of the week! 😳🙃😫 6y
robinb @Liatrek I‘ve always been fascinated with the descriptions she uses (especially for their castle)...would love to have one of those futuristic meal machines around (AutoChef) for those nights I don‘t want to cook. 😉😉 And the air traffic is interesting (and nerve racking as well). 😳😳😱 (edited) 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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#TripleTuesday with @MelAnn

1. Bookish or Halloween themed coffee mugs, and more recently Funko Pops.
2. I like dust jackets, but I tend to read the book naked (the book, not myself, although I don't judge all you Littens who like to read in the buff 🤣), and I have a few book sleeves but I usually use those to carry paperbacks.
3. LibroFM, Edelweiss and my bookstore @FountainBookstore

Kaye 2 😂 6y
MelAnn I am so glad there are Littens our there having fun with the “naked” terminology! I can read naked or not - me or the book! 🤣 Thanks so much for participating! 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. Stephen King (but maybe we meet at a restaurant, I don't need that kind of culinary pressure!).
2. 1980. I was only 3 when the 80s started, and I always wish I'd been a teen then.
3. Anna Kendrick (What? Nobody said it had to be realistic).
4. @FountainBookstore and anyone who wants to be tagged.


JenlovesJT47 Great choices! 💚 6y
vkois88 I love Anna Kendrick's sense of humor, so that's definitely a fair choice lol 6y
JaclynW The 80's were great! And Stephen King! Maybe he could cook for you?! 😊 6y
JaclynW I should clarify about the 80's. I was only 4 when they began, so practically your same age. It would be interesting to live your teens in that decade for sure! The music! 😍 6y
robinb 80s ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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I have many books set on the island of New York. Ones set on tropical islands, not so much. #marchinbooks

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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There was someone else in the world who was witness to his sadness, and part of it.

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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1. The Dana Girls - the books were my moms.
2. I think Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk
3. Dolores Umbridge
4. 50 Shades
5. @Karkar did you do this yet?

JenlovesJT47 Umbridge!! 😤😤😤 6y
Karkar Nope but I will do it a day late tomorrow 😎 6y
Chrissyreadit I loved The Dana Girls! 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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📚 So hard to pick just one! Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Wayside School...
📚 The Impossible Fortress
📚 I‘m blanking so I‘ll go with Satan 😝
📚 Harry Potter or Fifty Shades (two very different ends of the spectrum)
📚 @Debiw781

CareBear Love, love, love your favorite childhood series picks! 6y
Seesydneyread Omg Mrs. Piggle Wiggle!!! I nearly forgot about those!! I loved those books! 6y
JenlovesJT47 Lol at number three!! 😂😂😂 6y
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Purrfectpages @CareBear thanks! I cold keep going, and going... 6y
Purrfectpages @Sydneyreads I would love to reread them to see how they hold up! (edited) 6y
Purrfectpages @JenlovesJT47 Google gave me the idea, but I couldn‘t resist 😂 6y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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What would you do if you lost what gave your life meaning... how do you go on, how do yuou get it back?

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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Haha it never fails that whenever there is a Readathon, something goes terribly wrong at work and I have overtime. Ughhh. Looking longingly at my TBR.

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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#Bookmail on this cold and snowy day! So excited about both of these.

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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..some knitting, wine and this on audio is the plan for tonight

susanw I really liked this one! 7y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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#BecauseTheNight is one of my all time favorite songs, both the Bruce Springsteen and Patti Smith versions. This book is set right after Smith‘s recording of the song came out and is one of the many books I own with #night in the title (which I think might rival “girl” for word frequently found in book titles) #rocktober @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Current situation. Monday and Tuesday were easy now the rest of the week will be longgg and busy. Preparing. 🛀

mrozzz Do you like this read??? 7y
guinsgirlreads @mrozzz I haven‘t gotten into it yet 😙🙄 7y
mrozzz Would love to know what you think when you do! 7y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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A multiple POV novel set in the gritty, authentically bohemian New York of 1980. An Argentinian painter, an art critic, and a wide-eyed innocent from Idaho navigate through life and relationships and family and the art scene over the course of one year. The writing is wonderfully evocative. 4 and a half 🌟.

DivineDiana Sounds like my kind of book! Stacked! 7y
Jess7 Pretty cover! 7y
LauraBeth I checked this out a year ago but wasn't able to get to it - I need to revisit it! 7y
tammysue Great review! Stacked :) 7y
nomadreader I loved this book (and audio!) 7y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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I'm only 40 pages in but so far I'm hooked! I can't wait to see where the story goes.

MrBook This one is stacked for me 😁👍🏻. Welcome to Litsy! We hope you enjoy your stay with us! 7y
Shadowfat Thanks! 7y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
Jess7 Welcome! 7y
Shadowfat Thanks! 7y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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We all had dental appointments today and no one had any cavities. The girls got ice cream as a treat and I got a new book.

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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Home on a rainy day with a good book, a cup of tea, and chocolate biscuits. It would be perfect if only I could stop sneezing 🤧

MrBook Nice pic! 7y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Some days you just really want a book written by someone with their MFA. This book of interlocking characters and stories is like the art world version of what I wish Sweetbitter could have been. Thanks to my local independent bookstore for highlighting it.

Megabooks I love this book!! 7y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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I'm working my way through books that have been on my shelf for awhile and this one is next! #currentlyreading

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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A story taking place in 1980s New York is all I needed to hear. I'm looking forward to this which I've heard great things about.

Cinfhen I had high hopes for this one but I ended up bailing 😫it wasn't what I was expecting/ hoping for! Hope it works for you! 7y
DennisJacobRosenfeld @Cinfhen Oh no! What made you bail? 7y
Simona What we have for breakfast today? 😉 7y
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Cinfhen I thought it was going to be light and fun but it was depressing and I wasn't feeling an 80's vibe... I did bail pretty quickly, I had other library books I wanted to read. And yes what is for breakfast??? I want to know too @Simona 7y
DennisJacobRosenfeld @Simona @Cinfhen It's oatmeal with apple, cinnamon, coconut sugar, and almonds 😃 7y
Cinfhen Yum 😊 7y
Simona Now I know what I'm going to have for breakfast tomorrow 😋😋😋 7y
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Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss

Right now isn't the time to read this book for me. I love an extremely excessive descriptions of smells, sound, and colors as much as the next person but it was time to let go. I might come back to it one day but I need less pretentiousness in my life right now.

Tuesday Nights in 1980 | Molly Prentiss
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Hard not to start a new book on this cozy Christmas night!

LeahBergen Lovely! 8y
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