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Viel Lrm um Nichts
Viel Lrm um Nichts | William Shakespeare
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Viel Lrm um nichts (engl. Much Ado about Nothing) ist eine Komdie um Liebe und Intrigen von William Shakespeare; sie unterscheidet sich von Shakespeares anderen romanesken Komdien durch den realeren Bezug zur Liebe. Claudio interessiert sich vor allem fr Heros Erbschaft, Benedikt und Beatrice erliegen nicht der konventionellen Augenliebe, sondern finden sich erst nach Einmischungen der anderen Figuren. (aus wikipedia.de) Die Serie "Meisterwerke der Literatur" beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke groer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegert. Dieses Werk bietet zustzlich * Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors.
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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This weekend I got to see Much Ado About Nothing at my favorite outdoor theater in Wisconsin. The witty banter, the electric chemistry, it was wonderful! It was my daughter‘s first performance to see at the theater and I was reminded how even centuries later Shakespeare‘s work still entertains and resonates.

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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The shop at the #Globe was amazing! I got these really cute graphic novels that also include some educational material suitable for kids. Much Ado about Nothing, the sticker, card and blue magnet is a birthday present for a friend. The rest is all for me. I got the dying Ophelia poster from #TateBritain.

#travel #Shakespeare #London

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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#LitsyGames #MakeABookEdible @slategreyskies

• Much Ado About Muffins 🧁
• Fahrenheit 451 / 230⁰C / Gas mark 8 ⏲️
• The Great Gateau 🎂
• All Systems Bread (The Murderbot Bakeries) 🤖
• The Lord of the Onion Rings 🧅
• The Merchant of Venison🦌
• The Flan of the Cave Bear🍮
• Tarzan, Lord of the Grapes 🍇(🤦🏼)
• A Princess of Mars Bars 🍫
• Jane Aero 🍫
• Death in the Afternoon Tea ☕
• Don Qui-oat cakes 🍘 (🤦🏼)
That's enough!

Bookwomble Hmmm... Can I do a second serving of 🎂? The Island of Doctor Gateau 😏 4mo
Bookwormjillk Mmmmm Lord of the Onion Rings 4mo
julesG 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Murderbot Bakeries?! Great! 4mo
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Lesliereadsalot A Gentle Mango in Moscow 4mo
dabbe You need to write a book of these. 😂😂😂 4mo
The_Book_Ninja Top notch punnery! 🙌🏼🤣🤣🤣 4mo
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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A comedy in which tragedy is narrowly avoided by manipulating others into thinking that a tragedy has occurred. Hmm…quite interesting. Leonato‘s soliloquy in Act V, Scene I was the most effective part to me, full of seeming anguish despite the fact he knows his daughter isn‘t dead- the real emotion seems to come from her ruined reputation. ⬇️

psalva All the drama easily avoidable via a few simple conversations of course, but I suspended disbelief and enjoyed the ride in the end. It‘s been a while since I‘ve read a Shakespeare play and this was an interesting one to dip back into. 6mo
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare

I cannot manage to fall asleep so I started reading Much Ado About Nothing and I must say that it's easily one of the funniest books I've ever read. "he is easier caught than the pestilence" is such a mean and hilarious thing to say about someone


The reason I‘m reading Shakespeare is because I‘m taking a class on him this semester. But I did enjoy this one!

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Too beautiful to stay inside, so I‘ve brought my book to the patio. I need to finish this before Saturday; I never should have picked up another book, plus I got an email that my library hold came in 🤦‍♀️

BookBabe Sounds like a lovely afternoon! 😃 3y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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We‘re going to see a production of this at Orlando Shakes next weekend, and I think seeing Shakespeare is always more enjoyable when I‘ve read the play ahead of time. The last time I read this was 46 years ago, when I had a seminar on Elizabethan comedy in grad school. Definitely time to read it again 😄

paulfrankspencer Joss Whedon's version is excellent, if you haven't seen it before. My favorite Shakespeare adaptation. 3y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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I‘ve always wondered what Beatrice meant, if she just meant that she was disdainful of romantic love in general as she did also say she wouldn‘t run mad with love “till a hot January”. I also tend to think that perhaps hearing pretty words with no action to back them up is as useful and meaningful as some other odd noise. What do you think?
@GingerAntics any thoughts? :)

GingerAntics I‘m with her on this. Put up or shut up, I say. It may be a disdain of romantic love, but I lean more toward the empty words with no action to back it up, it might as well be my dog barking or any other random sound. 4y
Faibka @GingerAntics yes, definitely my thinking, glad we‘re on the same page ;) just like that nice little poem that Hamlet wrote to Ophelia and yet his erratic behavior propelled her into madness, so much for pretty words! Lol 4y
GingerAntics @Faibka 🤣😂🤣 I do have a theory on Hamlet (several, in fact), but yeah, they ended up being empty words, possibly for her protection, but that backfired very badly, obviously. 4y
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Faibka @GingerAntics well, considering pretty much everything else he conjured up ended badly 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lol I blame his father‘s ghost (or his own hallucination..?) 4y
GingerAntics @Faibka right? How you answer that question (is it his father‘s ghost or is it an hallucination?) informs so much of the rest of the play. His father‘s ghost causes so many problems, but at the same time, his father wouldn‘t be a ghost if not for Claudius, so I blame him. He screwed everything up for everyone, including himself. 4y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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So I have this really great Shakespeare‘s Britain map I saved from discard at my library (it does have a stamp on the front but it is otherwise in great shape) and these old drama club versions of the plays of Shakespeare. They are in rough shape but are so cool. I have had them for almost 20 years now but need to let them go. Any takers? I‘ll leave this open till Friday and if many are interested I will do a raffle. Feel free to tag and add #‘s.

ElleSkel Thanks @readordierachel ! I was on my way out the door and out of characters so I didn‘t tag anyone or look up any hashtags. I hate to just throw this stuff away. 4y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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If you have HBO Max, Joss Whedon's version of Much Ado is on there right now. It isn't as good as Brannaugh's, but it is plenty fun, and the modern setting of partying young people is very accessible. And this scene is very funny, with Benedick trying to impress an angry Beatrice with his athletic prowess. 🤣 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ugzyeuASij4

Blueberry I enjoyed that version a lot. 💛 4y
LitStephanie @Blueberry I am going to watch it again this weekend. I like how they throw in a bit at the beginning about Beatrice and Benedick having a romantic history. 4y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Not strictly book related but saw a wonderful, fun production of Shakespeare Under the Stars tonight. It starred Brendan O‘Connor, better know in my family as Charter Boat due to his starring role in an infamous Australian insurance ad a few years ago (“Charter boat? What charter boat?”). The company managed to smoothly incorporate some COVID references, which I think shows the timelessness and flexibility of Shakespeare. Love me some Shakespeare

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Cambridge strikes again! Didn‘t think I‘d enjoy this so much.

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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❤️ Shakespeare. ❤️ Beatrice and Benedick. What else needs to be said?

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare


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Haven‘t really touched puzzles since a kid - but I‘m finding the act of search, looking and finding very absorbing. This one is is littered with scenes and characters from each of Shakespeare‘s plays. There‘s Hamlet, Tybalt, Richard III.....👍🏼

trazo It‘s beautiful. I live puzzles. My husband and I were working on one this morning 😊 5y
Mitch @trazo cool! My husband only joins in when we‘re down to the last 2/3 pieces! 🤣🤣 5y
catiewithac 😍🧩 5y
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TrishB That‘s so cool 👍🏻 5y
Butterfinger ♥️♥️ 5y
Soubhiville Nice! It‘s so detailed, looks like a challenge. 5y
Amiable That‘s gorgeous! 5y
Suet624 For some reason I‘m finding it easier to focus on puzzles than on books. 5y
TheSpineView 💜💜💜 5y
Heideschrampf What a lovely motive 5y
Mitch @Soubhiville it was ! 5y
diovival Wow! 4y
fleeting Wow what a gorgeous puzzle! I'd love to make this one, can you tell me the brand/maker? 😊 4y
fleeting @Mitch thank you!! 🤗 4y
Mitch @fleeting my pleasure. It was a cool one to do - super pretty. 4y
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Much Ado About Nothing became my #FavePlay when I saw it in 1990. It was also the start of my lifelong appreciation of Roger Allam.

#FebruaryFeels @Eggs

Eggs Beautiful ❣️ 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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#FebruaryFeels #FaveLoveStory

You might have thought I would go with Pride and Prejudice or Persuasion or The Princess Bride (either Wesley & Buttercup or Inigo & Fezzik ) 😉 all of which are favorites. Today I decided on another favorite love story, the passionate & humorous relationship of Beatrice & Benedick. 💖

*I borrowed stills from my favorite film version & artwork from Shmoop for my collage.

Lidia Love that movie version! 5y
TrishB Love that film version too ♥️ 5y
Eggs Love those 2 !! 5y
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My favourite #HappyCouple (when they finally get round to realising they love each other!), Beatrice and Benedick (especially when Roger Allam and Susan Fleetwood were in the roles)

#NewYearNewYou Day 7 @Eggs

Eggs Beautiful ❤️👏🏻❤️ 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare

God, I do love this play! Particularly I really appreciate how he balanced the comedy w/the more serious storyline, & that within the context of the time, everyone‘s actions make sense. One could make a feminist case against that, but y‘know...Shakespeare may have been ahead of his time in some ways, but he was still a man of his time in others. Benedick & Beatrice are an OTP forever, & even the clown in this one is spot on. Love love love. 5/5 🌟

alisonrose By “make sense” I mean it‘s wholly believable that this is how they would react in Ye Olden Days, not that I‘m like, “Yes, if you think your fiancé isn‘t a virgin, you should throw her out like trash and let her die.” 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare

For it so falls out
That what we have we prize not to the worth
Whiles we enjoy it, but being lacked and lost,
Why then we rack the value, then we find
The virtue that possession would not show us
Whiles it was ours.

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare

BEATRICE: I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior Benedick, nobody marks you.
BENEDICK: What, my dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?
BEATRICE: Is it possible disdain should die while she hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick?

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Shakespeare time! I‘m honestly not sure if I‘ve read this one in full before. I‘ve watched the Kenneth Branagh film of it so many times that it FEELS like I‘ve read it, but in either case, I know it‘ll be a fun, quick romp ☺️🎭 #nowreading

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I rarely go into the city. But I did today and stopped in this sweet little bookstore. 📖📚📖

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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'O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the marketplace." ~Shakespeare, Beatrice, Much Ado, Act 4, Scene 1

TiredLibrarian Fierce! 💥 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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29 years ago, I went to see a production of Much Ado About Nothing at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, with Roger Allam as Benedick and Susan Fleetwood as Beatrice. It has been my favourite #play ever since.

#GratefulReads @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

jillrhudy I love Roger Allam to pieces. 5y
TheEllieMo @jillrhudy so do I! He‘s such a good actor. I went to the Globe Theatre to see The Tempest just because he was in it. 5y
jillrhudy @TheEllieMo You've SEEN him on STAGE?!? Awesome. 5y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚🎭 (edited) 5y
CarolynM I saw it there in 1982 with Derek Jacobi (sigh) and Sinead Cusack. SO good. Definitely my favourite Shakespeare. 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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If you haven‘t seen this rendition of Much Ado About Nothing, check it out! As the friend who recommended it to me said, "Tastee plays Beatrice, need I say more?"
You can stream it here:


Soubhiville 😲 yes please! 5y
KatieDid927 I saw her in The Color Purple on Broadway and she was wonderful. So glad PBS is airing/streaming this production. 5y
readordierachel Ooo! Thanks for sharing! 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Linsy Love this! Beatrice is just the best 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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(Day 4 - #EverybodysHappyNowadays)

*Yes, everybody‘s happy, esp. in Shakespeare‘s comedies, such as “Much Ado About Nothing.” Eavesdropping, fainting spells, and masked balls play havoc for our principals in Messina. They meet, fall in love, fall out of love, and reunite for a happy ending. Famous Beatrices include Katherine Hepburn; Margaret Leighton; Catherine Tate. Famous Benedicks include Sir John Gielgud and David Tennant.

arlenefinnigan Excellent. Lancashire will have its own Shakespeare theatre in my home town, Prescot, soon. It's very exciting. 5y
Cinfhen What a wonderful post and how fun @arlenefinnigan ‼️ 5y
Andrea313 I can never get enough of Much Ado! Have you seen clips from this summer's performance by the Public Theatre with Danielle Brooks as Beatrice? It looked remarkable! 5y
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gradcat @arlenefinnigan I am very jealous! Are you in Arizona, or Arkansas, or where? (edited) 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen Thank you! 😊 5y
gradcat @Andrea313 I have not! Where did you find them—online? 5y
Andrea313 @gradcat Yes, you can search YouTube for them. The production was also filmed and will be shown November 22 on PBS. I can't wait! 5y
gradcat @Andrea313 Thank you so much for the info...I wasn‘t aware of that! I appreciate your telling me! ♥️ 5y
arlenefinnigan @gradcat I'm in Lancashire,England - I live in Oldham now, but I grew up in Prescot,near Liverpool. Apparently in Elizabethan times it was the only town outside London to have an indoor playhouse. It was very much in decline when I was a kid (the main employer closed, leaving the town dominated by a massive derelict factory and high unemployment) so the regeneration is very welcome. https://www.knowsleynews.co.uk/shakespeare-north-playhouse-faqs/ 5y
gradcat Oh, that sounds wonderful! There are a great many towns in the US named Prescot, but with many different spellings, and not usually with a single “t” so I should‘ve known you weren‘t here. The article is interesting...thanks for the link!! It‘s really fantastic that it is being restored. ♥️ 5y
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Beatrice and Benedick circles around each other trading insults before finally realising their true feelings and confession to each other that they were #FallingForYou

#SoulSeptember @Eggs

Picture shows Roger Allam and Susan Fleetwood in a 1990 RSC production

CarolynM My favourite Shakespearean play. The Joss Wheedon film from a few years ago is just fantastic🙂 5y
Eggs One of my favorite Shakespeare plays as well 💗👏🏻📚🥰💗 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Kayla, I have received the items you‘ve sent me! These are the fabulous gifts I‘ve won in Kayla‘s #springhassprunggiveaway not too long ago. I am loving them all!! Thanks so much, Kayla! ❤️😍🤩😘

Kayla.Adriena Yay! Glad it all arrived safely! Now I know how to officially send an international package 😊 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Haha! Thanks again @Kayla.Adriena 5y
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1. Yes, The Globe Theatre in London! I also took a birthday trip to Parnassus Books this year.
2. Not at the moment, but I‘m open to it! 😁

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Awww... The Globe! I'm just a tad jealous! 😊😊😊 5y
Megabooks @TheSpineView it was fun!! 5y
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L_auren I went to Parnassus in April 😮 5y
Megabooks @L_auren All the way from Boston?!? Cool! I only had to drive two hours. 😉🤣 5y
L_auren @Megabooks I was visiting my friend who recently moved from Boston to Nashville! She‘s a librarian :) 5y
Megabooks @L_auren I hope you had a good time. I love Nashville! 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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#QuotsyMay19 Day 28: Because no one says #Foul better than Shakespeare.

gradcat Yay! More Shakespeare! And you‘re so right—methinks he doth use “foul” better than any other writer!! ♥️ 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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#Shakespeare in the Park: Much Ado About Nothing was PHENOMENAL. My friend John and I both loved it. It is my favorite Shakespeare play and this is probably the best adaptation I've ever seen of it. Kenny Leon directed an all-black cast led by the amazingly talented Danielle Brooks (Orange is the New Black) as Beatrice. He set the show in modern-day Georgia with Benedick and co returning from protesting for peace and justice. It worked SO well!!!

Eyelit That sounds great! 5y
bookandcat @Eyelit it was SO engrossing and the comedic and dramatic timing by the whole cast was perfect. Also they had a woman play Dogberry! I was enraptured the whole night. 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Seeing my favorite Shakespeare show for free in Central Park! So excited I won tickets! #nyc #publictheater #shakespeareinthepark #centralpark #shakespeare #theater

saresmoore Neat! 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare

So funny!

Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Kimberlone I just saw this today! I really want it but the problem is that I would have no one to play it with :( my coworker got me a Shakespeare themed cards against humanity game for Christmas and I still haven‘t been able to play... 5y
Mitch @Kimberlone oh no - you‘ll have to start a games club 👍🏼 5y
Kimberlone @Mitch it‘s more the Shakespeare part than game part. I actually have a group of friends that we do game nights every once in awhile...I just can‘t get anyone to want to play a Shakespeare themed game! 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Kayla.Adriena Thanks for entering!! 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Thanks @Kayla.Adriena for hosting such an amazing #SpringHasSprungGiveAway 🎉🎉🎉 Check out her page for more details!

Kayla.Adriena 🌱🌸🌷 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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@Kayla.Adriena is doing a crazy generous giveaway! Visit her page for all the info about the #SpringHasSprungGiveaway! 🌸🌺🌼🌻🌷⚘

Kayla.Adriena 🌱🌷🌸 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Look at this gorgeous giveaway @Kayla.Adriena is hosting. Look at her original post for the details...


Kayla.Adriena 🌸🌷🌱 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Thanks to @Kayla.Adriena for the chance to enter this wonderful #SpringHasSprungGiveAway !! This looks like a fantastic one!! Check out her pave for more details, but its a great one, trust me.

Kayla.Adriena 🌸🌷 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Look at this awesome giveaway!!! #springhassprunggiveaway. @Kayla.Adriena

Kayla.Adriena 🌷🌸 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Check out this amazing giveaway! Thank you for the chance at these amazing prizes! #SpringHasSprungGiveaway

Kayla.Adriena 🌷🌸🌱 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Super cool #springhassprunggiveaway from the super cool @Kayla.Adriena !

Kayla.Adriena 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 5y
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Much ADO about Nothing | William Shakespeare
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Thanks for the opportunity, @Kayla.Adriena !

Kayla.Adriena 🌸💗🌱 5y
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