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La Habitacin
La Habitacin | Emma Donoghue
Una extraordinaria y cruda historia de amor y supervivencia. La novela en la que se basa la pelcula ganadora del scar a la mejor actriz. En parte libro de aventuras infantiles, en parte thriller adulto... Un libro que te romper el corazn. The Irish Times Para Jack, un nio de cinco aos, la Habitacin es el mundo entero, el lugar donde naci, donde come, juega y aprende. Por la noche, Mam lo pone a dormir en el Armario, por si viene el Viejo Nick... Para su madre, la Habitacin es el cubculo donde lleva siete aos encerrada. Con gran tesn e ingenio, ha creado en ese reducido espacio una vida para su hijo, y su amor por l es lo nico que le permite soportar lo insoportable. Pero la curiosidad de uno crece a la par que la desesperacin de la otra. Solo queda urdir la huida, un plan ms arriesgado de lo que ambos pueden llegar a imaginar. La habitacin fue finalista del Premio Booker. La crtica ha dicho... La Habitacin es uno de los libros ms profundamente conmovedores que he ledo en mucho tiempo. John Boyne, autor de El nio con el pijama de rayas Una novela memorable... Una voz nica para hablar acerca del amor y una mirada fresca y reveladora del mundo en que vivimos. The New York Times Book Review Donoghue ha construido un relato que avanza con el suspense de un thriller... Difcil de abandonar e intensamente conmovedor. The Sunday Times Una obra de arte muy original... Una novela poderosa, de una belleza oscura y sumamente reveladora. Michael Cunningham, autor de Las horas La prosa de Emma Donoghue es pura alquimia, capaz de convertir la inocencia en horror y el horror en ternura. La Habitacin se lee de un tirn y, cuando se acaba y levantas la vista, aunque el mundo parece el mismo, te sientes diferente, y esa sensacin perdura durante das. Audrey Niffenegger Entendida como una fbula del amor madre-hijo, as como un antdoto a la lascivia que suele impregnar la novela negra, supone todo un triunfo y merece cosechar un gran xito. The Daily Telegraph Una novela como ninguna otra... Un bello relato, absorbente y sincero. The Observe
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Tough read, however the author did such an amazing job of writing from the child's perspective!

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Finally read this one...very good, very sad.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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My most favourite part of the book was when Jack managed to escape from the ‘room‘ and run away from Old Nick.

My least favourite part of the book was when Old Nick would always come to the room to demand sexual needs from Ma.

What I will remember most about this book was the fact that Jack had to sleep in a hidden compartment of the room and wait until Old Nick leaves the room so that he can sleep with his Ma.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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#MotherSon 👩‍👦 #SummerSpecial 🏖️☀️🌻🎆🍉

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Popular choice! I need to read my copy! 11mo
Eggs Well chosen👏🏻👏🏻 11mo
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Still on my shelf!! 11mo
Eggs You Must Read😍😎🤗 11mo
Lesliereadsalot Loved the book and the movie. Memorable. 11mo
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Eggs @Lesliereadsalot Agreed 💯 11mo
JuliaTheBookNerd I picked the same book 😊 11mo
Eggs @JuliaTheBookNerd Great minds… 11mo
SilversReviews Good choice for this prompt. 11mo
Eggs @SilversReviews Thank You 😊 11mo
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue

TW: abuse (every form), kidnapping, child abuse, grief

I decided to read this because the movie pulled at me. This is a devastating story. It‘s all the more potent because it‘s told from Jack‘s (5 year old) point of view.

#kidnapping #captivity #strongwomen #childpov #povchild #mother #mothersonrelationship #familyrelationship #grief

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Donoghue is Irish Canadian and wrote this incredible book in 2010.

#VictoriaDay #MayMontage


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 13mo
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks 🙏🏻 13mo
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I've seen a lot about this book so when I found it at the library, I decided to finally check it out for myself.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Singout Such a powerful book! 1y
Eggs @Singout Absolutely 💯 1y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue

Crazy to think these things really happen in the world, these types of book always make me stop and think especially since having kids.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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One of my favourite books #letterr #alphabetgame

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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Ma and her son Jack live in a room somewhere, and they are locked in. Incredible story unlike anything you‘ve ever read

#Memorable #MayMoms @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

jlhammar So memorable! Such a good book. 2y
Eggs @jlhammar Agree 💯 2y
CaroPi I didn't read the book. I started to read it to watch the movie and my boyfriend spoiled for me so after that I just stop reading it. That was six years ago and I still remind him about it.. 2y
Eggs @CaroPi LOL 😂 2y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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I loved Jack. I will miss seeing the world through his eyes and, even though he‘s a piece of fiction, my heart still longs to know he‘s doing okay. I applaud Emma Donoghue for her brave approach to a deeply moving novel.

My full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4042799986

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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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I'm more than speechless. My heart breaks for the little boy and his mother. Seven years in a long time to be held in captivity. Seven years of a little boy only knowing one room. A story of resilience...glass half full.

December Book 22/25 #LitsyLove #bookspinbingo #wintergames2021

CBee I read this a few years ago and it‘s one I still think about 💔 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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This was a sweet book. It was neat to have the narrator be a five year old and to see the world through his eyes. The reader could sympathize with his frustrations because of how well we understood Jack‘s thoughts.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Room is stay-up-all-night-to-finish-it readable (as, indeed, I did). You‘d be forgiven for being skeptical going in, figuring (once again, as I did) that the premise and the plot was too obviously horrifying to be truly immersive and that the pulling-of-heartstrings would feel contrived, but I can promise you you‘re in good hands with Donoghue. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/room-emma-donoghue/

Crazeedi Can't wait to read 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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1. Not usually, but it must sometimes.
2. Tagged. Also Persuasion, Emma, Nightwoods, Southernmost . . .
#two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
@Cuilin Want to play?

TheSpineView Happy Tuesday! 👍📖📚 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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August #BookSpin book. #AwesomeAugust #BookSpinBingo

I don‘t understand how this book is so highly rated. Maybe the movie is better? I haven‘t seen that yet either. At first I thought how original a story told from the perspective of a 5 year old. But that got old real quick. The plot itself fell limp. It didn‘t feel resolved to me. Full review here https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1510689925

ChaoticMissAdventures When people said the child is telling it in a child voice I turned away, I would be with you it would get old read quick. 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 Bot a book I‘ve read although I do own a copy. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Next time I pick up my prescription I should ask for 28 little spaceships please 😅💊

Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😂 I love the way kids describe things. 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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August #BookSpinBingo card. It‘s almost the most wonderful time of the year 😜 🏫 🖍 👩‍🏫

BookDadGirlDad Room was excellent!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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It‘s a great story told through the eyes of 5 year old Jack. While reading I experienced both feelings of hope and frustration. I found it interesting to witness the boys thoughts even though I imagine some people might not like books written like this one.
After reading it I thought a lot about the mother since we don‘t get access to her thoughts. I would love to read the story from the mothers perspective, too.

Room. Film Tie-In | Emma Donoghue
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💙💙💙💙💙I'd rate this even higher if I could! Such an amazingly written #psychologicalthriller. The 5-year-old perspective on the situation is so cleverly done. Watched the movie yesterday evening after finishing the book. It was good but definitely not as deep and troubling as the book.#kidnapped #emmadonoghue #kidsperspective

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Room. Film Tie-In | Emma Donoghue
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A new book and a pretty view for the weekend. ❤🏞

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Room. Film Tie-In | Emma Donoghue
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99 of 2021. #littenlisten ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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MayJasper Dramatic cover. Perfect. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome cover! 📚🙌🏻 3y
aperfectmjk Disturbing book, but well written. 3y
Tattooedteacher Yes. Perfect for this prompt. And a good book. 3y
Eggs A great book ❤️💛💜 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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I liked the first part of book. The author has done a fine job of portraying the room through eyes of Jack. But Emma failed miserably to bring out the emotions & trauma one will have when they are re-entering the WORLD after 7 years. In case of Jack, he is seeing the real world for first time.In the second part, I felt Jack was talking too much for his age, keeping the aside fact that he was confined to a room all those years.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Horrifying story watered down to make you really be thankful for other places than a 11x 11 room. Jack tells the story of Room. The world. That‘s what he thinks. He has no concept of the outside. That scares me the most because of the child/human trafficking that happens all over the world. How many children could tell this story?
My only complaint: 300 pages of a 5 year old telling the story.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Starting this on a long 12 hour shift. It has been something I‘ve been wanting to read for a long time!

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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Relaxing & watching Youve Got Mail

SheReadsAndWrites LOVE that movie. I watch it every September. 🧡 3y
peanutnine Great movie! And I'm obsessed with the soundtrack 😍 3y
Cupcake12 One of my favourites 🍿 3y
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IMASLOWREADER such a cute movie 3y
batsy A real comfort watch 💕 3y
DogMomIrene 🦊 F. O. X. 🤣 3y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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5/5 I already knew a bit about this book going in but I still found it surprising me and it was very interesting that the book was from Jacks perspective. Read July 2020

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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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(Re)starting this for my virtual book club this month. I'm hoping to get more reading done these days now that my life has slightly calmed down.

StayCurious Did you see the movie that came out? Would you say it's a solid adaptation? 4y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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#3books based on true stories

I haven‘t read the Mary Toft one yet, but the other two are great. I wasn‘t sure if memoirs count for this, but In the Dream House is told in a very unique way which makes it feel more like it fits this prompt, so I‘m using it.

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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#FriYAYintro @4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads

1. Tagged book!
2. Green
3. Being kind to others.
4. If you have not played yet, consider yourself tagged! ☺️

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

1. Writers & Lovers by Lily King, The Art of Healing Heartbeats by Jan Philipp-Sendker💛
2. Ma from the Tagged book💛
3. The Regrets by Amy Bonnaffons (which equally was wonderful and weird)💛

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue

“In the world I notice persons are nearly always stressed and have no time…I don‘t know how persons with jobs do the jobs and all the living as well…I guess the time gets spread very thin like butter all over the world, the roads and houses and playgrounds and stores, so there‘s only a little smear of time on each place, then everyone has to hurry on to the next bit.”
― Emma Donoghue, Room

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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A very cute and sad story.
Told by a 5 year old boy is funny.

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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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OriginalCyn620 ☘️💚☘️ 4y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Starting this today, lent to me by a friend last year, I think it's time 🙃

thevagabondlawyer This is a great book and thrilling 👏 4y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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Day 20:
Room by Emma Donoghue. The innocent narrator really gives an interesting perspective to this horrendous story.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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This had been on my TBR list forever. After finally getting to it, I think it lost some of the hype. It was a good story. I found the “after” struggles really interesting. But the narration could get quite annoying at times. Good, but not a favorite.

Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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So sad and painfully real...This is a story I will never forget! My heart broke for Jack. It is amazing how the author managed to get inside the mind of a 5 year old. I highly recommend it!

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Meltedy spoon...

Very similar to the book, but so far I think I‘m preferring the book to the movie.

I liked how the book was told from the boy‘s perspective. The movie is more of a general view. Overall worth watching though! Nice acting!

Clwojick I LOVED THE BOOK - I agree with you about the movie. It didn‘t have that “innocent” perspective that was done so well in the book. 5y
ShyBookOwl Interesting perspective! I didn't read the book but I saw the movie twice. What I loved about it was that I actually did feel like it was his POV and I thought that worked SO WELL. I really felt the innocence too. The movie broke my heart. At times, I just couldn't breathe. I decided I wouldn't be able to handle the book. 5y
KristenDuck @ShyBookOwl see I think you‘d appreciate the book! 5y
ShyBookOwl @KristenDuck I'm sure I would... I just feel like it might break me a little too permanently lol 5y
CafeMom I read the book but haven't seen the movie. I'm afraid the movie will break my heart. 5y
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Room: A Novel | Emma Donoghue
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LiteraryinLawrence Such a well written book! None of her other novels have drawn me in in the same way. 5y
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