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Things You Save in a Fire
Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
From the New York Times bestselling author of How to Walk Away comes a stunning new novel about courage, hope, and learning to love against all odds. Cassie Hanwell was born for emergencies. As one of the only female firefighters in her Texas firehouse, she's seen her fair share of them, and she's a total pro at other people's tragedies. But when her estranged and ailing mother asks her to give up her whole life and move to Boston, Cassie suddenly has an emergency of her own. The tough, old-school Boston firehouse is as different from Cassie's old job as it could possibly be. Hazing, a lack of funding, and poor facilities mean that the firemen aren't exactly thrilled to have a "lady" on the creweven one as competent and smart as Cassie. Except for the infatuation-inspiring rookie, who doesn't seem to mind having Cassie around. But she can't think about that. Because love is girly, and its not her thing. And dont forget the advice her old captain gave her: Never date firefighters. Cassie can feel her resolve slipping...and it means risking it allthe only job shes ever loved, and the hero shes worked like hell to become. Katherine Center's Things You Save in a Fire is a heartfelt and healing tour-de-force about the strength of vulnerability, the nourishing magic of forgiveness, and the life-changing power of defining courage, at last, for yourself.
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Venkman is not wearing a tiny green fez, that‘s a feather toy hanging from the top level of the cat tree. 😸

I didn‘t know this was a romance going in, as I‘ve never read this author before. It‘s got plenty of story though, and it‘s mild on spice.

Cassie moves from Austin TX to a small town outside Boston MA to help her estranged mom recover from eye surgery. She has to transfer from the fire department she loves to a new one, and it‘s rocky. ⬇️

Soubhiville Where Austin was progressive and championed women fire fighters, she finds the Massachusetts all male department pretty misogynistic and reluctant. ⚠️SA, recovering from trauma, substance abuse. All handled gently IMO though. 2mo
Tamra I‘m going to pretend it‘s a fez - so much more fun! 2mo
Bookwormjillk Get that cat a fez! 2mo
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IndoorDame If you could convince him (or any cat) to wear a fez it would definitely be proof of your superior magical powers! 2mo
Leftcoastzen Fez worthy!👏😻 2mo
BarbaraJean I'm with @Bookwormjillk - Venkman needs a fez! 2mo
dabbe #fezzyvenkman 💚🐾💚 2mo
LiteraryinPA I looove this picture. 😋 Also if you liked this book I think all of her others are a good bet. She‘s really consistent in the vibe of her books and I basically like them all! 2mo
Hooked_on_books I would love it if he did have a tiny fez! 2mo
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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1. It will be 12 years in April.
2. Tagged!
Thanks @TheSpineView @Kshakal #two4tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday 7mo
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Not my sort of book, but that‘s not the book‘s fault. Cassie Hanwell leaves Texas to help her mother out in Massachusetts. They‘ve been estranged for a decade, but her mother‘s request coincides with an incident that forces her to leave her beloved fire station where she is the only female firefighter. There is some quippy dialogue but at the end of the day, this is just a romance with a little family drama window dressing.

ShelleyBooksie Beautiful tree! 9mo
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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1) Things You Save In A Fire by Katherine Center
2) Shepherds Abiding by Jan Karon

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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I officially have a new favorite author. I believe Katherine Center has mastered romance. Truly. Her writing is great, her characters the best, and the romance perfect. I was sad to finish this one. ❤️ #littensloveromance #romance #greatread

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 💐 10mo
LiteraryinPA She‘s one of my favorites too! 10mo
GondorGirl If you ever get the chance to meet her, do it! She's one of the best author events I've ever gone to. She's delightful! 10mo
SheReadsAndWrites I will! Thanks so much for letting me know. 😊 @GondorGirl 10mo
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center

This is my 2nd book I have read by K. Center. I enjoyed the journey of Cassie and to read her experience as a firefighter & EMT. The Epilogue gave a nice summary of everything that happened. No loose ends were not tied up.

GondorGirl I enjoyed this one. I like how the main character of this one references 10mo
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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In my TBR, choosing it for Chris Stapleton‘s #FireAway for the obvious 🔥 in the title, but also because it‘s a romance & it sounds like the female MC is a firefighter who has a lot being shot at her.

“Fire away
Take your best shot
Show me what you got
Honey, I'm not afraid
Rear back and take aim
And fire away”

Eggs Very apt interpretation👏🏻👏🏻 ❤️K. Center❤️ 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This video breaks my heart 💔 1y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf!! 1y
Eggs Loved this 💙 🔥 ❤️ 1y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Sooo good! Read this in a single day, so a super fast read with a great message about life, empathy, forgiveness, and healing! ❤️ Loved the FMC, all the books I‘m reading lately have total badass females and I‘m living for it!! #HEA 4/5 stars!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf ❤️📚 2y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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#12Booksof2022 @ Andrew65

This was my pick in March for #LMPBC. I love this postal book club as it forces me to read outside of my normal reading.

Andrew65 Good choice. 2y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Amazing! I think it is my favorite of hers. Funny, powerful, and filled with characters you can‘t help but fall in love with. And the MC is so strong and resilient, you can‘t help but root for her! Loved this one! #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks 241st book read this year 😀

Soubhiville I‘ve wondered how her books are. She always has great cover art. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Beach reading is still fun on a cold day! #travelingreader

Alfoster This one was so good! Love her stuff!🥰 2y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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This book is really good so far

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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7 out of 10. Really enjoyed the authors writing style and how they turned an average story into one that can touch most people's hearts. It's very much a human story. Genre isn't my normal one but I enjoyed it. Definitely pick this up if ya see it.

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Starting this one that's been on my tbr for awhile. My public space book at the moment.

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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This book was a slow burn (haha). Cassie has a lot of unique challenges when she starts as the first ever female firefighter at a new firehouse, but one thing she promises herself is that she will not fall in love, especially not with another firefighter. But when the rookie walks into the room, all bets are off. My one complaint is the writing can get a bit heavy-handed, especially when talking about forgiveness. 🔥🔥🔥🔥/ 5

Kayla.Adriena I couldn't finish this one for the reasons you mentioned. LOVE cover though! 2y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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So I finished this over a week ago but things have been crazy. My husband‘s gramma passed so we‘ve been dealing with that.

Anyways, I really enjoyed this one. I thought the whole forgiveness thing was a little too forced upon the reader but this could be because I‘m a cynical fart lol I‘m surprised by how much I loved the romance since I‘m not typically a romance person. Very cute. This one flew by and had me chuckling!


magyklyXdelish @mklong I‘ll mail this out this week :) 2y
magyklyXdelish @TheAromaofBooks free space for book spin bingo —- one of these months I‘ll read more than 2 books haha 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sorry to hear about your husband's gramma!! ❤ 2y
DaveGreen7777 So sorry about your husband‘s grandma! 😔 2y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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I didn't read much in February and never posted my bracket.
Well here is my March!

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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@shadowfat @magyklyXdelish @mklong
I mailed my book off early, that has to be a first for me. Arrival is next Monday.

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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@shadowfat @magyklyXdelish @mklong
Ladies I don't want to say much, but I loved this book. The two different story lines compliment each other so well. Hope you enjoy as well.

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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Listened to this audiobook and as much as I enjoyed it, it also frustrated me to no end. lol. The misogyny in the fire department was just so much, but the good moments made up for it. Would definitely recommend.

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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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#Bookspin #doublebookspin
I can't believe it's almost already March.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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OK ladies her is our line up. I am super excited!
@shadowfat @magyklyXdelish @mklong

mklong Me too! 3y
magyklyXdelish Yay! Can‘t wait!! 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Ok ladies, What is everyone planning to read?
@magyklyXdelish @mklong @Shadowfat
#LMPBC #GroupQ

magyklyXdelish @Shadowfat do you have any ideas yet for your pick? 3y
Shadowfat Sorry it's taken me so long! I found some that might be good! 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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I loved the love story and I love the rest of the content! The story itself was interesting even without the love story!

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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Ok ladies so here are a few choices from my BOTM collection that I have yet to read. Have you read any or do dany stand out to you?
I do have more, these four just stood out to me.
@magyklyXdelish @mklong @Shadowfat

Mtroiano I thought Nothing to See Here was a fun read! 3y
LiteraryinPA I‘m not in your group but I loved the top 2 books! 3y
magyklyXdelish I haven‘t read any of them so I‘m okay with any 🤗🤗 3y
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mklong I‘ve read Nothing to See Here and All Adults Here, but the other two look great! 3y
cwarnier I think I will pick Things You Save in a Fire just because it is shorter. 3y
Shadowfat Sounds good! I haven't read any of them so that sounds great! 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Love at first sight? No thanks, I'm out...

Guess I'll be passing on that virtual author visit too.

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Listening to this for a virtual book club meet with the author next month but it's so repetitive and annoyingly whiny... I hope the story picks up! However, I've been following the narrator Therese Plummer and get journey back to health after a horrific car crash and it's so refreshing to hear her reading it!

Kayla.Adriena I bought this for the cover and barely got through a fourth of it ! 3y
IamIamIam @Kayla.Adriena I totally understand why... Cassie is not much better than my 13 year old. 🙄 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Thanks for the tags @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @damselsgotballs !

Have a great weekend everyone!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You too!! 💛💛💛 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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I really liked a lot of this. Cassie being forced out of her comfort zone & into making real connections w people, including the mother who abandoned her & her father, was a good story. As was Cassie adapting to a new town & a new crew at a new (very old) fire house. Even her love story was pretty good (though I could have done without her makeover into a barbie doll & the whole scene at his parent's party.) But I do have complaints ⬇️

bookandbedandtea It started to get tedious that she was better at absolutely EVERYTHING than the male firefighters. And the entire storyline with DeSantis was annoying and unnecessary. And, ultimately, unbelievable. If it hadn't gone further than the notes and harassment it would have been fine but his behavior at the fire, the lies he told after, her figuring out his drug problem and ⬇️ 3y
bookandbedandtea arriving in the nick of time to save him from ODing, whisking him off to rehab, and unknowingly getting him to fess up to the captain was ridiculous. It was too over the top. This story already had a LOT going on and this whole thing felt like too much. 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Cassie & I don‘t have much in common. She can do n*i*ne pull-ups, I can do n*o*ne; she‘s emotionally closed-off & I‘m an over-sharer; she works in a male-dominated environment, I work in…a Library. But sisterhood binds us! This is, first & foremost, a Romance novel (the ending drives that point home). If you‘re bothered by the romantic lead being *too* perfect, definitely avoid this one.👇🏻

monalyisha 1/1: But it also deals with tough subjects like abandonment, sexism, mother-daughter relationships, addiction, death, grief, terminal illness, & sexual assault. Is it weird to follow that up by saying I might buy this for my MIL for Christmas? 😅 (edited) 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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I wouldn‘t normally have chosen this book for myself…but I agreed to be the moderator for this month‘s book club at work. Let‘s see how it goes! 🤷‍♀️ Maybe it‘ll surprise me.

Kangaj1 I just read it and enjoyed a lighter read. 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Too superficial for my taste!

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center

Cute, quick read. Cassie is a female firefighter who has to leave Austin for Massachusetts. It does s pretty good job describing her personal struggles, sexism at work and her feeling for The Rookie. Ending was a bit rushed and cheesy, but overall a good read to kill some time.

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Book 103

I listened to Things You Save in a Fire. It's an easy rom-com. Nothing of literary merit but fun. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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4 ⭐
I really enjoyed this, so glad I read it! It got really good in the middle. Like, really really good. I grew to really like the main character. Strong female lead, lots of interesting things happening, good characters throughout.
The ending was a little too quick. It did tie up all the loose ends. I'm glad for that. But there were a lot of loose ends and they all got tied very very quickly. 😅

Isn't this cover pretty? Love the bright colors.

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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Sad to say, but I didn't like it.. The story felt preachy and fake; reads like a self-help book.

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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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There were parts of this that I enjoyed, but mostly it didn't work for me. At times it seemed like it was trying to be a light rom com, but the characters had such intensely horrific experiences in their pasts, which were mostly glossed over and apparently solved by falling in love 🙄. The epilogue had way too much crammed into it; I get it, they live happily ever after, no need to belabor the point.

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Starting a new book :)

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center

When you get your husband hooked on the audio book on a road trip… and he demands we listen to the end together once home!!! So sweet!!!

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center

I really enjoy this author‘s writing- engaging and heartfelt. This book is about a woman firefighter with a tough and unstoppable exterior- she‘s one of the best, strongest, and effective firefighters on her shifts. Yet, inside she‘s struggling to grasp the effects of rape, abandonment from her mom, and sexism within her field. She is an example of a strong woman who must hide her true self to “make it”. Loved it despite some predictable moments.

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Cassie is a firefighter in Austin. After 2 traumatic cents when she was 16, she has built a protective wall around herself that pretty much has shut down all of her feelings. She was made to be the best firefighter. She feels totally calm in the chaos of emergencies. Her mother had abandoned Cassie and her father and now wants Cassie to stay with her for a year. Told in Cassie‘s POV we learn about hurt, pain, forgiveness and true love. Great book!

Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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“What women think of as sharing, men see as complaining.”

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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Camping at my cottage for the long weekend
Trying my hammock I got for my birthday!

Love reading in nature... The bugs are brutal!
Luckily they've died down so far today 🙏🌲🙌

#readathon #readingoutdoors #camping

Crazeedi Perfect place to be!! 3y
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Things You Save in a Fire | Katherine Center
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Quick cute read. At first I thought it was cliche and cheesy but by the end I really liked it. The one thing I didnt like was how she tied everything up on the Epilogue bc it seemed added on and rushed.