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The Golden Hour
The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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The New York Times bestselling author of The Summer Wives and A Certain Age creates a dazzling epic of World War II-era Nassaua hotbed of spies, traitors, and the most infamous couple of the age, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. The Bahamas, 1941. Newly-widowed Leonora Lulu Randolph arrives in Nassau to investigate the Governor and his wife for a New York society magazine. After all, American readers have an insatiable appetite for news of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, that glamorous couple whose love affair nearly brought the British monarchy to its knees five years earlier. What more intriguing backdrop for their romance than a wartime Caribbean paradise, a colonial playground for kingpins of ill-gotten empires? Or so Lulu imagines. But as she infiltrates the Duke and Duchesss social circle, and the powerful cabal that controls the islands political and financial affairs, she uncovers evidence that beneath the glister of Wallis and Edwards marriage lies an uglyand even treasonousreality. In fact, Windsor-era Nassau seethes with spies, financial swindles, and racial tension, and in the middle of it all stands Benedict Thorpe: a scientist of tremendous charm and murky national loyalties. Inevitably, the willful and wounded Lulu falls in love. Then Nassaus wealthiest man is murdered in one of the most notorious cases of the century, and the resulting coverup reeks of royal privilege. Benedict Thorpe disappears without a trace, and Lulu embarks on a journey to London and beyond to unpick Thorpes complicated family history: a fateful love affair, a wartime tragedy, and a mother from whom all joy is stolen. The stories of two unforgettable women thread together in this extraordinary epic of espionage, sacrifice, human love, and human courage, set against a shocking true crime . . . and the rise and fall of a legendary royal couple.
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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“He said that's when everything looks the most beautiful, just before the sun sets. This luminous air turning everything to gold. He said it made him want to paint the whole world. And then it's gone, just like that.”

#Sunset 🌅


Eggs Lovely 🥰 👏🏻😍 5mo
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Eggs Love this author🧡🧡 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Eggs Me too!! Just not this book, sadly 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookgeekFrau me either! And I love her 💛 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Glad to know it wasn't a "me thing" with this book. I was so disappointed ? 8mo
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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This picture didn‘t go as planned lol 😂 so maybe I took the easy way out but I chose Glass Ocean which is Beatriz William‘s 10th book published and The Golden Hour which was her 12th 🤷🏻‍♀️💛 Her book covers are my favorite ❤️


Miss Priss 😽 #Catsoflitsy

LiseWorks I love Miss Priss 10mo
IndoorDame 👋 Miss Priss! 💗💗💗 10mo
Eggs I love your idea! Miss Priss fits her very well! 10mo
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AnnCrystal 🐈 beautiful 👁️eyes😻💕. 10mo
dabbe Hello there, Pretty Miss Priss! 🖤🐾🖤 10mo
Mimi28 Hi Missy Prissy!!! 😻😻😊😊 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs thank you!! 🫶🏻 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AnnCrystal thank you! Yes, I love her eyes 👀 10mo
RaeLovesToRead Awww, Priss!!! 🥰 10mo
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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For #readingtheamericas2023 I picked this one to represent The Bahamas. This author always delivers a solid read. A little romance, history, a mystery and a cast of characters you‘ll want to take a journey with. She totally brought this island to life for me. #bookspin @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks

Librarybelle I enjoy her books! 1y
BarbaraBB I‘ve never read her but I am stacking: I need a book for The Bahamas! (edited) 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
KristiAhlers @BarbaraBB she‘s one of my favorite historical fiction authors! 1y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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The Golden Hour is the time at sunset when the light is perfect. This story had that hazy feeling of reminiscence. A nice blend of mystery, history, and romance even as the story maintained a bit of distance.

The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Littens! Life has been BUSY & I've been lurking a bit but not posting, because I haven't been reading much. 😔 I've missed you, as I always do when life hits hard.

Here's to finishing the year strong! 💪

kspenmoll Good to hear from you! 2y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Finishing the month with another BOTM that was on my shelf too long…

This is just the kind of historical fiction I like, with dual timelines, multiple POV characters, drama, really good romance, and mystery. This one has just enough real history (the scandalous Windsors in WWII) to be super intriguing, but I adored the fictional main characters. Beatriz Williams can be hit or miss for me, and that was an enthusiastic hit.


Golden Hour | Beatriz Williams
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It‘s impossible to recap all that happens with the two MCs in the two timelines of this story because it was full of personal drama, but I liked how it all came together. I also thought it was fascinating to place one timeline in 1940s Nassau Panama where the Duke of Windsor was basically exiled. …The unsolved murder of IRL Harry Oakes was fascinating and led to lots of googling for me!

#Pantone2022 Popcorn

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love her, but just couldn‘t get through this one… maybe another time 🤷‍♀️ 2y
marleed @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I understand. I like HF best when the story and drama are needed to tell a history to which readers may not be aware. This one was way too heavy on the fictional drama. But I did love the setting of Panama during WWII because I never considered this areas free from engagement. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I forgot to say that I love your pic 📚❤️ 2y
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marleed @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks oh thank you! I love the colors on the covers of those books! 2y
peacegypsy Cool photo! 2y
marleed @peacegypsy Thank you. Those covers coordinate so well that i shelve them together. I wanted to use the matchy books in the background of my photo somehow. And this kind of happened! 2y
wanderinglynn Great photo! 2y
marleed @wanderinglynn Thank you! 2y
Clwojick Beautiful photo! 2y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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As much as I hate to admit it because I love her, I couldn‘t finish this one!!! Maybe it was bad timing 🤷‍♀️


Maya.McClan Same! And I don‘t give up easy. I tried to keep going with it but I just wasn‘t feeling it no matter how hard I tried. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Maya.McClan ikr!!!! 3y
Eggs Awww too bad Ms Beatriz..... 3y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Sigh, found this one kind of boring. It just seemed like everything was happening off page. The characters were basically either having sex or longing for each other. I liked Lulu, she was a pretty great character. But it was more of her telling the story and editing than seeing what I would have liked happen.

#Booked2021 - color in title
#JoysofJune - Book 2 read

Cinfhen Ohhh, clever choice!! I ultimately bailed on this one…it was super boring. Agree 💯 with your review ☺️ 3y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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In case you didn‘t know my dog is spoiled, he is 🤣.

Currently sharing my lounge chair with him because he doesn‘t like to lay on the ground 🤷🏻‍♀️

Happy Saturday!


audraelizabeth Mine lay on or underneath mine 3y
Chrissyreadit Mine would have taken the chair and left me a space on the ground. 3y
Laughterhp @Chrissyreadit Mine would have too if I let him! But I won‘t let him lol 3y
Tamra 😂 Mine doesn‘t think he should be on the ground or the floor in the house either. 3y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Here are the books I‘m hoping to focus on for #JoysofJune

I probably won‘t be able to start participating until Sunday, but we‘ll see!

I‘ve been struggling reading a bit. So I‘m hoping this readathon hopes me focus and get a bunch done!

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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TheKidUpstairs Beautiful pic 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💛💛💛 3y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Book 188 of 2020.

The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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StayCurious Great choice! 4y
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Golden Hour | Beatriz Williams

I‘m a huge BW fan. I gobble up 🦃 all of her books. For some reason, I‘ve tried to read and audio this one but I just can‘t get into it. Should I give it another go? At what point does it get good?
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating alone today, it‘s a tough one.

Amie I'm also a fan of hers, but I didn't like this book as much as her others. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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#Bookreport. I liked all 4 of the books I finished last week, although Lost Roses and The Golden Hour felt a little long even listening at an increased speed. Golden Hour was my #Doublespin book 3 1/2🌟 Know My Name is an important book and I appreciate Chanel‘s willingness to share her unvarnished story and her efforts to bring attention to society‘s failings in how rape cases are handled. We must do better to stop victim blaming/shaming and ⬇️

Deblovestoread Getting these cases through the system faster and end the “boys will be boys” attitude. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Another author I‘ve never read! Her covers are beautiful. Where should I start? #AugustAuthors

OriginalCyn620 She does have pretty covers! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Don‘t start with this one!! 4y
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Golden Hour | Beatriz Williams
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This is my second Beatriz Williams book. She‘s becoming a favorite 🧡💛

The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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3.75⭐️ While there were times I wanted to DNF the book, I did enjoy a good portion of the book, but I did feel that the Lulu sections were a little too drawn out in comparison to the Elfriede sections. #2020 #historicalfiction #bookstagram #bookreview #ebook #wwii

The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams

“I thought I‘d traveled into another universe. I thought I‘d stepped into another Earth entirely, a paradise lit by an eternal sun, a release from everything old, everything dreary. Then I touched land and discovered that freedom was not so straightforward, that you could move to a different universe but you couldn‘t escape the prison of your own skin.”
― Beatriz Williams, The Golden Hour

The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Started this 1 while I was out sustainably shopping yesterday. Because of social distancing, everyone is putting what they don‘t want, as they clean up their houses, out the front for people to kerb burgle. I‘ll post some of my book scores tomorrow. I think it‘s a great way to safely? entertain myself & be environmentally conscious at the same time. The kids ❤️ being creative with all the craft supplies & it helps people who are struggling too.

LeeRHarry There‘s plenty of stuff on the nature strips in my area but there are no readers! 😆 4y
LapReader That‘s a shame @LeeRHarry There were more books than I could carry home at one house a couple of days ago. 4y
Catherine_Willoughby I did a environmental deep clean of house last October- sold everything I no longer need for pennies (Extremely cheap) on facebook for collection . That inculded 2 xmas trees with lights and decorations. Only kept the 8 foot tree. Only items I had to send to Dump was a 3 piece sofa (nothing wrong with it , was free to take away but not IN VOGUE colours 🙄) and two doors. If I could just get a new lawnmower I could clean my backyard for use. 4y
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Hufflepuffle That is such a great idea!! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks My daughter is cleaning out her closet!! Beautiful photo ❤️ 4y
Cuilin I love this photo ❤️ 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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2020 #22

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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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From the bottom of my heart and Misty‘s we thank you for participating with us on reads. For me personally getting the questions researched and ready helped me focus and escape the world . I hope today‘s discussion gives that to you as well.
We look forward to starting our new book and hope to see you next Sunday or for another month. Thanks all. And no this book didn‘t do it for me however there are parts I just absolutely loved.

JaclynW 💕Yes to this! Yes to having something else to focus on right now. It is much needed and greatly appreciated! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Take care my friends! 💕 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JaclynW thank you for always being a part of our group 💗💗💗 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You did an amazing job with these questions Christine!! I can‘t believe this book was as crazy as it was!! 😳😳😳 4y
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AmyG Thank YOU BOTH. You are my book club and I couldn‘t be more grateful to you. Now times what I just said by a million. 😘 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG ❤️😘❤️😘 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Final Thoughts

The book starts with “To women and men everywhere who live with depression, You are loved you are needed,the night will pass..”

It did pass for Elfriede but what an enormous tragic fallout ...
How do you think she feels about the darkness?
Wilfred is within her..
Is it enough ?

Did you like this read ???

JaclynW Depression. It is huge. It does pass. But one never knows for how long. Being okay with not being okay sometimes is a really comforting thought. We don't have to have life figured out 100% all of the time. Life is all about learning, growing, exploring. The rainbow of emotions is part of that. Difficult emotions are difficult to live with but they can teach so much. It is a matter of learning about them, having “tools“ in your tool box to deal ⬇ 4y
JaclynW with them and being loving, kind and forgiving towards yourself. Life can be hard. Life can be beautiful. It is trusting that “this too shall pass.“ Finding love and support is important. Sometimes that can only be found in yourself. Elfriede had so many tragic fallouts. That is almost too much for one person to handle. But. She did make it through. In her own way. 4y
JaclynW This is my first by Beatriz Williams!! It won't be my last. I think I found another historical fiction author to love and follow. I can see why she is one of @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks favorites!! This book maybe wasn't perfect but it was very enjoyable and always had me wanting more. I came to love (and even loathe) many of the characters. Connecting to characters and their stories is huge for me, if an author can do that, I'm sold. 4y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JaclynW please read other books by her!! This was not her best in my opinion 🤦🏼‍♀️ 4y
AmyG As there is deep sadness in life, there is also joy. I was happy to see Elfriede experience such joy. 4y
JaclynW @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I will read more! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Discuss The Epilogue

Rosenberg Trial from our last book!

The Golden Scene of the family

The Windsor‘s skeletal description

Happily ever after ? If so at what price?

JaclynW The epilogue was definitely to show how happy Lulu and Thorpe were and it was totally rubbed in The Windsor's faces. That part was enjoyable. The Windsors seemed to have be withering away in all sorts of ways from the descriptions given by the author. It did seem that Lulu and Thorpe had what Wallis was hoping for and maybe didn't get in the end. I love when books connect to other books - Rosenbergs! 4y
AmyG Yes @JaclynW hahaha I loved the miserable Windsors seeing the lovely Thorpe family, too! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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The reunion of all the kids and Elfriede and the cloth...
Trite or good writing ?

sheshedbooks Oh, nope. Not good. ? Even disliked Ursula's part. The latter parts really felt forced, like pieces that "conveniently" fall into place. But, well, it wrapped up alright. 4y
JaclynW The ending came too quickly for me. It did feel a bit forced and convenient. I was actually shocked too. I wasn't expecting that. I wish a bit more time was taken. I did love the reunion though. We got a touch of happily ever after. @greenreads 4y
AmyG The ending came quickly, yes. But sometimes I love a good story that ties up in a bow. 💕 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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What do you make of Ursula? She never forgot Elfriede .. her visions premonitions? AND what a strong woman. Helga-again..ugh. All the women in this book making horrible injustices for Elfriede. Has it always been like this? Will we ever overcome it?

JaclynW Women are by nature jealous creatures. Fighting for the attention of men. Needing to be taken care of. Afraid to be left alone. This can really drive some pathetic behavior. So much judgement. Often unjustly so. If we can all just realize that we are in this together and help each other out instead. There can be so many secrets and backstabbing it makes me sick!! We have to fight those urges!!!!! Be kind, be loving, be supportive. LOVE!!!! 4y
AmyG Helga. I know her...I had relatives like her. I thought Ursula finding her “mother” so utterly heartwarming. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Lulu accuses Wallis of betraying Thorpe and gives her earrings back ... then demands a plane telling her she has copies of information. Smart move? How evil was Wallis?

JaclynW Evil. It was nice to see someone boss her around for a change. 4y
AmyG Good for Lulu. Wallis was used to being the Queen Bee and getting (almost) what she wanted. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Wilfred had found them ?! The children Elfriede so missed.
Was this shocking to you? The timing ? Fate? Heartbreaking?

JaclynW I was so happy to hear that he had found them. The timing though... Man I wish it had a happier ending where they could have spent more time together. It was so lovely when they were all together. I guess that is a lesson in loving and being being present in every moment because you truly never know if it may be your last. 4y
AmyG I was happy, too. The old....better late than never. I‘d take that over never. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Annie never buried Wilfreds things!? And kept all these secrets ?! How could she?

JaclynW Exactly! How could she! I'm glad they eventually came out. 4y
AmyG I thought she was smart not to. Yet it was nervy. Good for her. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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They sensed her darkness”, regarding Elfriede do you think people do? Why was Wilfred the only one to be able to be with her in the darkness? She paid an extremely high price for something she couldn‘t control, does this still happen today ? Unless you experience it do you think people really understand, or do they just judge?

JaclynW People mostly judge. Unfortunately. Once you get to know someone and their history...wow...how things can change. It is amazing what sharing stories can do for the listener and the person sharing. It can be very healing. Wilfred must have had a tender heart that saw her pain and wanted to help her heal. Darkness scares people, most people just want to make it go away for themselves and others around them. Facing it is scary - but liberating too. 4y
AmyG Yes to all that @JaclynW said. I also think Elfriede trusted Wilfred. He fell in love with the woman who was in the midst of the darkness. And yes, people judge. You don‘t ever know what anyone has experienced. Most people don‘t have any interest in knowing. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Margaret‘s memories so distinct and so insightful. I have this too. Do you think tragedy in childhood makes you have the ability to remember more clearly ?

JaclynW Tragedy in childhood definitely shapes how you see and interact with the world. I don't know if they always remember the initial event clearly though. Just how it made them feel. And it sets up defenses and they are more observant of the world. Mostly to avoid that kind of trauma again. I am not an expert though...so....? 4y
AmyG I have found that tragedy in childhood made me remember some things clearly yet it also made me have no memories of certain times/years. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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drowned herself ?
Postpartum? Grief? Both?
Then to find out the truth? Utterly shameful or necessary?
Was this just how fate needed to be for the story?

AmyG I wasn‘t surprised by this....grief plus postpartum. Also so many secrets in that family, but that seemed part of that time. Reminds me of my childhood as my family had many secrets that I didn‘t find out about until I was an adult. I loved that she lived and they all reunited in the end. (edited) 4y
sheshedbooks It's real. I don't want it to be real, to be how things should go, but... I'm glad that she didn't die. 4y
JaclynW It made perfect sense to me. Depression leads you to unspeakable things unfortunately. It was super heartbreaking for me. And then once the truth was revealed!!! My eyes were bugging out! I was happy to see her again. But sad at the same time because she had left her children behind and missed their growing up years. My heart broke to pieces. I can see what Elfriede was thinking though in doing this. @Amyg @greenreads @thebookhippie 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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What was up with Veryl the maid to Lulu what do you think she knew???

AmyG Miss Scarlett! Veryl spent so much time in Lulu‘s home. She not only knew what went on in Lulu‘s life...she heard all the talk from her community about what went on in Nassau. I think there was a real admiration and respect between the two. 4y
TheBookHippie @AmyG it‘s how I pictured her the entire time reading !!!! 4y
sheshedbooks Oooh! Love their dynamic. Love that Veryl really cared and that she only decided to leave now that there's someone else to care for Miss Lulu. I mean, I think, she could have left with good enough savings. But I feel that Veryl only felt comfortable enough to leave after the wedding. 4y
JaclynW @greenreads I loved their dynamic too! They were well suited for each other. I thought they really cared about each other. Looked out for each other. Veryl had connections for sure too. She seemed to know a lot. I was sad to see her go. @amyg @thebookhippie 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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What did you think of Wallis analogy of marriage using skiing? You‘re so beautifully in love with him so it‘s different you lucky thing she says! Then telling Lulu never marry a man thinking you‘ll change him...
what did you make of her little speech ?

AmyG A bit of truth in what Wallis said. No one should bet on changing the person they marry. 4y
sheshedbooks Well, I really think it's not about love. ? Might seem like it, but it's a warning, a final one. "You're trapped." 4y
TheBookHippie @greenreads 🤣🤣🤣🤣 4y
JaclynW I found it oddly puzzling. It makes me doubt her “true love story.“ It makes me think that she got into something thinking one thing and then getting trapped into the opposite. Serves her right it sounds like. Ugh. The Wallis and Edward love story razzle-dazzle has definitely changed for me reading this book!!! All the thumbs down. @amyg @greenreads @thebookhippie 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Wilfred saying “You can‘t mean to say that we didn‘t have our joys just because there was grief too? “
Elfriede unsure but wants it back ... then Wilfred explains how he is HERS he united with her soul. Was that it ? What she needed? That he was JUST hers?
And then he DIES?! Seriously ? We‘re you expecting this? Are all amazing love stories tragic?

AmyG Elfriede just seemed human...needing him to be hers. It‘s human to be insecure. And Wilfred was at war, he came back changed. That he died was heartbreaking. So is life. 4y
sheshedbooks I wouldn't call it an amazing love story. The tragedy, though, is expected. Doesn't make it less painful. 4y
TheBookHippie @greenreads more of how it is in books why is it always this ? 🤣 4y
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sheshedbooks @TheBookHippie Hmmm That's quite difficult. Are we saying it's amazing only because the partner died? 4y
TheBookHippie @greenreads I think it was portrayed as a beautiful love story and it felt the most real of the book, and of course reality of his death happened and still happens just for once can the dude live 🤣🤣 4y
sheshedbooks @TheBookHippie Right, it had more weight, more pull compared to the Lulu-Thorpe romance. As for "just for once can the dude live", ? yeah I feel that too, would it have been better if Wilfred just chose to stay? But, do men like Wilfred would want to die at home or die in battle? Is it more of a plot-driven twist or of a character-driven twist? 4y
JaclynW @thebookhippie Seriously!! Can't the dude just live this once?!?!?! A happily ever after is nice to read about every so often. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Does Elfriede have a premonition of her death?
Can one?
A cloth of tears. Interesting?
How beautiful the story of how Wilfred handles her postpartum after Margaret.
Do you think she has fear or knows it‘s coming and just doesn‘t know when she‘s going to die from it? Or if she can make it through? Is it dread? Is she unable to cope without Wilfred ? Can one person get you through it?

AmyG When depression comes and goes.....doesn‘t one realize that it can revisit any time? Especially for Elfride. She had postpartum depression so it makes sense for her to fear it‘s return after each child. I call it .....waiting for the other shoe to drop whether it does or not. Keeping the cloth of tears....being “prepared” and hoping you don‘t need it. 4y
sheshedbooks It feels like Elfriede has abandonment issues. When Gerhard sent her to the hospital, she felt abandoned. When she lost Gerhard to Charlotte, she felt lost. Then, Wilfred left again when Helga arrived. Charlotte and the kids left right away after Wilfred. Then, Johann joined the army. It's just a lot of people leaving her. 4y
JaclynW @amyg @goodreads Depression can rear its ugly head at any time. And when you know that it typically gets worse after babies....the fear is even more immense. I know, I have been there. I was completely identifying with her. Wilfred is a dear and does the best he can. I do agree that Elfriede experienced abandonment TOO many times. That really does a number on you for sure. The cloth of tears was something I had never heard of before. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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What do you think of the changes in Elfriede and Wilfred ? The lady telling Elfriede of his supposed cheating on her and Elfriede wondering if his sobbing in her arms was affection or remorse ...
Her speech to him and the words I trusted your love?!
Why is this different than Gerard?
Then Wilfred tells her about his love, their love. Wasn‘t that beautiful?
Is this more real than the beginning of their relationship? More true?

AmyG Misery loves company...hence the woman telling Elfriede the gossip about her husband. Wouldn‘t it sow doubt in anyone? And Elfriede always seemd a bit fragile. But their love story was so true. Margaret always said to Lulu how much her parents loved each other. 4y
sheshedbooks 😄 Love that part. Love the tension, the buildup, and the lines. 4y
JaclynW @amyg @greenreads Loved their love story!!! It was real, so true I think. And you are right that misery loves company. Women are so awful to each other....“if I feel pain, you will too, you can't have everything!“ Jealousy!!! Ugh!! I thought that Wilfred was searching for and then visiting with Charlotte and the girls in Paris. I thought that was his secret. Not infidelity. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Elfriede we meet her again and her son Johann is her husband‘s enemy in the war ?! Then Johann appears in Lulu‘s bungalow ?! Then we find out he took care of Elfriede after finding out the truth? Was that all just mind boggling? What a woven tale.. would you like to know more about him?

AmyG Yes....I would have loved to hear what he did with his life. I was happy to see them all come together. 4y
sheshedbooks Agree with @amyg I feel like Johann should have had more parts, but... the focus is really on the women so I cannot dislike the way his story was taken out of the narrative. 4y
AmyG Agree @greenreads. But...i agine if there was more about Johann and the girls that were taken away. I would have loved a little more about them. 4y
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JaclynW @amyG @greenreads I would also like to hear more about Johann. I agree that this story's focus was on the women though. It was nice to see him come back. I think he was a really interesting character that had depth and goodness. It was all mind boggling. So much happened. Did you all catch the bit in the Historical Note section at the end that the author says that she does have other books with Johann and his sisters?? 4y
AmyG @JaclynW What???? Thanks. I just bookmarked that book. 4y
JaclynW @AmyG You're welcome! 🥰 4y
KarouBlue Superb picture. I want to talk about Elfriede! I didn‘t know she was a carry over character??? Also, apparently not drowned either! Do what now?!?! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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What did you think of Lulu getting the dress and then the ring? Her proposal? The ceremony? Are they really madly in love? Does it feel real in the writing or forced? Do you enjoy this love story?

AmyG I loved their part of the story as I did his parents. I wasn‘t too sure of the organizing by the Duke and Dutchess by Thorpe. But if he was a spy against them and Germany....makes sense to keep them involved and to feel they are all “friends”. 4y
sheshedbooks Ohgod. Nope. I think it has something to do with the Windsors' schemes, that's all. I mean, the love part may be real, but I think Wallis' advice to Lulu was not about falling in love but just being caught in something you cannot get out of, being trapped. 4y
JaclynW It seemed so sudden. Slightly over the top. But Wallis was controlling. I thought she was trying to attach strings to Lulu and Thorpe for future use. I do think Lulu and Thorpe had a connection. It wasn't my favorite love story. 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Harry Oakes


What did you think of adding this to such a degree in this story? Necessary or too much? His dislike of his son in law who was accused of his murder and his daughter so young marrying him? Lulu defending them. Why did we need this? The Wallis and Edward connection to him?

AmyG I think he was a part of the history of Nassau at the time....so appropriate to add. It made the story more real. 4y
JaclynW @AmyG Appropriate to add to the Nassau story. But it did seem to go into such detail that I was thinking there would be more ties and more to come of it. In the end it just kind of fizzled I thought.
AmyG @jaclynW good way to put it...fizzled. 4y
KarouBlue I think his death was somehow tied to Thorpe and was ultimately how Lulu got to London, but other than that - Divergent!!! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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So we start reading our section and

Lulus pregnant and Thorpe‘s mom Elfriede is dead?!
Thorpe comes and goes?
Where is he going?
Jack the bartender WHO IS HE?! What happened to him ? Was he the murder? Were you just swirling ? Like GOODGRIEF?!
Here we go final discussion..

AmyG So much in this last section. I figured Thorpe was working against the Germans. Jack was something...a spy or something. Did we ever find out what he was? 4y
sheshedbooks I'm not really sure about Jack. I like to think that he thinks Thorpe is working for the Windsors that's why he warned Lulu. 4y
TheBookHippie @AmyG NOOOOO 🤣😳🤯 4y
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TheBookHippie @greenreads I figured he was a spy or the murderer 🤷🏽‍♀️ 4y
JaclynW SO much happened in this section! @AmyG I agreed with your thoughts. I wondered if Jack was working for the Americans. A spy for sure. I assumed that the Duke had someone murder Harry Oakes.
KarouBlue I think Thorpe and Jack‘s secrets were never revealed. Loose strings! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Sunday tomorrow 2PM EST
I have soooooo much to say!!

AmyG Great ending! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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When your #litsylove matches your book ❤️💌

Crazeedi I ❤❤❤ the card 4y
runswithscissors007 Yay! Emily Carr. 💚. #lovelitstylove 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💛💛 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Sunday FINAL discussion
Oh boy!!!
Everyone welcome!
If you‘ve read this recently and want to join in our final talk on the last part of the book feel free to join in !!
Questions posted her
2 PM EST Discussion ❤️

JaclynW Done! 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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This section was jammed packed with information
Anything you want to discuss? Anything we missed ? Are you anxious to read on? Do you like the book?

JaclynW Jam packed!! I'm liking the book a lot. I can't wait to find out what's going on. I'm liking Wallis less and less. I'm loving Elfriede more and more. Helga drives me batty. Lulu I'm liking a bit more but...there's still something about her... 4y
JaclynW Thanks so much for continuing to do this @thebookhippie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ! The continuity in this strange time is comforting. It gives me something positive to focus on. I greatly appreciate it.💕💕 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JaclynW I feel the same way!!! I love Elfriede! 4y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JaclynW thank you for participating 💗💗 4y
JaclynW @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wouldn't miss it! How are you holding up? 4y
TheBookHippie @JaclynW it‘s top on my list. We collectively need it ❤️❤️❤️❤️also I do not like Lulu at all yet 🤣 4y
AmyG So much to be revealed in this final section. I am excited to see how it all ties up. 4y
KarouBlue Another round of excellent photos/questions. A gracious thank you to our hosts for hosting with the mosting! And thank you for supporting us on the front lines in the education and health industries! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookHippie (edited) 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Wilfred and Elfriede finally wed. Phew. What do you think is in store for them ??

JaclynW Finally!! Yay! But I get the feeling it is going to be short-lived. Unfortunately. 😢 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Finally!! I hope it‘s not short-lived!! 4y
AmyG Oh, something will happen. I am not thinking it will be an easy peasy marriage....something‘s gonna give. 4y
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