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Little Free Libraries & Tiny Sheds: 12 Miniature Structures You Can Build
Little Free Libraries & Tiny Sheds: 12 Miniature Structures You Can Build | Philip Schmidt, Little Free Library
33 posts | 1 read
Expand the sharing movement to your community with Little Free Libraries and Tiny Sheds--your complete source for building tiny sharing structures, including plans for 12 different structures, step-by-step photography and instructions, inspirational examples, and maintenance. Around the world, a community movement is underway featuring quaint landscape structures mounted on posts in front yards and other green spaces. Some are built for personal use, as miniature sheds for gardeners or as decorative accent pieces. More commonly, though, they are evidence of the growing trend toward neighborhood organization and community outreach. This movement has been popularized by Wisconsin-based Little Free Library (LFL), whose members currently include 75,000 stewards seeking to build community togetherness and promote reading at the same time by sharing books among neighbors. LFL has inspired builders to use similar structures to share things like CDs, food, garden tools, and seeds in the community. Produced in cooperation with Little Free Library, Little Free Libraries and Tiny Sheds is the builder's complete source of inspiration and how-to knowledge. Illustrated throughout with colorful step-by-step photography and a gallery of tiny structures for further inspiration, Little Free Libraries and Tiny Sheds covers every step: planning and design, tools and building techniques, best materials, and 12 complete plans for structures of varying size and aesthetics. In addition, author and professional carpenter Phil Schmidt includes information on proper installation of small structures and common repairs and maintenance for down the road.Little Free Libraries and Tiny Sheds even includes information on how to become a steward, getting the word out about your little structure once it's up and running, and tips for building a lively collection. Community togetherness has never been so at the fore of our consciousness--or so important. Little Free Libraries and Tiny Sheds is one tool on the road to helping you build community in your neighborhood.
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I put a couple of books in my Little Free Library that is at the road close to my mailbox. I would like to add a reading bench at some point. Lots of walkers in my subdivision so it gets lots of visitors.

Ruthiella Beautiful! 🤩 3mo
AnnCrystal 👏📚🎉☺️👍! 3mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
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Roary47 I just downloaded the app and found one down the street! 🥹😍💛 3mo
TheSpineView @Roary47 Fabulous!👍 3mo
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A local store has this and I absolutely love it! #loveislove

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My son and I have volunteered with the city to take care of one of the little free libraries in the park near our house! We are really excited to do this together and 1st on our agenda will be to craft some free bookmarks to leave for everyone!

wanderinglynn How awesome! ❤️ 2y
peanutnine Very cool! 2y
marleed Oh that‘s great! 2y
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BookmarkTavern That sounds so neat! 2y
Aimeesue Stewarding a LFL is so much fun! 2y
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Every time I find one of these somewhere my heart grows 3 sizes #littlefreelibrary

Bookzombie That‘s a cute one! 2y
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So I decided to go on a little adventure, searching out Little Free Libraries “nearby” - the total journey took me 2 hours 😳! I tried to find 7 that were listed in the LFL app and could only find 4…I have no idea where the others went 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. And I only found one book out of the four that sounded good. But positive side I unloaded like 12 books!

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I had the complete joy being able to watch my husband and dad put the base to our little free library in today. About to start working on the garden around it. Waiting for the clear coat to dry on the actual “house” part.

Avanders Yay!! 😍🥰🥰😍 3y
TiredLibrarian How exciting! 📚❤ 3y
marleed Oh nice! 3y
Mollyanna So special. I love it! 🥰🥰🥰 3y
BiblioLitten Wow! 😍 3y
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Latest update. Almost ready to set it up and have a grand opening. School starts on the 13th so I'm thinking soon after that. #littlefreelibrary

ShelleyBooksie What a beautiful display!!! 3y
mandarchy @ShelleyBooksie thank you, it's the back of the little free library I'm decorating. 3y
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#littlefreelibrary 2 minutes from our vacation rental. We brought lots of books.

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Browsing the #littlefreelibrary tag on IG & daydreaming about how cool it would be to have one. I‘d start an Insta to promote it, stock it with favorite reads... just a few hurdles: I rent. I don‘t trust some of the neighbors. The town next door installed two LFLs recently, & sadly I saw no movement between the donation I made last week & the one I made in March.

Can I live vicariously through you? Share your LFL with #litsylittlefreelibraries!

mandarchy I just ordered one for my school and I am hoping to have it installed before September. 3y
dariazeoli @mandarchy Awesome! Good luck with it! 3y
mandarchy @dariazeoli it will be here today! In a couple of weeks nearer the end of the year, I'll have the students help me decorate it. I got an unfinished library. It would have been fun to build a custom one, but I've been trying for over 5 years to get a donor. And now the cost of lumber is just too crazy. 3y
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Great collection of projects that you can build and potentially use! These projects are for little libraries and tiny sheds that people can take books and other items from and put stuff into! Hopefully I'll be able to make my own little library some day.

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I hope my donation to my #littlefreelibrary brings fellow or new readers joy.

Geenie Nice 👍 ❤️ Little Free Library 4y
Princess-Kingofkings I would be thrilled to see any of those donated to my LFL. I'm encouraged to see you generosity! 4y
Freespirit Lovely gesture✔️ 4y
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Eggs Love this 💕 5y
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I finally registered for my Little Free Library site and will be setting it up soon. (It‘s only taken a year!)

Crazeedi That's so great!! 5y
KarenUK Yay! 🙌🙌💕 5y
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My first selection of books that I filled my little free library with. 📚 For any of you that manage a little free library, any tips for me?

Lcsmcat Wow! You put some good books out there! 5y
AvidReader25 @Lcsmcat I wanted to fill it to the brim with some of my favorite books. 😊 5y
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In May my husband and best friend surprised me with my very own Little Free Library for my birthday. Today we got to install it at our local park! My husband even made a plaque for the library, dedicating it to my Mom (who passed away). I‘ve wanted a little free library as long as I can remember. I can‘t wait to keep it stocked with books for our community! 💙 It was a very special day for this reader.

Sace What a beautiful post! 5y
Megabooks How awesome!! 5y
BarbaraBB Lovely post and initiative 💙 5y
tjwill How wonderful! 👏🏽 5y
Simona Awesome❣️ 5y
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I found a cute #littlefreelibrary on a walk around my neighbourhood this evening. I have a feeling I‘ll be stopping by often 😀

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We started a Little Free Library a couple of weeks again and I get to fill it with all my favorites!

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1. I just finished two books today. Started the Kite Runner on Audio.
2. Actually had to go back and see. Both of the Elizabeth Acevedo books I‘ve read recently have gay/lesbian characters but not the MC. For MC I had to go back to April.. with We are Okay, Waves, and Her Body and other Parties.
3. Our town has a big antique/art festival this week so we did that. #weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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Spotted two new little free libraries in my neighborhood today. I didn‘t check out this one‘s book selection yet.. but it definitely wins for cuteness factor, as it matches its house!! It‘s just a few doors down from me.

CocoReads So cute! 5y
Ruthiella Adorable 😍 5y
BridgetteM Gah! It‘s so cute! 🥰 5y
Swe_Eva What a great idea! 5y
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1. If I Understood You, Would I Have this Look on My Face? & Good Morning, Midnight
2. The Trauma Cleaner: One woman's extraordinary life in the business of death, decay, and disaster
3. Dropping off books at a couple of little neighborhood libraries.

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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Sometimes you just let the books speak for themselves...

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@IamIamIam Thank you so much for your donation to my clinics free library!!! These books will fly off the shelves and into many different hands! ❤️❤️❤️I cannot tell you how appreciative I am.

IamIamIam Awww, it looks so impressive when it's out of the box!! Lol, I'm so happy to help!!! 😘🤗😘🤗😘🤗 5y
Chrissyreadit @IamIamIam it is impressive! 5y
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This weekend we went around our city and stocked several Little Free Libraries with 3 large boxes of kids' books that my girls have outgrown. It was so much fun! Hardly any of the LFLs had any kind of kids' books, so I'm glad we could fill that void. #littlefreelibrary

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
Texreader That great! I could do that!! 5y
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#FreeLittleLibrary found in Pennsylvania at the Train Depot Cafe! There‘s three sections to it: children, young adult, and adult; nicely stocked. 📚

tpixie Awesomeness!!!! 🥰📚🥰 It‘s so beautiful!! I love that it has sections for three different types of reading! Happy travels! 5y
CrowCAH @tpixie thank you, it was an enjoyable trip! I‘m now back safely in Michigan. 5y
CrowCAH @lroseriver I know, so inventive! 5y
tpixie @CrowCAH ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
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@vumblereads Here‘s a picture of our LFL that my daughter built for her Girl Scout Silver Award a couple years ago. It is at the beginning of a bike/jogging trail in town. We need to make a new door for it this spring/summer but we‘ve had a lot of fun with it!

BookishMarginalia Love it! 5y
vumblereads The design is lovely! Thanks for showing us pictures! I‘ve been wanting to put one in front of the house but I don‘t think HOA will approve 😅 5y
Cortg @vumblereads Maybe you can put it in the HOA common area if you have a playground, basketball/tennis courts or something. It doesn‘t hurt to ask and explain the reason you want it and give them a couple of location options. 5y
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Took advantage of the warm (it‘s 36 degrees today!!!), partly sunny weather to get outside for a walk. While wandering around the neighborhood, my daughter and I happened across this really fabulous Little Free Library. Love that the dog is reading a book. So cute!

BookishMarginalia That is super cute! I‘ve always wanted a little free library of my own! 5y
Nute This might be my favorite Little Free Library. It is so cute! 5y
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Spotted what i think is a little free library in Basel. My German isn't good enough to be sure, so didn't risk taking one just in case I'd just be stealing it 😉

AlaMich 😆 5y
julesG It is a little free library. Literally it's "free open bookcase" 5y
Freespirit I love these❤️ 5y
Oryx @julesG Thank you for confirming 😀 5y
Itchyfeetreader Love this! 5y
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Yep! Bless them!

Soubhiville Yay! Little Free Libraries are the best! 5y
saguarosally I miss giant concrete fences! 😂 5y
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Found this lovely little free library near where I'm doing some admin work.

britt_brooke How cute! 5y
TheSpineView I love how creative people get with them. ❤ 5y
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