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A Novel Bookstore
A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
Ivan, an incurable dreamer, and Francesca, a ravishing Italian heiress, are the owners of a bookstore that is anything but ordinary. Rebelling against the business of bestsellers and in search of an ideal place for their literary dreams to come true, Ivan and Francesca have opened a store where their passion for fiction is given free reign. Tucked away in a corner of Paris, The Good Novel offers its clientele literary masterpieces, both contemporary and classic, selected by a top-secret committee of likeminded connoisseurs. To Ivan and Francescas amazement, the store proves a success. And that is when their troubles begin. At first, both owners shrug off the anonymous telephone threats and the venomous comments circulating the Internet, but when members of the selection committee are attacked, they decide to seek help from the police. One by one, the pieces of the puzzle fall ominously into place, as it becomes evident that Ivan and Francescas dreams may be shattered by envy and violence. A fable for lovers of good books and fine bookselling, A Novel Bookstore tells the story of what can be accomplished when one is driven by passion. Elegantly mixing the mystery and literary fiction genres, Laurence Coss has written a tribute to literature and the world of books that readers will find rewarding and riveting from the first page to the last.
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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#AboutABook Day 29: This #EuropaCollective title last December 2023 is #SetInBookshop. Read it while I was in Manila last December and paired it with bibingka and a delicious coffee banana rhum cocktail that was delicious.

charl08 Love this pairing 😍 Have yet to get my hands on this one. 1w
Eggs Beautifully done 👏🏻👏🏻 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 💛 1w
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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I found this pretty dull, unfortunately. It began well, with a series of mysterious, menacing acts. The bulk of the story concerns the events leading up to the attacks: the birth of the bookstore and a tepid love triangle.

I didn‘t mind the slow build, but it frustrated me that the book never grapples directly with its central question: why are popular books not necessarily quality books? Can there be an objective definition of “a good novel”?

AnnR That's a great question but unfortunately, I'm not sure how to answer it, especially when it comes to historical fiction. It's like The Nightingale vs Wolf Hall. I've probably just offended some readers and I apologize, but arguably one is a better quality historical book overall. Not that there is anything wrong with liking K. Hannah historical fiction. Read what you love. Reading diversity is what it's all about here on Litsy. 8mo
CSeydel Found this line in a review and it definitely reflects how I felt reading this: “Though A Novel Bookstore is charming and compelling and very readable, it has neither the depth nor the beauty of the great books that it dedicates itself to. It makes one wonder if the time might not be better spent reading the greats themselves, rather than this tribute.” 8mo
CSeydel @AnnR I don‘t know how to answer it either. I think the “soil” of my mental & emotional state and my life situation deeply affects how I receive any given book. For instance, I am certain I got a lot more out of The Thursday Murder Club because I happened to read it right after Being Mortal. I was emotionally primed to connect with the elderly characters on a deeper level. A Novel Bookstore treats books as finite objects rather than ideas. 8mo
AnnR @CSeydel I understand what you are saying and very much agree. My emotional, physical state and even age, definitely influences my reaction to a story. I suspect that's true of most readers. 8mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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70+ pages in, we're finally getting to the bookstore, and it's all wrong. Unless the French book industry is drastically different from the American one, bookstores aren't getting boxes of books automatically from publishers. What publishers are indifferent to sales? And what rare books are even still in print that the publisher is who you'd call? This was 2001, so he should've been looking online.

I'm going to bail if this doesn't get better.

A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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I read it in French, not in English. Now, I have a reading list of mostly French books to read, yeah! Did the translator chose mostly English books? I see myself borrowing the book at my local library just to get the list of books, haha.

Loved the questions this book is asking: how would you curate your ideal bookstore? What constitutes a good book?

jlhammar Fabulous review! Wow, so cool that you read the French edition. Great cover. I think that the English translation kept all the same titles and authors. Lots of titles discussed were in French. 8mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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A mystery involving a bookstore that sells only good novels
I loved the setting, some characters more than others and the fact that Colleen Hoover would never be sold in The Good Novel 🤣🤣 but neither would a lot more of what I read 🤷🏻‍♀️
I loved parts of this a lot, the ending seemed odd and heartbreaking. I bet this would be amazing as a movie ( get rid of some of the blah, blah, blah 🤣) #europacollective

Tamra 😂😂 Blah Blah …. Yes there is a wee bit of that going on. 8mo
mcctrish @Tamra I needed less blah blah 🤣 8mo
jlhammar 😆 Great review! 8mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Finally starting this. Merry Christmas Eve Littens

dabbe You, too! 💙❄️💙 8mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Finally got time to catch up with reviews from the past few weeks….


I liked, but didn‘t love this one. It was really hard to get into with trying to understand the seemingly random characters, but once the main players were established and they started to tell their story to the gendarme then I became more interested.

I also found the ending a bit weak, so still a pick but not a strong one.

Tamra Agreed, the ending was weak. It was puzzling as to why Cosse decided to wrap or unwrap it that way. (edited) 8mo
Gleefulreader I‘m about 70% through this and I‘m struggling a little bit with both the premise and how the characters related to each other, which I‘m finding frustrating because I *should* love a book about a bookstore and a love of literature. 8mo
Sapphire I agree, I didn‘t care for the ending. I expected more of a surprise on who the narrator is and the voice‘s perspective didn‘t line up with the other characters description of that person with out explanation (edited) 8mo
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squirrelbrain @Gleefulreader - I think many of us thought the same, that it *had* to be good. 🤔 8mo
jlhammar Yes, agree about the start being hard to get into and the lackluster ending. Overall I really enjoyed it, but completely understand the criticisms and mixed feelings. Looking forward to The Postcard in March! 8mo
erzascarletbookgasm What a shame. I like the cover 😊 8mo
GatheringBooks I was surprised at who the narrator was towards the end. I was amused (borderline annoyed but more entertained) by how elitist the crew of The Good Novel was. I still furiously tried to list down the titles they mentioned though. Does anyone from our tiny book club have a list? 8mo
Aimeesue I was very confused by the beginning of the book. At first, I thought that there was something wrong with the ebook 😂 8mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @GatheringBooks I read it in French, and I need to finish the list on List Challenge before publishing it. But from reading reviews, I guess the list of books have been adapted to an English readership. Would be curious to see it. As for them being “elitists“ I guess it has everything to do with how each of us defines what constitutes a good novel. Pretty sure I would fall in the elitist group (so many pet peeves when it comes to book marketing) 8mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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#DecemberDreams Day 21: #WinterSolstice in our part of the world in Manila is often marked by Simbang Gabi or Midnight Mass (Misa de Aguinaldo) - a 9-day Novena leading up to Christmas Eve. It is typically paired with native delicacies such as puto bumbong (in the photo) and bibingka (in a different photo that is forthcoming) and native hot chocolate. 💕 Also paired with the #EuropaCollective pick for December. Nearly done with the book! 💕

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks delicious 😋 9mo
Eggs Looks and sounds sumptuous ! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Even though parts work well, this one's just not for me. Time to #HailtheBail!

squirrelbrain Well done for bailing! 👏 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain it's hard to do when you've gotten that far into it! 9mo
Tamra On to the next! 9mo
BarbaraBB I understand. I didn‘t even start it 🤦🏻‍♀️ 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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To bail or not to bail?

Parts in enjoying, but others are really not working for me. I've made it over half way, is it worth sticking with it?

I find I enjoy the parts about the committee members, but I find Van completely insufferable. And I really don't like his obsession/relationship with Anis.

But so far it's at 100% on Litsy! It's there something in the second half that's worth sticking around for? Anyone else having similar thoughts?

TheKidUpstairs I do find it interesting that when #EuropaCollective titles were selected, this is the one I was MOST looking forward to. And I'm rather meh on it. But Our Fathers, which I was not overly interested in, was one of the best books I read in 2023. 9mo
Tamra It was an overall soft pick for me, but it is definitely flawed. I too could have done without the ridiculous love interest. I enjoyed the discussion about the book selections most. I would go with your gut - you don‘t want to feel like you wasted precious reading time if that is your inclination. IMHO, there isn‘t a big climax that is going to rock your world. (edited) 9mo
squirrelbrain I thought about bailing but now I‘m rather liking it, once they started to tell the story to the policeman. I‘m about halfway too, though, so can‘t advise on what comes next! 😃 9mo
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jlhammar The bookstore planning and literature discussions, how it made me think about my own reading (what I might like more or less of, those truly exceptional reading experiences that standout in my memory, etc.) were what really made this book for me. If that stuff isn't doing it for you, bailing might be a good choice. I agree about the Van/Anis relationship. 9mo
Chelsea.Poole I had planned to read this but can‘t get ahold of a copy…seeing this I‘m not so sad about that now. 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @Tamra thank you! I was wondering if there was going to be some big moment in the second half that would turn things around, and worried I wasn't giving it enough of a chance. Glad to know there's no big moment. I agree though, it is fun to think about what books I'd put on my list for the store and why! 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain interestingly, that's where it really started to lose me! I liked the committee members, and the strange men in black suits being shady over "good" books. But Van and Anis and Francesca and the store just aren't working for me. Glad it's picking up for you! 9mo
Hooked_on_books When everyone on Litsy is loving a book but it isn‘t working for me, I usually go to Goodreads and see if people who had the same issue as me saw it continue through the book. There is invariably at least one person who will have discussed the issue I‘m having. (It‘s pretty much the only way I use Goodreads reviews.) 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @jlhammar it's definitely interesting to think what I'd put on my list for the store. I like that as a thought experiment, and thinking about what it is that draws me back to certain bookstores over others. But I don't think I need another 200 pages of it. 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole not working for me, but if you're interested in trying it I'm happy to send you my copy! 9mo
Tamra @TheKidUpstairs for me, the premise of the novel was really fun - as you say the thought experiment. 😁 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @Hooked_on_books looking more deeply at the reviews I see that although it's a pick for people, most people seem to call it a low or soft pick, and definitely acknowledge similar issues with it. 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @Tamra that part is definitely fun! Tell me (because I've decided to bail - too many books too little time), is Van's attitude and obsession with Anis ever acknowledged as problematic? Or does it continue in the same vein? 9mo
Tamra @TheKidUpstairs not that I recall. It was a distracting superfluous storyline, so I didn‘t pay particularly close attention to it. 9mo
Chelsea.Poole Thank you for the kind offer! I‘m also drowning in books over here so I‘m going to let this one pass me by, based on your experience with it. 9mo
CSeydel I‘m struggling with this one too. I‘m at 45% according to my kindle and it‘s not engaging at all. I don‘t care about the bookstore, and I‘m definitely not enjoying the weird “romance” between Van and Anis. Francesca just makes me sad. I‘m just gritting my teeth until the story gets back around to figuring out who is behind the attacks on the committee. But it‘s slow going 8mo
TheKidUpstairs @CSeydel glad to hear it's not just me. I ended up bailing. 8mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @jlhammar I 100% agree with your comment! I liked wondering what would constitute for me a good novel, and I found really interesting all the discussions around books. 8mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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#DecemberDreams Day 16: There is an #Angel benefactor in this #EuropaCollective December title in the form of a wealthy Italian heiress whose bookish heart is patterned after my own heart. Tagging our #EuropaCollective folks as well. 💕💕

Eggs Perfection!! 9mo
marleed Your drink looks fantastic! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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"You have almost no chance."

"It's the almost that fascinates us."

A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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I've got guests for tonight's #HyggeHour - they're sweet and cuddly and, thankfully, QUIET 🤫

#NaturaLitsy #MidwinterSolace @AllDebooks

TheBookHippie Awe. ♥️ 9mo
AllDebooks Cuteness overload 😍🐾🐾🐾😍 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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A bookstore that only sells “good novels,” selected by a secret roster of authors who are even unknown to each other.
I should‘ve been way more interested in this than I was, but honestly, I find it hard to care what “good” literature is, and found the whole conceit snobby, and just . . .why?? Who cares what other people read? And to harrass & assault people over it? I found the whole conflict odd. Pick, but a low one.


mcctrish I‘m still waiting for my copy to come in the mail 🙏🏻 9mo
Tamra I thought the prompt to think about what I would select to include was fun and daunting. 😅 “Good” of course is entirely subjective! 9mo
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Aimeesue @mcctrish Hope it arrives soon! 9mo
Aimeesue @Tamra Right? It‘s super subjective. I wouldn‘t want to shop there often though; I need a variety of reading material, from challenging "good" books to enjoyable brain candy. I‘m a really moody reader. 9mo
BarbaraBB I am on the fence about it. Your review mirrors what I‘ve been afraid of. 9mo
Aimeesue @BarbaraBB If nothing else, it certainly raises a lot of good questions about what "good" lit is, why people feel the need to attack things that absolutely have no impact on them, crowd-sourcing and manipulating umbrage and anger, and the power of capitalism and big business to influence taste. It was ell written too. I‘ll be thinking about this one for a while. 9mo
jlhammar Oh, interesting, I didn't take it so much as book snobbery as wanting to create a place for like-minded readers, where the books that they most want to read are in stock/on the shelves. Many of those being books that don't really get championed in today's book world and are under threat of being forgotten. I'm actually so glad that you chose this one because it had been languishing on my shelves for years! Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy it more. 9mo
TheKidUpstairs I'm about 150 pages in, and so far, I agree with your review. The writing is wonderful, but I really don't like Van as a character, and Francesca's not that great either. The snobbishness is off-putting (and Van's obsession with Anis). I find I'm enjoying it most when the narrative follows the committee members - they're the most interesting part for me. 9mo
Aimeesue @jlhammar 1/2 I didn‘t hate it, but the central issue was very us/them, in/out, good/bad which I loathe and which is what drives the cries of "coastal elitism" in the US, which is what drove the violence in the book, I guess. All independent bookstores curate their stock to some extent (a used bookstore refused to take one of my books because the shelf of that letter (by name) was full ?) but to set yourself up in opposition to all the other 9mo
Aimeesue @jlhammar 2/2 bookstores seems unnecessary. There are ways to build a community of like-minded readers -and I‘m all for that, Litsy!- but it probably can be done without all the secrecy and culture wars. 9mo
Aimeesue @TheKidUpstairs yeah, the Van/Anis thing was a bit creepy. 9mo
Tamra Now that I reflect more on it, the premise is the best part of the novel. It‘s execution was “meh” in many parts. 9mo
Aimeesue @Tamra Yeah, I think so too. There was just so much going on and it never really coalesced into what I‘d hoped for. Felt like I was chasing something that wasn‘t really there, in about 20 different directions at once. Whew! 9mo
Tamra @Aimeesue well said! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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“At The Good Novel, we sell good novels, nothing else.”

It took me a good fifty pages or so to really get into this, but once I did I enjoyed it immensely. The mystery was fun, but it was the intriguing and passionate endeavor to open this special bookstore that captivated me. All the details, discussions, debates - I couldn‘t get enough!

#CloakandDaggerChristmas Prompt: Feliz Navidad - read a mystery in translation

Tamra It was fun to think about which books would be on my list. 😄 9mo
Ruthiella Nice! Sounds like it‘s a gentle mystery. 9mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve only just started it, so don‘t think I‘ve got to that 50 page mark yet…. 9mo
Tamra @squirrelbrain it is a slow start. 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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“You‘ve just chosen the three finest novels in the store.”
“I‘m willing to believe that,” she said with a smile.
She had just read his first two, All the Pretty Horses and The Crossing, and was eager to read the third one and then share the trilogy with the people around her. She blessed the sky that augured bad weather: by this evening she‘d have finished Cities of the Plain. She knew she was about to spend an unforgettable day.

jlhammar Not only did this remind me that I'd like to read McCarthy's Border Trilogy in 2024, but I just loved how it captured that feeling of having the whole day ahead of you to read a book you know is going to be amazing. 9mo
AllDebooks Beautiful ❤️ 9mo
squirrelbrain Lovely! And a gorgeous pic as well. 9mo
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LeahBergen I‘ve been wanting to read The Border Trilogy, too! 9mo
Tamra Ahhhh, those beautiful days! 9mo
Billypar I'd love to re-read The Crossing and Cities of the Plain - they're two of my all-time favorites (but I'm also terrible at re-reading) 9mo
jlhammar @Billypar That‘s great to hear! I fully expect to love them. I really get on with his writing. And I‘m right there with you when it comes to re-reading. 9mo
Hooked_on_books I could stare at that picture all day! 9mo
GatheringBooks Wonderful quote!! My reading of the book has stalled somewhat because of our travels, but excited to go back to it soonest. 💕 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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A book about book snobbery? Not everything worked for me, but it was still “good” literary fun!

The question I have is whether any of the Committee members would have selected this work for The Good Novel. 😉

#Europacollective @jlhammar

jlhammar Oh wow, you finished already! I was not pleased with the very limited reading time I had this past weekend. I had hoped to read most if not all, but barely made a dent! Your review has me eager to get back to it. 9mo
Tamra The mystery fizzled out at the end? 😕 Did I miss something? I really wanted more of it! (edited) 9mo
Tamra @jlhammar I started it earlier in the week and had to power thru the first few chapters for it to gain traction. Once it got going I didn‘t want to interrupt the momentum! (I‘ve been distracted too.) (edited) 9mo
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Tamra I should add it has a terrific defense of literature as a reflection of life. 9mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I need to start it soon too. 9mo
Aimeesue I had the same question! And although I enjoyed it overall, I dare say probably not. 😄 9mo
Aimeesue @Tamra I thought it fizzled out too. People in the hospital and moving because of the attacks and then nothin‘??? 9mo
Tamra @Aimeesue right?! I thought the mystery had such potential and kept me reading. 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Nothing cozier than reading by the Christmas Tree lights, with a warm fire in the background!

#HyggeHour is such a lovely way to end the weekend, and get ready for the next week with calm, peaceful, cozy energy!

#MidwinterSolace @AllDebooks

JamieArc Yes, it is a wonderful way to end the week in preparation for another! 9mo
BarbaraBB How is the book? 9mo
TheKidUpstairs @BarbaraBB I'm enjoying it so far. It feels very French, in a really lovely way, and the story is interesting so far. I'm not overly fond of any of the characters, but I'm not yet sure if you're meant to be. So it could go either way, but so far it's engaging and fun! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Today I‘m going to properly luxuriate in this novel. (Says I now - hopefully nobody else has plans for me.) #Europacollective

Ruthiella Good luck! 😃 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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jlhammar Great quote! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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“Don‘t you think that in France, at every meal, in every restaurant, there is at least one table where people are talking about literature?” #europacollective

Dilara Ha - if only! 😂 😂 9mo
Sapphire Maybe in 2004 when the character says it - before smart phones! But I remain hopeful. Look how many of us found Litsy! 9mo
jlhammar Wow, looks like the perfect meal to accompany this book! 9mo
Sapphire @jlhammar for as many restaurants they meet in, at least in the first half of there is very little description of the food. Much description of scenery. Interesting choices. I am loving this book. But yes, a French brasserie on my travels this week did seem appropriate to the quote. And the onion soup was very good. The book is better 😎 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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#HumbleHarvest Day 30: Started slowly #FallingInLove with our #EuropaCollective pick for December which I began reading while in Bologna last week. It is a slow burn and I struggled with the first few pages. Paired tagged book with al dente pasta from Italia. Yum. Chilly dining outdoors but the tobacco smoke was what really got to me way more than the chill. 🥶🚬

Eggs Lovely 🥰 ugh I hate smoke 💨 9mo
jlhammar Good to know about the slow burn! Plan to start this weekend. 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Getting a jump on and digging in to my December read on my work trip to Philadelphia this week. #Europacollective

Tamra Such a prettier cover than mine! 9mo
jlhammar Yay, so looking forward to this! Have a good trip! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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jlhammar Our December read for #EuropaCollective. All are welcome to join us! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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#EuropaCollective ✨December 2023✨ REMINDER

Bonjour Collective!

Our next pick takes us to a bookstore in the City of Light. “A Europa classic about love, deceit, Paris, and books!”

Read the book sometime in December, post your review &/or any thoughts along the way and be sure to tag the group.

All are welcome!

jlhammar @LitsyEvents Please repost. Thanks! 9mo
Sapphire Thank you for the reminder!!! 9mo
Gleefulreader I am so excited for this! It has been on my TBR for ages! 9mo
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Tamra I might not be able to wait for the calendar to change! 😁 9mo
mcctrish Thanks for the reminder, I just ordered this in print and it won‘t arrive until December 5th. Last time I read on my kindle but I love these books so much I want physical copies 9mo
Deblovestoread Happy to be reading this soon! Yay #EuropaCollective! 9mo
squirrelbrain Really looking forward to this - I got my copy the other day. 9mo
julieclair Looking forward to this! 9mo
BarbaraBB My copy is Europa Editions too but not as attractive as yours! 9mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Picked up December's #EuropaCollective book today! So excited for this one!!!

Tamra Me too! 😃 10mo
BarbaraBB Me too!! 10mo
jlhammar Yay! 10mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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repost for @jlhammar:

Our first six reads for #EuropaCollective! Thanks to everyone who helped with the selection process this week. It was so fun and I can‘t wait to read all of these with you!

SEPT23 Our Fathers - R. Wait
DEC23 A Novel Bookstore - L. Cossé
MAR24 The Postcard - A. Berest
JUN24 The Road to Dalton - S. Bowring
SEPT24 A Long Way From Verona - J. Gardam
DEC24 Belle Greene - A. Lapierre

I‘ll post reminders. All are welcome.

Gleefulreader Very excited to join this! 12mo
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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repost for @Aimeesue:

December picks for the #EuropaCollective. Links to descriptions in comments. Go vote!
All are welcome to join in! Let me know if you‘d like to be tagged.


vote on the original post:

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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cute cover ❤️📚 2y
Eggs Perfect 🙌🏻 2y
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Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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We‘ve all been there, right? 😂

Photo credit: unknown

tpixie lol 😂 5y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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This books is full 'yasss' moments 😍!

A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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"She had discovered this through experience: the moment she climbed in behind the wheel, provided she was alone, and did not have any children to pick up at the other end of the ride, she broke off with life, with its obligations, its ties. Ideas came to her. She had an urgent desire to write. Nothing else mattered but that desire. Anne-Marie parked her car wherever she could-- (continued in comments)

LitDrivenGirl Anne-Marie parked her car wherever she could--anywhere at all, off to the side, on the shoulder, beneath a tree, at the edge of a cornfield. She'd made it a habit. The moment she switched off the engine, all she had to do was jot down the words, words that I ask for nothing more." (continued in next comment) 5y
LitDrivenGirl Page spent the morning in a frazzled state because she couldn't be outside helping with yard work. Then she got a long walk and now Page is settled in for cuddles and vicarious reading 😅...because the magic of Page Turner is she reads in her sleep. No wonder she sleeps so much 🤔😂!? 5y
JoScho 💗💗💗 5y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse

Absolutely a perfect book about a perfect bookstore. The whole novel is beautifully written and the story is amazing. Perfect for anyone who loves GOOD books.

A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Several hours later: tired feet, aching shoulders, empty wallet and a deep craving for uncrowded spaces, BUT there are books. Yay!
I never came across an Independent Bookstore Tote Bag.🙁 I really wanted one of those.😞 It was neat to see so many people hanging out in their favorite bookstores. Every spot was wall-to-wall folks. I feel like I saw a gazillion people today. Readers were out en masse representing an undying passion. Hooray for us!

rather_be_reading thats great to hear! 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Me too :( no tote bags 😭😭 5y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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🎶Just got paid, Friday night
‘At the bookstore,‘ Place is right
‘Books on shelves,‘ all around
‘Spendin‘ dollars,‘ gettin' down🎶

Updated lyrics for this occasion.
I‘m in my happy place!

This photo is from a few weeks ago. The Poppy War released in paperback this week and that is the book that I came to purchase. Since tomorrow is Independent Bookstore Day, I am desperately trying not to spend any more money at B&N tonight. Still having fun!

SW-T 🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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This book has such an interesting concept—two bibliophiles create a bookshop in Paris that only includes “good novels.” There‘s a secret committee of writers who are behind the lists of books included that are eventually targeted and even hurt. The story focuses on trying to find out who is behind these attacks. An interesting concept but I felt the ending was a little weak. Great book for bibliophiles!

A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Well I didn‘t plan that very well... closed on Tuesday ( and Monday and Wednesday and Thursday and Sunday!).

AlaMich This is probably the cutest thing I have see in a few days! 😊 6y
Mitch @AlaMich I loved the sign! Made up for it being closed! 6y
LeahBergen Oh no! 6y
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Andrew65 Hope you didn‘t climb that hill to find It closed. Reminds me of the hovis add. (edited) 6y
CouronneDhiver & Daughters ... love that! 6y
Mitch @CouronneDhiver perfect isn‘t it?! 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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I finally made it into the library near Grand Central and a visit to The Strand bookstore yesterday. These are my purchases! NYC

Suet624 👏🏼👏🏼 6y
BethM Oh my gosh I‘m in love with that bag! 6y
j9brown Love the Strand, it's one of my favorite places in the whole city ❤️ 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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The guys are away on a Boy Scouts trip this weekend 😊. Stopped at the library and the 4 books on left were on the resale shelf. And I couldn‘t say no to Girl Scouts cookies! 📚 🍺 🍪

alisiakae Those are the two best cookie flavors! 😃 6y
valeriegeary 🤤🤤🤤 6y
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QuintusMarcus Big yes on the Thin Mints! 6y
saresmoore How fun! I agree with @4thhouseontheleft that you picked the best cookies. 6y
ValerieAndBooks @LeahBergen if you liked it, I‘m sure I will too! The title definitely caught my eye. Surprised it only has a 50% on Litsy though! 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Texreader This is awesome!!! 6y
Texreader Reminds me of my visit to The Strand this summer. Each parent had a kid tagging along to ensure we didn‘t go overboard. I did anyway, thanks very much. 6y
Blueberry @Texreader I had to Google The Strand. It sounds awesome. 6y
Savedbygrace So true! 😅 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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It‘s cold, & overcast today, so hot drinks & a fat book are in order. At one of the bookstores we visited recently, I stumbled across the pictured book. It was a staff recommendation, which I always like to glance at. This one, appears to revolve around a mystery, as well as the idea of what classifies as literature & what it means to be a literary connoisseur, & the trouble this may cause when one is a book snob. Intriguing don‘t you think?

HotCocoaReads Have you read it yet? I just finished it last week 5y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Spotted this at the airport this morning.

A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Home for a family wedding this weekend and stopped by a favorite book store in Webster Groves, MO. Wasn‘t around when I lived here but I love stopping by now when I visit. I‘ll have to post my haul too 😊 #stlreads

Sace Looks like a fun place! 6y
saresmoore How cute! 6y
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rather_be_reading love it! 😍😍 6y
Rcoco I need to find this place! Old orchard? 6y
emtobiasz @Rcoco that‘s the place! On Big Bend 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Went antique shopping and stumbled upon a beautiful bookstore inside one of the shops.

BeansPage Love when that happens ❤️💕 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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It was a beautiful day to drool over this new releases display 😍😍. I‘ll take one of each, please and thank you! #STLReads

Pamwurtzler Indeed it was! 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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To buy or not to buy? That is the question.

Melissa_J The answer is always buy 🤣 6y
MelissaSue81 I like this cover. My gut tells me the story is probably disappointing.. but... the cover pulls me in. 6y
Victoriahoperose Now I want to buy it 😂😂😂 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Congratulations @vivastory and thanks for hosting such a wonderful #vivabookstore giveaway!!!

For used books, I ❤️ McKay‘s in Nashville!

Andrew65 Wow! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I am DEF going there next time I‘m in Nashville! 6y
jwashreads I go to their Knoxville location--I love McKays! Most of my books have their sticker on them 😊 6y
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MicheleinPhilly 😮 *starts planning trip to Nashville* 6y
robinb @Andrew65 , @BarbaraTheBibliophage , @MicheleinPhilly I know, isn‘t it amazing?! Nothing fancy, just basically a big warehouse of books, and the second floor is everything used music, movies, electronics, games, musical instruments, and collectibles. The selection of books is amazing, and the prices are good. I have only been to the one in Nashville once (I was 🤤), but would also like to visit the ones in Chattanooga & Knoxville. Also two in NC. 6y
robinb @jwashreads Would ❤️ to visit that location as well as the one in Chattanooga! 6y
britt_brooke YES! I‘ve somehow only been there once, but definitely going back soon! 6y
robinb @britt_brooke I‘ve only been once as well, but I was sold! 😊 I need to grab some girlfriends and go back...unfortunately no one in my family is as interested in books as I am. 😢 6y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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Right around the corner is Ulysses Rare Books which has a first edition of Ulysses right in the window. I had a really beautiful edition of Bleak House in my hand that could have been mine for only €250 but with Christmas shopping only barely begun I couldn‘t let myself do it (even without Christmas coming I wouldn‘t do it but it is fun to think I might). I did take a book mark with their website just in case my fortunes change.

Tamra May you win the lottery! 🤞🏾 7y
GlassAsDiamonds Ooohhh.... ❤️❤️❤️ Those Yeats as well!!! 7y
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Jas16 @Tamra if I do I will share! 7y
Jas16 @GlassAsDiamonds There were so many treasures. 7y
Leftcoastzen Love Joyce and your photo!I had a first of Bleak House in my hands today .. sigh 7y
batsy Oh wow 😍 7y
DivineDiana This post reminds me of the book that I am currently reading. It involves the collection of first editions. Fascinating. 7y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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My last day in Dublin and I took @BookishTrish ‘s wise advice and visited Hodges Figgis. Limited myself to one book because of packing limitations but i had a great time browsing.

GlassAsDiamonds 😊😊😊 have just done this (packing limitations!). I can never lift my luggage if I‘ve gone anywhere near a bookstore!). 7y
Jas16 @GlassAsDiamonds it is so hard! I can tell there will be a good sized Book Depository order in my future 7y
EvieBee Thank you for sharing!! I‘ll be there in April and wanted to know where to get book souvenirs (for myself of course)! 7y
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Jas16 @EvieBee You are going to have a great time. There are a lot of bookshops to explore. 7y
Leftcoastzen I went there, bought 2 books! 7y
BookishTrish @EvieBee Can't wait to see your photos! 7y
BookishTrish I LOVE Hodges Figges. It was such fun bringing my kids there this summer. 7y
BookishTrish So glad you liked it! 7y
EvieBee @BookishTrish Yay! I‘ll be sure to post. 7y
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A Novel Bookstore | Laurence Cosse
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I can get into a lot of trouble while here in Dublin.

398.2 This place looks perfect. 😍 7y
Kaye Looks like fun ! 7y
Rachbb3 ❤❤ 7y
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JazzFeathers If you are on Dublin, go to Chapters. My absolute favourite bookstore 😍 And think of me. I haven't been there for tso years 😭😭😭😭 7y
Jas16 @JazzFeathers I will look it up right away and tell them you said hello (edited) 7y
JazzFeathers @Jas16 😊 Enjoy! 7y
BookishTrish And you must go to Hodges Figges too! 7y
Jas16 @BookishTrish adding it to my itinerary. Thanks! 7y
JaclynW 😍😍😍 7y
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