I'm giving up on the goal of reading all 19 of these already on book 2 😂 There are just so many Georges and Edwards and Elizabeths, I cannot keep them all straight and it is just so boring, I am out.
I'm giving up on the goal of reading all 19 of these already on book 2 😂 There are just so many Georges and Edwards and Elizabeths, I cannot keep them all straight and it is just so boring, I am out.
The Morbid podcast I listened to earlier about, "The Princes in the Tower," was all I needed as a reminder to dive back into this #historicalfiction series. This book essentially picks up right where I need. The White Queen is the mother of those two missing *cough* [murdered] princes.
#currentlyreading #onmyshelf #moodreader
My first Philipa Gregory book and it was a fun little ride.
I'll have to look more into her novels.
32 of 2022. I‘m really enjoying this series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#Seriesread2022 #booked2022 #adaptedtothesmallscreen
My October pick for #12booksof2021. I hadn‘t read it in a number of years and it was still as good as the first time I read it.
4.5⭐️ I really liked it not only because I find that particular era in English history fascinating, but also because it is very well written. I read the book about 11 years ago and still found the book very refreshing and liked the perspective that Gregory offered. #2021 #historicalfiction #fiction #plantagenets #bookreview #bookstagram #movietieinedition
Am planning on taking advantage of the extra day for the #halloween #20in4 #readathon and finish a number of the books that I‘m currently reading at the moment.
My father is Sir Richard Woodville, Baron Rivers, an English nobleman, a landholder, and a supporter of the true Kings of England, the Lancastrian line
Queen Elizabeth Woodville, wife of Edward IV, was mother to Edward V who was one of the lost Princes in the Tower. I desperately wish some new piece of evidence would be discovered that would tell us for sure what happened to the Princes and who was at fault. Elizabeth was conniving and manipulative a lot of the time, at least in this particular story, and I found her hard to care for. But I still loved this story and the politics of the time.
My husband is cooking breakfast and I have just started The White Queen. A perfect Sunday so far. I adore Philippa Gregory‘s books and have high hopes for this one!!
I am posting a book every day from my TBR collection. 📚
Day 103
#bookstoread #tbrmountain #tbrpile
A smidge too long for me, but still deeply interesting historical fiction. I am also DESPERATE to know what really happened to the princes in the tower.
Trying my hand out at #weeklyforecast in an effort to be slightly more intentional about what I read. I would love to read more than this, but baby steps. :)
What an amazing story, as told by the amazing Philippe Gregory; I was enchanted from the first page, stories of love , Melusina, constant battles , but this story continues- on to the next book in this series... so excited
Pedicure and a good book!! Is there a better way? 🙂🙂🙂
Yes I‘m in love, the wait was worth it!!! I can‘t put the book down, finding moments to read while spending the week with my grandson is a bit difficult but while he‘s eating lunch I‘m able to read a chapter or two
Over a hundred pages read today! This is what you get for being in a car for roughly seven hours. Totally worth it though!!! My older two girls got to see their sister and we had a lot of fun hanging out with her today! I also got a lot read on my book!
I picked this book up after watching the show on Starz. Highly impressed by the historical and fictional parrells. Philippa Gregory did a great job at keeping as accurate as possible, whole still adding fictional components.
If historical fiction is your thing, this book will not disappoint. Elizabeth is catapulted from no one of importance on the wrong side of the fued for the English throne to its Queen. Once there she will stop at nothing to keep it her kingdom. Gossip, magic, intrigue & ruthless, manipulative characters make this a good read
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I don‘t think I‘ll ever not love a Philippa Gregory novel! They‘re so engaging and rich—I can‘t get enough!
Loving this so far!
Where there is a Queen, there must be a castle! #castleonthehill #wanderingjune
I enjoyed this book, chronologically the second in the series. I liked it a bit more than the first, but still not as much as The Other Boleyn Girl. (It all got a bit ‘fighty‘ in the muddle and I couldn‘t keep track of who was fighting who and for what!
Still, a perfectly reasonable 7.5/10
I see #flowers as a prompt and I think of the War of the Roses. I guess Valentines Day really is over! #literarylove
#StartedFromTheBottom #Drake #TimbitTunes Day 1: @Cinfhen @TheKidUpstairs
🎵 Started from the bottom now we‘re here! started from the bottom, now MY WHOLE TEAM F#%#ing here!!! 🎵
Elizabeth Woodville put her whole fam of minor Lancastrian/Red rose nobles on the map when she married the victorious York/white rose king. She went from widow w/2 kids whose lands were taken from her, to queen of England. Started from the bottom for REAL!! 😎
Book Review Time! Royal Reading shall commence! Philippa Gregory‘s The White Queen. 👑 Review Link https://mississippimomreads.weebly.com/blog
I started my #BOTM back up and I love these two books, the descriptions sound awesome. Has anyone else gotten these for their pick?
I liked this one as well. Looked up lots of new things I didn‘t previously know. Love how the author points out where she took significant license in her note at the end. Now on to book three (chronologically) 😊
First proper rainy day we've had in weeks, so perfect excuse to spend the whole day reading. 😊🌧️
"The tragedy of Melusina, whatever language tells it, whatever tune it sings, is that a man will always promise more than he can do to a woman he cannot understand."
What a true sentiment that is! ❤
Hi all, I know I‘ve been MIA! Popping back in because I miss talking all things books 📚 Just finished this and I loved it. Historical fiction is usually a win for me, particularly when they feature female characters as I find it fascinating to see how we women have lived in the past and just how far we have come, how different our lives are now. A beautifully written weave of fact & fiction, I was hooked!
What to do during a winter snow storm...score 24 awesome historical 📚 for $40.00💕📖. #lovehistoricalbooks #needmorebookshelves😉📚📖💕. @CoverToCoverGirl
In life's journeys may happiness be your destination.
#readingresolutions Castle
I suppose that queen live in the castle.😊
This is slovenian edition of The White Queen.
Do you read historical fiction? Which is your favourite?
#thewhitequeen #philippagregory #historicalfiction #kiwi #pojejme #glasses #vogueeyewear #bookandglasses #paperback #mladinskaknjiga #goodreads #bookworm #booklover #litsybooks
More you say? Here are some of my other books about #royalty #riotgrams including the #coverart of the previously posted book. 😊😊 👑
More magic. Fascinating story. Love me some historical fiction.
Confession: I've collected a ton of Philippa Gregory's books from clearance sections of book stores, but I haven't read a single one of them.
@Liberty is doing some great giveaways this weekend!!! #GIVEAWAYHISTORICAL
I devoured the Cousins‘ War books by Phillips Gregory. Some of my favorite historical fiction