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We Were the Mulvaneys
We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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This book started frustratingly slow - you know something terrible is going to happen and you just want to get it over with, enough with the wool gathering. But it all forms a full portrait in the end, how people can be so strong of character and of body yet emotionally weak, terribly, catastrophically weak. More common in that earlier generation, I think; I recognized echoes of some of my own family‘s hurts in the tragic arc of the Mulvaneys.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds good, and great match! 2y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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This book started off intolerably slow, or perhaps I was just impatient, but I‘m glad I stuck with it. I‘m almost halfway through now, and it‘s quite a bit different than I expected.

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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1.) Connie Willis or Andy Weir
2.) We Were the Mulvaneys
3.) Plodding. Tedious. Overwritten.

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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I'll never get that 2 weeks back 🥺👎

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Ugh I'm so ready to be done with this book 😑
I'm not entertained

marleed I recently finished this. I actually liked the book - until I heard the author‘s ‘stand by your man‘ defense of the father at the expense of a daughter. I was actually offended while listening to her take. I think about it every time I walk by my book on my shelves. I think I need to donate my copy of the book! 3y
perfectsinner Ugh. I kinda knew what was gonna happen before I read it thanks to reviews but man this book has a lot of problems for me and partly maybe I just don't like how it's told. My mom read it before I did and she really liked it. I realized within 50 pages it was going to be donated. The good news is my hold of Malibu Rising finally came in after a 26 week wait! 3y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Reading We Were The Mulvaneys by Joyce Carol Oates. This is my 2nd attempt at this book, but I'm 100 pages in this time around, so hopefully sticking with it.

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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How can I be so emotional about such an unemotionally written book!? This idyllic family of 6 slowly ripped apart by a poorly-addressed 1976 date rape, the daughter sent away so as to protect the sensitivity of her father. When completed, I listened to an interview with the author, and I couldn‘t disagree more with her takeaway - I wish I hadn‘t heard it.

vivastory I love what I have read of Oates work, but she has some.... interesting takes (I follow her online) 3y
DivineDiana Although I read this many years ago, I found this book so upsetting that just the mention of it still causes me anxiety. 3y
marleed @vivastory @DivaDiane I am seriously shocked the author defends protecting the father above the daughter - and why she hold to her defense. It kind of ruins the story for me. …Oh Diane, I understand. I can‘t keep a copy of The Lovely Bones on my shelves. My memories of how visceral the reading experience was boil up any time I see that cover. 3y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Coffee and books on a Sunday morning. ❤️

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Love the mug. 🐱🐈 3y
perfectsinner This is still in my pile. I've started it twice and haven't made it past 100 pages. I'm not giving up, though. I'll read it eventually! 3y
marleed I just finished this! 3y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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I am taking a break from my Book Spinner & reading off my Mother's Day book haul. First up, We Were The Mulvaneys by Joyce Carol Oates. I remember watching the movie many years ago, I'm glad to have come across the book now.

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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I would say this book is interesting in the family drama way. I must say I agree that some characters are just teeth-grindingly annoying, but there is growth, character development, progression and emotional drama packed tight in this book. And that did make it memorable. #recentlyread #familydrama #trauma #nospoilers

Cathythoughts Very good book I thought 4y
juliegumdrop This has been on my TBR for almost 2 decades. 😂 4y
aa_guer2021 @Cathythoughts I thought so, as well. @juliegumdrop aww, don‘t feel bad... a memory of me buying it a year or two ago was what prompted me to pick it up 4y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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The book was fine. I read to the end. The characters were interesting and had depth, but I never felt myself carried away by the story. I never got lost in it and was always very much aware I was reading a book.

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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#youresovain #MarchIntothe70s
I'm taking @TrishB 's lead and going with wordplay.

They probably thought this book was about them. 😉

@Lizpixie @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Hahahaha 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 6y
TrishB 😂👍🏻 cool 6y
merelybookish They're so vain! 😆 6y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Book and ginger matcha latte and pork katsu and an apricot raspberry tart this morning!

I have been waiting to try this new matcha bar around the corner and finally I‘m here! A perfect place for Sunday morning reading 📖❤️.

erzascarletbookgasm Enjoy! I love matcha!! 💚 6y
Gissy I had never taste matcha🤔 6y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Lunch + coconut water + starting this new book by my favorite JCO ❤️. Yay Friday!

DivineDiana This book rocked my world! Buckle up! 6y
kspenmoll You are making me hungry. Book looks good too! 6y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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#TBRTuesday stack📚
🔖TCV a friend‘s loaner book
🔖TCP a re-read for 192019 challenge #1982
🔖WWTM mount TBR and 192019 challenge #1996
🔖Circe last month‘s #botm pick
🔖COB&B shiny new B&N buy
#192019challenge @Marchpane
#mounttbrchallenge @DivaDiane

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Happy Tuesday everyone!!!! I haven‘t been as active the past week due to an overwhelming amount of school work I had. So be on the lookout the next few days for loads of bookish posts and even some fun giveaways! After my test today I treated myself to this book for $1!!! What can I say, I‘m a cheap date!!! 😂😂 What did you all think of this book?

DreesReads I gave it 3 stars back in 2001! Finally read my second Oates this year. 6y
BookaholicNatty @AudreyMorris what was the second one you read? 6y
DreesReads Blonde—it was a good read, but I have issues with using real people for a novel. 6y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Summing up March - a pretty decent month for reading ☺

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Excellent. Made me want to punch quite a lot of its characters, but the book was brilliant.

DivineDiana Agree on both counts! 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Good morning!🌞 Breakfast and books, is there a better way to start the day?

Simona Your morning definitely looks good ♥️😘 7y
Kaye Looks like a healthy start to your day. 😊 7y
ephemeralwaltz 😍😍😍 yummy! Perfect! 7y
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DivineDiana I will never forget this book! 7y
AmyG I loved this book, too. SO good. 7y
HannaPolkadots Am enjoying it very much, @DivineDiana and @AmyG ! 😀 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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#MarchIntoOz #CryInShame 2 books in which shame is a dominant feeling.

🙏🏻on a separate note , I think I‘m making heavy weather of getting a pic of a book from Litsy data base ( I did look up Litsy on internet, but no wiser) is there a simple way to get the book picture alone from the Litsy data base ? Please & thankyou.

jhod I just Google image if I'm just after the book cover, and then take a screenshot 7y
Cathythoughts @thankyou at @jhod I‘ll try that now 😉I appreciate your reply 7y
batsy Yes I usually do what @jhod said or I save the cover image from Google. Then you can resize the image to fit when using Pic Collage, etc. :) 7y
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Cathythoughts @jhod yes that works 👍🏻🙏🏻( I‘m a dinosaur 🙄) 7y
Cathythoughts Thanks @batsy I just tried it 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻all good ! 7y
Cinfhen I‘m not sure how or what you did to get those graphics but they are magnificent 😍😍😍and I‘ve been dying to read O‘Neill since @Kalalalatja posted it last year.... well done 👍🏻❤️ 7y
Cathythoughts Thanks @cinfhen I pretty much stood on my head 🙃! But I‘m a on a learning curve, thanks to Litsy. I hope you are having a fab holiday ❤️❤️❤️ (edited) 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Great pic, I like the background pic with birds. 7y
Cathythoughts Thanks @erzascarletbookgasm it‘s our bill box ! May as well put the bills in a pretty box 🙃. I‘m having fun learning how to make new pictures... blamebit on Litsy 😊 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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My kids‘ school has a Feed the Body & Feed the Brain drive each year for the food shelf. I love that they include book donations! This gets me back to my culling project. 👍🏾 Except my kids can only carry so many at a time. 😆

AmyG The tagged book is wonderful. Good dysfunctional family book. 7y
Tamra @AmyG I don‘t remember much about it, which is my criteria for donate. 😏 If you don‘t already own a copy, I‘m happy to mail it to you! 7y
AmyG @Tamra...you are SO sweet...but. I am moving from a house to an apartment in Jan. So I am not adding to books I have already read. 7y
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Tamra @AmyG very smart! I‘m trying to reduce in anticipation of moving or renovating. Only so much room.....😒 7y
TricksyTails Aww you've got such a big heart! That is so generous! But...but...surely, you won't be giving up Mort? Or Bunnicula? 😆 7y
Tamra @TricksyTails I have to make sacrifices! 😫 Seriously, we have a mountain of boxes of books mouldering away in the basement. We need to pare down to move or renovate. It has to be close to 5⭐️ book or author for me to keep now. (The Bunnicula is one of the offshoots. 🐰) (edited) 7y
TricksyTails I know you can squeeze Mort in some empty space on your shelf! 😂 It's bittersweet. Love what you're doing but sad to see the book leave your home. I hope someone will discover a new love for Sir Terry through your generosity! 🤗♥️ 7y
Tamra @TricksyTails 😝 You haven‘t seen the 3 bookcases of kid books in their room! But, you‘ve convinced me to keep it! ❣️ 7y
TricksyTails Yay! My job here is done. 👏😆 7y
Tamra @TricksyTails You are funny! 🏅 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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The story of the downfall of the perfect family. Or were they ??

Centique You finished! So in the end did you feel drained by it all, still angry or hopeful? Curious over here! 🤔I was a little exhausted by it but hopeful at the end. 7y
Cathythoughts @Centique I was fairly exhausted after it too. & I felt it went on a bit in the second half. But, yes, there was hope in the end. Thank god. I worked in this area for years & it‘s interesting how the same issues keep coming up. I purchased a second book by her yesterday, her latest I think. A Book Of American Martyrs 🤞I hope it‘s good. & if anyone is looking for unusual names for their pets , the Mulvaneys have plenty (edited) 7y
Centique @Cathythoughts yes I agree it went on a bit in the second half. Will be interested to see what the new one is like. She is definitely a great writer. 7y
Cathythoughts @Centique She is & thankyou , I‘d never heard of her. 👍 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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#HumpDayPost @MinDea
1. Boots are posted
2. I never ever win 🙄
3. I prefer retail. Cork is a small compact city , so everything is nearby. And it‘s fun to walk around the town.
4. I‘m only on Litsy. It‘s enough for me 👍
5. Only that the bus was an hour late 😡. But I read my kindle. Not too bad really.

Thanks @MinDea & Happy rest of the week Littens ❤️

MinDea An hour late?! Holy cow! 7y
Cathythoughts Holy cow is right 👍 7y
julesG An hour is tough. 7y
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Cathythoughts It is , but I read , I just hope it doesn‘t happen again 🙄 7y
batsy 2--me too 🙁 Except once, here, Litsy is truly a glorious place 7y
batsy I meant to end the above with 😀 7y
Cathythoughts Good morning/evening @batsy & yes Litsy is that 💕 7y
batsy @Cathythoughts 4:30pm, heading towards the evening 😀 Thank you, and a wonderful day to you 😘 7y
2BR02B An hour!! I would flip out. 😠 7y
Cathythoughts @2BR02B I know !! Mad ! At least I could read. 👍 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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I have been minding the small girl last 2 Days 😀😵😴😴. Haven‘t read a page , too tired. She is full on , inquisitive four year old ! Why ? Why ? Why ? And so on .. ❤️ So , back to the books .....relaxing time. We Were The Mulvaneys, 👍

scripturient Hahaha, we‘re having the same here at the moment. My son will be four in Jan. Yesterday he asked me what lymph nodes are and what they are for? 😁 7y
Cathythoughts @Scripturient So sweet , I love these little people. I mind my granddaughter 2 days every week, wouldn‘t have it any other way , but, OMG she is a handful. Being a Granny is a happy time for me 💫 (edited) 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Update on We were the Mulvaneys. So far I haven‘t been able to put this book down. The writing is amazing. Now, I am meeting the characters, not as they were at the start , all cutesy cute, and Buttons & bows. & I feel the anger @Centique spoke about. I‘m in a fury 😡. I‘m so mad I may not be able to sleep if I keep reading, But I‘m going to keep reading, because it‘s a really good book. What is wrong with these people . @Cinfhen

Centique Oh my god I‘m so glad to hear that. 😂 What is wrong with these people?!!! That‘s it exactly. So much 😡 Aaarrgggh! 7y
Cinfhen I‘m excited for this one...thanks for the update! 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Sunday morning reading time. Just started We Were The Mulvaneys!! Off to a good start, but I believe the characters get a bit nasty & unbearable after a while. I‘m giving it a whirl anyway. It‘s good so far

Cinfhen Keep us posted....super curious about this one!!! 7y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen I will 👍 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Oprah has a weird taste in books

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates

This book recently reviewed for #TuneIntoNovember by @Centique is €1.49 on kindle. ( just saying) I purchased 👍We Were The Mulvaneys. By Joyce Carol Oates

Cinfhen Thanks for the heads up!!!! 7y
Centique I‘ll be so interested to hear what you think! 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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#tuneintonovember #overpowered

This novel is about a seemingly ideal, quirky and sweet family and how they are #overpowered by an awful event. I ended up absolutely hating a couple of them! It‘s beautifully written but tells how families can be awful which might be hard going depending on your head space. Still lots to think about in terms of feminism here. Made me reassess some assumptions for sure 😳

Updrifting One of my favorite bookish quotes is from Oscar Wilde about how after a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, "even one's own relations." ? 7y
Centique @Updrifting Oscar is an excellent man to quote. So many good ones. 😊 7y
Cinfhen I‘ve been wanting to read this for awhile....thanks for the reminder....would it work well for bookclub? 7y
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Cathythoughts Stacked ! And also wondering how it would work for a bookclub choice ? 👍 7y
Centique @Cinfhen @cathythoughts hmmm on the one hand there‘s HEAPS to discuss. On the other hand some people are likely to get so mad at the characters they won‘t want to keep reading. Sometimes that makes things interesting though right? 7y
andrew61 I loved this book but it made me so annoyed at the parents. 7y
Cinfhen I generally like books with unlikeable characters 7y
Centique @andrew61 I‘m exactly the same! I was spitting mad! I wish they were real so I could go give them an earful 😡 7y
Centique @Cinfhen this is a good one then! 👍😜 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Goodbye Mulvaneys! By the end I disliked all of you.

This book has probably the worst use of narrative point of view ever devised. I'll let you figure out for yourselves what it is. Or maybe it is the best use of a really badly devised technique, since it allows you to forget about it / not notice it and just get on with reading the plot.

zsuzsanna_reads Also, foreshadowing a murder for most of the book... and then nothing. 7y
ValerieAndBooks Ha! Maybe this is why I see so many copies of this title in used bookstores 🤔 7y
[DELETED] 4272432186 Thank you because I will consider this a hard pass. My TBR pile is to the ceiling and one less read helps. 🤓 7y
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zsuzsanna_reads @ValerieAndBooks probably also because it was an Oprah choice (lots of people bought it) but it's really long and starts off very slowly. 7y
zsuzsanna_reads @TheEclecticGeek glad to be of service! 7y
BarbaraBB Felt exactly the same. In real life they would never be my friends😀! 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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@Booksandcooks I present to you the inside of my purse!! 😂😂 I'm a little here and there with my reading, switching between books depending on my mood. Currently I have 4 going (one on audio). When I got my first Kindle years ago I thought I would never carry a paper book again. Alas, I love them too much so now I have them side by side. It's a toss up for me. I love this giveaway idea!! Thank you for doing it!! #6666giveaway

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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I so look forward to these Sunday mornings when it's just me and my books. The rest of the world isn't up yet. Today is nice enough (aka not hell hot) to sit outside! 😁📖💜💜

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Work week is over and I am about to sit right here for a good while and do nothing but read. Finally!!

RaimeyGallant I was in this movie of the week. I don't think you see my face, but I'm talking in the car. 7y
Cspen113 @RaimeyGallant That's so cool! I didn't realize there was a movie made of this book. I'll have to see if I can find it when I finish the book! 7y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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When you go on vacation and the first thing you go to find is a place to sit and eat dinner while you read. This place is a bookstore with a cafe!!

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Next up!! Enjoying this overcast Sunday!

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Beginning this book today. I'm one page in and already want to start highlighting. Have you read it?

"But I believe in uttering the truth, even if it hurts. Particularly if it hurts."

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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There is no love like the love you have for your first horse but that love is so easy to forget, or misplace-it's like love for yourself, the self you outgrow.

Ottoman1 I read that and I had to close the book and pause. My heart was so heavy with memories. 8y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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So many books!

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Started this a couple years ago...I really need to get on it.
Joyce #Carol Oates
#12DaysofXmas #Carols @LibrarianRyan

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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I read this book years ago. It is definitely an example of dysfunctional family! A seemingly perfect family is destroyed by one despicable act of violence. I think it is relevant today as we have seen recently with young men getting away with rape. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it for your TBR. #booksfromthe90s #dysfunctionalfamilies #photoadayNov16

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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#photoadaynov16, Day 23: Dysfunctional Families

This was one of the first adult literary novels that I bought for myself when I was fourteen and not obligated by school. I still count it as a favorite, and I still think it's JCO's best. The Mulvaneys seem like the picture-perfect family until an unspeakable crime destroys the façade and each member of the family has to find a way to cope.

8little_paws This was also one of the first "adult" novels I read as a teen! 8y
shelf-improvement @8little_paws It made a huge impression on me in terms of my reading habits. 8y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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I came. I saw. I secondhand-booked.

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Opening line:
"We are the Mulvaneys, remember us?"
#bookgnome #Dumbledwarf #wewerethemulvaneys #joycecaroloates

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Joyce Carol Oates always impresses me with characters that are so well-rounded it seems like they might walk out of the text at any moment and be living breathing humans. The book follows a family over a period of years surrounding an unexpected and tragic event. Oates shows each characters' reaction to the tragedy and how the sum of their responses permanently alters the family dynamic. Oates knows how people work. This book is incredible.

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates always impresses me with characters that are so well-rounded it seems like they might walk out of the text at any moment and be living breathing humans. The book follows a family over a period of years surrounding an unexpected and tragic event. Oates shows each characters' reaction to the tragedy and how the sum of their responses permanently alters the family dynamic. Oates knows how people work. This book is incredible.

We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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My#TBR shelves are slowly going down. I vowed to get them down to 100 books before I can buy anymore. Right now there's about 121. (I have to get them down because the local college has a book bazaar to raise money and books can sell for $.25 and more)

thebookmagpie Well done :) I wish I had your willpower! 8y
youngreadrshelf @thebookmagpie I just stay home and read to avoid stores. That doesn't tax my willpower too much. 😆 8y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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HBD to Joyce Carol Oates, one of my favorite authors, and one of those authors whose work haunts me, ever lingering at the edge of my work and memory, ghostly, terrifying, challenging. Over 100 books. Writes 8 hours a day. Still doing it at 78.

KellyHerself Don't judge me but I've never read anything by her. I know, I know. And I don't even know where to start. I think I have 2 of her books on my shelves, unread. 8y
brendanmleonard Never judgement! 😀I really like We Were The Mulvaneys, that's one of her most accessible. If you want a general sense of her tone/dread, find the story Where Are You Going, Where Have a You Been? That's sort of Oates 101. 8y
sherrynuts Thanks for the tip for those that haven't read her before. I have We Were The Mulvaneys, but I haven't started it yet. I'll move it up on my TBR list. 8y
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erzascarletbookgasm Heard of this author but haven't read her works before. Thanks for the recommendation. 8y
WordWaller If she writes about ghosts, sign me up! I'm always amazed by how many books we shelve of hers!! I'm very intrigued by The Accursed but it's very long-looking. 8y
SusanInTiburon She is a force of nature. I admire her so. 8y
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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Dramatic and sweeping, this book makes you root for a family that struggles with secrets and things unspoken, even when you want to shake them. I love the way JCO writes. Her lovely prose makes this novel less oppressive and more hopeful.

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We Were the Mulvaneys | Joyce Carol Oates
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Started this morning. I am not a fast reader. This will take several weeks. But I am always excited when I start a new story.

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