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Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
A touching new novel from bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand in which a woman sets out to find love for those closest to her - before it's too late. 48-year-old Nantucketer Dabney Kimball Beech has always had a gift for matchmaking. Some call her ability mystical, while others - like her husband, celebrated economist John Boxmiller Beech, and her daughter, Agnes, who is clearly engaged to the wrong man - call it meddlesome, but there's no arguing with her results: With 42 happy couples to her credit and all of them still together, Dabney has never been wrong about romance. Never, that is, except in the case of herself and Clendenin Hughes, the green-eyed boy who took her heart with him long ago when he left the island to pursue his dream of becoming a journalist. Now, after spending 27 years on the other side of the world, Clen is back on Nantucket, and Dabney has never felt so confused, or so alive. But when tragedy threatens her own second chance, Dabney must face the choices she's made and share painful secrets with her family. Determined to make use of her gift before it's too late, she sets out to find perfect matches for those she loves most. "The Matchmaker" is a heartbreaking story about losing and finding love, even as you're running out of time.
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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Not my favorite Elin Hilderbrand book. I wasn‘t attached to the characters like I usually am. It was still a good story despite all the untrustworthy characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Several years ago I decided to thrift the EH collection (along with John Grisham) because the books were easy to find. It‘s been great fun, but alas, I finally read the last EH I physically own. I enjoyed this bittersweet story even though I had a hard time believing this would be the actions of anyone in their last months battling a grueling cancer. ↓

marleed And there are still more EH‘s out in the wild for me to find even though I did thrift the entire JG collection and now wait for only his latest work - sparring partners - to find it‘s way to the wild! 2y
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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand

Sweet story. Nice handling of the complex.

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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This was another fun #audiobook by EH that has the usual suspects: infidelity, sick people, crazy rich people, refreshingly unconventional families, plus the beautiful descriptions of the beauty of Nantucket and the small knit community with descriptions of real restaurants and stores in Nantucket. But she does this SO well and what I like most about her books is how realistic and relatable her characters are. Another pick from me! 4⭐️

Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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1️⃣ The Matchmaker by Elin Hilderbrand

2️⃣ Starfish by Lisa Phipps

3️⃣ A Million Little Pieces byJames Frey

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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This was more heavy than I expected it to be, and not as strong a "pick" for me as some of her others. It took a little longer to get into its rhythm and I never completely adjusted to the character's names (Clendenin, Dabney, and Box? Really?)

I do so hope I can get to Nantucket one of these days ⛱

Mishu94 I love your ring! 4y
swishandflick @Mishu94 Thank you! 🤗 4y
Mishu94 Welcome ❤️❤️ 4y
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Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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I am a huge fan of Elin Hilderbrand and have read almost all of her books. Match Maker was a decent read, but uncharacteristically lacking for Elin. Character development was lacking and the flow of the story choppy. I would not recommend this book to someone who has never read a book by this author.

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Not your typical beach read, but still good. Definitely heavier subject matter, and a bit of a tear jerker. Still lots of Nantucket atmosphere, and ultimately a story about all kinds of love. Three and a half stars.

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Time for another beach read! (I‘m just trying to pretend I‘m on the beach) 🏖📖

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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand

Fun read

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Today‘s #AudibleDailyDeal looks like a perfect summer read! 🏖

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Cute read so far. Best part is I snagged it at a garage sale for a dollar! 🙃

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Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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I thought this was a cool thing for my library to do. And I admit, I had a ton of fun perusing the comments to see what people I know were listing and what the librarians were recommending. I had to hold myself back from replying with some of my own suggestions. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

BookishMarginalia I‘d have that problem too! 5y
Hollie I bet they would have appreciated your matchmaking help! 5y
MirrorMask OMG, I can't believe I just missed this. I definitely would like to know what they would suggest 5y
Mdargusch I wish I‘d seen this earlier! 5y
emilyhaldi LOL 5y
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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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I‘ll tell you what- this woman really knows how to write a darn good beach read! 🏖

#playingcupid #literarylove
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks She does!! I love her books!! 🏖📚 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love your photo too!! 💘💘 (edited) 5y
vkois88 I need to get to the ones @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks sent me!!! I'm gonna move them to my short list of TBRs 😊 5y
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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand

Life is so funny sometimes. My mother in law came over this morning to let us know she has a malignant tumor in her breast. And an hour later, I read about Elin‘s breast cancer. Worrying about the people you leave behind - a testimony to one‘s character. ❤️❤️

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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#HumpDayPost @MinDea
1️⃣ Paul Newman was a stellar man, a philanthropist, devoted to his wife and just 🙌🏼💫💯
2️⃣ Yes, central air as does almost everyone in Virginia
3️⃣ Wine, book, maybe a TV show
4️⃣ I would never go up in space nor down in a submarine
5️⃣ I have had a few distinctly memorable dreams in my life that I know meant something significant and I made sure to write them down in detail afterward,

mabell Good one on number 1! 😍❤️ 6y
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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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New book!

Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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So good 😭😭

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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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All I can say is I hated this book even more than that execrable Doreatha Benton Frank book I recently read. The characters' stupid names (Celerie, Clendenin, Box, Gene-e-vieve) are only partially indicative of how stupid and pathetic these people are. I didn't even feel bad about the "tragedy" near the end; I thought, "Finally!" Instead.

Purrfectpages Oh no! Bummed to see this! 7y
KathyWheeler @Purrfectpages The thing is, I have liked several books by this author; she's one of my go-to writers for beach reads. My loathing for this book and its awful characters, however, cannot be overstated. 7y
Purrfectpages @KathyWheeler don't you just hate it when a favorite author lets you down? 7y
KathyWheeler @Purrfectpages Yes, I do. 😡 7y
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The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand

I don't even know what to say about this line: "She looked into the weak tea of his eyes." Seriously, Elin Hilderbrand?

Aswenson I really enjoyed my first Elin Hildebrand, and tried to start a second one a couple days ago, but I felt like I was reading the exact same book! I'll save that one for later... 😬 7y
KathyWheeler @Aswenson Hildebrand is an author I generally like for beach reads. I'm kind of hating this one though and am thinking about bailing on it. 7y
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Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand

THESE EMAILS ARE GOING TO TAKE FOREVER YALL. Because I'm thorough like that. So change of plans. I'll be announcing matches as they're made, here on Litsy (on a different account). I hope that's okay! Some of you who want more than one match will get tagged in multiple posts. Otherwise you'll be waiting forever 😂

Wife However it works best for you. I'm so pleased that you are doing this for us! Thank you 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 7y
Little_Reader Do whatever you need to do! 😊 7y
sprainedbrain You're pretty awesome for taking this on! Do whatever works. ❤️ 7y
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mrsmarch I'm here! I'm ready! You've taken on a Herculean labor so however it works, it works. Figuring out a new process is always the hardest part of forging a new path. 7y
readingatdawn Thank you so much for doing that! 7y
WarpedSweetness I agree with everyone else. You have taken on a huge job, so whatever is easiest for you. :-) Thanks so much for doing this. 7y
LittleWonder 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
NCNY Thank you so much!! 7y
theshrinkette Whatever works for you! 7y
AmandaL Do you want help? 7y
maximoffs @amandal I think I may?? Have it figured out?? I'll let you know though! Thanks for offering 7y
OrangeMooseReads What ever is easier for you 👍🏽 7y
JusttoReview I'd be happy to help too! ☺️ 7y
83 likes13 comments
Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand

Okay Littens, I need your help. So I want to get these matches sent out ASAP, and in groups so I'm not totally overwhelmed. If I started sending out your matches, but asked you not to email them until Tuesday or Wednesday, would that be okay? You can start brainstorming your books you love &I hate ❤️
Also, if you don't feel comfortable with one of your matches, it would allow me to rematch you.

Read4life Sounds great 👍🏻 7y
vivastory Sounds good! 7y
AdaChivers 👍 7y
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Kristy_K Sounds good. :) 7y
julesG 👍👌 7y
Mamalala13 👌👍 7y
DarcysMom Sounds good! 💓 7y
Caroline2 All good! 👍🏻 7y
JacintaMCarter Works for me. 7y
Bookzombie Sounds good. 🙂 7y
findmewherethecoffeeis Sounds great 👌🏼✨ 7y
jenniferw88 Sounds ok to me! 7y
CocoReads Sounds good 7y
Pamela2 Yeah perfect 7y
Nikki15 Yep 7y
LazyOwl Works for me. Thanks so much for organising, it must be a bit overwhelming at times 7y
readingatdawn Absolutely 7y
sprainedbrain Absolutely! Whatever you need. 😃 7y
wallacereads Sounds good! 7y
mrsmarch Yes! 7y
Smangela 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7y
monalyisha Can do! 7y
Andrea4 👍 7y
geekybookgirl2 That will be good. 7y
callunakeep Works for me! 7y
NCNY 👍🏻 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good! 7y
BibliophileMomma Can do! 7y
riversong153 Yes. Take your time, you are awesome! 7y
JackOBotts Absolutely, @steverogers! Thank you for doing this! 7y
CandycaneBelle Of course! 7y
AmandaL Sure! 7y
Wife Perfect. I work the weekend and wouldn't get to it before then anyway. 7y
jrosewordsmith Works for me 😊 thank you for all the organising 7y
Shemac77 Sounds good to me! 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks No problem, thanks for all the work you are putting into this 😊 7y
Kat.Kao Really appreciate the rematch option. Thanks so much for all the effort! 7y
Jabberwocky That sounds completely reasonable!! 7y
theshrinkette Of course! Thanks for the update and for organizing! 7y
JusttoReview Sounds good 👌🏼! 7y
slategreyskies You are awesome! That is all. 💕 7y
thatbookishpirate That sounds great! 7y
WarpedSweetness I am good with whatever you decide as you're the one planning and organizing this awesomeness! :-) 7y
CindyMyLifeIsLit That sounds great! Are you going to send the matches via email? I'm sometimes lax about checking my email, but I'll be more vigilant if I know something important is pending. 7y
nstewart72 What's the process? What are you reading? 7y
maximoffs @CindyMyLifeIsLit I'm going to be posting them on the @Litsypenpals account! 7y
maximoffs @nstewart72 i don't understand. Are you asking the process for making matches? I first prioritize special requests. Then I look at Intl/domestic shipping. Then I look at book genres (likes and dislikes) then I look at common interests 7y
ashley_liz @steverogers are you still allowed to join the litsypenpals? I have been so busy with life that I just discovered this was going on! 7y
maximoffs @ashley_liz sign ups are currently closed. Keep an eye out for when they open up 7y
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Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Can you spot your name? All these Littens are matched!

DarcysMom **squee** I am matched! Thank you for putting this together! 7y
LectricSheep 👋🏻 7y
Jabberwocky It's meeee!!! So excited!!! 7y
116 likes3 comments
Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match....

My first set of matchmaking in process! (Do you see yourself?)

Gissy I couldn't get in but let me know for the next one. I still do not know exactly what it is but I will see photo and comments to see how it is! 7y
JusttoReview Yay! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
maximoffs @Sally_lovesbooks being in this picture means I have a match for you!!! Woohoo!!! 7y
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JusttoReview @steverogers Can't wait! Thanks! 7y
OrangeMooseReads I'm so excited! Thank you again for organizing all this. 👏 7y
mrsmarch Hopping eagerly from foot to foot 🐇 7y
Amanda.T Ooh! That's me! Thanks for all of your hard work. 😄 7y
Smangela You are a true Wonder Woman doing this all by hand! 😳😳 I'm in awe! 7y
maximoffs @Smangela I have a system now, it's working well so far! Much easier 7y
BethFishReads Oh I guess I missed something. Wishing everyone the perfect match! 7y
maximoffs @BethFishReads we're doing pen pals! I'll make a round 2 soon :) 7y
BethFishReads Oh funnnnnn 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled This is a massive undertaking! Im sure my form just says "weirdo ➡️ find another weirdo" 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Too bad 😂😂😂 just kidding - good luck and many, many thanks for all your hard work making us happy!! 7y
93 likes15 comments
The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand

Loved this!

The Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Can't go wrong with Elin Hilderbrand.

Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Hard to read with this guy in my face wanting to play!

Notafraidofwords He's so cute 😀 8y
NatalieR Can't resist that face! 🐾 8y
Littlerobz Your dog is adorable! 🐶 8y
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Cupofjo Awe! 8y
MrBook Love this canine! 8y
anrobe What a cutie!! 8y
SaraFair Vewy cute! 8y
LauraMole Your struggle is real. 8y
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Matchmaker | Elin Hilderbrand
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Working on my vacation read inside today. Got a little too much sun yesterday! 🌼🌞 The Matchmaker is a nice breezy beach read.

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