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Good Night, Gorilla
Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
16 posts | 37 read | 2 to read
For a short time, this new larger edition includes a print signed by Peggy Rathmann! It's bedtime at the zoo, and all the animals are going to sleep. Or are they? Who's that short, furry guy with the keys in his hand and the mischievous grin? Sneak along behind the zookeeper's back and see who gets the last laugh in this riotous good-night romp. The new generous trim size of every toddler's favorite book is even easier to share. With a warm, funny author's note highlighting how much this book has meant to kids and families since it was first published and some clever new details hidden in the illustrations, Good Night, Gorilla is the perfect gift for new babies as well as fans young and old.
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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Fun puzzle this Sunday afternoon.

Tamra Love it! ❤️ What is the title of the puzzle? I‘m thinking it might be a fun one for when my daughter is out of school for the summer. (edited) 3y
LiteraryinLawrence This is adorable! I would also love to know where you got it! 3y
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Buenas Noches, Gorila | Peggy Rathmann
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I read this about 10 times this morning for a very interested 1 year old and 3 year old. Strange not reading it at bedtime and instead when we first woke up. Always a fun book though!

crazyspine Yeah, we got her that book. 4y
laurar311 @crazyspine they both love that book... although Charlotte is at the age that she loves trying to chew on it too while reading. 4y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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Put my son to bed tonight with this lovely book. Needless to say, he loved looking at all the animals and then took the book at the end and tried to read it himself. He kept pointing at the monkey, so we may have a new bedtime story favorite on our hands 😁

Tracyantoon My youngest also loves this one! She especially loves the page with all the good nights! 4y
TheQuietQuill Awww! 🥰😊 @Tracyantoon 4y
Bette Such a good book 👍😊 4y
Tamra Was a favorite! 💜 4y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann

“goodnight gorilla-zzz“

Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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this was my favorite part of the book. I thought it was very clever how the illustrator used an all black page with just two eyes as a way to demonstrate that the animals are all in the room

ValerieAndBooks My kids loved this book when they were little. We enjoyed looking for the escaped balloon on the pages, too. 5y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann

I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was really cute and made me laugh how mischievous the gorilla is

Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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This was an entertaining read! Even after reading the same page 100 times, the suspense still gets me! 20/10 will be reading this again tomorrow night (maybe with both socks).

RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺 5y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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In Good Night, Gorilla - the #ringofkeys is stolen from the zookeeper and the gorilla uses them to unlock the cages of the other animals. They all decide to follow the zookeeper home and sleep in his room. It‘s adorably cute. #MusicalNewYear

Chelsea.Poole This is a favorite in our house! Both of my boys love it! ♥️ 5y
Kaye My grandson loved this when he was little. 5y
Lcsmcat My kids loved this! 5y
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Cinfhen Such good memories!!!!! Thanks, Laura 😘😘😘 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww ❤️ 5y
Amiable My boys loved this book. 😍 5y
vivastory I hadn't heard of this before, but it sounds like a favorite for a lot of children. Good choice! 5y
tammysue One of my grandchildren‘s favorite books!💖 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Awhhh, that‘s such a great message! What animal would want to be kept in a cage? It‘s so sad and bleak not to have freedom and companionship, only to be gawked at all day by another species🦍❤️ 5y
Tamra We loved this one! 💜 5y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Currently my littlest guy‘s favorite! 5y
Laura317 My kids loved this book. Such a sweet book. 5y
jmtrivera It's so cute! 5y
Pricel101 How we say goodnight at our house “goodnight gorilla!” My daughters loved this book! 🐵🍌 5y
batsy I've never heard of this and this illustration has won my heart ❤️ Sounds so sweet. 5y
Lmstraubie This was one of our favorites when my boys were little 😊 5y
Clare-Dragonfly I just read this as my son‘s bedtime book last night! 5y
ValerieAndBooks My kids and I LOVED this one when they were little 😍 ! And looking for the balloon 🎈 on each page! 5y
LauraBeth @batsy it‘s the sweetest 💕 and the illustrations are all adorable 5y
LauraBeth @ValerieAndBooks upon my millionth reading of it, I noticed that red balloon 😂 I also noticed that the keys were color-coded to the cages. 5y
LauraBeth That‘s adorable @Pricel101 💕 5y
britt_brooke This was such a favorite when my boys were smaller. 💚 5y
LauraBeth It was one of my daughter‘s favorites as well @britt_brooke 💕 5y
readinginthedark We love this one in my house! 5y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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So Juliet is on buzzfeed today! Haha!
Check out, “https://www.buzzfeed.com/amphtml/alivelez/things-you-can-do-with-a-library-card”. —————
#librarylove #litsyloveslibraries

tammysue She‘s darling! So neat to see little ones learning yoga ☺️ 6y
JacqMac Awww 💕 6y
Cathythoughts 💫💝💝 6y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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Today we went to story time at the library, and lucked into yoga story time! We did the “yogi pokey”, read “Good Night, Gorilla” and then acted out the story through yoga poses. It was so fun!

Ingerella That the cutest yoga ever! 6y
Eyelit That‘s so cool! 6y
MallenNC That is so cute! I wish they had yoga story time for adults. 6y
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suvata ♥️ 6y
MissAimz_55 Such a fun idea 6y
Maria514626 @MallenNC That is brilliant. There‘s goat yoga. Why not story yoga? 😍 6y
AlaMich @Maria514626 Baby goat yoga!! Most adorable thing ever!! Watching those videos is like spraying my brain with sunshine...😊 (edited) 6y
MallenNC @Maria514626 Right? I think it would be a hit! 6y
Cathythoughts So gorgeous 💕💕💕 6y
Maria514626 @AlaMich “Spraying my brain with sunshine.“ I love that! 6y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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My grandson (with assistance from his daddy) obsessively reads his current fave. I'm trying to interest him in Sheep In A Jeep, MY current favorite in the board book category, but he keeps gravitating to this one. 😄🐵🌚

SassyBookworm Sweet! 7y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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My sweet little helpers went through their books and chose ones to donate to other kids who might enjoy them. 💕💕💕 #raisingreaders #littlelittens

GlitteryOtters ❤️😍❤️ 8y
Suzze Oh, I love them! 💙💙💙What a nice thing to do. 8y
MicheleinPhilly So cute! 8y
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brilliantglow This is something I need to do with my daughter 8y
Alfoster Too adorable!❤️ 8y
Sue Oh, that's lovely! 8y
LauraBeth My heart just melted 💕💕 twice 8y
LeahBergen Oh, my heart! 😩 8y
ValerieAndBooks So cute! 8y
eastbaykate So sweet! Love Goodnight Gorilla. I just read it this morning to my littlest one!❤️📚🌟 8y
Reviewsbylola Good job! 🙌🏻 8y
KarenUK Adorable 💕💕💕 8y
megt So sweet! 8y
britt_brooke @brilliantglow They actually had fun with it. I told them how important it is to help others plus they need to make room for the books they get for Christmas. 😉 8y
Alfoster This should totally be a poster somewhere (library/school/billboard) about fostering the love of reading at an early age and sharing!!❤️❤️❤️ 8y
Suzze How close in age are your boys? Mine are 15 months. 8y
britt_brooke @Suzze They are 20 months. 😁 8y
britt_brooke @Alfoster Awww, you are so sweet! 💕 8y
britt_brooke @Alfoster I hope they will grow into voracious readers early on. I didn't become an avid reader until my mid-twenties, even more so lately in my mid-thirties, thanks to this amazing place! ☺️ 8y
DebinHawaii That is awesome and they are adorable! ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
britt_brooke @DebinHawaii Awww, thank so much!! 8y
scripturient They are so cute! 8y
britt_brooke @scripturient Aw, thank you so much! ☺️☺️ 8y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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Outside it's nothing but yucky icky rainy weather. The hubby went away for the weekend with his buddies so the kiddo and I are snuggling up with some books. ☕️🍁📚👩‍👦🍃🍂🎃

Bambolina_81 Perfect! 😊 8y
BeththeBookDragon Sounds fabulous! 8y
MidnightBookGirl This is perfect reading weather! 8y
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Penny_LiteraryHoarders Perfect weekend!! 8y
erzascarletbookgasm Agree, perfect weather for reading! Don't forget coffee or tea ..etc :) 8y
BookishFeminist Perfection! 8y
I-read-and-eat That sounds so cozy! Can't wait to get home and do the same 😊 8y
Horrortorte Today it rains everywhere, eh? ☔😉 8y
melbeautyandbooks Sounds great! 8y
Zelma That is ideal reading and snuggling weather. 👍☔️ 8y
minkyb Loved reading this with my daughter! 8y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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That moment you realize that sneaky gorilla got to your clueless zookeeper husband's keys...

TheApesOfWrath 😂😂😂 8y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann
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I mean, sure, Zookeeper Joe's methods are slipshod and sketchy at best, and all the homes in the vicinity of this zoo are at risk of an imminent animal invasion. But if he actually kept hold of his keys, then this charming story wouldn't be possible. So we'll call it even, shall we?

Aloyacano This was one of our FAVORITES! I love the children's books with few words they allow for so much creativity. 8y
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Good Night, Gorilla | Peggy Rathmann

This classic book will stay that way as long as the publishers keep putting it out. Its simple, but beloved, and uses the pictures to tell most the story. A wonderful pick for Illinois Reads 2016.