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The Night Fire
The Night Fire: A Ballard and Bosch thriller | Michael Connelly
41 posts | 43 read | 1 reading | 9 to read
LAPD Detective Rene Ballard and Harry Bosch come together again on the murder case that obsessed Bosch's mentor - but was this flame kept alive, or a secret that was meant to be snuffed out? Back when Harry Bosch was just a rookie homicide detective, he had an inspiring mentor who taught him to take the work personally and light the fire of relentlessness for every case. Now that mentor, J.J. Thompson, is dead, but after his funeral his widow hands Bosch a murder book that Thompson took with him when he left the LAPD 20 years before - the unsolved killing of a troubled young man in an alley used for drug deals. Bosch brings the murder book to Rene Ballard and asks her to help him find what about the case lit Thompson's fire all those years ago. That will be their starting point. The bond between Bosch and Ballard tightens as they become a formidable investigation team. And they soon arrive at a worrying question: Did Thompson steal the murder book to work the case in retirement, or to make sure it never got solved?
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Bosch arrived late and had to park on a cemetery lane far from the grave site.

vivastory I noticed that the actor who played Bosch was in a recent adaptation of a Coben book 4mo
Leftcoastzen @vivastory I haven‘t read any Coben books , shhhhh. 😬😃 4mo
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This was also satisfying - the story featured not only Bosch, but Renee Ballard and Micky Haller as well. Clever plot and subplots made it a fun read!

#EasterOMC Readathon Day 1

TheSpineView Fantastic! 1y
Eggs @TheSpineView 😊😊 1y
Clwojick Well done! 1y
Eggs @Clwojick 💕💕 1y
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Meh... too many plots for one book. It's a who dun it, who dun that and who dun this story with characters I did like.

Night Fire | Michael Connelly
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I enjoyed this one. There were a couple of things that were confusing to me (like how I thought Ballard and Olivas had shifted a little in their relationship with one another in the previous novel, but in this one, it's like none of that happened), but overall it was a fun ride. Bosch and Ballard are an interesting team.

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The Bosch/Ballard duo is magnificent. Connelly writes both their characters so well, adds enough depth to keep them ever-changing while also managing to keep their morals in tact. I used to be huge on the Lincoln Lawyer series, but I think Connelly may be steering me away to focus more on these two. Very excited for the next addition!

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I doubt that I'll ever *not* be in the mood for some Michael Connelly. Sadly, I'm reaching the end of his backlist and will soon be impatiently awaiting his new releases along with everyone else 😭. For now, this was another page-turning Bosch/Ballard mashup that really hit the spot! 👏🏽

Breanne1 I keep looking for BOTM spoilers 🤣 3y
swishandflick The only one that I know of so far is the new Helen Hoang. Not sure if it's a pick or an add-on though! 3y
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Another solid mystery in the Renee Ballard and Harry Bosch series. The book has multiple mysteries (one cold case and two recent murders) which keeps it interesting. Love the way an older, wiser Bosch plays off the younger, more brash Renee and how he plays off the slicker, more cavalier Mickey Holler. It's like checking in with favorite characters and hearing their latest escapades. Totally fun for fans of the Bosch or Lincoln Lawyer series.

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My second Michael Connelly book finished ✅ this time one of his most recent ones. It didn‘t have quite the impact of The Poet but still definitely a pick from me. Bosch and Ballard team up to look at a 20 year old unsolved murder. Old and new cases weave together.
Hope your able to squeeze in some reading today😊

TrishB Sally you‘re reading out of order 😱😱 4y
Freespirit @TrishB Trish I know.. cardinal reading error! I think I will try to read some of his early books now 4y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Love the cup and table!!! 4y
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Book #3 in the Renee Ballard series (2nd book with Harry Bosch). Renee has a lot of qualities and way of doing things that is very inline with how HB does things. A bit of a protege, although she‘s well into her career by the time they work together. I like her & it‘s good to see a lead woman character, especially one that isn‘t a blonde white woman. The cases in this book were fun to follow.

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Spending time with old friends Harry and Rene this weekend. Bosch not Potter.

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Night Fire | Michael Connelly
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Enjoyed spending time with old friends Connelly and Det. Harry Bosch although Bosch was more likeable before he quit drinking. Since then he‘s increasingly self-righteous and antagonistic. Luckily he teams up with his half brother attorney Mickey Haller, “The Lincoln Lawyer”, and Det. Renee Ballard, also somewhat of an odd duck and outcast within the LAPD. The plot is multifaceted and fast paced and probably Connelly‘s best work in recent years.

Twainy Long time fan. Agree with the drinking,. Titus Welliver (Bosch in the tv show) does a great job narrating some of the newer books. 4y
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This is a Harry Bosch story. As usual, Harry and Renee Ballard have teamed up to solve a cold case. One of Harry's mentors had taken the murder book home with him when he retired. Several other crimes cross their paths as they delve deeper into the case. Harry's big question is why the file was taken by his mentor in the first place?? Highly recommend.

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Michael Connelly is a master in plotting. Los Angeles is his city. Many restaurants in which Bosch and Ballard eat. I want to try Musso's.

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Besides, after midnight is when it all happens in this town. I like the dark hours.

Night Fire | Michael Connelly
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I‘ve got about three long walks left to finish this. It‘s not my favorite Connelly book, but I think it‘s the subject— I‘m not in love with gang stories (except The Wire); they just make me feel hopeless. Here‘s some pictures of the scenery and my daughter‘s cat, Jayne (he is named after the security guy in Firefly —Jayne Cobb). #audiowalk

Night Fire | Michael Connelly
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More walking with Bosch and Ballard. There‘s a new little free library on my campus walk.❤️ #audiowalk

j.rye Look like it needs filled up! 4y
KathyWheeler @j.rye it does! I‘m going to check my shelves and see what I can put in there. 4y
maich Beautiful landscape💕 4y
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KathyWheeler @maich It‘s allegedly a creek on campus but everyone refers to it as the swamp. There‘s a walking trail around it and a nature trail behind it. I love walking back there. 4y
maich @KathyWheeler I wish I could see it. I love nature so much. Where is that in which country? 4y
KathyWheeler @maich south Alabama in the US. 4y
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Night Fire | Michael Connelly
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It‘s been awhile since I‘ve listened to a Bosch novel — this one is Bosch & Ballard, and it is narrated by both Titus Welliver and Christine Lakin. Both are great narrators, but I still have not made up my mind if I like Ballard as a character. #audiowalk

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Always a delight to spend time with Harry and Renée. I really enjoyed how he wove the disparate strands of the cold and current cases together.

This is most likely it for me in terms of books this year. I‘ll spend some time tomorrow thinking of favorites.

TrishB Loved this one too 👍🏻 5y
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Reading what is for me literary mac ‘n cheese while eating actual mac ‘n cheese. This may very well be my last book of 2019 but it most certainly won‘t be my last cheese. #CheeseIsLife

rachelm Lol I love this post 🧀 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto I also love this post. ❤️ 5y
eanderson Love it! 5y
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sprainedbrain New favorite hashtag! 😂 5y
Tamra Great combo! 🐭🐭 5y
Tripex Michael Connelly is superb. 5y
cathipink All cheese, all of the time. 5y
LeahBergen Mmm...mac and cheese... 5y
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I've never read a Michael Connelly before, and I know I wasn't the ideal reader for this, but I also thought there were too many mysteries that didn't come together in a satisfying way at the end. But hard-boiled is never my thing, so maybe this is great? I was bored.

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Michael Connelly is one of my favorite authors and I love his Bosch novels! This is the third book in the Renee Ballard and Harry Bosch crossover series. I really like the partnership between the two and I really hope the series will continue!

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Book 22 in the Harry Bosch series and another solid story. I love Ballard and Haller as characters and they were both in this one again. Glad I stuck with this series as it's got better again 😍
#seriesread @TheSpineView
#TBRRead #WinterGames +16 points for #teamelectricsex @LibrarianRyan @Clwojick @StayCurious

LibrarianRyan yeahh 5y
TheSpineView Yes!😍 5y
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Got my Michael Connelly T-shirt today 💜 I am a huge Michael Connelly/Harry Bosch fan and I am so giddy that I got one of these shirts. It fits perfectly & is so comfortable and soft!

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Just picked the latest Harry Bosch book up from the library 😍 Got to finish Alex Cross, read Jack Reacher and then I finally can read this. Difficult when all my reserved books become available at the same time and can't be renewed because of the waiting lists

Night Fire | Michael Connelly
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November‘s total was boosted big time by a comic book binge!

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🎧 I love Harry Bosch read by Titus Welliver! Not fond of the Renee Ballard character. Solid Bosch story. Thank you OverDrive! They had 2 stories going on, one a cold case and one current. Both were interesting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

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So good!!! I 💜💜💜 this mash up of Bosch and Ballard!!!

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Finally got a couple of hours tonight to finish this one. I wasn‘t sure how the Bosch/Ballard thing would work but I‘m liking it so far 😁 another good, solid read with plenty of action.

MicheleinPhilly I think the introduction of Ballard has really injected some life into the Bosch series. I haven‘t read this one yet but I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2. 5y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly this is as good! Great interaction between them 👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts Sounds good , I‘ve never made it back to Michael Connelly.... but I really want to 👍🏻❤️ 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I know that feeling! 5y
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I love the Bosch and Ballard team-up continued in this fast-paced and intricately plotted entry in the series. When Bosch receives a cold case file from the widow of a former partner, he enlists Ballard's help to track down a killer, uncovering secrets in the process. He also helps Mickey Haller with a case, earning him the enmity of the LAPD. I always read these books way too fast, but I just can't make myself slow down!

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The new Harry Bosch/Renee Ballard book. Bosch and Ballard investigate a cold case originally worked by Harry‘s mentor. Many complications and new information about Harry‘s past plus Ballard, too.love Harry and like Ballard more and more. Los Angeles becomes a character in these books, too. A fascinating character. I liked it a lot.


Another winner! I wasn‘t sure how I‘d feel about the addition of Reneé Ballard to Harry‘s life but so far they balance out perfectly. I look forward to the next read!

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#107 and I‘m already on page 40 lol I totally forgot to post before I began to read so oops lol I absolutely love all of Michael Connellys books. Especially the Harry Bosch series and this one has not only him, Renee Ballard but also his brother Mickey Haller 😱😱😱 I am so excited and ready for this adventure.

Caffeinated_Reader Damn. Michael Connelly has a way of writing so that when you begin a book it‘s got enough of a grab that you want to keep reading it but enough of a slow burn so if you need to put it down you don‘t feel bad lol then he takes the ending and forces you to sit and bite your nails while anxiously finishing it. Guh!!! 5y
Caffeinated_Reader The beginning had me crying right off lol and then the ending I was seriously balling my eyes out it was so intense. Bravo. Another top notch ride! Harry Bosch and Renee Ballard together is a dynamite combo 😅 5y
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What a day well spent with another suberb 5-star police procedural from my favorite mystery writer. Cheers to two new ones in 2020!

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It's bittersweet to be 53% done, so I opened a bottle of blanc de blanc to celebrate the luxury of taking a day off to read this phenomenal (so far) mystery.

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MicheleinPhilly ❤️ 5y
Caffeinated_Reader I am stalking the mailman today waiting for my copy 😅 5y
nomadreader I took the day off to read it! 5y
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I set my alarm for 5 a.m. to start reading, but I guess my brain was so excited for release day, it woke me up at 3:30. I took the day off to spend with these two beloved detectives #Bosch #Ballard

TrishB Not out here until next week! 5y
nomadreader @TrishB That's just cruel to make y'all wait a week! 5y
TrishB I know! And I‘ll be out of the country! 5y
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I ❤️ this series!