Here‘s my review for a book I just DNF‘d. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo. Now, I can take this one off of my list and I haven‘t even made my #bookspinbingo list or my board yet.
Here‘s my review for a book I just DNF‘d. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo. Now, I can take this one off of my list and I haven‘t even made my #bookspinbingo list or my board yet.
Here‘s my progress for this book. I made a lot of progress last night. I have 13 hours left. So far, I think this book is interesting. Every time I start listening to this book, I want to keep listening but I don‘t feel bad for these people and I don‘t like them. If I get tired of reading this book, I‘ll DNF it.
This is what my reading journal looks like this month. I have room for 4 more books on this list but I don‘t feel like starting anything else. I‘m carrying over the 2 books highlighted in orange that I‘ve started plus the books I didn‘t get around to reading for #bookspinbingo and #readyourkindle.
I‘m borrowing the tagged book on Libby. It‘s a 20 hour audiobook but I decided to borrow it for 21 days instead of 14 days. It might not take me 21 days to read this but this is a long book and I don‘t want to feel like I need to rush to get this book finished. So far, this book is really interesting. I haven‘t ever read anything like this.
I‘m reading the tagged book that‘s set in The Bronx, NYC and it keeps mentioning going to the bodega and I wanted to know what that was so I googled it and this is what I found.
I decided to start this book from my #bookspinbingo list next. The way this book is written is interesting. It‘s a long book. The audiobook is 20 hours so I probably won‘t finish it before the end of the month but I‘m interested to find out what happens next.
This study was superinteresting and captivating and heartbreaking. I just want to know more, what happened to these families and kids I met through Adrian Nicole Leblanc. Definitely a recommend.
Hubby‘s shelves drive me nuts - NO ORDER
None - never do unless compelled by my kids!!
Don‘t drive
Whatever fruit is in season 😁
The whole collection of penguin modern (boxed) 💕
Cardi B's journey from rags to riches has me thinking about this true story detailing the lives of a few people growing up in the Bronx in the early 90's. Jessica and Coco think they've made it big when they meet Boy George and Caesar and suddenly find themselves in the midst of the glamorous gangster world. 💵💵💵
An impressive journalistic look at the members of 2 families growing up in a poor neighborhood of the Bronx in the 80's and 90's. Their story is devastating and all-encompassing. While I respect the journalist's prerogative to keep the story subjective, by the end it felt like a rote recitation of trivial events and I felt my focus slipping. The book is so dense there is hardly room for pause or contemplation.
One of the best narrative nonfiction books I have ever read. I became so attached to these people. It was heartbreaking, frustrating, stressful, infuriating, and sometimes hopeful to read about these families. The cycle of violence and poverty is vicious. I am left wondering where they are now and if anything has changed for the better.
I feel like I have at least one foot back in the land of the living. Everybody in my house was sick this week but we are all recovering. I was only able to finish one book over the last week but I am back with this gem. Gonna try to work a couple of hours today and also make some progress with this.
Had to go back to work today :(. But I‘m having a hard time putting this book down - it is fantastic!
My first reads of 2018 - these three non-fiction and a novel on my Kindle. So it‘s 37 degrees in Houston and that may not seem cold compared to other parts of the country but for here that is COLD!! I‘m staying right here today. Happy New Year everyone! May 2018 bring you peace, happiness and an abundance of great books 📚
So @haanim asked for some of my narrative nonfiction favorites and I got carried away! Here, in no certain order, are some favorites from my shelves. I'd love to see other people's suggestions of ones I've not mentioned. #Nonfiction
I haven't been active here lately but have been immersed in this book. While not perfect by any means, this was a fascinating, devastating, frustrating read. The author follows a group of people in the Bronx for about 15 years, illuminating even the smallest minutiae of their lives. It is raw, honest, and intimate. It doesn't examine the larger picture of poverty or make judgments but just presents these lives and asks the reader to reflect.
My reading companion today, Skippy. Well, football-watching and reading companion. Lots of coffee too! He doesn't care as long as I have a lap for him.
@MinDea #Shippy #catsoflitsy
Toby is unimpressed by my decision to read instead of feeding him. Loving The Vegetable Butcher and may need my own copy. I am also devouring Random Family, which was a long-ago recommendation in Nick Hornby's column. So much has been covered in just a few chapters, I feel like it is going to be bananas by the middle.
A journalist spends over a decade with Puerto Rican families in the Bronx. Shows how easy it is to slip in and out of poverty and how the system sets people up for failure. Many of the people live life on the edge, in and out of prison and the drug trade, but care deeply about their families and want to better their lives. She shows the complexity of the cycle of poverty and violence. #nonfiction #diversebooks #eveningread
My #currentread is all about the #complicated relationships of a Puerto Rican family in the Bronx and their involvement with #addiction to drugs and connections to the drug trade. There are also various drug lords that could be considered to be #thosepeskycliques. This is a nonfiction read that gets inside a world that is rarely covered with nuance and depth. Reads like a novel. #anditsaugust #backtoreading #augustgrrrl
Bedtime reading
http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/c/reading-nook-sweeps/?ref=PRH86706D8F47&aid=r... In case anyone wants to enter to win a book book!!