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The Cold Vanish
The Cold Vanish: Seeking the Missing in North America's Wildlands | Jon Billman
29 posts | 24 read | 45 to read
For readers of Jon Krakauer and Douglas Preston, the critically acclaimed author and journalist Jon Billman's fascinating, in-depth look at people who vanish in the wilderness without a trace and those eccentric, determined characters who try to find them. These are the stories that defy conventional logic. The proverbial vanished without a trace incidences, which happen a lot more (and a lot closer to your backyard) than almost anyone thinks. These are the missing whose situations are the hardest on loved ones left behind. The cases that are an embarrassment for park superintendents, rangers and law enforcement charged with Search & Rescue. The ones that baffle the volunteers who comb the mountains, woods and badlands. The stories that should give you pause every time you venture outdoors. Through Jacob Gray's disappearance in Olympic National Park, and his father Randy Gray who left his life to search for him, we will learn about what happens when someone goes missing. Braided around the core will be the stories of the characters who fill the vacuum created by a vanished human being. We'll meet eccentric bloodhound-handler Duff and R.C., his flagship purebred, who began trailing with the family dog after his brother vanished in the San Gabriel Mountains. And there's Michael Neiger North America's foremost backcountry Search & Rescue expert and self-described "bushman" obsessed with missing persons. And top researcher of persons missing on public wildlands Ex-San Jose, California detective David Paulides who is also one of the world's foremost Bigfoot researchers. It's a tricky thing to write about missing persons because the story is the absence of someone. A void. The person at the heart of the story is thinner than a smoke ring, invisible as someone else's memory. The bones you dig up are most often metaphorical. While much of the book will embrace memory and faulty memory--history--The Cold Vanish is at its core a story of now and tomorrow. Someone will vanish in the wild tomorrow. These are the people who will go looking.
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Fascinating and heartbreaking. Didn‘t realize how many people go missing in forests and National Parks. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Enjoying the nice weather while listening to this audio book! 😎

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Another off of my neverending TBR list #ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Missing @Clwojick

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The book focuses on Randy Gray‘s search for his son Jacob but Billman also writes about others who went missing in the wild, some never found.It is a compelling read but would work better as a collection of individual missing people and their stories or even focusing only on Jacob.Sensationalist are: - the ‘unexplained cases‘ hinting at people being abducted by Sasquatch or aliens? - we should all be scared when we hike, “lest you be next”.Really?

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I love missing persons cases, and I love our national parks. Billman is a great journalist who made this story compelling, and especially made Randy Gray‘s hope come alive in the pages.
⭐️: 4/5

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I think I found this compelling because I love wild places. I‘m drawn to the idea of long hikes a lot more than I actually go on them. It‘s not surprising that solo hikers have accidents and disappear, especially those who seek solitude off the beaten path.

This focuses most on one family‘s missing loved one, Jacob, but delves into many many others. Some are eventually found, but some of the mysteries are never solved. ⬇️

Soubhiville The author explores many causes- pure accident, abduction or murder, aliens or bigfoot, mental illness, and simply wishing to disappear being among them. He considers all of those without prejudice, no matter what his own beliefs are, which was interesting to me because I‘d find it hard to keep an open mind in some of the conversations he finds himself in. 3y
Soubhiville I thought this was great investigative journalism, a really interesting read. I wish for closure for all the families still waiting to find their lost ones. 3y
Soubhiville Thanks @Hooked_on_books , I thought of you and the PNW a lot while reading this, wondering if you are intimately familiar with any of the areas discussed and if you remember Jacob‘s case while it was happening. 3y
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squirrelbrain Sounds interesting - stacked. And fab photo! ❤️ 3y
Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks this was my #bookspin this month 😊📚 3y
erzascarletbookgasm I love this photo. Great view 👍 3y
KarenUK Love this pic! 😍🐶 3y
TrishB Great pic 🐶♥️ 3y
LeahBergen Great photo of “canine ennui”. 😆😆 3y
Hooked_on_books First off, I‘m loving this picture! Adorable Sietje on a cool rug and books in the background. I love how she has her front paws tucked in. 3y
Hooked_on_books And I‘m glad you liked the book! I‘m not super familiar with any of these spots and I don‘t remember hearing about Jacob‘s case, but of course I may have heard and forgotten. I just love that part of the world and this book is so steeped in it. I think about the burden on loved ones when someone disappears and their fate is never know. I think it‘s one of the hardest things. 3y
Leftcoastzen Such a nice photo!🐶 3y
paperwitchs I loved this book so much, but when I read about what happened with Jacob‘s family I had torn feelings 😭 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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My #doublespin is fortuitous as I randomly started Blue a couple days ago, and might finish it tonight. The Cold Vanish was a gift from @Hooked_on_books for my bday last year, so I‘m happy to be getting to it half a year later 😂😅.

Thank you @TheAromaofBooks for organizing! I always look forward to the monthly spins. 💜📚

Hooked_on_books Hooray! I really liked it and hope you do, too. I have books I got from you years ago I still haven‘t read. 🤦🏼‍♀️ But I‘m working on it! 😂 I‘ve actually managed to get my book collection to be net negative for two years running, so I know I‘ll get to them eventually (and hopefully soon)! 3y
Soubhiville @Hooked_on_books I‘m really impressed that you have managed that for two years running! It was a goal I tried for last year and definitely failed. 🤣 My biggest weakness is the library bookstore, I always go overboard when the books are just 1-2 dollars each! 3y
Hooked_on_books I tried to reduce my books before this and failed miserably. I finally found a system that keeps me accountable. I have a white board in my library and I keep a tally each month of the physical books I own and have read that month and those that I have acquired. That way I watch the numbers and the running tally for the year as well. I tried writing down my acquisitions in a journal and that didn‘t work at all. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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@Eggs 🥚
Thank you for the tag, @DarkMina 🖤

1. Litsy of course, Bookriot, Fantastic Fiction, Goodreads, Netgalley.
2. I decided not to this year, to focus on quality not quantity.
3. ❄️

Eggs Smart 📚👏🏻🥰 3y
DarkMina @Tera66 You‘re welcome. 3y
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Billman takes a sociological look at missing persons, specifically those that go missing when alone in nature. In doing so, he weaves some really affecting personal stories about missing persons, and uses these to make broader observations about social attitudes to this phenomenon, and the structures around search and investigation protocols in North America. I find this blend of narrative and analysis particularly engaging.

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After a rough day yesterday (more in comments) I decided to sooth myself by opening some gifts a couple days early.

@Hooked_on_books I am excited about every single thing here! Fresh honey! The soap smells so nice. Every book I opened I thought “I want to read that next!”

Thank you Holly. I‘m really excited to read all of these. You‘re one of my favorite people to shop for too. I hope your storm recovery is continuing to go well.

Soubhiville Everyone at Maelstrom‘s company tested positive for COVID yesterday, except him. He only did a home test, today he goes to a clinic for a lab test. We currently feel fine and are both vaxed and boostered, so we‘ll see. But I‘m not optimistic. 3y
bookwrm526 @Soubhiville that‘s an awful game of wait and see, and I‘m sorry you‘re having to go through it. I hope you both are fine 3y
vivastory I'm so sorry to hear about the Covid outbreak. Fingers crossed for another good result! 🤞In the meantime hopefully those wonderful books can help you escape for at least a bit. I really enjoyed The Warehouse (which I think I picked up based on the recommendation of Holly) 3y
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AmyG Oh jeez. I am sorry to read this. Being vaxced and boostered you should both not suffer too bad….if at all. But then there is quarantine. Lovely gift hopefully cheered you up a bit. (edited) 3y
charl08 Oh no! Sending lots of healthy wishes your way. 3y
squirrelbrain Oh no, sorry to hear this. Hope you both stay well. Lovely gifts from Holly! 3y
MaureenMc 💗🤞🤞 3y
julesG Fingers crossed for testing negative. 😘 3y
TrishB 🤞🏻🤞🏻 for you 3y
Bookwormjillk Fingers crossed 🤞🤞 3y
LeahBergen Oh, no. Fingers crossed for you! 🤞🤞 3y
Ruthiella Hoping for the best possible outcome! 🤞❤️ 3y
Hooked_on_books You‘re so welcome! I‘m glad they brightened your day and I hope you enjoy all the books. I‘m sorry about your current viral anxiety. That‘s such a difficult thing. But this is what those vaccines are for! Based on your smart protection of yourselves, you are very likely to be absolutely fine, even if you end up testing positive. Hang in there—you‘ll get through this! 3y
CarolynM Fingers crossed for a negative result🤞 3y
staci.reads Oh no, hope it's negative for you both 🤞 3y
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#WonderousWednesday @Eggs ⚘ Thanks for the tag!
1. New York, California and New Orleans
2. Alone time. Love my friends and family, but I recharge being alone.
3. Tagged book. It was so good.
4. My home, my kitchen, cooking!🍳

RamsFan1963 New Orleans is on my bucket list, I've always wanted to go there for Mardi Gras 3y
Prairiegirl_reading I LOVE New Orleans 🖤⚜️ 3y
Tera66 @RamsFan1963 I didn't go during Mardi Gras, but really want to visit again, maybe during Mardi Gras. 3y
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Tera66 @Prairiegirl_reading Mee too. It was my dream trip, I got sick while visiting so I really want a do over. 3y
Prairiegirl_reading @Tera66 omg I was sick when we were there and I want a do over too!!! So weird! 3y
Tera66 Oh no! That stinks! We need a do over!!! 3y
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#July. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Missing persons is one of my obsessions. So this book is like catnip to me. The author looks into what happens when someone goes missing in national parks or public wooded areas. He interviews professional trackers, dog handlers, and the families whose loved one vanished. He tells the story of one family in particular, The Grays whose son Jacob vanished during a bike trip. 👇

Tera66 He rides along with Randy Gray, traveling around in an RV following up on any tips to find his son. Even the ones from psychics or big foot hunters, they check in with cults and pass out fliers everywhere they go. I really loved this book. It's a little sad though, because rarely does the family get a happy ending when their loved on vanishes. 3y
DivineDiana This looks so good, but I‘m afraid if I read it, I won‘t go out in the woods anymore! 😳 3y
Tera66 @DivineDiana Yeah, it's crazy how easily some of the people vanished, some really close to home. But I would think twice before I would heading out. But the book really is fantastic! 3y
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@Eggs Happy Wednesday 🌺

1. The tagged book, about people who vanish in national parks or woodlands. It's so in my wheelhouse!

2. A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee, Come on Netflix!
3. Everything and everyone.

Eggs Oooo # 1 — I‘m intrigued🤔! Thanks for playing 👏🏻📚👍🏼 3y
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@Eggs 😃 Thanks for the invite
@DarkMina Thank you also 🖤
1. I'm listening to the tagged book, about people that Vanish in national park lands and wooded areas.🌲
2. 👍👍👍
3. I like them all. I get bored sticking to one genre or author.

DarkMina You‘re welcome! Your current book sounds interesting. Let me know if you like it! (edited) 3y
Eggs You had me at the Krakauer reference...this book sounds amazing. But frustrating for the searchers. Thank s for playing 📚❤️📖 3y
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I spent the day trying to get more organized so life feels less frantic. And listening to this book!! Loving it so far, not quite what I expected though. To be honest I'm a little OCD and organizing is pretty enjoyable and calming for me. So I had a pretty nice 4th.🎆🇺🇸

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Taking advantage of a quiet morning to read a little more! One of my goals this year was to read more (any) nonfiction: I‘m glad I did because I‘ve really enjoyed the last few nonfiction books I‘ve picked up! Do you read more fiction or nonfiction?

Chrissyreadit I love non fiction- but being in school limited my time and focus on it. I‘m excited to read more this year. What are some of your 5 star non fiction reads? 3y
Christine Welcome! Fellow professor here (sociology). I tend to read more nonfiction than fiction, so maybe we‘ll inspire each other! :) 3y
bookishprofessor @Chrissyreadit I love all things history, travel, and mystery! Some of my fav non-fiction has been Confederates in the Attic, Hidden Valley Road, Into the Wild, and The Unexplained. What about you? 3y
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bookishprofessor @Christine Hi, fellow prof! I am trying to expand my horizons with more non-fiction, so send me your suggestions! I can talk waaaaay too much about fiction, so I‘m always happy to send over recs! :) 3y
mrp27 Hi! Welcome to Litsy. Hope you like it here. 3y
bookishprofessor @mrp27 Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome. I‘m having a blast so far—I‘m loving all of the engagement Litsy offers! 3y
LiteraryinPA Hi! I read lots more fiction but this year I‘ve added in a lot of memoirs and some essay collections, and that‘s been interesting. 3y
mrp27 Definitely! Litsy works best when you engage. There are monthly photo challenges, buddy reads of all kinds, reading challenges, readathons, pen pal groups etc. If you wish to engage in any of the above just follow any or all the tagged individuals. @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie @Andrew65 @Eggs @megnews 3y
Eggs Thanks for the tag @mrp27 !! 3y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🙏🏻👏🏻🥳 Happy to have you 🙏🏻! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Welcome to Litsy @bookishprofessor !!! Thanks for the tag @mrp27 3y
slategreyskies I‘m trying to read a mix of both plus also some poetry every month. Some months go better than other months, but I keep trying. :) 3y
slategreyskies Also, welcome to Litsy!! 💥✨!! 3y
bookishprofessor @mrp27 Yes! I‘m looking to dive right in and find some bookish friends! I really need an outlet to talk about books that isn‘t a classroom! 3y
bookishprofessor @Eggs thank you! I‘m excited to get more involved! 3y
bookishprofessor @TheAromaofBooks you‘re awesome!! Thanks so much! 3y
bookishprofessor @slategreyskies I think having the mentality of wanting to read broadly is the biggest step! I STILL find poetry challenging but it is gorgeous when I manage to unlock it. Any favorite poets right now? 3y
Andrew65 I‘m reading a bit more non fiction too. 3y
Andrew65 @mrp27 Thanks for the tag 😊👍 3y
bookishprofessor @Andrew65 any stand outs lately? 3y
Andrew65 New and not in the database, Equitable Education by Sameena Choudry, a read for my job. Head Teacher / Principal of a Primary School. 3y
bookishprofessor @Andrew65 thanks for the suggestions! Adding them to my to read list! 3y
Andrew65 @bookishprofessor 😊 Hope you enjoy them. 3y
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I‘d never smelled a dead human before, then to find out dead human smells like passion fruit or at least a urinal cake. I think about the lime the townspeople spread around Miss Emily‘s house in Faulkner‘s “Rose for Emily,” and now I‘m thinking, why bother.

Traci1 Welcome to Litsy! 3y
bookishprofessor @Traci1 thank you! I‘m still figuring it all out! Any tips? 3y
sharread Welcome to Litsy. 3y
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Traci1 @bookishprofessor there's a lot of information @ https://raimeygallant.com/2017/10/31/litsytips/ if you haven't already looked at that. A great way to find people to follow is by looking at books you like and seeing who else shares your tastes. If you have any questions, I'm happy to try to answer them if I can. 😊 3y
bookishprofessor @sharread thank you! I‘m excited to chat about some books! 3y
bookishprofessor @Traci1 that‘s so helpful! I will dive in and see how things go! :) 3y
Soubhiville 👋 hi there! Welcome to Litsy! I‘m pretty sure #teachersoflitsy gets used quite a bit if you‘re interested in connecting with other teaching pros. 📚 3y
Chrissyreadit Here‘s a link with info about Litsy, litsy activities and i would recommend you follow the people who participated in the thread. Welcome to Litsy! 3y
bookishprofessor @Soubhiville thank you! I‘m excited to be here! I will definitely see if I can connect with some other teachers around here! 3y
wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 3y
bookishprofessor @Chrissyreadit that link was so helpful! Thanks a million! 3y
bthegood Welcome to Litsy - the readathons are fun reading challenges (you make your own goals) you will see them posted on occasion, there are also fun Halloween and Christmas themed reading challenges - 🙂 3y
bookishprofessor @bthegood thank you! A readathon sounds like it would be so much fun, so I‘ll keep an eye out for one. I‘m loving Litsy so far—it‘s so much easier to interact here than on Instagram! 3y
Tera66 Welcome! I have the tagged book on audio, can't wait to get to it! 3y
Tera66 @Traci1 Thanks for sharing this, Ive been on Litsy 5 years and still have so many questions. 3y
bookishprofessor @Tera66 let me know what you think when you are done! I enjoyed it immensely! 3y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 3y
bookaholic1 Welcome to Litsy 3y
Smrloomis Welcome! 🥳 3y
bookishprofessor @bookaholic1 thanks so much! I hope you had a good weekend! 3y
bookishprofessor @Smrloomis thanks! I hope have a great week! 3y
bookaholic1 @bookishprofessor I moved all weekend...now that I'm done most of putting my things away...I can now do what we love to do..read, lol. 3y
bookishprofessor @bookaholic1 we moved last October, and I‘m still not all the way unpacked! My books were one of the first things I set up in the new house. :) I hope you love your new place! 3y
bookaholic1 @bookishprofessor I hear you on unpacking the books first, lol. Have a great week!! 3y
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This book is about folks that has gone missing in parks/woods and how they aren‘t DEAD, they are MISSING and how families have to cope with that.

Lauram This whole subject (while incredibly tragic) fascinates me. (edited) 3y
CoffeeK8 This book was so good, sad, but good. 3y
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Every year people go missing in America‘s wilderness. The National Park service doesn‘t keep track of these cases and beyond the initial search, it‘s left up to family members to keep looking for missing loved ones. This book is about the search for Jacob Gray, who went missing in Olympic National Park. But it‘s also about other missing persons and how families deal with the loss. Well written, five stars.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The premise was really interesting, as were parts of the book. But there was a lot more psychic/alien abduction/big foot/portals to the other side talk than I was expecting, and it really bogged down the book for me. This was book set mostly outside for the #PopSugar challenge

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Nonfiction, adventurous, sad, mysterious.
This book focuses on the disappearance of a young man, Jacob Grey, in Olympic National Park and his father‘s desperate search to find him. Randy Grey‘s dedication to his son‘s search is the meat of this book, in fact the author travels with him in many of the backpacking adventures to find Jacob. There are also descriptions of other disappearances in national parks across the US, and searches.

Ephemera You might like to read the Missing 411 books. They list the scores of disappearances that have occurred in national parks, often with very odd circumstances. I‘ve forgotten the author‘s name, but if you Google missing 411, it will pop up. Fascinating reading. 4y
Chelsea.Poole @Ephemera thank you!! I‘m going to look this up! 4y
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Part-travelogue, part sad story of one man‘s search to find his son in America‘s wide open spaces. I thought it would be a bit more like David Paulides‘ Missing 411 series but it was rather more personal than those books, and mainly focussed on one case. Some other - notable - cases were introduced almost as asides and I would have liked to have known more about some of them, although I accept that this would have resulted in a dilution of focus.

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First, even if you don't read this book, you need to know that there are hundreds of people who get lost in the National Parks every year. Some of these people are never found, and some takes months or years of searching to find their remains. ALSO, there is not a good list or centralized database of these missing people anywhere. Once I sat with this information for a while, I was really swept away by narrative arc of this book. (Cont. ⬇️)

CoffeeK8 The book is loosely based around the disappearance of Jacob Gray in Olympic National Park and much of the book follows his father Randy Gray as he tried to find Jacob. It also interweaves other missing person stories from across the US and Canada along with the stories of those who dedicate a large part of their life to volunteering to find these missing people. 4y
Kappadeemom That‘s creepy. We camp a lot in state parks and I‘ve thought about this a lot. I‘ve heard of so many people getting killed in state parks but wasn‘t sure if it was true. I read too much true crime 😂 4y
Crazeedi I have listened to a guy (forget his name) who has documented many many who have gone missing and never been found. He says it's like many just disappear, nothing , no trace, no nothing. It's totally creepy. Adding this one 4y
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Crazeedi And this guys books aren't on amazon , I think just on his website and of course his name escapes me 4y
Crazeedi Btw, he also writes about men who have gone missing along rivers, it's too weird 4y
Lauram I really need to read this. Deaths in US National Parks has always been a morbid interest of mine. One of the best I‘ve read was The Last Season by Eric Blehm. 4y
CoffeeK8 @Kappadeemom I don‘t do much camping, but when I‘m in the parks I‘m totally the same on the true crime 4y
CoffeeK8 @Crazeedi that‘s fascinating, I‘ll have to do searching for him. And you‘re right that‘s part of the book, how many people are just fine with no trace. 4y
CoffeeK8 @Lauram I‘ll have to check that one out. 4y
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Hot tea and a chilling read on this cozy Sunday afternoon.

dylanisreading Sounds good! 4y
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A quick trip today to the library to pick up my holds to get me through the winter break. What are you reading between now and the new year? #libraryhaul

Mitch Great stack. I love the Lady Sherlock series you‘re in for a treat! 4y
CoffeeK8 @Mitch Thanks! I love her other books and I‘ve been saving this series for when i was craving a mystery so I‘m super excited! 4y
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This nonfiction account centers around the disappearance of 22 year old Jacob Gray, in the Olympic National Forest. While Jacob‘s story unwraps in real time, Billman also includes stories from the rest of the country and Canada of other missing persons- though these typically have resolutions. This is a sad but deeply fascinating read that I could hardly put down! And while Billman does touch on more outlandish topics, they are well handled.

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Orbiting primarily around the disappearance of Jacob Gray in Olympic National Park, The Cold Vanish delves into those that go missing in wild places. Some are found, some are not, and no one is really keeping track of these statistics. I thought it was riveting, as the not knowing has to be so unsettling for loved ones. And a shocking number of search and rescue folks believe in bigfoot both as a thing and being involved in disappearances. 😯

Cinfhen Ohhhhh, my hubby is #TeamSasquatch - this sounds fascinating (edited) 4y
MaleficentBookDragon You got me. Stacked! 4y
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For fans of Jon Krakauer and Douglas Preston, the critically acclaimed author and journalist Jon Billman‘s fascinating, in-depth look at people who vanish in the wilderness without a trace and those eccentric, determined characters who try to find them.

OutsmartYourShelf Definitely adding this to my TBR list. 4y
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I‘m not into non-fiction and read this book mainly because I won it in a give away. I‘m glad that I did. It was a beautiful venture and a sad journey all in one. This book was full of statistics, as in many nonfiction books. The descriptive story was enough to get me past that. It‘s amazing the amount of people who disappear in the wild. It was equally amazing to read about the extent family, friends and strangers went through to find them.