Not my favorite twilight / POV book it was a bit to long for a story already told but from Edward‘s pov
Not my favorite twilight / POV book it was a bit to long for a story already told but from Edward‘s pov
This time I spoke of the real forever. My eternal forever.
As the night finally overcame the end of the day, I leaned forward again and kissed the warm skin of her throat.
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This has been on my book shelf for a few years. A whopping 756 pages!
Twilight was an iconic love story. I loved all the books and the movies. The books only told Bella‘s story but Midnight Sun tells Edward‘s version.
Starting on the first day they meet at school, the reader finds out unknown details about Edwards life, family and how his thoughts work.
It was so easy to immerse myself back into the world of vampires.
It follows Twilight, but told in the point of view of Edward.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I surprisingly really enjoyed this one. It was better than Bella‘s POV. I loved the connection Edward and Alice shared, and how they communicated through their special abilities. It included some cool details, but also a couple boring scenes the book could‘ve done without. If you like Twilight, I would definitely recommend.
Midnight Sun, by Stephenie Meyer, is Twilight retold from the perspective of the series' leading man, Edward Cullen. In this version, Edward finds himself fascinated by – and eventually attracted to – Bella Swan, the new girl at school.
#MidnightSun #StephenieMeyer #TheTwilightSaga #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #shelfie #Fantasy #Romance #YoungAdult #Vampires #Fiction #Paranormal #Audiobook #ParanormalRomance 💖💖
This gets points for nostalgia, but that‘s really all that saves it for me. There was comfort in the familiar story. Being in Edward‘s head is slightly less obnoxious than being in Bella‘s. That‘s said, the middle dragged and by the 3/4 mark, I just wanted it to be over. It needed stronger editing. Given a sufficiently bad depressive spell, though, I can see myself rereading it. 🤦🏻♀️ #titlesandtunes #guiltypleasure
I really enjoyed reading Midnight Sun and Twilight in tandem. It was nice to have both points of view side by side.
While I ordinarily don‘t prescribe to the idea of a #guiltypleasure (if it harms no one and brings you joy, you should feel no guilt or shame), I do have one book series that I am loathe to confess to reading multiple times. I haven‘t read the tagged one, yet. Look, they are objectively bad, I know, but I can‘t help myself. They‘re comfort junk food when I‘m super depressed. The Muse song is from my favorite scene of the first (terrible) film.
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I was very unsure about reading this; I thought it might ruin the magic of “The Twilight Saga” that hit me at just the right time in my youth. Instead, it only reaffirmed my love of the series. Midnight Sun is much darker but it was fun to read it from Edward‘s perspective (maybe even more fun than from Bella‘s). I also liked the greek mythology tied in with Persephone and the pomegranate.
This was the time of day when I most wished I were able to sleep, High school.
Or was purgatory the right word? If there were any way to atone for my sins, this ought to count toward the tally in some measure.
#MidnightSun #StephenieMeyer #TheTwilightSaga #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #Fantasy #Romance #YoungAdult #Vampires #Fiction #Paranormal #ParanormalRomance #Supernatural 🖤🖤🖤
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb”
Finally got my Twilight/Midnight Sun tattoo!!! (There‘s an apple with it that wraps around the back of my arm 🍎)
I loved it! But I‘m someone who just wants to watch movies I‘ve already seen. I really enjoyed the twilight book from Edwards perspective. It makes me want to read the first one again especially with Edwards frustration not knowing what Bella is thinking. I liked that his family speaks to him without actually speaking and only occasionally speaks what they want others to hear. Also his families characters where more developed which I also loved.
2023 week one wrap up:
🎧 Midnight Sun: finished! Book 1 of 2023 😁
📚 The Demon King: 21%
🎧 Dark Matter: 10%
📱 Before I Fall: 9%
🎧 Atomic Habits: 3%
This week's goal: finish Dark Matter and reach 50% in The Demon King 🌟
The first twilight book, but from Edward‘s perspective. It makes me want to re-read twilight and line up the stories. It‘s been years since I read them but I think this filled in some gaps. I wish there were more.
Although I've always been Team Jacob, Edward's side of the story did open my eyes a little bit to his inner thoughts and how quickly thoughts/scenarios can go through his mind between his and Alice's abilities. It truly is a whole second side story.
It also provided a more in-depth explanation to the 'trackers' thoughts and their thought process for dealing with this challenge.
#Twilight #TeamJacob #MidnightSun
#ManicMonday #LetterM @CBee
I missed it yesterday due to the Halloween festivities, so I'm here today 😁
📚: Midnight Sun
✒️: Stephenie Meyer
🎬: Mean Girls
🎤: Metallica
🎶: Me Necesita- CNCO & Pretty Much
Nothing like a moody boy. Also my notes from my last attempt at reading this are hilarious.
Coincidentally, I‘m also starting to research an article on reading in times of crisis. Does it matter what we read? Should we be so hard on ourselves during these less than fun times? Does loving a trashy read every now and then take away from the act of reading? So many questions and thoughts about this!
#bookstagram #ilovebooks #bookstagrammer
Great book brings me back to my childhood when I res twilight
“Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to.”
I LOVED the Twilight series when it first came out but this is probably my first ever bail on a book. I could not stand Edward's cringey outlook. Sorry to everyone who loved it, I just couldn't get there 😅
As the night overcame the end of the day, I leaned forward again and kissed the warm skin of her throat.
#MidnightSun #StephenieMeyer #TwilightSaga #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Romance #Vampires ❣️❣️
Okay Edward is cringey, whinging and extra creepy. A bookful of petty, childlike angst...all the things that were problematic about the original amplified in this one. So.... Ummm...why I am enjoying it an embarrassing amount 🤨 😳
So I just finished reading this book while listening to the audio book. And omg I loved it. What a great read. I hope for more.
Two things. First, I don‘t see either the need nor purpose of this book. Maybe Meyer got jealous of E. L. James cashing in on the two sides to every story grift? Further, Edward‘s creepy alpha-protector mess is more prominent here thus even less enduring.
Second: I really don‘t need scenes of our “heroes” hunting down & killing bears & mountain lions & laughing about it. If y‘all are so damn smart why haven‘t you invented True Blood yet? 🤔
The depth of Bella and Edward‘s love for each other was better portrayed in this book than to the original twilight series. A beautiful love story that will never get old. Still hoping for New Moon through Edward‘s perspective!
I enjoyed this book more than I probably should have! It was nice to be reunited with these characters. I saw the movies on tv & then remembered this book came out last year. Edward‘s POV was interesting, even if a little long-winded. It got repetitive at times, making it longer than what it could have been. The depth of their love for each other made more sense in this book. If you were a fan of the Twilight series, you‘ll enjoy this book.
I think the problem with writing the same story from a different perspective is that in order for it not to just be a repeat of everything, you have to add so. many. feelings. It's all thinking and practically no action for the first 22 (of 26) hours. Just so much thinking and angsty moping. I enjoyed Twilight for what it was but this one was annoying. And way too long.
#bookspin 12th book finished
#nutsinmay 1st book finished
Did a reread of this to host an online discussion for some friends who just got around to it for the first time. I really enjoyed their thoughts on the characters and themes in this whole series. #Twilight
Just.. what was the reason.. i gave this 3 stars on goodreads when it was leaked. I remember I didn't like it tho😭
So thankful that my trip to the #thriftstore resulted in this #bookhaul which meant I have my #twilightsaga collection again!! #bookworm #yesstilltwilight #throwback ❤️❤️😻
6. I know,I know. It‘s problematic in so many ways. Despite all the issues I can see with the premise, toxic relationships etc I still just really enjoy Stephanie Meyer‘s books. Midnight sun was no exception. Really enjoyed the retelling from Edward‘s POV (even if he is a bit cringey and whingy).
This book is way too long and Edward and Bella are the least interesting characters. But parts of it were fun, at least.
Day 3 #20in4 #Readathon
I didn‘t get much reading done yesterday. Only got in another hour. Still working on Midnight Sun.
Day 2 #20in4 #Readathon
Read for almost three hours yesterday. Finished about a hundred pages of Midnight Sun.
Yes! My soul needed more Twilight! I loved Edwards point of view! The original story and this book fit perfectly within eachother. I finally understand why Edward loves Bella so much. I also really enjoyed learning more about the Cullens and being on the other side of the hunt. The love story is questionable, even as the stalking, but I will defend this serie for the rest of my life!
(🎧 - audiobook)
This book destroys the notion of Bella and Edward as even remotely healthy. Very important for that reason. Edward is so angsty and whiny. I had to remind myself he was frozen at the age of 17. Some parts were interesting mostly because they layered knowledge of his family. #comestible #fourfoursin21
No. All he did was whine. Honestly if this was the first book of the whole series I would not have like twilight as much as I did before. Kind of ruined Edward for me to be honest.
Can a book lose its momentum or is it the reader? Perhaps the story was predictable as I've already read Twilight. Despite the drag, I realized 1)Through the eyes of Bella, Edward was romanticized Which I understand happens when you‘re in love. But as I learnt Edward‘s mind I realized that without Bella‘s lens, I couldn't learn to admire him 2)I realized that it was Jasper & Alice that lingered in my mind. Something about them left me wanting more