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The Bucket List
The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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I NEVER wanted to be a daredevil. Even as the 49-year old adult that I am, I still dont want to ride a roller coaster or jump out of a perfectly good airplane. And I dont understand people who want to do those things - even my lifelong best friend. And yet, here I am, holding a list of daredevil-ish things in my hand at my best friends will reading. I am SO going to get her back for this in the afterlife. So, my outgoing, adventurous best friend decided to leave me her estate but only if I completed her bucket list. HERS, not mine. And I have to do it before I turn 50 because she didnt make it to 50. I dont know if its appropriate to want to kill someone whos already dead, but I cant help how I feel. Still, I want to honor her wishes. And I kind of want that beach house she left me, too. The next few months will either change my life, or I might join her in heaven if one goes terribly wrong. Order The Bucket List for a funny womens fiction saga that will make you smile, cry, and maybe make you want to go on an adventure yourself!
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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LiseWorks How lovely 😍 8mo
AnnR That looks fun! 🎄 8mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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I have REALLY gone overboard with my #bucketlist for #wintergames this year - I was originally going for one item per day of December so I could do one thing every day but then I just kept having more ideas of things I was excited about. I‘m currently up to about 50 😱 tagging my #snowangels team down below - I‘d love to see what‘s on your bucket lists!

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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The last items on my #Scarathlon bucket list were to make a treat for the party I was throwing. Poor terrified mummies!


The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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I had a slow start on my bucket list but I managed to get quite a few done! 280 points for the #BatBrigade #scarathlon @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks Spectacular! 🎃 9mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Started morning off unintentionally scaring self by looking in mirror without makeup and scaring self ✅ (bucket list). After hiding under the blanket for 10 minutes, I‘m brave enough to face the day.

Meet my mini pumpkin ✅ (bucket list) Rupert. He‘s small but mighty.


PuddleJumper 😂 9mo
TheBookgeekFrau 😂😂 9mo
Ruthiella I thought you were going to write that you looked in the mirror and didn‘t see your reflection! 😱 🧛‍♂️ 9mo
Sleepswithbooks @Ruthiella - That would have been less scary. 9mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Marked the first item off my bucket list with an apple crisp macchiato.

#scarathlon #scarathlon2023 #mischiefandmayhem

LocalTXLibrarian I love Starbucks Caramel Apple Spice, but I've never tried the macchiato. How do you like it? 10mo
PuddleJumper Tasty! 10mo
sebrittainclark @LocalTXLibrarian I don't actually know what the difference is, but the macchiato usually seems a little less sweet than the other drinks, which I like. 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Here's my Halloween bucket list! #batbrigade #scarathlon @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks Great list! 🧡 10mo
LaraS Getting points for eating candy is brilliant, why didn‘t I think of that? 😂🙌🦇 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Here‘s my #scarathlon bucket list! I can‘t wait for October to begin so I can start making points for team #skeletoncrew !

Emilymdxn Gorgeous! I cannot wait to see those baked goods and what horror movies you pick! 🎃 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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It‘s a short list but I haven‘t been in much of a go places do things mood lately so it‘s what I know I can achieve.

Anyone else dying to start their spooky reads/watches? The anticipation is killing me.

#Scarathlon @Emilymdxn #SkeletonCrew

bthegood Your list sounds yummy! (can something sound yummy? 😂) Yes , I am ready to start October and the #Scarathlon - make a great day 🎃 10mo
ShananigansReads @bthegood yes, very many things sound yummy. 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Hey #TeamCreepinItReal ~ here‘s a great way to earn points and accomplish some Fall to-dos - make a list and for each item you check off you earn 10 #Scarathlon points! I‘m looking forward to seeing what you all want to do this Fall! #CIRinfo

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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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I‘ve made myself an ambitious autumnal bucket list for #scarathlon this year! Can you tell autumn is my favourite season lol

I love the bucket list it‘s a great opportunity to get some points for the #skeletoncrew for doing the things I love outside reading

PuddleJumper Which M&S snacks would you recommend? I didn't know they had Halloween stuff 10mo
Emilymdxn @PuddleJumper I haven‘t eaten any yet but last year they had really nice cookie dough bites (can‘t remember what it was that made them halloweeny but it was really goody). I think this year they also have cheesy crisps in the shape of vampire fangs 10mo
PuddleJumper @Emilymdxn Doughnut bites sound really good. I'll investigate. My local one is mostly used by oap so they sometimes skip the seasonal stuff 10mo
Emilymdxn @PuddleJumper I commute through St Pancras for work so they have loads of snack type items for the people getting the Eurostar… it‘s pretty amazing 10mo
AllDebooks That's a great list 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Here is my #Scarathlon #FallBucketList go team #HHC!

dabbe Yay! I might “borrow“ some of your nifty ideas! This is one I'm not keeping track of, so be sure to start your own scoring! 🧡🎃🧡 10mo
Nessavamusic @dabbe will do! 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Bookworm54 Eat said pie 👌🏻🤣 love it 10mo
StayCurious Haha you forgot bring pie and cupcakes to hungry daughter (me) 10mo
BookmarkTavern Perfection. 😂 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Fall in the south is a lot different! We can‘t really go apple picking, but luckily we can still go to the farm for pumpkins and mazes! So here is my #scarathlon23 #bucketlist #teamcryptkeepers @LiseWorks

LiseWorks Nice bucket list. 🪣 🧙‍♂️🌽🌾 10mo
Cupcake12 I love this list x 10mo
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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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Make and share your bucket list for October and for every task you complete off your list you earn 10 points!
#scarathlon #BatBrigade #batsignal

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The Bucket List | Rachel Hanna
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I haven‘t posted on here all school year. I haven‘t had much time to read this year. It‘s the first day of summer break and I finished my first book of the summer. I really enjoyed this one.

Bklover Welcome back!! 14mo
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