I‘m basically rage reading at this point. The mystery is WHY?!
I‘m basically rage reading at this point. The mystery is WHY?!
My granddaughter‘s outfit matches the book, but more importantly is that side eye 🤣🤣
@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag! 😘)
1. I can't pick just one #1 song, but there is no doubt about my favorite #1 album: George Winston's AUTUMN, which I play ad nauseam this time of year.
2. For the tagged book, the only song I can think of is CRYING by Roy Orbison. Am I right, #hashtagbrigade? 😂
Play? @TheLudicReader @TheBookHippie @mcctrish
Ch 2.4: funny that someone mentioned the Princess Bride #everyonewantsemilytomarrythecount #orsinigotintosometrouble #hidingoutatmacaronis #stayofexecution #emilyshouldhaveturnedthemin #missedopportunity #weddingtime #emilythinksshecanrefusetoparticipate #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2.3: I feel like I‘ve been reading this chapter all day #toofreakinglong #verdantverdurecount 2️⃣ #anyway #morecrying 🙄 #thecountisallupinemilysgrill #doesnttakenoforananswer #valancourtwrites #lavaleehasbeenletatlast #sorry #couldntresist #emilyispissed #shegoestotalktomacaroni #whopretendsheswritingtoheruncleaboutit #tricksherintoagreeingtomarrythecount #wtf #thecountispissedthatemilyispissed #macaronididntthinkthisthrough #toomanyhashtags⬇️
Ch 2.2: I thought there would be a #verdantverdurecount but #venicebound #lotsofwater #nocrying #gondolasandaeanymphsohmy #theboyspeacedoutimmediately #fancydigs #whatcouldgowrong #hashtagbrigade
Part 2, ch 1: to Italy they go! #verdantcount 4️⃣ #lotsofdescribeywords #notsomuchplot #exceptthecreeperletter #ialmostforgot #VmanagestohandEmaletter #emilymanagestokeepit #otherwisethatsit #exceptemilywritingajudgeypoem #abouttheboywiththeviolin 🎻 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: why am I getting Lady Tremaine vibes from auntie?!? #anyway #valancourtshowsup #auntiesendshimaway #morecrying 😭 #partytime #auntieneedscoolfriends #valancourtshowsup #withanothergirl 🐷 #emilyisdevastated #auntietalkstrash #findsouthercoolfriendishisauntie #thischangeseverything 🙄 #valancourtisallowedtovisitnow #auntiehasaboyfriendtoo #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 11: short chapter!! #notmuchhappened #emilymovesinwithauntie #teenytinyroom #Vdoesntknowshesgone #imstilltorn #creeperorlover #cantdecide #staytuned #thenextchapterwillbelong #ijustknowit #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: ughhhh she burned the papers!!! #whatdidshepeep #igottaknow #butfirst #valancourtshowsup #selprofessedpeeper #declareshisloves #emilyisntresistant #butsheisbusted #auntieshowsup #suchawitch #emilymustmove #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #creeper
Ch 9: Emily visits the fishing cabin #auntiewantsemilytomove #emilyhopestostay #shetakesherlutetothecabin #valancourtshowsup #hmmmmmm #thatsnotsketchyatall #VwalksEmhome #emilysuddenlyremembersthepapers #staytuned #shebetterreadthem #ineedtoknow #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: emily is sad #popsisburiedattheconvent #auntieisatotalwitch #toobusypartyingtofetchemily #thatpoorsadpup #homeissosadforemily #nottakingcareofherself #somuchfaintingcantbegood #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 7: I was all ready to do a #verdantverdurecount but there was only one 🙄 #anyway #popsisdying #deathbedconfessions #popshassomehiddenpapers #hewantsemilytoburnthemwithoutreading 🔥 #whohopesshereadsthem 🙋🏻♀️ #igottaknow #popswantsemtilivewithauntie #ewwww #poorem #rippops #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Reading while the hubs installs my book clock!
October 22nd #WhickedWhispers Mystery @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
#WhickedWhispers #HauntedShelf #FrightClub #BookScaventetHunt the word cold
@PuddleJumper @Jadams89
This is so much fun to read— great descriptions of nature and totally unrealistic characters but such a fascinating piece to reflect on and, dare I say, rail against? It seems I do.
Also I‘m pretty sure I should be getting ready to teach classes next week but um, there‘s this guy Valancourt who just showed up…so I‘m going to have to finish this chapter first. Close up of my cozy office shelf for the vibes