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Well after a whole 20 days, I broke this years #bookbuyingban, but these were all thrifted so I‘m okay with it. I got 8 books for $20, so I‘m calling it a win. Lights Out Tonight was picked up for a future #BackListReadathon where I focus on reading all my Mary Higgins Clark books. Curse of the Dream Witch was picked for #MiddleGradeMarch, and the tagged #NF looks right up my alley!

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It‘s HERE!!!! #Pop23 and I‘m really kind of disappointed ☹️ I think I‘m skipping it!!!
I can‘t remember who to tag so I‘m going off memory 🤪

Cortg I just saw it! Super excited even though I still need to finish this year‘s 😂 2y
Lindy Why are you disappointed? 2y
IndoorDame I have to say I kind of agree. There are a few prompts I‘m really excited about, but I think not enough (though to be fair I want to do fewer challenges next year, so I‘m probably looking for excuses to skip some) 2y
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Cinfhen Many of these prompts are repeats from the last few years @Lindy I don‘t see one original idea that I haven‘t seen before. I also dislike the fact that two prompts ask you to re-read a book and 2 prompts have to do with your birth year - plus the one about an author with the same initials as you. That‘s been done before and I really couldn‘t find any. It‘s so uninspiring @IndoorDame 2y
Cinfhen I‘m glad you‘re looking forward @Cortg but I‘m trying a new one that @jenniferw88 suggested to me #52BookClub 2y
Laughterhp Hmm kind of boring looking all these prompts. 2y
Cinfhen I‘m super bummed @Laughterhp it‘s so uninspired! It‘s literally all prompts from previous years. I know it‘s difficult to keep things fresh but this feels super lazy 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
Cortg I just got a chance to look through the list on my lunch break. It‘s not very challenging and I‘m much for rereading books. We‘ll see. 2y
Megabooks It‘s so blah. Like they put no thought into it. I was on the fence, and now I doubt I‘ll do it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
Clwojick Agreed! I found way better ones on StoryGraph that I‘ll be doing this year instead. There‘s nothing super creative or challenging on this list at all. I think I‘ll be skipping this year as well. 2y
Cinfhen I hate being so negative @Cortg @Megabooks but I totally agree with @Clwojick there are MUCH better ones out there!!! The POP team didn‘t put any effort into this year‘s challenge. 2y
Clwojick Hoping #BeatTheBacklist and #PickYourPoison will make up for it. 2y
jenniferw88 Was just about to post about it - I won't bother now! 😂😂😂 2y
Cortg @Cinfhen You‘re not! I‘ve done several read harder challenges in the past and a lot of the prompts on this have been done on those as well. It is a boring challenge list for ‘23. 🙄 2y
Cinfhen @Clwojick what‘s #PickYourPoison about?? I think I might do the nonfiction Dewey Decimal Challenge over on Storygraph 2y
Cinfhen @jenniferw88 what do you think about this list, Jenny ? I‘m so happy you shared the other challenge with me!!! 2y
Cinfhen Yessss @Cortg I stopped doing Read Harder because it was well, harder!!! But at least it was a “challenge” 😂😅 2y
squirrelbrain Hmm, I‘m not overly keen on this one either, but now I‘m thinking I might not even do #52weeks either, give myself a bit of a break from too many challenges. 🤔 2y
Cinfhen I hear ya @squirrelbrain !!! 2y
KarenUK I see what you mean…. Definitely some repeats…. But I‘ll probably do it anyway… 2y
BarbaraBB @KarenUK Me too probably, just because of the planning but I admit it is not very inspiring! (edited) 2y
Cinfhen I feel like taking on less is more manageable @KarenUK @BarbaraBB plus #BookBuyingBan 😆 (edited) 2y
Megabooks What are some of the storygraph ones you‘ve seen @Cinfhen and @Clwojick ?? Part of me wants to find another challenge to replace this and part of me says I‘ve committed to enough. 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen I had started planning, but was only going to do it if you were joining in to share ideas, so I'm not doing it either. Probably just as well as I've already committed to 8! 2y
Cinfhen @jenniferw88 OMG!!! 8!!!! No wonder you mixed up one yesterday!!! So I‘m doing #Booked ( obviously 🙄) #ReadingTheAmericas #52BookClub and I just joined on StoryGraph the nonfiction challenge reading one book from the ten classifications of the Dewey Decimal System ( so only 10 books) and I think that‘s enough 😅 @Megabooks (edited) 2y
Clwojick @Megabooks if you check out my profile, I‘ve been posting pics of my #bulletjournal with all sorts of challenges. There‘s a couple links to story graph challenges I‘ve made too. 2y
Clwojick @jennifer @Cinfhen this was definitely the year I attempted ALL the challenges with over 40 different challenges going on. Although I finished most, I‘ll have a more “focused” plan this year, so hopefully I can resist some of them. 😅 however I‘ve already finished laying out 100 pages in my 2023 bujo so who knows? 2y
Cinfhen That‘s INSANE @Clwojick !!!!! Do you EVER SLEEP??? 2y
RaeLovesToRead You got there first! 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen 😂 I have other ones as well on Storygraph, but they're not time-limited to a year! 2y
Clwojick @Cinfhen honestly, not really. I tend to pick up a lot of overnight shifts, which means I‘m the only staff in that whole half of the hospital, so I normally get through 2-3 audiobooks a shift. 🦉 2y
Lindy @Cinfhen Ah! Your explanation makes sense. 2y
Cinfhen Thanks, @Lindy I was REALLY EXCITED for the challenge so it was a major letdown yesterday when the list was revealed (at least for me!!!) 2y
Larkken Aw, bummer! I enjoyed this challenge this last year. I guess I might do 52 books instead… hm 2y
Cinfhen There are still plenty of people still doing #pop23 @Larkken but I‘d love for you to join #52Books 😀tag me if you join, so I can add you to my reads as I go along with @jenniferw88 @BarbaraBB and maybe @squirrelbrain not sure who else is participating 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
Lindy @Cinfhen It seems that you already read quite widely. Maybe you‘ve outgrown this type of challenge? But I do see the fun in participating, and I‘m glad there are other challenges you have joined. 2y
Deblovestoread I‘m joining the 52 books 52 weeks challenge and was underwhelmed by PopSugar for next year. Keeping an eye out for Read Harder but will probably just do 52 and Booked 2y
Cinfhen Yay @Deblovestoread I‘ll add you to our tag list for prompt ideas and inspiration @jenniferw88 @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain ( unless Helen decides to opt out of #52BooksClub23) 2y
squirrelbrain I‘ll probably do it @Cinfhen - you know me! 🤣 2y
Cinfhen I was hoping you‘d say that @squirrelbrain 🤗🤗🤗 2y
BarbaraBB Cindy please add @AshleyHoss820 to the #52books taglist. She‘d like to join! (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Will do - thanks @BarbaraBB and welcome to the crew @AshleyHoss820 2y
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Braiding Sweetgrass | Robin Wall Kimmerer
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This happens a lot! Reminded by someone on Litsy about a book I want to read. Thanks @abbyreadz - I've heard so much good stuff about this book.

Trying to be strong! #BookBuyingBan

rockpools You can do it! How long are you banned for? 2y
abbyreadz Omg please let me know what you think about it! 2y
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Lol 😂
So I‘m on a book ban until at-least the 13th September, but you can bet your bottom dollar that when that date comes around I‘m going to buy at-least 10 books because I‘ve managed to get my TBR down to 1 shelf and that‘s just not acceptable 😂

#book #books #bookly #quote #bookquote #bookshelf #read #reading #bookbuyingban

wanderinglynn 😆😆😆 3y
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Oh, hello there Miss Austen! 😘
I may still be on a #bookbuyingban but that doesn‘t necessarily mean I can‘t buy book adjacent things... such as a very cute Jane Austen funko that I didn‘t know existed until recently (thanks to my fellow #pemberlittens - also #blamelitsy 🤣)
She‘ll hang out with her works for a bit before moving to my wall shelf with my other funkos- gotta day I‘m happy to have her join the gang 😄

Scochrane26 That‘s so cute. I need one, too. 3y
rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 3y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I have one too! I just love her! 3y
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After surviving last week (and on day 9 and counting without running water in the homestead) I thought I‘d cheat on my #bookbuyingban just this once and do a little #treatyoshelf as a pick me up 🤩
I‘m fairly confident these selections will be worth the cheat 🙂
Now back to my regularly scheduled book buying ban!

TheKidUpstairs Wild Ladies sounds awesome! 3y
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Cats on Instagram | @Cats_of_instagram
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Took a brief break from work to open the delivery of my last book order of 2020 from #bookoutlet (and last order for at least 6 months since I‘m doing my usual beginning of year #bookbuyingban 😂) - and Elliot immediately took residence in the paper filler. She‘s in love with the crinkle noise it makes 😻
Just had to share this marginally tangential bookish #catsoflitsy moment 😹

xicanti She looks so pleased with herself! 3y
Lcsmcat “This is mine now. Thank you.” 😻 3y
AmyG She is a beauty. ❤️ 3y
Leftcoastzen Awwww!😻Cats love boxes & packing paper! 3y
batsy Her little face 😍 3y
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Some happy #bookmail today! The Kickstarter I helped fund a few months ago came - and just in time to take my mind off the news of the day/week. Excited about the comics and cat stickers! 🤩

Soubhiville Oh fun! That‘s a spirit lifter 😁🐱 3y
Eyelit @Soubhiville right?!? Especially since I‘m in a #bookbuyingban and only have things I preordered last year to look forward to until June 😆 3y
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