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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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3 buddy reads #adventuresinphilosophy #camplitsy24 #Butter #hastagbrigade #littlewomen #librarybook #audible #readyourkindle
Trying to start Prodigal Summer as it is in my TBR for #litsolace #midsummersolace
🎉🎉🎉🎉Yay! Tomorrow I am out of school for the summer!!!!!!!

Megabooks Excited to have you join the discussion Saturday! 3mo
squirrelbrain Looking forward to Saturday‘s discussion! 3mo
kspenmoll I am hoping to finish because we are having a heat wave in CT predicted for Tuesday-Saturday- in the 100s. So I plan to hibernate in our air conditioned living room/dining room area.we do not have central air- old house @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB (edited) 3mo
TheBookHippie Yay!!!!!!!! Summmmmmer!!! 3mo
AllDebooks Woohoo! Summer break x 3mo
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Up at night frequently due to prednisone this week-yay I am taping off! That meant for reading,a positive!
The 1st 7 books right to left are in various buddy read stages. #sundaybuddyread #CampLitsy24 #June #AdventuresInPhilosophy #Little Women #hastagbrigade #nunlit #litsolace #naturallitsy began the Chessman last night #readyourkindle listening to Drop Dead Gorgeous #audible
The last row are books I finished. #readyourkindle

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Happy New Year #HastagBrigade

Here‘s my #BoringKindleCover for #TheBros

I‘ve read mixed reviews, but I just tell myself when we finish it will be spring. 🌷

eeclayton I'm sitting this one out because I've already read it. For me, it wasn't as easy read, but it was well worth the effort. I hope you'll like it! 9mo
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Fresh Water for Flowers | Valrie Perrin
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These were all so amazing. Thank you @Suet624 for Fresh Water, I adored it and meeting you 🩷, #hastagbrigade for the enjoyable hashtags and chats with Vanity Fair, and #RereadingtheClassics for the Madding Crowd. A big shoutout for Mayflies 💔and if anyone reads As Meat loves Salt pleas tag me as I want to know what another Litten thinks.

Suet624 I‘m always so happy whenever someone reads my favorite book. So fun to hang out this summer. Let‘s do it again soon! 9mo
Cuilin @Suet624 Yes!! 🙌 9mo
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BarkingMadRead 😍😍 12mo
tpixie Loved this. 12mo
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Vanity Fair | William Thackeray
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Looking forward to this buddy read. This is my edition of Vanity Fair at 731 pages 😳.


#pemberlittens #hastagbrigade

Cuilin @BarkingMadRead lol 👿 14mo
dabbe @BarkingMadRead Yowza! 👹 14mo
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dabbe That's my cover, too! Though it's on Kindle. 😍 14mo
IndoorDame @Cuilin @dabbe interesting cover! Are those 2 different girls? 14mo
Cuilin @IndoorDame same I think. Mirror image. 14mo
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