
Third book of the year: Jane Harper‘s “The Lost Man”. I can‘t help reading it in an Australian accent (which has improved by leaps and bounds since binge-watching “Zumbo‘s Just Desserts” on Netflix. #goodreadschallenge2020
Third book of the year: Jane Harper‘s “The Lost Man”. I can‘t help reading it in an Australian accent (which has improved by leaps and bounds since binge-watching “Zumbo‘s Just Desserts” on Netflix. #goodreadschallenge2020
🎉🎊🎉🎊 Twenty-four hours!! Four books and 54% of “The Invisible Library” with one pizza, one package of Twizzlers, and one Reese‘s Blizzard from Dairy Queen. #24in48 #readathon
Well. “Dragonwyck” was... rather an odd little book. Some Gothic themes, murder, abuse, sociopathy, and I only like three characters (none of whom were carrying the story.
Starting book number five, “The Invisible Library”, for the #24in48 #readathon!
#TeamPeggy #gothictropes
I‘m a lightweight. I‘m old. I can‘t pull all-nighters. I‘m calling it a night on book number four, “Dragonwyck”.
I‘ll admit that I chose this book because I loved the 1946 film with Vincent Price and Gene Tierney... but I don‘t recall Miranda being this much of an idiot. 😒 Poor, sweet, stupid baby...
#24in48 #readathon #classicfilm
Almost 16 hours, and I‘ve finished my third book. “Circe” was rich and complex... I found myself irritated with her as much as I rooted for her.
I‘m trying to decide if I should start book number four or make it an early night? #24in48 #readathon
Supremely absorbing and heart wrenching and sexy and I‘ve finally finished it! I haven‘t had time to thoroughly analyze it, and I‘m honestly not sure if I‘ll go on to the rest of the series, but I loved this one (most of it). #24in48 #readathon
OOF. I guess enjoying 50% of a book of four short stories isn‘t bad, and Hill is a good writer, but my heart didn‘t need “Loaded” and “Rain” right now. I‘m finishing up “Circe” and “Outlander” next for the #24in48 #readathon!
Well, I‘m off! I hadn‘t planned on starting for another six hours (SLEEP IS IMPORTANT), but my brain won‘t shut off and the baby is kicking, so we might as well get down to business. I usually want to crack the seal on a new book during a readathon, but this time, I have a stack of unfinished reads that I should mow through first, so I‘m finishing up Strange Weather. #24in48 #readathon
Sooooo... I ran into a portion of this book that I didn‘t love (to put it mildly). “Loaded” has a brief description of an unarmed black man getting shot and killed by the police. It‘s not necessarily graphic, but I still had to walk away from the book for a week. I still haven‘t seen how it ties in the rest of the narrative, but hopefully, that was there for a reason?
Getting ready for the #24in48 Readathon with my tentative booklist! Let's face it, there's no guarantee that I'm going to get past Outlander, especially considering that I'm 6 months pregnant and will fall asleep at the drop of a hat... but something-something-positive thinking.
Sometimes, you‘re forced to go on a family vacation, but then you discover Anne Bishop‘s latest book in the “World of the Others” series! THAT‘S SOMETHING, RIGHT?#worldoftheothers #Icantgohome #sendhelp
Finally starting "Caraval"... I've waited MONTHS. #honeyvanillarooibos
Apparently, producing a tiny human puts a crimp in the frequency of my Litsy posting...
I only downloaded this book because the cover claimed that Heather Graham was the author. THIS is a different Heather Graham, who also goes by Shannon Drake, and who also writes books that I don't much care for. 38% in, and watching the clock all the way. 😐
"Many deny and dismiss the experiences of black Americans, claiming that our reactions are mere emotionalism and represent an inability to deal with the facts."
What makes this quote that much more devastating for me is that I know the wide majority of my friends wouldn't be caught dead reading this book.
1) I'm enjoying the heck out of this book.
2) I lick my husband's face... and the top of his head... because he's bald... on the regular, so I'm probably a wolf and those two characters are obviously in love now. FACE LICKING EQUALS LOVE.
The husband wanted to listen to one my favorite books on our drive home from Chicago! MY PATIENCE HAS BEEN REWARDED. #triffidlife #triffidenthusiast #scifi #dystopia🌿🌿🌿
Thirty-four minutes left to go, but I'm finally finished with the All Souls Trilogy! Back to Final Girls for the rest of the #readathon. SO SLEEPY. 😴 #24in48
Hour 16... *sigh* All men do in this book is go around punching each other and snarling possesively over "their" women. All women do is sassily insist that they're strong and independent (... while standing there silently while the men punch each other). My frontal lobes are taking a beating. #24in48 #readathon
I'M FINALLY FINISHED WITH THE ZOMBIES. 😣 ALL THE PEOPLE EATING. MAKE IT STOP. Finally on to book #2.5! #24in48 #readathon #nomorezombies #kittyyulelog
Three and a half hours down! I'm switching over to World War Z, now that my 🐶 is allowing me to sit down. #24in48 #readathon #puppylife
Getting started on my readathon! Final Girls is my audio choice (to fill in those spaces when I can't have a book in my hands). Early morning stabbiness and without caffeine... 🔪🔪🔪🔪 #24in48 #24in58readathon #audiobook
No, I'm not getting in the pool. Yes, I'm reading a book. Yes, I'm sure. Yes, I've read it before. No, I don't find repeat reads boring. Yes, there are billions of new books to read, I agree. No, I'll stick with this one. Yes, I'm having fun. No, I'm fine. No, I'm fine. No, I'M FINE. #sigh #familyholidays #Idonotbelong
Any book that combines #StarWars and #psychology gets my vote. Some essays are more engaging than others, but overall, it's a good time (if you're a nerd). In other news, poor Jack can hear boys playing basketball across the street, and he's panicking. #whine #whine #sadgrowl #whine #bookpuppy
I KNOW WHO THE KILLER IS, BUT I CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT WITH ANYONE!! I'm DYING!! #goodreadschallenge2017 #stabbystab
I'm fairly sure that Lindsay Faye can do no wrong at this point... the characters were spot on, and the plot itself was gritty and pitch-perfect. This was the Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper matchup that I've been waiting for!
I am so excited for this book (which is not to say that I'm intrigued by the idea of killing one's sisters...)!
I have never, in my life, wished so desperately for two people NOT to copulate. Perhaps this book should have been called "The Whiny Kidnapper and His Manic Pixie". #struggling #sodangedunhealthy
I'm about one-third of the way through this book, and I need the kidnapper to burn. I need him to roast... slowly... in a delectable sauce. The voice actor is fine, but this is super hard to listen to, with all of his "nice guy" "I saved her life, how dare she try to escape" horse manure.
His perspective makes me ill, so his death would be appreciated. I'm allowed to wish for the death of fictional characters, yes?
#audible #audiblechannels
I DID IT! I didn't make it to my fourth pick, but the the books I read, were all amazing (in their own disparate ways). And now that I have 24 hours in the bag, I'm going directly to bed.
#24in48 #readathon
21 hours down! I accidentally reset my timer like a numpty, but I'm still chugging through Dune... with a dog on my shoulder. #24in48 #readathon #heisheavy
Hour Six, book two.... this seems timely, for some reason... #24in48 #readathon
"Henri Nouwen's picture of the inner world of 'monkeys jumping up and down in banana trees' was terrifying true during that drive. My monkeys were not just jumping up and down and eating bananas; they were throwing feces and presenting their backsides."
Well, you're going to get that with monkeys. ? Monkeys are the worst.
#24in48 #readathon #downwithmonkeys
I've left it to the last minute, but I have finally narrowed down my #tbr for tomorrow's #24in48 #readathon! I may stray from the order a bit (because "Dune" is LENGTHY), but I am a free adult with inalienable rights and I do what I want!
Within reason.
Let's not get crazy.
In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to this so much!
#bookbinge @24in48
Just wrapped this one up for #ameliashermanbookclub on Sunday (if we can chip our way out of the icepocalypse by then)... I thought it was well written, I enjoyed the mythology surrounding Serafina's origin, the Black Cloak was appropriately chilling, overall, everything was fine, but I wasn't very interested.
I could see this being a fantastic read for a ten year old... I'm a bit long in the tooth for this, I think! #bookclubpick #jackisintheway
I'm so close to the end of this book, and if I could be bloodthirsty for just a second, I desperately... DESPERATELY... want Philip and Rainaldi to DIE. Something sticky and painful. Rachel deserves to be in Florence, rich and fabulous and finally independent! 😔
Not enough people know about Mary Stewart❤... and since 2016 CAN'T TAKE HER FROM ME (she passed in 2014), I'll be taking refuge here for the rest of the year. #happyplace #rollon2017
Jack does not know that books are not for eating.
But he shall learn.
Oh, yes... he shall be taught.
#sillyboy #rainydayreading 🐶🎄
Okay... I like dudes. I like good-looking strong dudes (I married one and he's the cats whiskers), but just because a guy is hot and strong and not actively trying to kill Cat, that doesn't mean we should overlook the fact that he threatened her friends and kidnapped her, right?
Is an explicit apology forthcoming?!
I'm waiting, book!
#StockholmSyndrome #ameliashermanbookclub
Soooo... this week, we picked up our sweet puppy, Jack, and moved into a house, and decorated for Christmas, and I'm going to sleep FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. 🐶🎄😍 #shelterpuppy #fivelbsofsnuggle #howdoyoureadwithapuppy
Well... I tried. You can't say I didn't try.
I managed to get 90 pages into this book, and then realized that I didn't l like any of the characters. It's very well written, which means that it all felt very real, and I'M STILL DEALING WITH RECENT REALITIES, so I'm probably not in the best frame of mind for this.
Perhaps I'll enjoy it more when I'm firmly ensconced in a year that hasn't been beating me about the face and neck.
"People of color are allowed, even required to perform, and, especially these days on issues of race, to edify as well. 'Here you are, now entertain us'. But are we allowed to lead?"
Part of me thinks I should wait another few weeks for this book, but it's so good. And painful. And good.
#audible #audiobook
Well, the #ameliashermanbookclub has spoken: "An Ember in the Ashes" was universally enjoyed. Me, I have some qualms that might be settled in the next book... Laia was JUST starting to win me over at the end of the book.
ALSO, I might dress up like Helene Acquilla for next Halloween (or for meetings at the office, who am I kidding). Can I get a series about her, please?! #bookclub #tacos #ya
So, when my in-laws and my bearded husband are watching football, I break out a new book! This is how we all stay friends. #notafootballperson #sportball #ya
I'd never read anything by John Scalzi before, but I'll definitely pick up more of his work, because this book was so much fun! Short and concise, but with characters that I'd love to see more of. Zachary Quinto has a lovely voice (face... head of hair...whatever), and he narrated this book brilliantly. #goodhair #audiobook #audible
As much as I loved Ray Bradbury's The Halloween Tree, this book is the best thing I've read this month... it's so gorgeous and dark and oddly sweet. No one writes madness like Shirley Jackson!
Well-researched, technically well-written, but the suspense suffers greatly with all the meandering (771 pages isn't unheard of, but there isn't quite enough plot to fill them). It's all a bit joyless and nasty, and London is apparently crammed full of jerks.
However, there is a man with no eyelids, if that waves your flag at all.
#hallowreads #HalloweenHorror #spooktober #generalnastiness
"Gravediggers had to leap up and down on new corpses, often sinking to their hips in rotting flesh, just to force the reluctant new residents down into their shallow graves, these new corpses joining the solid humus of festering and overcrowded layers of rotting bodies below."
#booksnottobereadatthedinnertable #Hallowreads #spooktober #HalloweenHorror
I'm getting started on my #Hallowreads and I'm super excited to get to "The Halloween Tree"! #booktober ???
The problem with reading a book at work is that if I want to lay on the ground and sob until my tearducts collapse, my boss will have questions.
This book is devastating. I've read a number of reviews in which the readers had difficulty connecting to the characters, particularly Cora. This was not my experience... but then, I easily could have been Cora or Lovey or any other slave, so this felt more like a history lesson to me than fiction.