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Joined April 2016

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one. ~George R.R. Martin.
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Hello #SheSaid!

How is everyone doing this week?

Thoughts on this week‘s sections?

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MallenNC Unfortunately my library doesn‘t have this one so I‘m not able to read it this month. I will keep it on my TBR for the future. 3d
vlwelser This author is very articulate and I appreciate their perspective on this topic. Glad you found this though I have no idea what the deal was with the other book. 3d
CatLass007 I confess that I found chapter 5 confusing. Maybe it‘s a factor of my age or preconceived notions. But I don‘t understand the distinction they are making between sex and gender. However I felt chapters 6 and 7 were poignant and informative when they discuss dealing with medical professionals who have their own preconceived ideas about what it is to be transgender. (edited) 3d
willaful I was struck by the use of proprioception to talk about dysphoria, since I have had proprioception issues myself. And the discussion about the insistence on gender as *opposites*, which isn't even supported by history, is fascinating. 3d
AnneCecilie I also found chapters 6 and 7 to be eye opening. Her horse riding story made an impact on me. How when she was young she had fallen of the horse and needed several operations. Another girl was there after having her pelvis crushed after the pony she was riding fell on her. The doctor had told her parents “that horse riding was more risky than riding a motorbike” and jet young girls are encouraged to do it. But we tell young people who want 3d
AnneCecilie treatment that it‘s too dangerous. (edited) 3d
willaful @AnneCecilie Yes, that was a powerful story.

@CatLass007 I think part of the point is that “sex“ can be much murkier than people like to think.
DebinHawaii While Chapter 5 was interesting, I also found myself caught up in Chapter 6 & 7. I am impressed with the author‘s writing & how they related their stories mixed in with other experiences & the science. It makes it very readable & I‘m learning a lot. 3d
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Hello #SheSaid

I know this book substitution came suddenly, so have you found a copy, and if so, how do you feel about it so far?

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CatLass007 I am learning so much from this author. I‘m learning some of what trans people go through. I‘m learning that I have many preconceived ideas about what it means to be trans. I was in junior high when Renee Richards had what was then called a “sex change” operation. She was not a public figure, she was an ophthalmologist. Her gender didn‘t become an issue until she wanted to play professional tennis. I remember riding on the school bus, (cont)⬇️ 1w
CatLass007 listening to a girl who had decided to write a report on Dr. Richards. I don‘t remember any of what she said except for repeatedly saying “she, I mean it.” I believe she was deliberately saying “she” so that she could supposedly correct herself to say “I mean it.” I didn‘t really understand the politics and hostility felt about Dr. Richards by most of the world. I just knew that what the girl on the school bus was saying wasn‘t (cont)⬇️ 1w
CatLass007 just disrespectful it was hateful. Things haven‘t changed much in society‘s treatment of trans people. I was wondering what had happened to Renee Richards so I googled her. She retired from performing surgery at the age of 80. She is now 90 years old and doing well. 1w
willaful Ooops, I forgot to ask to get retagged. I just got it and will try to catch up. 1w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @willaful I added you already, you should have gotten tagged 1w
vlwelser They have a perspective that seems to be missing from this very interesting group of people. We have read other books by trans authors. But that may not be common. I have heard the Caitlin Jenner opinion before. As in, why do people seem to think that's their figurehead or whatever. I wouldn't want her as my spokesperson either. I totally get that. 1w
DebinHawaii Interesting & illuminating so far. I‘m learning a lot & like the author‘s writing style. 1w
AnneCecilie Like several others have already stated, I‘m learning a lot. There‘s something about seeing tings from different perspectives 1w
willaful I was struck by how the author couldn't use HRT, as a singer. I always enjoy reading less conventional transgender narratives. It's good to hear different stories.

I don't think I'd read much from a transgender perspective about Jenner before, and that was interesting.
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Hello #SheSaid!

Our replacement book for this month.

Please put in your library holds & interlibrary loans.

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CatLass007 I see my name in the tag list but I haven‘t been getting your tags lately. Is there a customer service contact that we could consult? 2w
CatLass007 Oh, but I‘m in. 2w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I don‘t know of any…and it‘s been giving me trouble posting the tag list lately too 🤷‍♀️ 2w
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I found an email address for customer service. You‘re not the only person who‘s tagged me and I didn‘t receive a notice. For some reason I got the tag above. 2w
CatLass007 What is the title of the other book we were considering? I‘m finding this book very enlightening and I would like to see if the other book is available through my library. 2w
CatLass007 Thank you. 1w
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Next up for #SheSaid….not sure…

1 week to catch up, then onto ????

Please read the comments below & discuss

willaful Remove me from the tag list for this book please. 3w
See All 27 Comments
Bookwomble In case you're not aware, Joyce is a noted transphobe who promotes "gender critical" views and has called for "a reduction in the number of trans people", which echoes some scary ideologies. https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/06/03/helen-joyce-transgender-lgbtq/ 3w
Bookwomble @willaful ♥️🏳️‍⚧️♥️ 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookwomble let me finish tagging everyone and then maybe we need to discuss an alternate… 🫠 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Read the link above everyone…there seem to be some issues with this author & book. We need to discuss! Let me know if you still want to read, skip, pick an alternate, etc. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookwomble Thank you for letting me know. 3w
Bookwomble If you want to read a book about trans people by a trans person, I'd recommend the tagged 😊 3w
Suet624 Oooh boy. I think a different author would be best. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Anyone read Before We Were Trans yet? Any good? 3w
CatLass007 I had decided I wasn‘t interested in this book because of the author. But if another book is chosen I might be interested. 3w
CatLass007 I could get behind Trans Like Me. 3w
AllDebooks Bloody hell, her comments are utterly vile and make me very uncomfortable indeed. I would not want to read or support any author with those views. Thanks for sharing @Bookwomble 3w
AllDebooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I would be happy to read either Trans like me or Before we were trans 🏳️‍⚧️ 3w
Bookwomble @AllDebooks ✊🏳️‍⚧️✊😊 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @willaful Do you want added back to an alternate book and to help us pick it out? 3w
Singout Before we Were Tran gets my vote because it‘s accessible to me and I like the spectrum of times and places it seems to cover. But, I can‘t *promise* that I will read it! 3w
willaful @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Thanks! From the reviews, I'm more interested in Trans Like Me. 3w
AnneCecilie My library has Trans Like Me so I would prefer that (edited) 3w
DebinHawaii Oh bummer. Just reading this now & I wish I hadn‘t purchased the first book on Kindle a couple weeks ago. 😩 Hopefully I can return it. That being said, Trans Like Me is available to borrow in e-book at my library, so I prefer that one. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DebinHawaii try to return it, hopefully you can. I‘m sorry. I did not realize there has been an issue with the author either. 2w
DebinHawaii @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Not your fault at all! Sometimes they just sneak in there! 2w
vlwelser And so we pivot. 😂 I missed this convo somehow. I will try to find the other book. 2w
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Hello #SheSaid! I‘m still far behind on this one, and I know a few others of you got late starts as well.

How is it going? Getting there slowly, but surely?

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vlwelser I think this was definitely worth reading even if there is nothing earth shattering or groundbreaking about it. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa There is an issue with our next book…please check out that post and let me know what you think 3w
AllDebooks I'm still behind, too. I'm fascinated by it but can only cope with reading small chunks at a time. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AllDebooks next week will be catch up week for this book for me 🤞 but I‘m having the same tiny sections is all I can do, some is real life, some is tough reading.🤷‍♀️ 3w
AllDebooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa it's the tough subject matter for me. I get very shouty at the book, and then I feel bad, as it's not the books fault. 😅 3w
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Hello #SheSaid!

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Riveted_Reader_Melissa If anyone would like added or removed from the tag list, please just let me know. 1mo
vlwelser I'm still entirely drawn into this. The history is fascinating. I think I may start to get more annoyed as we move closer to the present. Also the narrator on the audio is sort of awful. The way she pronounces things occasionally drives me up a wall. 1mo
Suet624 I‘ll have to skip this one but thank you for keeping me on your list. 1mo
kspenmoll I just got called that the library has this hold in- plan to read but will be my own pace. 1mo
staci.reads I just got my copy! I have some catching up to do! 1mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I‘m still behind, but starting to make some progress. Sorry, some unwell women in my household at the moment too…my mom had back surgery last Friday…. But I‘ll get caught up eventually. I hope everyone is learning lots and if not enjoying the topic, enjoying knowing you are not alone or imagining some of this stuff.

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TheBookHippie Seeing all the post I just put it on hold at the library! Hope things settle down by you. 1mo
CatLass007 I‘m behind also. I‘m feeling a lot of powerful emotions reading this book. Anger is at the top. It‘s good to know the history but it‘s stressful learning all of this. I‘m hoping that the author offers possible solutions to the imbalance of power that still exists in society and particularly in medicine. If that doesn‘t happen, I will feel like I‘ve wasted my time and energy on this book. 1mo
AnneCecilie I‘m also behind, but I knew pretty early on that this book was gonna make me angry and it does. Marriage and children seem to be the cure for every female malady for a long time. I read Wollstonecraft ages ago, but at had no idea that she wrote it in this climate. She was way braver than I thought 1mo
willaful I forgot all about this, being an unwell woman myself at the moment. @#$!@# covid! 1mo
MallenNC I‘m behind too (bc of the Olympics) but I thought about this book a lot while at two doctors‘ appointments this week. I don‘t feel dismissed by my doctors but I still don‘t always feel fully seen, so to speak. 1mo
DebinHawaii I read the first section but have not started the second because I wasn‘t in the mood to “rage read” this week & this book‘s subject infuriates me.🤬 That being said, it‘s good & right up your alley @TheBookHippie 1mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I‘m in rage at the medical field so should be fun 😵‍💫🤦🏻‍♀️👀 1mo
vlwelser The second section is more history stuff but we're getting closer to present day. This does actually explain a lot of things in a coherent and well researched way. There's a lot on giving birth and some of it was horrifying. 1mo
AllDebooks Wishing your mum a speedy recovery. I can not stop reading this, but I will have to as I'm at boiling point with the stupid medicine men. I just can't. I'm always fascinated by the history of medicine, but it's very rarely focused on the women before. I just need to read something light and fluffy. Does anyone know any good books on castration? 🤔😈 1mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AllDebooks 😂 yea! That‘s the ticket! I keep putting it down and am off reading Mercy Thompson 🤣. Apparently medical real life and this book have lead to for fun reading. 1mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I‘m a bit behind this week, but I hope the rest of you are enjoying our new selection. I‘ll catch up soon and meet you in the comments.

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DebinHawaii Just picked up my copy from the library yesterday so I‘ll be catching up. 1mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DebinHawaii We can catch up together 😉 1mo
CatLass007 I‘m not sure that this is a book to be enjoyed, although it is intriguing and informative. I‘ve listened to the introduction and the first two chapters. It feels like being punched in the gut. I‘m participating in the #SundayBuddyRead also and there‘s a scene in which a wealthy man threatens to have his wife committed. Same damn thing. Women had no rights and the Right Wingers in the USA want to take away the rights we‘ve fought so hard for. 1mo
vlwelser This book is so detailed and interesting. She clearly did so much research. I love it so far. As a book. Not the ridiculous treatment of women. I hate that. 1mo
MallenNC I was only able to read the first chapter after getting this from the library yesterday. I think it‘s going to be thought provoking 1mo
AnneCecilie I‘ve picked it up from the library, but haven‘t started it yet. I‘ll get back once I‘ve read this part 1mo
staci.reads I can't even begin to list the stories in the 1st five chapters that were most appalling! Too many to recount! But the story of Anne Green, who survived being hanged, stomped on, and nearly autopsied after burying her stillborn fetus, and the stories of Anarcha, Betsy, and Lucy, enslaved girls who were horrifically experimented on, were a gut punch. ⬇️ 3w
staci.reads I so appreciate this author documenting their experiences with names, dates, and facts. It takes these things that, in abstract, I knew happened and humanizes these women. 3w
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Up next for #SheSaid!

Put in your library holds & interlibrary loans!

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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Interesting to me #SheSaid that Poseidon is listed as her Consort …since NO myth version I‘ve heard or read refer to their union as consensual or ongoing. Also interesting that on her death she birthed two children of that “Union” 🙄. 1 being Pegasus! Everyone‘s favorite winged horse!

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KathyWheeler I haven‘t ever heard a story that described their union as consensual either. I wonder why Haynes chose to leave out Medusa‘s children though. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KathyWheeler I think that‘s some good white washing euphemism… I thought of googling some others Zeus “visited” 🙄. I guess the children part might be confusing as the burst out of her blood when she was beheaded 🤷‍♀️ 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Not Medusa‘s story per say, a different story 2mo
Julsmarshall Consort 🤨🙄😝 2mo
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Hello #SheSaid!

I‘m not going to lie…even though I knew the myth and how it was all going to end, I felt let down at the end anyway….which I guess means the author did a really great job 😜

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Karisa Yes! It was so sad the ending for Medusa especially. Even though the myth is set in stone, the author managed to make me hope for better for her too. I didn‘t realize we‘d still have her point of view after her demise—creative and so morbid. It was brilliant! I was surprised by how Athena was portrayed too. I‘ve never thought of her so negatively. Need to pick a new favorite Greek goddess after reading this… (edited) 2mo
KathyWheeler I was really hoping we‘d get a new ending for Medusa, even though I knew we wouldn‘t. I loved the way we continued to hear from her though. 2mo
willaful To quote “Hadestown“:

It‘s a sad song
It‘s a sad tale, it‘s a tragedy
It‘s a sad song
But we sing it anyway

Cause, here‘s the thing:
To know how it ends
And still begin to sing it again
As if it might turn out this time
I learned that from a friend of mine
MallenNC I felt sad too. I really liked how she reframed it to show Medusa was not the monster of the story, but the ending was still hard. I‘m going to read more of the author‘s work for sure. I‘ve had A Thousand Ships on my TBR forever. 2mo
DebinHawaii I‘m so glad I finally read this even with the sad ending still happening. I liked the way it was told. & like as @MallenNC said, the framing of Medusa not being the monster. I will read more from Haynes. 2mo
vlwelser She proves that every story has a different point of view depending on the narrator. I'm giving it a pick for sure. Athene sort of gets her just deserts at the end. Serves her right. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @willaful that‘s great! 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser I loved that at the end she was almost confused by her own curse, and hurt by it…because it turned someone she cared about into stone too 2mo
Julsmarshall Just finished this and I echo everyone‘s thoughts. I will think about this for a while. So well done! 2mo
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Karisa I‘m enjoying this quite a bit. Feels like it is going by so fast. It has me wanting to look up more about Medusa and the Gorgons because this retelling is so different than the one I know. I love the spin on Perseus, too funny. I‘m listening on audiobook because I love hearing this author narrate. She puts so much life into her characters! Her book A Thousand Ships is amazing too. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Karisa I just picked up her Pandora‘s Jar to get a bit more backstory. It was on kindle unlimited for free reading, and is supposed to be non-fiction. Apparently many of the myths we learned are watered down versions of the originals that were more female centric, reducing them to side characters and wives. So I thought I‘d check it out. It wouldn‘t surprise me though, we know there is a world of difference between other myths through the⤵️ 2mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ the ages from say Grims Tales or Hans Christian Anderson to Disney (edited) 2mo
vlwelser Perseus is such a tool. But I think that's the point. The one whose story I don't know is actually Andromeda and I'm still curious there. I love the writing in this, the random side character perspectives, the latest being the snakes. 2mo
vlwelser I need to look up Pandora's Jar and give it a listen. But my queue is absurd rn. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa …actually Litsy has it listed as Fiction too. 🤷‍♀️ we will see 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I see the second half of the tag list never posted…. Let me try again… 2mo
MallenNC @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I also got Pandora‘s Jar from my library to read once we‘re done with this one. 2mo
MallenNC I really like the writing of this retelling. I am excited to finish it but I‘ll also be a little sad to be done. I‘m already feeling sad for Medusa. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ok then…be that way 😂 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC anyway…after a posting snafu…I feel bad for her too, and if you know the myth at all you know it‘s not a happy ending for her…which makes it worse 🫤 2mo
MallenNC @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes knowing how it ends has given a sense of dread throughout as I‘m reading the book. It shows how much a difference providing POV makes bc I don‘t remember thinking much about Medusa at all when reading the myth in school 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa So the work of a good author ✍️ 2mo
KathyWheeler I never thought much about Medusa while I was learning about Greek mythology or watching Clash of the Titans. This book made me think about her. 2mo
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This looks good, putting it here so I hopefully remember to add it to #SheSaid the next time we vote to add books!

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you doing this weekend?

Thoughts on this week‘s section?

See you in the comments!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m really liking this…and the asides from some characters are really great. It is not only a great way to piece together parts of the story, but those asides I find amusing….and they tie together the mythology so much better from individual stories to a whole narrative. 2mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa “There are 50 of us, and you don‘t know our names…can‘t you count to 50” 😂 (edited) 2mo
vlwelser I just finished this section. And not a whole heck of a lot happened but it seems like it's setting up the plot to carry forward. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser yes, setting up all the players on their paths with what they need before they intersect. 2mo
vlwelser That nonsense with the nymphs was quite comical. I do enjoy the way this was written. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser Yes, I think she is doing a good job weaving together both the comical parts, and dark parts into a cohesive story. The Crow was good too and I enjoyed the Nereid, Unnamed and her anger, plus the asides on how Perseus treated different groups he meet, and how stupid the gods guiding him think of him (any mortal really). They are just oblivious to anything not important to them. Gaia, that was some unexpected twist I did not ⤵️ 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ Remember…hey, this god assaulted you. Let me give you his child to care for. 🫤 (edited) 2mo
KathyWheeler @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yeah, I didn‘t remember that either. And then to learn Poseidon set up that whole proposal?! I loved the section with Perseus and the Hesperides. 2mo
MallenNC I just got caught up with this section. I am really enjoying her style, and how approachable the writing is (edited) 2mo
40 likes11 comments
Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you all doing this week?

Liking the new book, it‘s a definitely a shift from our last book and normal non-fiction, but I‘m enjoying it…I‘ve always liked mythology, so for me it‘s a fun read. I was hoping for more of a Circe-type deep dive, but we are still at the beginning.

See you in the comments!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa It also reminds me that Greek mythology is basically all 1 big trigger warning for women. 2mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa But I like how she is handling those parts without ignoring them or breezing over them 2mo
MallenNC I don‘t remember a lot from studying Greek myths in school but I remember the basics of this story. I like how she is telling it, especially as it gets further into the narrative. It‘s doing a good job of making the reader consider who the monsters really are in these stories. (edited) 2mo
DGRachel I really love how Haynes writes. I appreciate that while she has hit on some of the horrible things, she didn‘t dwell on it or go into detail. 2mo
vlwelser This book is so girl power and I love how she keeps calling out Zeus and the other dudes for being very rapey. And how they point out that Perseus is only a hero from one perspective. I mean he does go cut off Medusa's head. Poor Medusa. 2mo
MallenNC @vlwelser I loved that chapter where she said “I bet you feel sorry for poor little Perseus” and then proceeds to destroy that idea. 2mo
KathyWheeler @MallenNC That‘s my favorite chapter so far! I just love the way it‘s told. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC & @KathyWheeler Yes, loved that part. Normal hero myth, nope! Let me tell you the real story 😂 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DGRachel Exactly. They can be hard to retell just because of all the violence, but I also like that she is confronting it, but not dwelling, not just sweeping it under the rug. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser I also liked that she is “humanizing” Hera a bit. Who is usually just jealous vindictive to all of her husband‘s bastard children. But they point out, she can‘t get revenge against him, so that‘s all she can do. Meanwhile how little Zeus cares.. ‘remember that girl you liked…which one…the one locked in a prison…ummm…the one you turned into rain to sleep with…oh yea, she was nice and lonely….she going to die.. oh…and your son….‘ ⤵️ 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ Hera thinks he cares, the woman sometimes thinks he cares and is watching over the kids, his new goddess daughter thinks he cares. Meanwhile he doesn‘t think about any of them, totally oblivious. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am waiting for Athena to grow up a bit. She‘s so young and needy yet here as a newborn goddess, I‘m waiting for her to grow into that wisdom bit. 2mo
vlwelser He doesn't care even a tiny bit. He barely remembers any of them. They have to tell him a story with himself as the main character before he even remembers. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser yes! Exactly! 😂 2mo
KathyWheeler @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think I forget about the newborn aspect of Athena. I hope she does grow into that wisdom. Right now, she‘s a brat. 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KathyWheeler yes she is, guess they needed to find a reason for the curse from a wisdom Goddess 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Maybe the idea is, they are all brats, no matter their qualities. Plus someone once told me a different version of Medusa, maybe not so much a curse as a gift so no one could touch her again if she didn‘t want them too. Curious to see how this one spins it 2mo
CatLass007 Last month I participated in the #LiteraryCrew buddy read of the author‘s A Thousand Ships, which I believe was excellent. It deals with the after effects of the Trojan War from the female perspective. Stone Blind also focuses on the perspectives of female characters and characters that are neither human nor Olympian, but something else entirely. I‘ve finished the book so I‘m making every effort to not spoil anything. Such a good book! 2mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I‘m so glad you liked it! But yes, don‘t tell us… I‘m trying so hard not to read ahead with this one. 2mo
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have read several retellings of myths in the last couple of years. The two by Natalie Haynes have to be my favorites. 2mo
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Up Next #SheSaid!

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DGRachel Would you add me? I‘ve had this book on my shelf for a while and I‘d love to read it with a group. 3mo
Karisa 🎉 I just finished her novel Thousand Ships and loved it. Can‘t wait to jump into this one. I‘m going with the audiobook because the author narrates them wonderfully! Hope my loan comes in in time 🤞 3mo
CatLass007 Can‘t wait to get started with this. 3mo
MallenNC I just got this so I‘m ready to start! 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DGRachel yes, I can! welcome! 3mo
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Up Next for #SheSaid

Pick up your library book and put in your interlibrary loans!

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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid!

What a different essay to wrap up the book!

Let me know what you thought of this last one and the book as a whole. See you in the comments!

CatLass007 I thought the final essay was very enlightening. I am disabled and have several “invisible” illnesses. Sarah Polley‘s mention of people believing she was “malingering” sounded very familiar. 3mo
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vlwelser This last essay was great even if it maybe didn't fit exactly with the others. That treatment plan was something else and also that it worked. I loved this entire book. 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 me too! And yes, so YES! From the time I was little other kids accused me of putting it on for attention, with no idea how I wanted to be able to just run with the rest of them unnoticed. People are crazy and so quick to out any otherness. 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser it didn‘t fit exactly, but yet…it did, that running towards the danger was the theme of most of the book. So it seemed off from the rest, yet essential. 3mo
vlwelser As always she kind of just does her thing. She doesn't actually need a theme. This last essay actually made me worry about her wellbeing. The other essays were more retrospective. 3mo
MallenNC I really liked the last one. A lot stood out to me, from the randomness of her injury to all the contradictory advice and treatment she got, and how she was treated by others. The doctor in the US was so interesting too. Overall I really liked this book and am glad we read it! I wouldn‘t have otherwise bc I hadn‘t heard of it. 3mo
DebinHawaii I agree, although it was different than the others I liked how it brought us full circle with the title of the book & found it really interesting as well. I enjoyed this book & I‘m glad it was a pick. Like @MallenNC I probably wouldn‘t have come across it on my own. 3mo
Singout What @CatLass007 said, as per my earlier post. I can really resonate with her stories of multiple doctors/theories and am glad she found what she needed even if it seemed a bit strange. I‘m going to share this with others who struggle with similar situations, although each is different. It‘s important to put these stories out there, especially from a respected voice. I also appreciated what she said about grounding herself in family. 3mo
KathyWheeler The last essay was interesting and also pointed out the failure of many medical systems. She could afford to spend that money to go outside of Canada to get treatment that worked for her, and I‘m glad for her that she could. How many others would be able to do the same? 3mo
AnneCecilie For me the last essay brought the collection full circle and explained the title. It‘s amazing how what appear to be a small accident can cause so much trouble and over so many years. I had no idea who Sarah Polley before reading this collection and I never would have gotten to this on my own. So happy to have read it with this group 3mo
Suet624 That last essay was amazing. I can‘t imagine living that way for years. Thank you for bringing this book to us to read. It was great. 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m so glad you all enjoyed it. I had never heard of it before either…so thank you whoever recommended it. 3mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid!

How is everyone doing this weekend?

Is everyone starting to catch up?

MallenNC For once I am caught up! I enjoyed this essay about how her early career impacts her motherhood and her return to a place that had been a challenge during her child star days. 3mo
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vlwelser Every essay makes me love her even more. She's very self aware. I'm sad to be finishing. She's so fierce and I think she's a great role model. Her voice is powerful and she uses it. 3mo
MallenNC @vlwelser I wasn‘t really familiar with her before this book. I remember her at the Oscars, I think! I‘m going to look up more of her work when we‘re done with the book. 3mo
vlwelser @MallenNC start with Women Talking. That's what she got the Oscar for. But Dawn of the Dead is pretty epic. She did a lot of indie stuff also. 3mo
Singout I‘m caught up too! I found this thoughtful: tensions between her memories and her current life, and the the way she could lay down what had been expected of her for such a long time. I loved the Anne Green Gables books when I was a kid and that was definitely a huge pilgrimage when I was seven, and my kid sister was addicted to the TV series, so I can relate to those girls! Interesting to see her point of view on it. 3mo
Julsmarshall Her perspective is so thoughtful and raw. I love her thoughts around being a child actor and the layered feelings around it. Such a brilliant voice! 3mo
MallenNC @vlwelser Thanks! I will start there then. I‘m looking forward to it. 3mo
vlwelser @Singout I definitely stopped watching the show quite so religiously after they wrote her out of it. She was really my fav. I still adore her. Total fangirl. I have no idea who suggested this book. I listened to the audio which she reads. 3mo
DebinHawaii I‘m caught up too. As others have said, I‘m enjoying her perspectives on being a child star & dealing with celebrity. She is very insightful & each essay draws me in. 3mo
Singout @vlwelser I suggested the book! It‘s been on my TBR list for a while. (edited) 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really like the way she explores in multiple essays the way she remembers things happening as a child, doubts her own memories of the event….it wasn‘t that bad, right?…not that severe, right?…all her imagination embellishing & over exaggerated, right? ….if it had been that bad others would have intervened or said something, so it couldn‘t have been…. But each time she turns to face it and really revisit it, instead of downplaying it and ⤵️ 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ and doubting herself….she usually finds she was not imagining it or overblowing it. It was real and happened. Hers is often about being a child star, so she has the benefit of there being some news clips, footage to verify some of it, but I think it‘s very useful to anyone with any childhood trauma. ⤵️ (edited) 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Because “the adults” don‘t want to feel badly, they are fine with downplaying your childhood experiences, it absolves them too if it wasn‘t “that bad” “didn‘t happen that way” “you are overblowing it”, etc. but for me the message is, children are not stupid, they know, and their feelings are real & valid and society does them a huge disservice by minimizing their thoughts & experiences. 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa In many ways our current society still has a long way to go in the children‘s rights area. They are still second class citizens whose lives are dictated by their parents or guardians, with little say themselves or recourse if things are not ok. 3mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid! Sorry for the very late post this weekend! How are you all doing with the book and this week‘s essay?

Happy Father‘s Day to the Dads in the US today too (and elsewhere even if your Father‘s Day is not today 😉)

vlwelser This essay about basically putting young children in danger for art was sort of mind blowing. I think that's actually what this book is known for. Or why it got a lot of attention. Aside from Sarah Polley being a unicorn. 3mo
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MallenNC This essay about how unprotected she was making that movie was sad. She did a good job unpacking the different layers of blame she had for her parents and the filmmakers. 3mo
KathyWheeler What got to me was how long it took her to place any blame on the director! Children clearly need more stringent rules in place to protect them. I was shocked at what she was put through. 3mo
Singout I‘m late to the game, even though I think I nominated the book! I‘ve found all these essays powerful: this one really unpacks a lot of layers, as others have said. She does a really good job of articulating the tensions between her needs and fears as a child actor, the trauma caused by uncertainty and pressure with her parental relationships, and feeling both exploited and charmed by Gilliam. I‘ve never seen the movie but I am now intrigued. 3mo
Julsmarshall I‘m behind, my hold on the #audio just came in but I‘m already on the second chapter. What a heartbreaking story and powerful voice. With her directorial chops, I‘m not surprised that she is such a great writer. 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KathyWheeler I think because at that age you think of your parents as still all knowing and god-like beings that protect and care for you. So any danger that comes is their mistake. It takes the growing up to a certain age, where you realize they are just human too and make the same human mistakes as anyone else, that more comes in. Most kids hit that in the teens, that‘s why they become rebellious and do not take everything you say ⤵️ (edited) 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa To heart anymore, because you don‘t really “know” anything. But for our author, that normal growing up pattern through different age groups is all over the place, which she mentions in here, no boundaries as a child, and moving out while still so young. So I‘m not surprised it took here awhile to get there 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really liked the accountability of everyone at the end…. The white, male, mad-geniuses are permitted to risk everyone for “the art” but that would not be tolerated by other directors/artists. I also like that the other mad genius Robin Williams who is just mentioned briefly, but in a completely different and caring way… just showed it didn‘t have to be that way. 3mo
KathyWheeler @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I agree with everything you just said. 3mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid! I hope you are having a good weekend so far!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa So far I‘m liking her writing style, it loops sometimes and goes on tangents, but they somehow always loop back & reconnect. I thought the last 2 essays, the ones in this section were very good. 3mo
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vlwelser I think she's a great story teller. Even if she didn't finish high school. Both of these essays are very impactful. She tells what these experiences are like as experienced rather than observed. I think that's powerful. 3mo
MallenNC I think she‘s a good storyteller too. I liked both of the essays in this section especially how honest she was about why she didn‘t initially share her “Me too” experience. I was thinking how many of the books we‘ve read together include sexual assault. It‘s an indication of how common an experience it is, but her story shows why it‘s still hard to talk about. 3mo
KathyWheeler I really liked how she talked about why she didn‘t come forward about her assault. I think so many victims don‘t for many of the same reasons, yet practically the first question asked when people do come forward is, “Why didn‘t you report it right away?” Umm — because I didn‘t want to be assaulted again by the “justice” system. (edited) 3mo
CatLass007 She is a fine storyteller. I have learned a lot from this book and another book I just finished, Elyn Saks‘s The Center Cannot Hold, how poorly women are treated in the healthcare system and it‘s not just in the US, it‘s in Canada. Polley‘s mother was labeled a “hypochondriac.” Saks was written off as a woman with a mental illness. Polley‘s mother died of cancer. Saks had a brain bleed. Drs take men‘s health complaints more seriously than women‘s. 3mo
CatLass007 I have to add that I have been blessed to never have been sexually assaulted or harassed. I often wondered why women waited years to come forward about their horrific experiences. Anita Hill only came forward when Clarence Thomas was nominated for the Supreme Court. She may have had some idea of how she would be treated. Growing up with two Republican parents, I was often much further to the left than either could imagine. But we all (cont)⬇️ 3mo
CatLass007 believed her. When the #MeToo era arrived I didn‘t have much difficulty believing that these women had been sexually assaulted. It did take me a long time to wrap my head around the idea that the Jell-O Pudding, Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable, America‘s dad, Bill Cosby could have done the things of which he was accused. Phylicia Rashad portrayed his wife in two different series and she‘d never had any trouble. In fact, she was a vocal (cont)⬇️ 3mo
CatLass007 supporter. It wasn‘t until I watched a documentary miniseries on Prime Video that I came to realize that there were plenty of reasons not to come forward against Cosby or any other man. The courage it takes for women to come forward about their sexual assault, whether the perpetrator is famous or not, is astounding. I have so much respect for each and every one of them. 3mo
AnneCecilie Both these essays were powerful. It was heartbreaking reading about how victims of sexual assault aren‘t the “ideal” victims because they sometimes take a long time to come forward, don‘t have a straight memory of the events and some may even have interacted with their assaulter afterwards. And it‘s hard to read about how lawyers she knew didn‘t want her to come forward because they knew how she would be treated, really an indicator of that (edited) 3mo
AnneCecilie something has to change. I thought I would be safe in the other one since it‘s about having kids and I don‘t have any and never wanted any, but the pages after the birth had me constantly crying. I was a mess. (edited) 3mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid!

This book started out with a very strong essay. How did you feel about it? Plus I learned a whole lot about Lewis Carroll that I wish I didn‘t know 🫣. See you in the comments ⤵️

MallenNC I wasn‘t really familiar with Sarah Polley before this, so reading that essay without any preconceptions was interesting. Her dad definitely made me uncomfortable, much like the Lewis Carroll references. I‘d heard a little about his relationship with the real Alice before but not so specifically. 4mo
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vlwelser I love Sarah Polley. I grew up on the Canadian border, in rural NY, so my TV options were not vast. She's in this LM Montgomery adaptation that I cannot currently remember the name of, that I was obsessed with. In addition to Road to Avonlea. The Lewis Carroll stuff is creepy and also that it parallels her father's behavior. 4mo
vlwelser I had to look it up it's a tv adaptation of this random LM Montgomery novel 4mo
DebinHawaii I knew her a little from Road to Avonlea & a movie she did called My Life Without Me but I didn‘t know anything about her personal life. Yes, the Lewis Carroll thing continues to disturb but the stuff with her father really creeped me out.🤢 4mo
staci.reads I just finished the first essay, and I'm having a hard time with this one. I'm not connecting with the author at all. I'm finding her irritating. No doubt it's a me problem right now, but I'm trying to decide whether to continue with this book or put it aside. 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @staci.reads Not every book is for every one. It took me forever to learn that one. If you want to try 1 more essay, go for it….but if not, do not be afraid to call it for yourself and move onto something else. Life is too short if you are not enjoying it right now. (edited) 3mo
AnneCecilie I hadn‘t heard about Sarah Polley before, but I recognized the movie referenced on the cover (Women Talking, it seem this one). Both Lewis Carroll and her dad mad me uncomfortable. But I think I was more sad for the girl that had to grow up to fast, she moved out at 14 and take care of herself and how bad her stage fright became that she used a 10 hr back surgery to get out of the play 3mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid

Next up for June! Pick up your library holds, interlibrary loans, or pick this one up on kindle (currently only 4.99 in the US).

Suet624 I've been wanting to read this for ages - unfortunately none of my libraries has it and I don't read on a Kindle but I was able to find a copy on BetterWorldBooks! So I'm in! 4mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Suet624 That‘s great! I was waiting on a library hold and just caved today and bought the ebook kindle version 😂 4mo
willaful I'm going to skip this one. Busy month. 4mo
MallenNC My library has this so I am hoping my hold comes in soon. 4mo
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Hello #SheSaid! How are you this weekend? Long weekend if you are in the US.

I‘m still behind with the sections on this one, but it‘s very good, and for me at least, taking my time with it is helping me absorb more I think.

I hope you are all getting things from it too. Please let me know how you are making out with this month‘s selection.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa First, my apologies for being perpetually behind lately. Second I am getting a lot from this book as she gets past the obsessively following her double and into the Mirror World itself and how different groups have managed to find common cause and how strategists have steered the group. 4mo
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vlwelser I really got a lot from this book and I am very glad that I read it. I found the chapter on Palestine especially insightful 4mo
KathyWheeler I‘m really behind too, but I like it, so I will finish it. 4mo
MallenNC I‘m not quite finished yet either but I‘m hoping to finish this week. The material is a lot more dense than I expected so it isn‘t a fast read. But it is giving a lot to think about. 4mo
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On Rereading | Patricia Meyer Spacks
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I have reread series before the next book release, or books that have been on my mind, or books that had messages I felt the need to revisit.

The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter both rank high.

Others include The Handmaid‘s Tale.

This year Wild by Cheryl Strayed is on my to reread list.

Rereading at different ages & life stages often makes different parts of the story stand out & come into focus differently I find.


ChaoticMissAdventures I agree! I think reading a book at different life stages can make it a whole different experience. You get something vastly different out of The Handmaid's Tale when you are younger and have all your rights then when you read it older and watching those rights disappearing. 4mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ChaoticMissAdventures Definitely, on that one! Although I‘m finding the ruling by fear in both LOTR & Potter and watching everyone cave because you might mean tweet about them if they do not toe the line also very topical lately 🙄 sadly. All 3 good looks at turning away and ignoring creeping hate/malevolence and giving it more power in the process. 4mo
BookmarkTavern Excellent choices! Thanks for sharing! 4mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I‘m still behind 😬 in Part 2 yet. I did splurge for the audiobook, so I‘m hoping that helps me to make up some ground. How is it going for everyone else?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa My thoughts so far, is this is one we should all read… I think it is going to be essential reading for how to talk about this weird fractured time we are all living through. Even her beginning disbelief at the confusion, to obsession with what is the flip side doing now (Nicole Wallace of Dateline Whitehouse calls it Earth 2), but doppelgänger society works too. To trying to root out the whys & how‘s of it all. It‘s so important and yet I find⤵️ (edited) 4mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ myself taking long breaks between sections. Maybe because it is important but tough to deep dive into too. (edited) 4mo
AnneCecilie What made the biggest impression on me in this part was the treatment of children with autism. Autism Warrior Parents at war with the autism in their child and what they were willing to do to “cure” their kid. Some of these parents will blame the vaccines for the autism in their kids. Reading some of this was hard 4mo
AnneCecilie And when Naomi Wolf compared herself to Rosa Parks for refusing to wear a masks both to a coffee shop and to the waiting area at Grand Central Station and getting away with it. I get provoked when she compares situation during Covid to Jim Crow laws and to Jews during Nazi Germany. 4mo
vlwelser Wolf acts like a 'Karen' and then reacts like people shouldn't be giving her a wide berth. I think contrasting actual protests and other thoughtful acts against these other things is very powerful. She has a way of making these people seem extra crazy. Like with that trucker demonstration in Ottawa. Vs that thoughtful act in BC that showed solidarity and whatnot with the indigenous families. 4mo
vlwelser The worst thing about Wolf is she wants attention and she's getting it for herself. Maybe there's a list of things I dislike about Wolf but this is high on the list. 4mo
MallenNC I‘m a little behind too. This is so interesting to me but it‘s not a fast read. I‘m hoping to catch up this week. It‘s got so many examples of how people have come to believe in a whole different reality so it‘s hard to take in at one time. Scary and frustrating. 4mo
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Hello #SheSaid, & hello to all the Mothers out there on today, the US‘s Mother‘s Day! You are all doing a great job in this crazy hectic world we live in, keep up the good work and make time for yourself too!

Ok…back to the book…. I am struggling with this one and way behind. How is everyone else doing? It‘s fascinating & yet with our fractured society a bit too much of real life at the same time. We all have relatives that have fallen ⤵️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ fallen down the rabbit hole….and it is not the fun playful one of Alice. So I think my struggle is more, it‘s bad stuff I don‘t want to dredge up again 😂. Her struggles are to much like struggles with some of my actual loved ones…the how can you possibly believe X conversations. At least I have not been confused with them I guess. (edited) 4mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa I used to think “they” will all need some cult de-programming in the future, but we may all need some PTSD treatment. The constantly dealing with the ‘no, you do not know what you know‘, the doubts, pushback, the questioning of self…is it me or her that has the real problem. One of us is obviously bonkers, since there is no middle, and since you and all your friends agree…must be me. That the numbers online outweigh so must be “right”. ⤵️ 4mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ hard to remember Critical Thinking skills and that numbers repeating the same thing (or repeating it louder or more often) does not make it true. This looking glass of our society is so fractured. 4mo
CatLass007 Your words are very insightful. I chose to skip this month‘s selection because I didn‘t want to be in the space in which you now find yourself. The woman was a con artist who cost people a lot of money and caused those same people so much pain. If this had been a work of fiction I might have found it to be entertaining. It‘s a memoir/true crime book and I don‘t enjoy true crime. 4mo
vlwelser I really appreciate the fact that we're all silenced by this. We don't want to seem crazy. They stole the words we want to use. It was maddening enough that she wrote a whole book. I feel a little bad that she has to deal with this. At least they only share a first name really. But I cannot imagine being swept along by this particular crazy train. 4mo
MallenNC I‘m not quite finished with this section but it‘s interesting to me how the author is portraying her own almost obsession with N. Wolfe. I also keep thinking about whether N. Wolfe really believes the ideas she‘s selling these days or if she‘s just an opportunist. That‘s one reason misinformation is so hard to fight — unclear/bad faith motivations. 4mo
KathyWheeler While I‘ve found this book interesting, I am having a hard time with it because of the ideas she‘s discussing. I haven‘t finished this part yet. 4mo
willaful @MallenNC One of the things I learned from the book is how much is to be gained from going over to the dark side... not even necessary just financially, but in praise and affirmations. This is why once people start down that path, they tend to keep going. Once they feel rejected, they'll find what they need elsewhere and convince themselves it's true.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m finding that as much as I did not feel isolated by Covid or quarantines or social distancing (natural introvert I guess), I obviously did feel isolated in my own thoughts and feelings once the disinformation really got going. And the fact that so many still seem so inthralled in all of the big lies. 4mo
MallenNC @willaful Sadly, there are definitely a lot of advantages, both monetary and attention, in selling conspiracies and hatefulness. 4mo
AnneCecilie I learned of a lot of far out theories in this part that I‘ve never heard about. There‘s a Finnish former teacher that occasionally writes a chronicle in one of the big national newspapers and one of her big complaints is that Norwegian are like sheep all moving in the same direction. When it comes to times like the pandemic I must say that I‘m glad about that. I just check and more than 90% of Norwegians have taken two shots of the vaccine. 4mo
AnneCecilie And I‘m glad I never come across this thinking before, the tyranny of vaccine passports and slavery forever. Have they forgotten what slavery is? At the same time it scares me that som many people out there is buying this and they are creating The Mirror World that Klein talks about 4mo
AnneCecilie I never thought about that @MallenNC and you might be in to something that she‘s “just” an opportunist. 4mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

My book was a bit late in arriving so I‘m just at the end of chapter 1. But the Intro really has me interested to read more. Please feel free to start discussing below… I‘ll join in soon. I‘m very curious at how deep we will get into our fractured body politic… see you in the comments.

Deblovestoread Please add me. I‘ll jump in as soon as my copy arrives and I get caught up. 4mo
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vlwelser I was a little concerned about where she was going when I was reading the intro. After keeping her mouth shut for so long about other (unhinged) Naomi, it seemed like this might go down a bad path. 4mo
vlwelser It seems to be getting interesting though and I'm looking forward to reading part II. 4mo
MallenNC I have the last chapter of part one still to read but I‘m really interested in the story. I realized as i was reading that I also had mixed up which Naomi was which. I have a lot of sympathy for her bc being mixed up with someone in such a public way has to be difficult. 4mo
KathyWheeler @MallenNC I have mixed them up multiple times. So often that I keep looking up The Beauty Myth to be sure which Noami I really mean. I felt bad for Klein because it has to be frustrating to be accused of saying something you didn‘t say. 4mo
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Next up for #SheSaid!

Put in your library holds and interlibrary loans!

vlwelser This one is so new. I'm on the waitlist. Hopefully it comes through at least before the end of the month. 5mo
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Deblovestoread I just ordered this from Book Outlet. Would love to join for May. 5mo
willaful I've already read it, though you can keep me on the list to see what people have to say. 5mo
MallenNC I‘m looking forward to reading this one! 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser This is one of those times where I just decided to buy it. Which I almost never do anymore. I‘ve been much better at using my library and online library resources. 5mo
DebinHawaii I think I fell off the list but would love to be back on. I couldn‘t get my library hold in but I used a credit for the audiobook today. 4mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DebinHawaii let me know if you got tagged in the new post. Your name is in the tag list, but maybe something isn‘t going through properly (edited) 4mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

We have reached the end of another book! I got a lot from this one, I hope you did too. Let me know what you thought about the last section and the book as a whole. See you in the comments

CatLass007 I wish there were solutions for this crime against our fellow human beings. But all the Black Lives Matter marches and other protests won‘t change people‘s hearts. This and other books are good at stirring the emotions. But what are the answers? 5mo
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vlwelser I got so much from this book. This writer is amazing. The last part was so sad. All those young people that were basically murdered for absolutely no reason and no repercussions to the people that did it. 5mo
MallenNC I‘m glad to have read this with our group. It was sad and frustrating to read knowing that this amendment that some people think is so infallible was so flawed from the very start, purposefully and for racist reasons. It‘s another book that I think those who really need to read it never will. 5mo
willaful I think it's so important for this knowledge to be told and shared. And of course a lot of people are trying very hard to supress it. 🤬 5mo
willaful @MallenNC “It‘s another book that I think those who really need to read it never will.“ Ugh, painfully true. 5mo
DebinHawaii I missed last week‘s discussion but I was impressed by the book overall & learned a lot. Frustrating & heartbreaking. Sadly, not only do I think the people who need to read it won‘t, I also think even if they did, it wouldn‘t change their minds at this point. 🤬😖😥 Thank you for picking it & hosting. 5mo
Bookwormjillk I just finished. This was a tough book to read, but I‘m glad I did. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. 5mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

Anyone else finish this part just infuriated…

I did!

Plus, I left feeling like 90% of the problems we have today are because we were not strong enough to deal with 💩 the first time. 😱🤯

MallenNC Yes. I know it is important to know real history but it‘s horrible and infuriating to read about. I think about how different things might be today if Reconstruction had not been actively sabotaged. 5mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC Yes. If they had won the war and followed through we everything in reconstruction… a different world we would be in. 5mo
vlwelser @MallenNC I definitely agree. All that stuff about Johnson blocking everything burned my butter. What a waste of a president that guy was. And to think he was Lincoln's vp and didn't align with what we assume Lincoln might have done is extra annoying. 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC but as infuriating as it is to read, I do truly believe that old saying, that not knowing history and doomed to repeat it. It‘s the white-washing and refusal to teach and learn about it that is leading to us making the same mistakes over & over. (edited) 5mo
CatLass007 I vacillated between fury and sorrow. I had to take a break to listen to a different audiobook for a bit to get me out of my funk. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC It‘s not just that we were too cowardly to fix 💩 the first time. It‘s not just about Reconstruction being sabotaged. It‘s about ALL the times we were cowardly and ALL the times progress was sabotaged. We only have to look as recently as the Charlottesville violence. We only (cont)⬇️ 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser yes, you know those old sci-fi time travel axiom, about going back in time to “kill Hitler” or whatever, feels like maybe it should be to “save Lincoln”. 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 yes! The Supreme Court abd the Klan decision 🤬. I can totally see our current Supreme Court making some decisions just like that. 5mo
vlwelser 😂 or get rid of Johnson. But I like this premise. 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I put it down for awhile in the middle and started reading Cultish 😂 5mo
CatLass007 have to look as recently as the January 6th insurrection. We only have to look as recently as the book bans that keep occurring. I don‘t know what the answer is. Most people are always going to hate and fear those who are different. Most people need to feel superior to someone else. Most people are completely unwilling to give up their power. I know this book is about the Second Amendment and how it has negatively affected Black (cont)⬇️ 5mo
CatLass007 Americans, but prejudice of all kinds runs rampant in this country and the world. 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 Yes, she is writing specifically about the American 2nd Amendment and our issues with race. But I‘m pretty sure if you read histories of any other country that had colonialism or slavery in their history and find similar….it was and is white-supremacy, which is what European‘s decided gave them the “right” to colonize other countries, because they “knew better” what was “best”. They were “smarter” “more evolved” than “heathens” ⤵️ 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ it was the justification for whatever they did to others to make it ok in their own minds to treat them sub-humanly. 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa And because they did do horrible things… to get land, labor, whatever…. They needed that justification legally and needed to believe it mentally to make what they were doing ok. But we have not rooted out that thinking yet….i think it is more entrenched in the US than many other places. Probably because we kept slavery longer than other countries, used imperialism after the original European countries were transitioning out of it, and then ⤵️ (edited) 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ doubled-down with Jim Crow, to basically reinforce it, and every time we get rid of one , like slavery to Jim Crow to Mass Incarceration to police brutality….we never really just say outright no, so it festers on in a new way and new form. (edited) 5mo
CatLass007 @vlwelser I have many relatives who believe things would be better if the South had been permitted to secede and if Lincoln hadn‘t “interfered.” @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I agree. The fanatics who distort the teachings of the Bible to support their belief in white supremacy are the ones who are the worst. 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think that the problem is all our white-washing and refusal to learn the real history and confront it. Where places like Germany after Nazi‘s or South Africa after Apartheid had major reckonings and really cracked down on those still spouting old ideas, our history as evidenced here is placate the old beliefs, and protect those still espousing those ideas “for peace” over those that have been wronged. 5mo
vlwelser @CatLass007 my aunt was born on an army base in MS and is always horrified when we all suggest we let them go, but this would have solved this problem entirely. She'd still be a citizen. 5mo
Susanita She was a guest on the Now & Then podcast. It was a powerful episode. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/now-then/id1567665859?i=1000569632405 5mo
willaful This chapter was just devastating. And we're definitely doomed to repeat. I think probably the people who know this history the best are those trying to undo every positive change that has been laboriously made. 😡 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Susanita Thank you, I‘ll check it out 5mo
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Hello #SheSaid

How are you all this weekend? Still learning a lot from the book. I‘m a bit behind this week, so please start discussing without me, I‘ll check in later (hopefully today).

vlwelser I'm really loving this history lesson that she has delved into. I never tied all of these things together. It was taught in school like a bunch of disjointed facts. The writing is very accessible. And I don't feel bored by it. Magic. 5mo
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MallenNC A lot of horrifying parts of US history are brought together in this chapter. One thing that‘s really clear is how wrong it seems that some act like the constitution and it‘s writers were infalible. Which is if course the point of the book. 5mo
DebinHawaii ‘George Washington was greatly concerned, as he brought his enslaved entourage to his presidential residence in Philadelphia, a city where free Blacks were nearly five times more prevalent than those "still tethered to the institution of slavery." He worried that "the idea of freedom might be too great a temptation for them to resist." His wife, Martha Washington, was even more determined to "shield... her slaves from the contagion of liberty."? 5mo
DebinHawaii This chapter was both interesting & horrific. Made it even more clear what an incredibly white-washed history education I was given growing up. 😱🤬 (edited) 5mo
MallenNC @DebinHawaii Agree. The parts I did know were from reading and learning as an adult outside of school. 5mo
willaful This was pretty much all new to me, and so staggering. The hypocrisy of the founders and “lovers of liberty“... 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DebinHawaii right! I read a lot, so I had that thought before… but it still hits me every time it comes and I‘m still mad about how lied to I feel. And somehow still shocked that they left out XYZ when I was in school. And I should not be surprised considering recent discussions today about trying to control what is put in today‘s schoolbooks. 5mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you this week?

Finding interesting things in this first part, things you knew already or were new to you? I found a bit of both, but like everything of Anderson‘s I‘ve read, she packs a lot of really well researched and sourced info into clear paragraphs without any extra fluff/tangents.

vlwelser This book is so interesting so far. The author is brilliant. She does an amazing job of giving the history of the second amendment and how it relates back to slavery. I never thought about how some of this all tied together. 5mo
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Bookwormjillk Interesting so far but I get so frustrated when these types of books completely ignore women‘s experiences. 5mo
CatLass007 The way our fellow human beings treat other human beings both infuriates me and makes me want to weep. 5mo
MallenNC I am appreciating this book. She does a great job spelling out how the 2nd amendment came to be in its final form, and the real purpose of it. I‘m interested to see where she takes the rest of the book. 5mo
staci.reads So far, it's engaging. I'm looking forward to see where she goes next now that the origin story is done. 5mo
DebinHawaii Very interesting so far. I didn‘t know about all the reasons the 2nd amendment was written & finalized. As usual, our U.S. history makes me shake my head (while hanging it in shame). 😡 5mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DebinHawaii Right 😂 it‘s crazy sometimes, some of history we do not teach (Shame part) is the most fascinating as far as truth is stranger than the glossy fiction version we think we know. And as twisted as it is, it is some very interesting and impressive political finagling to get the bread baked. And a really interesting side on some of our lionized “patriotic” “heroes” of the revolution. 5mo
willaful I think it's mostly info I knew but having it all put into context makes it much more powerful. And the historical background is so important. 5mo
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The updated list for the rest of this year!

Start planning your library holds and interlibrary loans!

Thank you everyone for your suggestions, nominations, and votes!


vlwelser 😍😍😍😍 6mo
ncsufoxes I‘ve been behind on reading (I started March‘s book but haven‘t finished). Definitely excited about Stoneblind, I just finished 2 of her other books & loved them. I‘ve been slowly reading Unwell Women for a while, so definitely nice to have the motivation to finish it 6mo
CatLass007 This is an exciting list! 6mo
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Up next for #SheSaid!

Please put in you library holds and interlibrary loans and see you on Sunday!

Bookwormjillk I was able to get this one from the library so count me in this month. 6mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookwormjillk her books are usually very well written and researched, a lot in not many pages, I‘m really looking forward to this one. 6mo
DebinHawaii Hoping my library hold comes in this week! 6mo
willaful I'm travelling for a lot of this month but will try to participate. 6mo
CatLass007 It‘s all ready for me to start listening. 6mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I hope you are all enjoying the end of this read! It was a good one that I put off for a long time, but I think it came up to read here at the right time when I finally read it….some book serendipity..bookendipity …the right book at the right time when we really needed to hear it (especially if you live in the US… we have to make more trouble here I think before it gets better).

Let me know what you think in the comments

CatLass007 I‘m still finishing up the last section but what We‘ve read so far has been fascinating. Cecile Richards comes from political royalty! She hasn‘t been just riding her mother‘s coattails, however. She is a force to be reckoned with in her own right. It is extremely painful that women are fighting the same battles over and over again. I was not aware that Planned Parenthood has been in existence for over 100 years and was begun to help (cont)⬇️ (edited) 6mo
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CatLass007 women receive access to contraceptives. And now the white men in power are trying to take away that freedom also. It has rarely been safe to be a woman but any progress we make is negated repeatedly. We need to #MakeTrouble! 6mo
vlwelser I was so inspired by this. She is so fierce. 6mo
MallenNC I really enjoyed this one, especially learning about all the phases of her activism, from her teen years to now. I also learned more about her mom, and her mother‘s influence. It made me sad that we‘ve fallen further backward from some of the progress made at the time the book was written. 6mo
CatLass007 https://www.thecut.com/article/cecile-richards-brain-cancer-abortion-planned-par... I just googled Cecile Richards again and this article came up. It‘s sad but as @vlwelser said, “She is so fierce.” 6mo
DebinHawaii This was an interesting & important read. What an incredible woman & family & a call to action. Hoping she beats her cancer battle! If anyone can, it‘s her. 6mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

Sorry for the late post everyone. My grandmother is in the hospital and I spent the day there. Finally home and have Wi-Fi again (also ran out of data while I was out 🤣 bad planning on my part).

Apparently I was not ready to Make Trouble today….see you in the comments.

(And yes, my grandma is ok, might need a pacemaker, I‘ll know more tomorrow after some tests)

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m still enjoying these chapters and sections, so much good advice about life in there. I really hope the version I have from the library has most updated Afterword, if not I may have to check other versions. 6mo
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TheBookgeekFrau Glad your Grandma is Ok! 🙏🏼 everything continues in a positive direction 💕 6mo
vlwelser I'm really loving this book. She has great advice. And her story itself is so interesting. All of the fighting for reproductive rights is amazing. She inspires a feeling of a need for civil engagement. Not just voting but real action. 6mo
CatLass007 I‘m glad your grandmother is going to be okay. My Mom had a pacemaker and it was very helpful. This is an excellent memoir. It would never have been my choice to have an abortion. But choice is what men are trying to take away from women. I don‘t think anyone who has tried to control women the way politicians and the religious right are doing cares anything about the unborn. This is about control. Always has been. Always will be. People (cont)⬇️ 6mo
CatLass007 like Cecile Richards are fighting for our freedom. Not just reproductive rights but freedom in every sense of the word. 6mo
AllDebooks What an absolutely inspirational woman. I'm with her 💯 on the right to choose what happens to your own body and autonomy. Fantastic memoir, and I'm so glad I read it. 6mo
AllDebooks Glad you're grandma is doing ok 6mo
MallenNC I glad your grandma is ok! I am behind on this book but I am enjoying what I‘ve been able to read so far. I hope to catch up and finish it this week. 6mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

You nominated a lot of unique and beautiful choices to add to our reading list. Now we have to narrow them down a little.


Please check out all those nominated and let us know which you would be interested in reading with our group. Right now the fiction & nonfiction are mixed together, we can sort them later.

I‘ll post the survey again in the comments for easy clicking.

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CatLass007 Thanks for the tag! Was there a post requesting nominations? I somehow missed that. 6mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 it was awhile ago, I‘ll tag you there too. But I also added an “other”… write-in spot on the survey to add too. 6mo
Bookwormjillk Wow, that‘s quite the list! I‘ll do some research and will vote soon. 6mo
CatLass007 If it was before I joined the group in mid-January, that‘s fine. I didn‘t actually start reading until February, so there‘s no need to tag me on the nomination post. There already are plenty of books to sort through and vote on. 6mo
CatLass007 Is there an end date to vote? Is there a limit on the number of books we can vote for? 6mo
AllDebooks Blimey, that's an incredible list. Voted 😊 6mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 vote for as many as you want. And maybe the end of the month. We have a book for April picked already, but then we need to add some new ones 6mo
CatLass007 Thank you! 6mo
staci.reads Done! Added a lot of them to my tbr list too! 6mo
MallenNC I put in my votes! Great list. Most of the ones I didn‘t pick were ones I‘ve read before, otherwise I‘d have voted for them too. 6mo
Singout What @MallenNC said (or ones not available in my library). 6mo
vlwelser Voted. Same as @MallenNC basically voted for everything I haven't already read. 6mo
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Hello #SheSaid! How are you this weekend?
How‘s the book going?

I‘m a chapter behind, but hoping to catch up tonight, but still really enjoying this one. I hope you are too.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m a bit in awe of how much really goes into organizing and campaigning. It‘s amazing how time & labor intensive it really is, and how much we don‘t respect it as a job and work. 6mo
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CatLass007 The only thing I know about political campaigns I learned from watching West Wing. Her life and her mother‘s life are so amazing. I had forgotten that Ann Richards was divorced and alcoholic. And that‘s okay since she stayed sober. It‘s interesting that her husband didn‘t leave her until she got sober. I guess he felt an obligation until she could fend for herself and her family. 6mo
vlwelser I got caught up! This one is great so far. What an amazing woman! And Ann Richards! I don't know where you found this but thank you for bringing this to the group. 6mo
MallenNC This is a good one! I really enjoyed the chapter about campaigning in her mother‘s race for governor. It‘s easy to forget how hard that process can be on the candidate‘s family. Prior to this I only had a little knowledge about her mother or about how Cecile really started as an activist. 6mo
Suet624 Oh shoot. I‘ve been so busy I didn‘t see you were reading this. This sounds great! 6mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Suet624 It‘s ok, start anytime…the posts will still be here to check in as you get through sections 6mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser You‘re welcome 😂 it‘s been on my book radar forever. She‘s very involved with Planned Parenthood and ever since it (and she) came up in the news back when she testified before Congress (way in the beginning of this book and a lifetime ago now) I‘ve been meaning to read this. And the reminders as Abortion, Women‘s Healthcare, and now in-vitro I kept thinking about it and moving it up my personal list. At this point it may need a ⤵️ 6mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ new, new, new afterword. 6mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I‘m enjoying this so far. I want to get back to Planned Parenthood, but this backstory of organizing on multiple levels is very interesting, and something we all probably need to pay attention to and get involved with again as we need to fight for rights we thought we had, all over again…at least in the US.

vlwelser I never started this yet. I left my book in MA and went to FL. I'll try to catch up. 6mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser It‘s ok. I still have not finished the book before 😂. Take your time, catch up when you can….and don‘t stress about it. We will all get there when we get there. 6mo
CatLass007 This was an excellent selection for #SheSaid! Cecile Richards has led an amazing life. Let‘s see what happens next! 6mo
MallenNC I‘m a little behind bc my hold only came in on Friday but I‘m glad we‘re reading her story. I‘ve seen her on TV and I know of her mother but I‘m excited to learn more. 6mo
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Up next for #SheSaid….and somehow it‘s falling at a very good time for reading it, bad time for women in the US.

So put in your library holds, interlibrary loans for this one starting next weekend.

vlwelser I requested this with my other March books and it's been staring at me, all ready to go. 7mo
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DebinHawaii I put in the request for this & hoping it comes in soon! 7mo
mhillis I‘ve got my copy! 7mo
CatLass007 I‘ve got my copy! I wanted to clarify something. Is my understanding correct that you are the host for both #SheSaid and the #Nonfiction 2024 Bingo Board? What source did you use to determine what fiction prompts to use? Is there something resembling a master list of banned books that I can google? I feel like I would enjoy thumbing my nose at the right wing fanatics who try to tell others what they can and cannot read. (edited) 6mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 Yes, both are me. You can just google Banned Books and multiple websites will come up. Many libraries do their own Banned Books Week now, abd you can get details by state on banned & challenged books broken down by year usually & state. The American Library Association also collects a lot of data on the issue and has statistics on their site. 6mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 Here is even a TN specific list for you ⤴️ 6mo
CatLass007 Thank you so much! I did some googling yesterday and found the American Library Association. But one specific to Tennessee is great! (edited) 6mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

Another one in the books! I‘m not quite finished yet, but still moving along slowly. I am finding that I need to take these slow, read one and let it percolate for a bit before starting the next. How are you all feeling as you finish up this section and this book?

CatLass007 I find myself taking these slowly also. I have two more essays left to listen to but I already have Make Trouble standing by. 7mo
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DebinHawaii I finished the book last week as the library book needed to go back. Overall, I thought it a great collection—powerful & moving & I am still thinking about some of the essays. 7mo
AllDebooks I've got my copy ready to go 7mo
willaful I'm also reading slowly, despite appreciating every essay. It's a lot! 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @willaful I know I was feeling bad about falling behind, but sometimes it‘s better to go slow absorb it all too. 7mo
mhillis Thanks for recommending this book! The essays are powerful. It gave me a different perspective 7mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you doing this weekend?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m helping with homework today 😂… So I‘ll catch up on the comments when I get a chance later. I‘m still finding this book very relatable, even if I was not its intended audience. Which to me highlights how universal some of the themes are, even when it is highlighting a specific group that often does not get recognized…. Or maybe more gets downplayed by society as not having yet another of one of those very human qualities. So getting a ⤵️ 7mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ lot from it, but trying to remember and take in the message too. That just like the “Strong Black Woman” can hide that Black Woman have pain too and lead it to be untreated or taken seriously and therefore bad hospital outcomes for normal things like childbirth. Take what I can personally, but also remember the bigger message here. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I wish it was something we‘d get past as a society…that some humans are not seen as human yet..still…ever….but we are so very far from that. 7mo
CatLass007 Your last comment is achingly true. 7mo
staci.reads @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Good points. The essays in this section held less personal connections for me. This was a reminder that it was time to sit back, listen, and learn. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @staci.reads it‘s odd, but after I wrote this I saw two things that reflected it back to me…one was a special about diabetes….and losing limbs to it…. Again, relatable, my grandfather had the sane happen. But the story was specifically about African Americans who are more likely to have limbs amputated from diabetes than others….why? Again like maternity deaths..race played a huge role. From being untrusting of doctors and shots (like insulin)⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa …from decades of bad science practiced on African Americans in this country, to the amputate and send them home, so not lots of time and effort on the medical fields end…besides other treatments take time & money.🙄 which basically is assuming a group of the population isn‘t worth the time, assumes they won‘t follow through, or that they can‘t afford it. Again, relatable.. but much deeper issues that are not about and go way beyond the parts I ⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ Find relatable. So listen & learn, and not just think ‘oh yea, my grandfather too…same‘ (edited) 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa The other was about the current case against Fani Willis, the DA in a case against Trump for election interference that now is on trial for improperly dating the prosecutor. Someone had posted a link to an article on it on an earlier thread for this book, but the initial..‘yea, women are judged different…same‘ thought, needed to give way to the others discussing how hard it is for Black Women especially and especially on this case. ⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ some of the allegation was financial benefit… but this show talked about how the Doxing and threats started very early on because of that other case, which means she often paid in cash for things, just so people couldn‘t track her to stalk her/picket her/protest her/or worse…and even her father testifying how he taught her from a young age to keep a safe box and keep cash, because you never knew when your money could be kept or taken from you⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ your cards not accepted here, just because. He was very interesting to listen to. So again, so many more factors than you realize at first glance….if you listen long enough and pay attention. 7mo
DebinHawaii @staci.reads I love how you put this. It‘s how I felt about this section too. 7mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I hope you are having a good weekend and enjoying these essays by different authors. Some are so very powerful and relatable.

See you in the comments!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Anyone else thinking of adding Brené Brown to their reading list…as a bunch of essays refer to her work/writing. (edited) 7mo
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CatLass007 Brene Brown has been on my radar for the last several months. Because of this book she‘s moved way up on my priority list. If anyone is familiar with her writing, I‘d love some guidance about to read first. 7mo
willaful I'm really enjoying the essays. As a fat woman, I relate a lot to the mistrust around medical care, and I enjoyed the free use of the word “crazy,“ because I've trained myself not to use terms other people find disparaging but honestly, crazy is a really meaningful word. 7mo
Singout I‘m totally behind, but as a Christian could totally relate to “Love Lifted Me” Not so much from the experience of personal shame, but the description of how Christian cultural groups can have a huge influence on members of their community. The last few sentences about how much better we could do really inspired me. 7mo
DebinHawaii @CatLass007 I would start with either The Gifts of Imperfection or Daring Greatly although I am working my way through Atlas of the Heart right now & it‘s also very good. 7mo
DebinHawaii I am enjoying the essays as well. I thought Marc Lamont Hill‘s point was very powerful: “It‘s not enough for me to just not be homophobic. I cannot be friends with homophobes. I have to actually be willing to divest myself from relationships that are unhealthy. We all do.” And I really liked The Blues of Vulnerability” too—about making the space to listen to younger people as how we transform & change the world. 7mo
CatLass007 @DebinHawaii Thank you.😘 I know there are many who think we shouldn‘t end friendships for “political” reasons. But I have divested myself from relationships because of moral reasons. It‘s not easy but do I really want to be friends with the cousin who thinks that Abraham Lincoln shouldn‘t have started the Civil War and he ruined the country? (edited) 7mo
staci.reads @CatLass007 I would recommend Dare to Lead as well 7mo
CatLass007 @staci.reads Thank you! 7mo
staci.reads In Love Lifted Me, I highlighted "And the sad part is, some of us have so internalized such a skewed and distorted version of our faith tradition that we perpetuate this kind of emotional and spiritual violence on other women. To the point where men no longer have to be the enactors." Across the board, women have to be better at not harming other women with our internalized patriarchial biases. 7mo
staci.reads I also appreciated Marc Lamotte Hill calling out men's "expressions of masculine rage" as emotion too and calling out that double standard, highlighting that "as long as our only legible emotion is anger, we are never shamed like women are for their emotions." 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DebinHawaii Yes! It took me a long time to get there, especially with relatives that I for some reason thought I could not cut out…but eventually I realized that being quiet made them think I agreed, and pushing back with facts did no good, so not hanging around them was the best for all involved. They can be close-minded and bitter without me, I don‘t need it in my life. 🤷‍♀️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @willaful Yes, I‘m finding a lot of this relatable as just a woman myself…not to mention all the other labels people seem to discriminate against. 7mo
willaful @staci.reads Oh very true. Women can be excellent tools of the patriarchy. 7mo
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa That‘s a very brave thing for you to do. If you divest yourself from a family member, are any other family members going to push back and tell you you‘re making the wrong decision? It‘s something that can really be painful. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I think my family has some very deeply divided lines, and for years liberal lefties and national security conservatives could at least see what each meant, agreed on some things, agreed to disagree on others, but very civil. I think Trump pushed all that and changed how people converse about them. He destroyed the middle group issues, and encouraged everyone to be as uncivil in their discussions as possible. People I use to have⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ crazy holiday conversations with and just shake my head after… now you can not engage in conversation at all. Because it is all their way or nothing, no discussion, and the amount of misinformation and now outright Russian propaganda they are starting to parrot is hard to meet them halfway on. Could I meet you halfway and say we both have good points about military spending verses domestic spending…sure. Can I meet you halfway about ⤵️ 7mo
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Trump has done so much to harm our country and if he gets elected, he will have a scorched earth effect. He loves the drama and the chaos because he‘s got people jumping through his hoops. It really is a circus. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ funding for Ukraine, or women‘s rights, or geez…even Bill Cosby… no, I can not. You want to think all umpteen accusers were all lying for publicity and are happy he got out on a technicality when he admitted he did it. I could agree the law messed up that case, but not that he was innocent 🙄. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa And sadly for me it highlighted very serious flaws in their thinking and reasoning, and how they truly feel about and treat other human beings. Basically unleashed their more racist, homophobia, Muslim, Jewish, women hating selves (whatever trump is on that week)…and I‘m not ok with that. It feels like it‘s devolved into Hate, just for Hate‘s sake. And again, whatever he says is the “truth”. 7mo
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I was skeptical of the accusations against Bill Cosby. I grew up with Bill Cosby, starting with Fat Albert and moving on to Jell-O pudding and The Cosby Show. I couldn‘t understand how he and Phylicia Rashad managed to make two tv shows together. How did she manage to avoid being another woman he‘d assaulted? How did she not know what was going on? But I watched the Amazon Prime Documentary and I finally got it. His (cont) 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 Did you see Jimmy Kimmel interviews with Trump supporters where he changed the names from Trump to Biden and got totally different answers 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I loved Picture Pages 7mo
CatLass007 ability to create such a realistic facade. Realistic to millions and to the people closest to him. 7mo
CatLass007 I don‘t watch late night tv. Although if a clip shows up on my news feed, I sometimes watch it. I may look this one up. 7mo
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Picture Pages? I was just thinking that Trump doesn‘t even bother to build a facade. The ugliness and vileness inside him are on full display. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 picture Pages was another thing Cosby did when I was little along with Fat Albert 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I‘ll attach a clip here ⤴️ for Kimmel (edited) 7mo
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Wow, I don‘t remember Picture Pages at all. Thinks for the Kimmel link. 7mo
CatLass007 Oh, good lord! People are so, not just hypocritical, but gullible, to excuse Trump‘s behavior. I don‘t know in what part of the country in which you live, but I live in East Tennessee and the area is about as red as it gets. In past presidential elections one precinct only voted blue and there‘s a good sized university there. I‘ve been fortunate to make a few friends who are liberal/progressive. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I‘m in the middle of Pennsylvania… and it‘s rural and deep red too. 6mo
CatLass007 I saw an election map of Tennessee. I can‘t find the picture but in West Tennessee (where Memphis is located) it‘s solid blue and as the colors move from west to east they fade to purple (around Nashville) to solid blue, which is where I live. Oy. 6mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I hope your weekend is going well….and I hope you are all enjoying this one. See you in the comments ⤵️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m “liking” this book. It can be raw, but I really appreciate that. Sometimes the things we keep to ourselves to be strong, are the things we need to share to be human. 7mo
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CatLass007 This is a book I would encourage any Black woman to read. I would encourage anyone who has experienced trauma and has experienced shame because of the trauma, to read it. And probably people who provide therapy or counseling. (edited) 7mo
staci.reads This has been a great read so far. "We often carry our trama in similar ways, but the roads that led us to the trauma are all so different. We must pay attention to that road. That road is our humanity." What a great passage to help introduce the purpose of the collection of essays! 7mo
staci.reads I loved Jason Reynolds's essay. The parallel stories of his grandfather and his mother's hospitalizations and the oak tree metaphors really worked for me. His mother sounds like an amazing woman. 7mo
staci.reads I really connected with Channing Brown's essay, too. The discussion of "foreboding joy" felt personal to me, but the next level, the increased awareness the "level of apprehension" [for Black people] "that isn't wrought from an uneasy feeling of undeservedness, but from the knowledge that racism is a silent stalker always willing to wring joy from our lives." Just powerfully stated. 7mo
staci.reads Hemphill's piece was filled with highlights for me as well. "It is necessary for your safety that you've know what this world finds dangerous about you." "This country has made a practice of denying the existence of trauma in Black bodies and communities and also denying its own role, ultimately, in traumatizing us." Just a couple that stood out. 7mo
DebinHawaii @staci.reads I wrote down that quote on trauma & the roads that led us there too. Very powerful. 7mo
DebinHawaii Having read a lot of Brene‘ Brown, her concept of “foreboding joy” has always resonated with me so I found Channing Brown‘s essay especially powerful. 7mo
DebinHawaii @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am liking it too. Very powerful and raw. 7mo
Singout I started this two weeks ago, and I‘m listening to it as audios, so it‘s to remember what came from which author, but I am really finding it valuable. Laymon really resonated with me; I found the last one in the set important, but a bit too dense to follow in audio. I loved the passionate and honest dialogue between Tarana Burke and Brené Brown at the beginning. 7mo
CatLass007 I like the introduction to new-to-me writers. I‘ve added several to my Audible wish list and now that I have my new glasses I‘m thinking about which books would work better in print. The authors have put a lot of “bang” into these brief essays. 7mo
MallenNC I am liking this one too. I haven‘t ever actually read Brene Brown (no reason, I just haven‘t) and was kind of curious about her involvement here so I‘m glad she and Tarana Burke included their conversation in the intro. 7mo
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Up Next for #SheSaid!

Put in your library holds and interlibrary loans!

AllDebooks I'm going to skip this one as I can't get hold of a copy. Please keep me on the taglist tho. 8mo
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DebinHawaii I put it on hold at my library so 🤞🏼 it comes in! 8mo
CatLass007 Please add me to your tag list. I‘ve already got my book and look forward to reading and discussing this with a new group of Littens. I decided to read more nonfiction this year so I‘m signed up for this, #NaturaLitsy2024, and I am pouring over the Bingo card for #Nonfiction2024. Then I looked on Goodreads and discovered I read more nonfiction than I realized in 2023. Now I‘m even more excited to do the two buddy reads and the Bingo challenge. 8mo
Singout Just started last night: excellent insights! 8mo
staci.reads The Kindle version of this is $4.99 right now. I just got my first Kindle a few days ago, so I was excited to make this one of my first downloads! 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @staci.reads Excellent! I got mine from the library, but might just buy it. I‘m liking this one so far. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AllDebooks & @DebinHawaii On sale on kindle $4.99 if you are interested (edited) 7mo
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa What time of day do you usually post discussion questions? Do you tag the group on all or any of the questions? 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 yes, I post the tag list every time. And it‘s usually between noon & 1pm East Coast US time. But sometimes it‘s off depending on my weekend plans. 7mo
CatLass007 Great! Thank you. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 You‘re welcome 7mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

Sorry for the day late post!

Bookwormjillk Sorry Melissa, I bailed on this one. I really wanted to like it! 8mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sorry again for the late post, it‘s been a long January for me. I‘ll be so glad for February. Anyone still plugging along with this book? Finding any kernels to enjoy? 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookwormjillk Yes, it sounds like you weren‘t alone there. Sorry I couldn‘t be on the journey either with you on this one to encourage or commiserate either. 8mo
AllDebooks I'm late to start. I liked the 1st chapter. I'll keep going as I really enjoyed Sobel's 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AllDebooks I haven‘t started it yet… long month here 🤷‍♀️ 8mo
AllDebooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa oh dear.I hope you have some time to yourself soon x 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AllDebooks Thank you. I hope so too. Moved my nephew and his girlfriend into my house this month. They are both going to college full time and working full time and were still struggling with rent. Rents are crazy here and their apartment wasn‘t even nice. Then we lost power for a few days with a storm, had frozen pipes to deal with after, and then I came down with Covid.😂 crazy long month. Now just need to help put away all their stuff 😉 8mo
AllDebooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa yikes, that is full-on. How kind of you to take them in. X 8mo
Bookwormjillk @Riveted_Reader_Melissa yikes, hope it gets easier next month! 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Bookwormjillk It will. It was just a crazy one this month.😂 8mo
Smrloomis Wow, hope everyone is finally getting some rest. It‘s tough to study full-time and work full-time too! Rent is insanely high where I live too so I‘m sure they appreciate you taking them in! 8mo
vlwelser I still haven't finished part 2. I'm also recovering from covid. And my company laid off 1650 employees on Friday. One was a direct report. One was a former manager. It's a lot. 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser That is a lot, very emotional and heavy…and worse when you are sick on top of everything else. I hope you start feeling well soon, and that everyone you care about and all the others find good work soon 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa That is just so many employees. 8mo
ShelleyBooksie @Riveted_Reader_Melissa - are you doing a 2024 non fiction bingo? 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @ShelleyBooksie yes, just look under #Nonfiction2024 add template to the end for the blank card 8mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

How is everyone doing this weekend? Read picking up any for you? I‘m going to have to skip this one for now and circle back later… moving my nephew and his girlfriend into my house right now so quiet reading time has disappeared for awhile. Hopefully it will settle down again soon and I can catch up again.

vlwelser I'm definitely not finished with part 2 yet. It's interesting but it's also quite boring. It's like a list of activities mare than anything else. Like the author took the facts and added in bits of correspondence. But that 8mo
vlwelser Oops... Is all there is to this. I bet it took an absurd amount of time. A for effort? 8mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m still struggling with this one. I was looking for an audiobook version, but my library doesn‘t have it. I‘ll see how far I can get on kindle tonight. It‘s a shame because the history of science particularly astronomy and physics is one of my favorite subjects, but there just doesn‘t seem to be enough here to make a book. 8mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

Very late post! Sorry I got way behind…. How are you liking this one so far? Please post when you can, sorry I missed Sunday.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa For some reason I remembered this one was 3 parts, and in my mind it was skipping the first Sunday, then 3 weeks. So sorry 8mo
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Bookwormjillk Looking through Litsy I saw I had started this one and bailed once before. It's holding my interest so far this time, but I'm hoping part 2 focuses more on the ladies. 8mo
willaful I read chapter one and just couldn't follow it so I'm not going to continue with the read this month. :-( (edited) 8mo
DebinHawaii I am struggling a bit with it keeping my interest. I made it only through the first 3 chapters this week, but I am going to try to power through before next Saturday & see if I like it better. 8mo
vlwelser I thought it was interesting. It may be a little dry. But I just read a chapter here and there. 8mo
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#Pantone2023 card too for last year, it‘s also not finished… oops 😂…. I blame way to much Zelda this past year! @Clwojick

Clwojick Great job! Thank you for participating!
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