The anxiety is real while reading this book.
The anxiety is real while reading this book.
This was fantastic! For me, it was one of those slow-in-a-savor-it type of books. Read it!
It‘s the last month of the year! Crazy how fast it went by, but I‘m excited for what is to come!
Currently reading. But I admit, I bought it on my Kindle as well because the font is too small in the hardcover. I‘m 45% in and stuff is finally happening! The first half seems to just go in circles. Hoping this second half redeems itself.
I took this pic on Lazy Sunday, and the coffee mug does not go along with the book… however, these are three of my favorite things: coffee, my dog, and a really good book. This was a quick read and I loved it.
I was hesitant to read this one because I DNF his last one. But I got it through the library super quickly so I figured why not. So glad I gave it a chance because I really liked this one! It was a little slow moving at times, but once it hit about 75% it really took off with twist after twist after twist!
My daughter recommended this to me, and I‘m so glad she did. I found myself laughing throughout the story, and rooting for the MCs. Is it super cheesy? Of course, but that‘s another thing I loved about it. I think I liked this one more than the first in the series (When in Rome) and Sarah Adams hinted at there being another book to come. Can‘t wait!
I absolutely loved this book. It was fun, it was a emotional (I had tears, y‘all), and it was hopeful. As I was reading, I was thinking of some series that I‘ve been emotionally invested in throughout my life. Highly recommend 🖤
Yesterday was Micheladas and a Damn Good Book day in my house. Basically it was a lazy Sunday and much needed. This is my first Kingsolver and I‘m enjoying it so far.
#botm I love this bookmark, and I can‘t wait to dive into these!
Someone said that while reading a classic novel, just read it as you would any other “current” book. And I think that‘s what my problem was before: I would try too hard to read it, if that makes sense. Absolutely loving this book! Ooooo that Mrs. Danvers. She gives me the creeps.
Love my new sticker. The quality is better in person; I had used a filter on the original picture posted on Instagram, and cropped it for this particular pic.
Been MIA for awhile. I figured with school being out, I‘d be able to read more. But then work has gotten in the way. And now Covid. Truly thought I could avoid it forever, but who was I fooling? I couldn‘t read yesterday because the headache felt like death. Today isn‘t as bad so I‘m reading while I can. I‘m enjoying Meg‘s POV/chapters.
This one was a bit slow at first, but no less brutal than the other books in the series. But towards the end… holy crap, I didn‘t want to put it down! Joona‘s his typical badass self, I miss Saga, and the killer is just vicious. Left with a bit of a hint for the next book. Can‘t wait!
I‘ve been a bit MIA. School work has taken over my life, but that was to be expected. This book is…okay, so far. It‘s very slow, and I‘m not turning that pages as fast as I did with the previous books. Yet I‘m curious as to what‘s going to happen. I‘ve made it this far so I‘m going to keep going. #joonaisabadass
My #botm box! This month was probably the hardest month to choose in a very long time. They have some great sounding choices.
I used that tissue to wipe away my tears. Not every Colleen Hoover book gets me choked up, but this one sure did. Loved it!
Ummm, well… not a lot happened. The innocence of the MC was kind of annoying to me lol. This was the first audiobook I‘ve ever finished. And I can see why people like them. I popped my AirPods in and did some housework or whatever else needed done. Kept me entertained but could‘ve been better.
Okay, so it took me a couple days to finish, but I finally did! Fast paced and thrilling!
I plan on finishing this today. Started off like woah! Slowed down a bit, but picked up and is at the point now where I don‘t want to stop reading. Love this series!
I didn‘t want to read this; I refused. But then my daughter‘s friend asked her if I had read it, and I said “Screw it, let‘s check it out.” And I am so glad I did! Holy cow, it was funny and romantic! I was so frustrated with Olive and Adam (in a good way, if that makes sense), and I just loved their story! Thanks to my daughter‘s friend for asking because I loved it! (I may be a little tipsy 🍷 so I‘m rambling, but ugh read it!)
I don‘t read a lot of nonfiction, and after reading two great memoirs these past couple months, that will have to change. I loved this book! I laughed, got a headache from trying not to cry, and was always hungry (how she describes the food 👌🏻). A great book to end the year, and I met my GR goal! 😄
Barnes and noble has their hardcovers 50% off, so of course I had to go browse. Also grabbed a couple paperbacks 😃
Started off a bit slow but once it picked up, I didn‘t want to put it down.
I really liked this one and cannot wait for the next book (coming Feb 2022)!
Do you ever feel guilty for reading? I think this is why I‘ve been such a slow reader for years now. I used to devour books, but anymore, I feel guilty. I know I should be studying, or cleaning, or doing something productive, but I really want to just read this book (so good!). My husband told me to take advantage (no homework) and do some reading. Love that man 🥰 (sorry… I was just curious if anyone else ever felt that way)
I just started this and I can already tell I‘m going to love it! And that cover 😍💙
Wasn‘t bad. I do wish it was more Christmas-y, but what can ya do. It was cute though, and I tend to like stories where the man is able to make the woman learn to love again. #ILikeCheese
It‘s been five years since I‘ve been to the beach (we lived in Ventura, CA and now live in Texas. Which has beaches of course, just haven‘t been). I am loving this book. It‘s pretty windy and a bit hard to read at the moment, but I wanted to capture that I am here, with my toes in the sand. Location: Orange Beach, Alabama. And it is beautiful.
Our Literacy class (EC-6 grade) has my daughter and I checking out more children‘s books, and this one was beautiful! Absolutely beautiful. My husband is half-Japanese, so our son is a quarter, and he (our son) has eyes that kiss in the corners. (My mother in law, who is Japanese, thought it was so cool that he has more of the “Japanese eyes” than my husband lol)
I bought this book yesterday. Normally I would just add it to my ever growing TBR pile, but it just called to me and I wanted to start reading it right away. One thing my Literacy class has encouraged me to do is to browse the children‘s section a bit more and I‘m glad I did. I already want to keep reading, but I have a project to work on for another class (building a 3D classroom 😬)
⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 I got a little tired of hearing how Adam couldn‘t see faces, and how they all have secrets and lies. There‘s not a single character to like. But overall, it wasn‘t bad. The twist was a bit far fetched but it sure kept me reading. *picture from Pinterest. I was too lazy to take my own and this one is really pretty
My workload for school has decreased and I‘ve been able to do a bit more reading. I will be finishing up my current read today and starting on a new one this evening.
I hate the dentist office. Even if I‘m not the one getting work done. But I started a new book. Let‘s see how it goes…..
At an antique and book shop. Woah!
Woke up to a full-blown migraine this morning. Called out of work only to be told, “Well, if you feel better please come in.” They‘ve clearly never experienced migraines before. Straight up told them not to count on it. Anyway, I want to read so bad but it hurts to do so. About to go crawl back into bed; made a quick appearance to take this pic and say hi to the fam 😆
Unpopular opinion, but I found the majority of this boring. There were some good parts, but I feel like there was so much unnecessary info-dump that I ended up skimming those parts. There was one part that gave me the creeps but that was it. Giving a so-so for that creepy part, the parts about the victims (morbid?) and the chapter with the interview with the Boogeyman.