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The Tiger's Daughter
The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
"A love letter to my favorite kind of fantasy rich, expansive, and grounded in human truth. It is a story of star-crossed loves, of fate and power and passion, and it is simply exquisite." V. E. Schwab, New York Times bestselling author of the Shades of Magic series Even gods can be slain . The Hokkaran empire has conquered every land within their bold reach but failed to notice a lurking darkness festering within the people. Now, their border walls begin to crumble, and villages fall to demons swarming out of the forests. Away on the silver steppes, the remaining tribes of nomadic Qorin retreat and protect their own, having bartered a treaty with the empire, exchanging inheritance through the dynasties. It is up to two young warriors, raised together across borders since their prophesied birth, to save the world from the encroaching demons. This is the story of an infamous Qorin warrior, Barsalayaa Shefali, a spoiled divine warrior empress, O-Shizuka, and a power that can reach through time and space to save a land from a truly insidious evil. A crack in the wall heralds the end two goddesses arm themselves The Tiger s Daughter is an adventure for the ages. "
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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This wasn't my cup of tea. The frame story involves one protagonist writing to the other to tell her the entire story of their acquaintance. The two protagonists are soulmates who have been capable since childhood of feats no other human could imagine doing, because destiny I guess. I did find myself caring about the plot by the end, but not enough to read the sequel.

effani This was my April #BookSpin book. Thank you, @TheAromaofBooks, for helping me get it off my TBR! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! Sometimes it's kind of a relief when I don't like the first book in a series... it means more than one book off the TBR for the price of reading just one of them 😂 3y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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I absolutely adored the setting and the world Rivera created. Such a beautiful tale! The writing style in this books is fantastic as well. Sadly, it also slowes the story down, where more speed was needed. That's my only critic, that in the end I got a little impatient with the book, because many things keep repeating themselves. So I hope the next book will speed up a little or has less pages.

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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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My blog post is up for the Winter Quest. I will be reading the Tiger‘s Daughter which fits all the challenge prompts.
The scavenger hunt‘s prompts was fun to do as well! All books listed are ones I‘m planning to read really soon
#SaveYourDaemon #BtWQScavengerHunt

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Decisions... decisions. Next book to read for #booked2019 POC MC paranormal. Finish my reread of Peter's third adventure or start Arseneault Rivera's debut. I'm catching old Xena episodes, which is kinda weird in a nice way to find out I still know the lyrics to Bitter Suite. So an Eastern paranormal is an option. Anyone read Tiger's daughter?

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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October‘s book for the Tor ebook of the Month Club is available for free download (ePub and mobi) until 11:59 PM ET, October 18th.

Only available in the US and Canada.



The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Oh good, I had wanted to read this one!

Lucy_Anywhere I'm so gutted this is for the US only! 5y
esurient @Lucy_Anywhere Oh, I'm so sorry! 5y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Look at Tors FREE selection this month. Go grab your copy.


IamIamIam So glad you posted this!!! I snagged a copy! 😁 5y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Books of August.

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Ya'll! I stayed up WAY too late last night reading this book, but it is so good! I'm totally leaving the dirty dishes in the sink and the laundry in their bins to read the rest of this today. My child might be exceeding his screen time today 🤷‍♀️ Readers gotta read.

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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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90 pages in and it is a slow burn, but it's so good. You never lose track of the fact that it's going somewhere epic. Wish I could keep my eyes open to read more, but I keep drifting off. Time for bed. Night Littens!

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Starting this trilogy, of which I've only heard great things. I still have three more short stories left in Difficult Women. Finished An Elderly Lady is Up To No Good and really enjoyed it and am thinking about looking for translations of her murder mysteries.

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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I loved this. Not perfect, for sure. But the world-building was great. A slow burn, focused mostly on the development of the two main characters and their relationship to each other. I can only hope the underlying threat is a main plot point in the second book. Also enjoyed the narrative via correspondence for most of the book. A solid pick.

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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Squidapus is not a big romance fan. If it's a big part of a book it can't be as irritating as Tiger's Daughter makes it. One woman raised as a Divine Princess thinking she's perfect and never wrong (and never really is) and one woman who worships the other. Not healthy. The world/mythology/history of the book is actually really interesting (as is the plot) but 95% of the book POV being endless fawning over the amazing princess wears on you fast

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Since we read a bunch of science fiction in a row, Squidapus wanted a fantasy break. So let's go with Tiger's Daughter! Mostly cause we don't have the Keiko book 3 yet lol

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Barnes and Noble, this is how you get me to make an impulse purchase when I go in for only one thing!

Now, give me another table that says PoC Representation, and I‘ll visit those tables every week! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Eyelit That‘s fantastic! 6y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Sometimes you read a quote and it explains a feeling you've had that you could never put into words before. Honestly, I still don't know what to tag this with, I just know that I've felt this too often.

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Excuse you, who gave you the right? "Without you, I am in the dark. It has been so long, Shizuka, that I might mistake a candle for the sun." #romanticAF

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera

I just read a really insightful review by Laurelinvanyar on Goodreads, who points out that the Author made no effort to research Asian culture properly. In the bottom line, the novel is a cultural desaster.

But I really liked the book, and yes, I have been really ignorant about the problems the book. So I have a question for you: can you still like a book even if you realize later how many problems it had? Let me know your thoughts!

yourfavouritemixtape Actually, that ruins a book for me, even if I liked it when I read it... 6y
thewallflower0707 It‘s important to listen to people, like in your example, when they say their culture is misrepresented. Or when transgender people say that a book is transphobic. I always do research before buying a book for something like this, and if I already own it I just sell it and buy a book #ownvoices to support marginalized authors. 6y
LaLecture That‘s really hard. I know that feeling when I really enjoyed a book and later realise how many problems it has. I‘d say you can still like aspects of the story as long as you are conscious of the misrepresentations it contains. I‘m not sure I‘d recommend it to others though. 6y
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TrishB I think if it was a recently released book I would probably be annoyed and pass into charity shop. But it happens and we all learn from it. Older books are full of things that make me cringe.... 6y
Sace I like what @LaLecture has to say. There are plenty of times that I read things and I see problems with them. It usually leads me to seek out an ownvoice book. Honestly I would have skipped The Tiger's Daughter to begin with. When I see a book about x culture and the author is from y culture I'm skeptical to start with. Does that make sense? 6y
DuckOfDoom @LaLecture @RestlessFickleBookHoarder @thewallflower0707 @TrishB The more I think about, the more I dislike the book, even though there were aspects I liked. The author can definitely write, but maybe the reviews got to her and she will be doing some more research for later books. I will read the second book, but I think I will treat it more as an exercise. 6y
DuckOfDoom @RestlessFickleBookHoarder I think mixing cultures together for a fantasy world is absolutely ok, but the author has to do her/his research. In this book, the author seems to just have been really lazy: "let's get this worldbuilding thing over with, I just change some letters from whatever Asian thing comes to mind". That is definitely not the way to go. 6y
Sace @DuckOfDoom exactly. Maybe I'm just cynical but I just don't trust that people have done the proper research so I tend to give any mixing the side eye. 6y
CouronneDhiver Yes. You can absolutely enjoy storytelling without the accuracy of content. You‘re, clearly, perfectly capable of assessing the difference between truth and fiction... and developing that discernment is half the point of reading anyways. I‘m all for it 😊 6y
Sace Also, thanks for giving my husband and I a great topic for discussion on our morning walk! 6y
emtobiasz For books I‘ve read as an adult, finding misrepresentations (especially from author laziness or ignorance) usually ruin a book for me. But for childhood favorites... I don‘t know. It takes much more egregious errors to counteract any sentimental feelings I have. 6y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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I picked up these two novels after seeing K Arsenault Rivera speak at #WIBookFest this morning. She was witty and entertaining, and I'm really excited to dig into these Mongolian-inspired fantasy with two lesbian MCs. #queerbooks

Leftcoastzen I was wondering if anyone on Litsy was there.Looks like they have a good lineup. 6y
2BR02B @Leftcoastzen it was really fun! I went to six author talks, but there were others (Rebecca Makkai, Lucy Tan) I would have loved to have seen as well. 6y
Leftcoastzen I love book festivals . If I got my stuff together I‘d go to more . Been to LA , SF more than once, Tucson once.Always so much to do,hard to choose. 6y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I‘ve got the first book but it‘s still TBR. The cover art for these is so amazing. 6y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Sister post to @Maike: we went to Berlin today to shop English books and one could say we went overboard. But it will be a long time before we visit again (~ 7-8 months probably) it is not so much. At least that's what I tell myself 😂

LibrarianRyan You got some good titles. You also had better luck finding murderbots than I did. 6y
DuckOfDoom @LibrarianRyan I can't wait to start the murderbot book! I am so lucky they had it available. 6y
Sarah83 Looks great 😍 6y
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llwheeler Murderbot! ❤ i really need to get the next one. And Range of Ghosts! so good 6y
TheLibrarian Great haul! 👍 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Ooohhh! Sky in the Deep and Shadowblack!!! I need these 😊😊😊 (loved The Gentleman‘s Guide, annoying for the first 5 chapters then it really comes into its own 😊) 6y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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That's a wrap on #24in48 ! No idea how long I read for since I never keep track 😂 but I finished 2 books and read from 2 others for a total of 573 pages and 4.75 hours of audio 😄📚🎉 @24in48

Eyelit Excellent! 7y
batsy Nice! 7y
Lacythebookworm 🎉🎉🙌📚 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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...but when I'm not audiobook-ing, I'm planning on trying to make a dent in this fantasy chunkster during the readathon. #24in48 @24in48

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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After a rocky start where I struggled to come to terms with a writing style that grated on my nerves, I Fell in love with this story with a love story of epic propotions and a touch of the magical at the heart of it.
I loved the setting and the lore and I fell in love with Barsalyya Shefali and O-Shizuka. I love how we got to watch their relationship grow!
This was an emotional roller coaster of a book and I really enjoyed it.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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It‘s a pick, mostly. I loved a lot about this story. It‘s fantasy with an Asian twist - nice to not have (yet) another UK-ish land and culture. It has lots of strong, complex women characters! It‘s got a fantastic lesbian romance.
The story is great, but the writing, while rich and immersive, was a little tough to track. Also, it switches back and forth between past and present and characters. Overall, tho, good stuff.

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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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I tried to tone down my acquisitions in November, but I decided I could let this one slip through the Book Buying Ban before things get crazy in December.

Two warrior women seek to stop the invading demons as a corrupt empire crumbles around them. Dig that cover art! #bookmail

JSW I‘m reading this one right now! It‘s immersive. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai I dunno why but it immediately made me think of Cavern of black ice by JV Jones. Maybe it's the snow? Nice cover though! I like the tag line. 7y
JazzFeathers That cover is just beautiful 😍 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Work let us go early but I have to wait for Mr. JSW since we commute together. Tea and book it is, then. #alwaysbringabook

Libby1 Enjoy, @JSW ! 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Loving this one so far. It reminds me a bit of one of my recent favorites, Sofia Samatar's WINGED HISTORIES.

(Also, hi Litsy! I got married last week and basically stopped reading for a bit. Hopefully that's past now.)

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Full review here: https://wp.me/p21txV-EF

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ of 5 ⭐️s.

I take issue with certain aspects of the world-building, but otherwise this book is actually a lovely read. It‘s a love story at it‘s core, and as a love story it functions very well, but it‘s also got a pretty fun plot to go along with that love story. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of the characters in the next book :D.

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Representation matters

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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What was she thinking, accepting Rayama-tun‘s challenge? He is only a boy. And now he will be the boy who dueled One-Stroke Shizuka, the boy whose sword she cut in half before he managed to draw it. That story will haunt him for the rest of his life. — THE TIGER‘S DAUGHTER

398.2 This sounds good! 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Been waiting to pick this up since last year when I first heard about it XD. It's always great to read a fantasy with a setting that's patently not Western - especially when both leads are women :D.

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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Dewey's Readathon countdown, Day 23: The prompt is "space." I interpreted it as "reading space." This is my reading nest! I do my day reading in my office and my night reading on the couch. It helps my body differentiate between work and relaxation, even if I don't wear pants the whole day. There's also usually a cat in the perch, but they're playing video games right now. #readathon #30DaysofReadathon ?

Annl Your cats are playing video games? My cat, Ava, watches tv. 7y
shelli72 LOL! 7y
Liberty @Annl No, not really. They're probably out back, smoking. 😉 7y
tapgurl Haha that's what mine is probably doing right now, he's a bada***! (edited) 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera

This strikes me as really appropriative and oddly structured. I wish I liked it, but the exoticism, stereotypes and such just... Nah.

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Currently reading The Tiger's Daughter - a beautifully written epic fantasy full of badass babes, a world under threat from demons, and some of the best damn world-building ever 🙌

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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This book is everything. It has two fantastic heroines, a whole cast of badass women, and a plot that is epic. Such an amazing book.

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Starting this beautiful book today 😍

The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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I read THE TIGER'S DAUGHTER this weekend and it's so good that I can't get it out of my head! Look out for this one in October 📖✨

BooksatDawn Starting this soon! I hope I like it 😊 7y
nebrinkley 🙌🙌🙌 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Even gods can be slain...

Hey friends! Guess what @torbooks surprised me with? Yup, an ARC for The Tiger's Daughter by K Arsenault Rivera showed up in the mail! I was so surprised!

This is inspired by Asian history and mythology with a nomadic warrior and a warrior empress as our leading ladies! And not only is it culturally diverse but it's also an LGBT read. It releases on Oct 3!
#bookaddict #booklove #booknerd #bookworm #bibliophile #reading

Spinatale I can't wait for this one to come out!! 7y
ShotMeInTheBook @Spinatale Yes! I'll definitely let you know what I think when I read it! 7y
MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay with us 😊👍🏻. We're the most positive, tight-knit, passionate bibliophile community you'll meet. Careful: this'll take over your life. 😂👏🏻🙌🏻
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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I got this gorgeous print of the main characters along with an arc last week! I'm reading it now 😍

BookBriefs This is so so pretty! 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Safe to say, if V.E. Schwab blurbs a book, I want to read it. The Tiger's Daughter is epic fantasy at it's best. This first book is fantastic on its own while also clearly the start of something bigger. The story is told through a letter, sent from one main character to another, that details everything that has happened since they first met as young girls. They believe they'll change the world & by the end of the book, you'll believe it too.❤️it.

GraciesLibrary Save this one for me, Tracy. 7y
TracyReadsBooks Will do! 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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Currently reading this most excellent book. Definitely something to look for when it is out in October.

398.2 Sounds good! 7y
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The Tiger's Daughter | K. Arsenault Rivera
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I'm usually pro-TOR and this book doesn't disappoint. It could be a hundred pages shorter and often feels a little YA, but what it lacks in form it more than makes up for in diversity of content. The fantasy version of ancient China it depicts is as engaging as the queer, female protagonists it introduces. If you're looking for escapism with a moral backbone and a fresh setting, check this out.