I'm posting one book per day from the ever growing unread stacks in my personal library. No description or explanation, just books I own and plan to read. #tbr
Day 17
I'm posting one book per day from the ever growing unread stacks in my personal library. No description or explanation, just books I own and plan to read. #tbr
Day 17
I don‘t know if it‘s the book or me, but I was struggling to begin with... though I am enjoying this more now.
Made a #bookbento as an example for my students. This was fun - I might do it more often. Can‘t wait to see what they come up with next week!
Saturday. I‘m 24 pages in and not sure if I‘m going to like this one...
@MaleficentBookDragon is hosting the #JolabokaflodSwap again this year! This is such a fun, easy swap! You send ONE book and some chocolate for your match to open on Christmas Eve! Check out her page for the sign up link!
A tangling descent into crisis when the world forgot words had meaning.
Worth the read, language can be a bit confusing at times (sometimes that's the point) and is quite a lot of pages but it felt worth it at the conclusion.
Decisions, Decisions... Are there any of these books you *don't* want to read? Descriptions for the untagged books are in the comments.
@LazyDays @cherinium @irre
#LMPBC #round4
I‘m about a quarter of the way in and I have to say I‘m not a 100% sure I understand what is happening but I‘m still liking it.
Warning- this book was just not for me. Your mileage may vary.
I hate preachy books about the dangers of technology. Here, a virus that has crossed from computers to humans is causing so called word flu, one of the effects of which is increasing unknowing aphasia in the affected. The story follows Anana, whose father (the editor of a dictionary) has disappeared suddenly, and so begins her Alice in Wonderland journey through the looking glass. 👇
"But maybe my aberrant lethargy has a different antecedent."
I'm getting more into this book, but sometimes it reads like a high school kid with a thesaurus punched it up. That might be intentional, given the plot, but it is definitely cringy at times.
I'm a little bit into this one, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It feels draggy. And, not to sound like a real dumdum, but almost every page there is a word I'm pretty sure I've never heard before (like perspicacity, which I now know means shrewdness). Anyone else read this? Did you enjoy it?
Language is incarnate. It's the way our bodies evolved --- to stand upright, to walk --- that enables us to speak at all. We want to verify with others what we seem to perceive. It's also our bodies that give our words urgency: the tiny ticking clocks in each of our cells.
Hour Twelve is HERE! We‘ve got winners up on the blog and we‘re talking favorite first lines for your next challenge. This one, from THE WORD EXCHANGE, is particularly swoony 😍😍 https://24in48.com/2018/01/27/hour-12-fantastic-first-lines/
I most definitely recommend this one. It came in a #mypagehabit box as a free add-on. It's about the end of language and a group of people that try to prevent it from happening. 💖📚 (The Matilda bookmark also came in the box.)
Quickly falling in love with this one. It may actually turn into a forever book. And I'm only just done with chapter 3.
Having trouble focusing... I just want to go fart around at Target, get some sushi and finish the last few chapters of my book! 😩
I always get peed on... I've had people in my life like this before... my old boss #igotanewjob
I don't know that I'd ever seen this phrase before. This is now the second book in a row where it's popped up...
Really liking this one. Kind of a futuristic literary mystery with secret societies.
This book suffers from being explanation-heavy in a way that makes it difficult to get into the story at first. That said, I loved the central conceit.The written word has nearly become extinct. People communicate with devices known as Memes. Anana works on the final print edition of a dictionary. Then her father, the editor, disappears. Meanwhile, a word flu threatens language For fans of Alice in Wonderland, Borges, and A Clockwork Orange
After a slow start, I'm really getting into this book. An inventive story about language and the disintegration of language. Plus I love any book with Alice in Wonderland and Borges allusions. #epigraphs
Final time. So close. If only I had set my alarm this morning. Still did much better than last #readathon. #24in48 📚📖📚
Books finished: 11
In Progress: 1
Starting this book that has been on my shelf for awhile. Getting ready for the #springcleaningreadathon and #deweys24hourreadathon
I have a crappy head cold, so no work for me today. On the plus side, I spent some time outside with a book and a box of tissue! 🌞📘💦
I got this book in the Book Riot Quarterly box two years ago and I'm just now getting around to reading it!
I liked this book at first- it seemed like a unique idea but one that could be brilliant or the opposite depending on how it was written. Well it has already gotten dry, dull, over explanatory, repetitive, and I just got through a huge, boring info dump that panders as if the reader is stupid. Ugh. Not even halfway through yet. I'll give it one more try and then I'm done.
It was so hard to remember, and then narrow down, the #bestreadsof2016. I think all of these fit the bill! I'm highly anticipating 2017's reading treasures. I'm going to be stretching out of my reading comfort zone in the coming year, thanks to my first ever reading challenges and #Litsy! #seasonsreadings2016 #wherehasLitsybeenallmylife
Some bumps as this is a debut novel but major points for originality. I mean, guys, it's a freaking literary dystopia where people get the word flu.
The Word Exchange is sooo good so far, but ironically requires me to use my phone to look up lots of fancy words. You'll get the irony when you read it and I swear it is an intentional tactic by the author to affect the reading process.
I am currently reading two books that have chapters organized by letters of the alphabet. (The other one is The A to Z of You and Me.) That's never happened before....
Well written and intriguing plot. Definitely keeps you guessing and engaged. Highly recommend!
Saving the book for tomorrow as it is apparently bed time/ treat time in my house hold.... Major reading due for the day so I gotta rest.... Absolutely loving #24in48!
In preparation for @24in48 I've made my chart to keep track of times and the books... Sucks that I have to work on the Saturday but this will help with keeping track :)
A sharp book that makes me wvarz to pick up my iPhone to share this review.
Currently reading excited to get into this one
I should have known that this book would have several literary references; but this is great.
Reading adult novels are -hard-people. I'm only on page 84, and this book is wordy, includes footnotes, as well as articles and publications. The story line is keeping me going. #40butloveya