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Chroniques lunaires - Levana
Chroniques lunaires - Levana | Marissa Meyer
L'histoire de Levana, la terrible reine lunaire, est enfin rvle... "Miroir, mon beau miroir, dis-moi, qui est la plus belle ?" Pour les lecteurs des Chroniques Lunaires, Levana est une reine cruelle qui se sert de son magntisme pour imposer amour et crainte ses sujets. Mais bien avant que Cinder, Scarlet et Cress ne se rencontrent, Levana a vcu une toute autre histoire, une histoire d'amour et de guerre, de trahison et de mort. Une histoire qui n'a jamais t conte... jusqu' prsent.
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She‘s so evil

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Nebklvr Dolly for President 2mo
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She was lying on a burning pyre, hot coals beneath her back. White sparks floated in her vision but the mercy of unconsciousness wouldn‘t come. Her throat was hoarse from screaming.
#Fairest #MarissaMeyer #TheLunarChronicles #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #quote #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Retellings #Dystopia #Fiction #Romance #FairyTales 💜💜💜💜💜

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Fairest is a prequel to the events in the Lunar Chronicles series. It tells the story of Queen Levana: how she got where she is and how she became evil. There are moments when you feel sorry for her but when given a chance to redeem herself, she never does.
#Fairest #MarissaMeyer #TheLunarChronicles #book #books #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbag #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Retellings #Dystopia #Fiction #Romance #FairyTales 💘💘💘

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This is the fourth book (novella, really) of the Lunar Chronicles and focuses on the villain in the series. Good book with some interesting insight into her evil ways... I almost felt sorry for her, but then I didn't.

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I was actually looking forward to reading Levana's story hoping to understand why she is the way she is. I didn't like it as much as I did the first 3 books but it gave me more insight. Levana is truly horrible. 3.5 ⭐️

#bookspinbingo #2
@TheAromaofBooks @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
TheAromaofBooks I thought she did such a good job of showing how although Levana had tragic circumstances surrounding her, it was her choices of how to deal with those circumstances that turned her into the villain. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy a book about the “bad guy“ - either it would be about a character I didn't like and thus not enjoyable, or it would make that character extremely sympathetic and leave me not wanting her to get her just desserts. But ⬇ 1y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) even though this definitely isn't my favorite of the series, I still thought Meyer did a really fantastic job striking a balance here that let me learn about Levana's background and motivations, yet still recognize why her choices meant she had to be taken down. 1y
mcctrish I was disappointed with Levana‘s story but @TheAromaofBooks has me thinking maybe I shouldn‘t have been - I just needed to understand the path she took 1y
vonnie862 @TheAromaofBooks I completely agree with you. It was important to learn where Levana came from. When I approached the book at first, I was hoping to feel some sort of sympathy towards her (Disney ruined me with their villain stories). Like @mcctrish I was a bit disappointed with Levana's story. However, I cannot help but admire what Meyer did. It was still a good book. 1y
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#Mirrors 🖤🪞❤️ #InQuotes “🗣️💕”

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs Always enjoy a peek at your bookshelves 🧡🪞🤍 2y
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I loved this story of Levana and all that she had to endure. It was pretty hard to read at times how she forced love but its her story to tell.

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Continuing on with this series while I take a trip to meet my baby nephew! I wanted something familiar and this series has become a comfort read! This is book 3.5 in the Lunar Chronicles series and I always find myself wanting to read the characters back stories, especially since I always root for the villains. 🖤

tpixie Congrats 🎈 on baby nephew. Enjoy your trip! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations 🎈🎉🎊 💙 2y
KateReadsYA @tpixie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks you I'm so excited to finally be an aunt. 2y
willaful Yay for new baby! Congrats! My newest niece turns one soon, *sniff*.

This one is a real heart-wrencher...
tpixie @KateReadsYA 🧚‍♀️ 2y
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It's tough to write a book about a villain that makes the reader understand her perspective yet still want to see her go DOWN, but I think Meyer hit it. I loved reading about Levana's background and the more details about how she became queen, and I also loved how Meyer gave her multiple opportunities to change her path - but Levana justified her actions to herself each time and kept going. Even though it was a little hard to take a break in the ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) action between Scarlet and Winter, I still really ended up enjoying this one and feel like I'm going into Winter with plenty of backstory. I do feel bad for Levana, but Meyer did a great job showing how Levana took the bad things in her life and embraced them and used them for a justification for doing more bad things, instead of realizing that those things didn't have to define her. So excited to see how this series wraps up!! 2y
TheSpineView Way to go! You are on a roll! 2y
Clwojick Great match!! Way to go! 2y
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“Are you still waiting for me to fall in love with you?”

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So yes, the windowsill situation is growing dire haha More holds came from the library and I just have not had a lot of reading time!! My #WeeklyForecast goals involve finishing Cress and hopefully the tagged book as well. I'm really enjoying this series but my limited reading time has made it hard to really get into Cress. My project at the orchard is almost done and it's supposed to be rainier this week, so I may be able to squeeze in some ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) extra pages!! Every time I look at the windowsill I get all excited because I literally want to read ALL THESE BOOKS! I guess I just need to hire a full-time landscaper and housekeeper and then I would have the time I need. 😂 @Cinfhen 2y
Cinfhen Hahaha 🤣 I can no longer see outside ‼️‼️ 2y
tokorowilliamwallace Looks fine to me, rather. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m getting a bit concerned! Though I suppose the books won‘t be hurt if they fall 😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen @tokorowilliamwallace @Clare-Dragonfly - I didn't necessarily think about making the windowsill bookshelf-depth when we built it, but the design is definitely paying off 😂 Good thing I don't have a curtain in that window!! 2y
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The best “understandable villain” I‘ve ever read. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2021/12/15/book-fairest-2015/

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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



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Marissa Meyer knows what she does when creating characters. Not only does she write heroes we all would want to be friends with, but this book shows she also knows a lot about antagonists. With a lot of psychological finesse we learn how Princess Levana became Queen Levana. We go there step by step, every little crack, every tiny itch, all her thoughts...

@TheAromaofBooks #BookSpinBingo
@TheSpineView #SeriesRead2021
@AkashaVampie #SeriesBingo

TheSpineView 🤩📖👍 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView

Great side story for this series! I enjoyed learning about Levana's backstory. Finding out what happened to make her the manipulative evil queen she becomes was a fun read, although it was a bit dark. We also get introduced to Winter and Cinder as small children.

TheSpineView Great job! 🤩📖📚 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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I'm currently reading the tagged book in this series. It focuses on Levana, and she uses her Lunar gift and #Manipulates her looks and people around her in order to rise to power.

#MayCharacters @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks These look good! 🙌🏻📚 3y
Eggs Agree @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks !! I‘m really attracted to the artwork! 3y
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Starting this novella today. I really want to get to Winter to find out the rest of the storyline, but this is the recommended reading order. It's short so I'll get there soon enough.

Lreads This picture gives me Lord Of The Rings vibes, particularly the Witch King of Angmar, Lord of the Nazgûl. 4y
Wildly_Bookish I can see that! 4y
CBee @QuietlyLaura oh my gosh, yes! I knew the cover reminded me of something when I read it - perfect comparison! 👍🏻👍🏻 4y
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In support of a literacy group‘s fundraiser, I was the winning bidder of this LOVELY BOX COLLECTION OF THE LUNAR CHRONICLES BOOKS!

They‘re all #SignedByTheAuthor 🥰

Branwen 😍😍😍 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess 🥰👏🏻📚 4y
Brooke_H That‘s a great signature! I‘m always happy when it‘s not just a scribble in black ballpoint. 😂 4y
See All 6 Comments
Gissy 🎉🎉🎉 4y
CrowCAH @Brooke_H I‘ll remember that for when I start autographing my novel! (Still not publishes, but working on that goal) 4y
CrowCAH @Branwen @Graciouswarriorprincess @Gissy I agree! It‘s been a book set I‘ve wanted for some time now! 4y
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Started this book a few days ago. I‘m already halfway through it. I have really enjoyed this series so far.

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Well, Levana is crazy, so was her whole family, and everything is just as f-ed up as it seemed in the original books. I skimmed a lot of this, as I am only mildly invested in this series. Meyer finally figured out that coronated isn‘t correct but crowned is, which is nice.

Fourth finish of #JoysofJune
821/1000 pages
3/4 bingo spaces filled

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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“She didn‘t want to cause her pain; she only wanted her dead.”

Oh, ok. That‘s much less monstrous.

Levana is some piece of work.

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Oh boy. Do you ever read a character who isn‘t an MC and go “Wow, she‘s crazy.” and then you get a glimpse into her story and you go “Okay, no, she is BATSH*T crazy.”

Levana is glorious in her psychotic ways. It was a lot of fun to see her backstory and the why to the evil queen and her ways. It didn‘t disappoint. I was shook with how deep the crazy actually goes. (Also, poor Cinder, because her mom was a piece of work)

I enjoyed this one.

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Book— tagged!
Author— Cornelia Funke
TV Show— The Flash
Band— Fall Out Boy
Song— Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance; which also happens to be my favorite song of all time
#manicmonday #letterf

thereadingowlvina Famous Last Words! 🙌 I love My Chemical Romance 🖤 4y
wideeyedreader @thereadingowlvina Me too! They‘ve got to be my favorite band, hands down! 🖤 4y
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Basically read Fairest in one hammock sitting yesterday. I‘m thrilled that Spring has finally sprung. I love a good villain backstory and thought this was well done, though at times near the beginning I almost felt too much sympathy for Levana and had to remember how terrible she was. By the end, however, I was definitely back in Levana=horrid camp.

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Day 25: Evil❤️❣️❤️❣️❤️

hannah-leeloo Love the Lunar chronicles. I'd started this read but couldn't commit to it. That was more to life events more than the book. Will have to return to it soon ❤️📖 4y
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I‘m so glad I decided to read this after Cinder. Levana was one of the most mysterious and curious characters in Cinder, and I wanted to know more about her backstory. Really enjoyed this! 😁

hannah-leeloo Love the Lunar chronicles series 😊 need to come back to this one and read stars above. Happy reading ❤️📚 4y
CBee @hannah-leeloo 😁 I still have the other ones to read: Scarlet, Cress, and Winter. Can‘t wait! 4y
hannah-leeloo @CBee happy reading 😊 I really hope you enjoy the journey 4y
CBee @hannah-leeloo thank you 😊😁 4y
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^An evil queen!

This book was fantastic! It was such an interesting look at how Levana came to be who she is. It weirdly made me respect her a little more and somehow also hate her a little more. Great read! #thelunarchronicles #quaranreads

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This book is giving me lots of confusing feelings. #thelunarchronicles

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I wasn't sure I needed this story & it turns out that I don't, really. If I hadn't read the series & Stars Above, it might have been more engaging, but most of it had been covered already. It's easier for the reader to see where Levana's coming from here, but her cruel plots don't make her more sympathetic. And they are even more awful “live“ than just outlined in the novels. So yes, interesting, but I could do with never returning to this story.

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I enjoyed this prequel to The Lunar Chronicles and am glad that I read it prior to the conclusion of the series. I love a villain origin story, and Levana‘s story did not disappoint. I appreciated that her life story was not offered as an excuse, but merely an explanation as to how she got so wicked. I did find it sad that it meant so much to her to not be like her sister, but she ended up surpassing her in the vicious department. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

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This finishes off the Lunar Chronicles for me. I loved this series!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
#marissameyer #lunarchronicles

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Flashback to previous read.

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Oh man this was a roller coaster. Young Levana's loneliness and self loathing was similar to a loneliness I experienced when I was younger, and every step of her changing from a lonely, abused and naive girl into a gaslighting, selfish hypocrite had me whispering "No Levana...."
You may not despise this series villain any less, but you will pity her just a little-and I think that's the point.
And this audio incl'd the first few chapters of Winter!

Paperback.Propensity I love this series! 5y
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Whoops! Barrelled through Books 2 and 3 without posting. I decided to experience the series like readers would have as the books came out, so Fairest was next. Having a hard time with this choice because I'm impatient to read Winter. Plus Levana's backstory is pretty heartbreaking.
I love Marissa Meyer's writing soooo much. Favorite thus far has to be Scarlet just for one little scene....👇

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 I loved learning more about Levana‘s story and developing her character even more.

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I first read Lunar Chronicles back in 2016 and hated Levana enough I decided to not read Fairest. Flash forward and Epic Reads has a weekly challenge and this week is Novella so I thought I am far enough away from this series to read Fairest. I still hate Levana...maybe even more now. She. Is. The. Worst.

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Definitely glad I read this before Winter, as I now see what people mean about it deepening your understanding of Levana. A fast-paced read, brutal at times. Appreciate that it‘s clear we‘re only meant to see her suffering as something of an explanation for her later cruelty, not an excuse. Did feel a bit repetitive & I‘m not thrilled about sexual assault used as a plot device, but this was good backstory & now I‘m more eager for Winter! 🍎3/5 ⭐️

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If you told me a member of the Trump administration said this, I‘d 100% believe you.

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I already had Winter on my TBR shelves and really want to get to it soon, but I definitely wanted to read this bridge book first. You don‘t *have* to, but when I asked around, most people said it was best to do so, and I want to read the full series so might as well do it in the recommended order! #nowreading

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I did this one a little out of order; it‘s #3.5 and I read it after #4. It doesn‘t suffer from that, however. It was interesting to hear Levana‘s perspective. In this, she is still every bit a monster, but she is also a sad and lonely little girl.

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#ayupaugust Sometimes I wish I could yell #dontmarryher at the man seduced by evil queen Levana, but it wouldn‘t work either way...

squirrelbrain I haven‘t read this but I can just imagine you yelling at your book! 🤣🤣 5y
wideeyedreader @squirrelbrain Lol I have done that before! 5y
Cinfhen Ha!! My daughter used to yell “Don‘t bite the apple” every time I read her Snow White❤️ 5y
wideeyedreader @Cinfhen Awww that‘s so cute! 5y
Cinfhen 🍎🧙‍♀️😜 5y
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Who is the fairest is them all?
Snow White may not be my favorite princess but I still love her story and fairy tale. I‘ve watched all of Once Upon a Time and love that the story is a part of the Lunar Chronicles.
Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
Mine is Belle for obvious reasons I would think. 😊📚 #fairytale

BookwormAHN Also Belle 📖 5y
Butterfinger I miss Rumpelstiltskin so much. I loved that character so much I named my cat Rumpel. I don't have a favorite princess because I like Mulan. 5y
Bookzombie Definitely Belle. 5y
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really loved reading Levana‘s backstory and dare I say I may even have felt a twinge of potty for her...while it didn‘t last long, it did give me some insight as to why she is the way she is. A must read for this series, Wicked falls between Cress and Winter.

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Have just finished a curse so dark and lonely and wow I can't wait for the next installment in January! Now the husband is sending me back to the world of lunar with this book. Happy reading all 📖🙃📚

Jackal121 I'm still keeping the crew in mind... Very good series, hard to forget. 5y
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This book is a prequel to the lunar chronicles. It‘s a great addition to the series telling the story of Levana. You could really read this book at any point

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Levana was the character that I hated through the whole Lunar Chronicles. She was just pure evil. When I saw that she had her own book I thought about not reading it. But I said what the heck and read it. It gave her back story and showed that she didn't have the easiest childhood and her sister was just as evil. It gave a better understanding about he. I still don't like her!!!

Meeko93 Right. No excuses as to what she did. 5y
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I love the Lunar Chronicles and this is a great addition. I also love how its not completely a story that makes you see the character in a better light it only helps you understand them better

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Oops! Forgot to post this yesterday! Anywho, while a much darker tone than “The Lunar Chronicles”, Marissa Meyer still manages to floor me with her writing. It says a lot about a writer if they can get you to feel both highly uncomfortable and yet sympathize for a villainous character, all at the same time. Also, seeing Winter & Jacin as little kids was adorable.

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Ahhh the Lunar Chronicles book I havent read. Really excited for this!

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